Syllabus Break-Up Monthwise

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Syllabus Break-Up Monthwise


SUBJECT: ENGLISH TEXT BOOK: NCERT 1. Interact in English IX - MCB 2. Interact in English IX –Literature Reader 3. Interact in English IX – Workbook 4. Three men in a boat [Supplementary reader]


F1 – How I taught my grandmother to  Textual Questions Read  Reference to context  Character Sketch P1 – The Brook  Figures of speech  Diary Entry  Letter writing (formal)  Editing MCB – Unit 1 – People  Rearranging words/phrases

Workbook – Unit 1- Verb forms

Supp reader- Ch 1 - Ch 3 May Literature F2 – A Dog named Duke  Reference to context P 2 – The Road Not Taken  Figures of speech  Letter Writing ( Informal) MCB – Unit 1I – Adventure  Story Writing  Diary Entry Workbook – Unit 2- Determiners  Self-Introduction Dialogue  Debate  Textual Questions Supp reader- Ch 4 - Ch 5

July Literature

P3 – The Solitary Reaper  Reference to context  Textual Questions D1 - Villa For Sale  Figures of speech  Story writing Workbook – Unit 3-Future Time  Report writing Reference  Omission  Verb forms MCB – Unit 3 – Environment

Supp reader- Ch 6 - Ch 7

IX /2017-18/1 August Literature

F3 – The Man Who Knew Too Much  Reference to context P4 - Lord Ullin’s daughter  Textual Questions  Reported speech MCB –Unit 4 Radio show  Dialogue completion  Jumbled Sentences Workbook – Unit 4- Modals  Article Writing  Character sketch Supp reader- Ch 8 to Ch 10

September P5 – The Seven Ages

P6 – Oh! I Wish I’d Looked After My  Reference to context Teeth  Figures of speech  Textual Questions MCB - Unit 5- Mystery

Workbook – Unit 5 – Connectors

Supp reader- Ch 11 to Ch 13 October Literature  Reference to context  Textual Questions F4 – Keeping it from Harold  Diary Entry  Character sketch D2 – The Bishop’s Candlesticks

Supp reader- Ch 14 to Ch 16 November Literature

F5 – The Bestseller  Reference to context  Role Play MCB – Unit 6 Children  Textual Questions MCB – Unit 7 – Sports &Games

Workbook – Unit 6 – The Passive voice

Supp reader- Ch 17 to Ch 19

Literature December P7 –Song of the Rain  Reference to context  Textual Questions  Figures of speech  Editing Workbook – Unit 7 – Reported speech  Omission  Reported speech Workbook – Unit 8-- Prepositions


Mathematics TEXT BOOK PRESCRIBED: Mathematics for class IX by NCERT

IX /2017-18/2 MONTH TOPIC SUB- TOPICS Chapter-1 Introduction, Irrational numbers, Real numbers and decimal expansion, Number system Representing real numbers on number line, Operations on real numbers, Laws of exponents for real numbers. April Introduction, Polynomials in one variable, Zeroes of a polynomial, Chaptet-2 Polynomials Remainder Theorem, Factorization of Polynomials, Algebraic Identities.

May Chapter -12 Areas of a Triangle by heron's formula, Application of heron‘s formula Heron‘s formula in finding areas of quadrilaterals.

Chapter – 6 Introduction, basic terms and definitions, intersecting lines and non- Lines and Angles intersecting lines, pairs of angles, parallel and transversal lines, angle July sum property of a triangle.

Chapter-7 Congruence of triangles, criteria for congruence of triangles, properties Triangles of triangles, inequalities in a triangle.

Chapter -3 Coordinate Introduction, Cartesian plane, plotting a point in the plane if its Geometry coordinates are given.

Chapter-4 Introduction, solution of a linear equation, graph of a linear equation in August Linear Equations in two variables, equations of lines parallel to x- axis and y- axis. Two variables

Chapter-8 Angle sum property of quadrilateral, Types of quadrilaterals, Properties Quadrilaterals of quadrilaterals, Midpoint theorem.

Chapter-9 Figures on the same base and between the same parallels, Parallelograms Areas of Parallelogram on the same base and between the same parallels, Triangles on the same & Triangles base and between the same parallels. September

Chapter-13 Surface area of a cuboid, cube, right circular cylinder and right cone. Surface Areas and Volume of a cuboid, cube, right circular cylinder, right circular cone and Volumes sphere.

Chapter-5 Introduction, Euclid’s definitions, Axiom and Postulates, Equivalent Introduction to versions of Euclid’s Fifth Postulate. October Euclid’s Geometry

Chapter-10 Review of circles and its related terms, Perpendicular from the centre to a Circles chord, Circle through three points, equal cords and circles their distances from the centre, Angle subtended by an arc of a circle.

Chapter-11 Basic Constructions and November Constructions Constructions of Triangles with different conditions. Chapter -14 Statistics Introduction, Collection of data, Presentation of data, Graphical representation of data, Measures of December Chapter-15 Probability Central tendency(Mean, Median & Mode)

Introduction, Probability-an experimental approach. IX /2017-18/3 PHYSICS TEXT BOOK - NCERT SCIENCE

MONTH TOPIC SUB- TOPICS APRIL - MAY MOTION Describing motion , distance and displacement , speed , average speed , velocity , uniform and non uniform motion along a straight line , acceleration , distance-time and velocity –time graphs for uniform motion and uniformly accelerated motion , derivation of equations of motion by graphical method , elementary idea of uniform circular motion.

JULY-AUGUST FORCE AND LAWS Force and its properties , balanced and unbalanced OF MOTION forces ,Galileo’s law of inertia , Newton’s laws of motion , action and reaction forces , inertia of a body , inertia and mass , momentum , force and acceleration , elementary idea of conservation of momentum

SEPTEMBER GRAVITATION Gravitation , Universal law of gravitation , force of gravitation of earth (gravity ) , mass and weight , free fall , motion of an object under gravity.

OCTOBER FLOATATION Thrust and pressure , buoyancy , Archimedes principle , elementary idea of relative density

EXPERIMENT 1: Determination of the density of solid (denser than water) by using a spring balance and a measuring cylinder. EXPERIMENT 2: Establishing the relation between the loss in weight of a solid when fully immersed in a) tap water b) strongly salty water,with the weight of water displaced by it taking at least two different solids.

Work done by a force , energy , kinetic and potential NOVEMBER WORK , ENERGY energy and their expressions , gravitational potential AND POWER energy , law of conservation of energy , power , commercial unit of energy.

IX /2017-18/4 Nature of sound and its propagation in various media , DECEMBER SOUND longitudinal and transverse waves , characteristics of a sound wave(wavelength, frequency, speed and amplitude),reflection of sound, echo and reverberation, range of hearing in humans , applications of multiple reflection of sound and ultrasound , sonar , structure of human ear(auditory aspect only).

EXPERIMENT 4: Verification of the laws of reflection of sound. EXPERIMENT 5: Determination of the speed of a pulse propagated through a stretched string /slinky.



APRIL -MAY MATTER IN OUR Definition of matter ; solid , liquid and gas; physical nature of SURROUNDINGS matter ;characteristics of particles of matter (shape,volume,density etc.,);effect of change of temperature on states of matter(melting,freezing,latent heat;effect of pressure;evaporation(cooling by evaporation);condensation , sublimation.

EXPERIMENT 1 :Determination of the melting point of ice and the boiling point of water. JULY- AUGUST IS MATTER Elements ,compounds ,and mixtures.heterogeneous and AROUND US PURE homogeneous mixtures;solution (properties and concentration of a solution ;suspensions and colloids; separating the components of a mixture (centrifugation , sublimation , chromatography , distillation etc.,); separation of various gases from air ; water purification system.

EXPERIMENT 2 : Preparation of : a) A true solution of common salt, sugar and alum b) A suspension of soil,chalk powder and fine sand in water c) A colloidal solution of starch in water and egg albumin/milk in water and distinction between these on the basis of i) Transparency ii) Fitration criterion iii) Stability EXPERIMENT 3 :Preparation of a) A mixture b) A compound Using iron filings and Sulphur powder and distinction between these on the basis

i) appearance,i.e.,homogeneity ii) behaviour towards a magnet iii) behaviour towards carbon disulphide as a solvent iv) effect of heat. Laws of chemical combination ;Dalton’s atomic theory ; atoms SEPT-OCT ATOMS AND and molecules; atomic and molecular masses; molecules of an MOLECULES element and compound ; writing chemical formula ; mole IX /2017-18/5 concept (relationship of mole to mass of the particles and numbers).

EXPERIMENT 3 : Separation of the components of sand , common salt and ammonium chloride (or camphor ).

NOVEMBER- STRUCTURE OF Electrons, protons and neutrons; Thomson’s model of an atom; DECEMBER ATOM Rutherford’s model of an atom; Bohr’s model of an atom; electron distribution in different shells; valency; atomic number and mass number; isotopes and isobars. EXPERIMENT 4 : Performing the following reactions and classifying them as physical or chemical changes: a) Iron with copper sulphatesolutionin water. b) Burning of magnesium ribbon in air. c) Zinc with dilute sulphuric acid. d) Heating of copper sulphate crystals. e) Sodium sulphate with barium chloride in the form of their solutions in water. BIOLOGY

MONTH TOPIC SUB- TOPICS The Fundamental Introduction APR-MAY Unit of life Cell, its structural organization – plasma membrane, cell wall, nucleus and cytoplasm, cell organelles and their importance, phenomenon of osmosis, diffusion and their importance.

Activities 1. To study the phenomenon of diffusion. 2. To study the effect of hypertonic, hypotonic and isotonic solutions on raisins. 3. To determine the mass percentage of water absorbed by raisins.

Practicals 1. To study the parts and functioning of compound light microscope 2. To prepare a temporary mount of onion peel. 3. To prepare a temporary mount of cheek cells.

Case Study (Term 1) Shapes of cell based on their function.


MAY & JULY Tissues Introduction Types of plant and animal tissues. Practicals 1. To identify parenchyma COLLENCHYMA and sclerenchyma tissues in plants. 2. To identify striped, smooth and cardiac muscle fibre and nerve cells in animals from prepared slides. Activities 1. To study the growth of roots in onion bulbs. 2. To observe the stomata in leaf peal.

JULY & AUGUST Diversity In Living Introduction Organisms Basis of classification. Classification and evolution. The Hierarchy of Classification, various features of different plant & animal groups. Rules of Nomenclature.

Practicals 1. To study the characteristics of Spirogyra, Agaricus, Moss, Fern, Pinus and an Angiospermic plant. Give any two features of groups to which they belong. 2. To observe and draw the given specimens - Earthworms, Cockroaches, Bony Fish and Bird. 3. To study the external features of root, stem, leaf & flower of Dicot and Monocot plants.

Activities 1. To identify the monocot and dicot plants present in the school garden. 2.To find out scientific names of any five plants and animals and their names in any five languages too September Revision Food, Cell and Tissues.

October Why Do We Fall ill Introduction Significance of health, disease and its causes. Infectious diseases, Principles of treatment and prevention.

Activities 1. To study life cycle of mosquito 2. To survey the occurrence of acute and chronic diseases in the neighborhood. 3. To identify and study the vector borne diseases. 4. To study the National Immunization Schedule as per GOI.

November Improvement In Introduction Food Resources Improvement in crop yield and Animal Husbandry.

Practicals 1. To test the presence of starch in the given food sample. 2. To test the presence of adulterant metanil yellow in dal.

Activity 3. To study the hybrid varieties of plants and animals used by farmers in India . IX /2017-18/7 MONTH TOPIC SUB- TOPICS December Natural Resources Introduction Natural resources on earth, air, water, rain, minerals in the soil, biogeochemical cycles and ozone layer. The Green House Effect

Activities 1. To study the suspended particulate matter present in the air and the factors responsible for air pollution. 2. To demonstrate the role of plants in checking soil erosion.

Case Study (Term II) Causes and effects of Green House gases


MONTH TOPIC SUB- TOPICS APRIL : The French Revolution a) The ancient regime and its crises

b) the social forces that led to the revolution

c) The different revolutionary groups and ideas

d) The legacy MAY: What is Democracy? a) What are the different ways of defining Why Democracy? Democracy?

b) Why has Democracy become the most prevalent form of government in our times?

c) What are the alternatives to Democracy? Is Democracy superior to available alternatives Constitutional design a) How was Indian constitution framed?

b) Salient features of Indian constitution

c) How is Democracy being constantly designed and redesigned in India

JULY Socialism in Europe and a) The crisIs of Tzarism the Russian revolution b) The nature of social movements between 1905- 1917

IX /2017-18/8 c) The first world war and foundation of soviet state d) The legacy

AUGUST Electoral politics a) How has the citizen’s participation in the elections changed? b) What are the ways to ensure free and fair elections?

Nazism and the rise of a) The growth of social Democracy SEPTEMBER Hitler b) The crisis in Germany

c) The basis of Hitler’s rise to power

d) The ideology and impact of Nazism

OCTOBER Forest, society and a) Relationship between forest and livelihood colonialism b)Change in forest societies under colialism

c) Case studies of two forest movements one in Bastar and one in Indonasia

NOVEMBER Working of institutions a)How is country governed?

b)Role of President, Prime Minister and Council of Minister

c)How do these relate to one another?

DECEMBER DEMOCRATIC a) Why do we need rights in the constitution RIGHTS b)What are Fundamental rights?

c)How does the judiciary protect the fundamental Rights of the citizens?


MONTH TOPIC SUB TOPIC APRIL GEO.1 Size and Location India- Size and Location

APRIL GEO.2 Relief,structure, major physiographic unit. Physical Features of India:

IX /2017-18/9 MAY ECO.1 Economic transactions of Palampur and its interaction The Story of Village with the rest of the world through which the concept of Palampur: production (including three factors of production (land, labour and capital) can be introduced.

JULY GEO.3 Major rivers and tributaries, lakes and seas, role of Drainage: rivers in the economy, pollution of rivers, measures to control river pollution.


AUGUST GEO.4 Factors influencing the climate; monsoon- its Climate characteristics, rainfall and temperature distribution; seasons; climate and human life.

ECO.2 Introduction of how people become resource / asset; People as Resource: economic activities done by men and women; unpaid work done by women; quality of human resource; role of health and education; unemployment as a form of non utilisation of human resource; Sociopolitical implication in simple form.

SEPTEMBER ECO.3 Who is poor (through two case studies: one rural, one Poverty as a urban); indicators; absolute poverty (not as a concept Challenge: but through a few simple examples)-why people are poor ; unequal distribution of resources; comparison BLOCK TEST between countries; steps taken by government for poverty alleviation. BLOCK TEST OCTOBER GEO.5 Vegetation types, distribution as well as altitudinal Natural Vegetation variation, need for conservation and various measures. and Wild Life: Major species, their distribution, need for conservation and various measures.

OCTOBER ECO.4 Source of Foodgrains, variety across the nation,famines Food Security in in the past, the need for self sufficiency, role of India: government in food security, procurement of foodgrains,overflowing of granaries and people without food, public distribution system, role of cooperatives in food security (foodgrains, milk and vegetables ration shops, cooperative shops, two-three examples as case studies) NOVEMBER GEO.6 Size, distribution, age-sex composition, population Population: change-migration as a determinant of population change, literacy, health, occupational structure and national population policy : adolescents as under- BLOCK TEST served population group with special needs.

BLOCK TEST JANUARY PRE BOARD PRE BOARD Note :Current status of PDS mentioned in NCERT class IX Economics to be deleted. (pg no. 49- 51)

IX /2017-18/10 LIST OF MAP WORK CH-1 : INDIA-SIZE AND LOCATION 1-India-States with Capitals, Tropic of Cancer, Standard Meridian, Southern most, northern most, eastern most and western most point of India (Location and Labelling) CH-2 : PHYSICAL FEATURES OF INDIA Mountain Ranges: The Karakoram, The Zasker,The Shivalik, The Aravali, The Vindhya, The Satpura, Western & Eastern Ghats Mountain Peaks – K2, Kanchan Junga, Anai Mudi, Plateau -Deccan Plateau, Chotta Nagpur Plateau, Malwa plateau Coastal Plains -Konkan ,Malabar ,Coromandal & Northern Circar ( L o c a t i o n a n d L a b e l l i n g ) CH-3 : DRAINAGE Rivers : ( Identification only ) a) The Himalayan River Systems-The Indus, The Ganges, and The Satluj b) The Peninsular rivers-The Narmada, The Tapi, The Kaveri, The Krishna, The Godavari,The Mahanadi Lakes: Wular, Pulicat, Sambhar, Chilika, Vembanad, Kolleru CH-4 : CLIMATE 1. Cities to locate : Tiruvananthpuram, Chennai, Jodhpur, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kolkata Leh ,Shillong ,Delhi, Nagpur.(Location and Labelling ) 2. Areas receiving rainfall less than 20 cm and over 400 cm (Identification only) CH-5 : NATURAL VEGETATION AND WILD LIFE Vegetation Type:Tropical Evergreen Forest, Tropical Deciduous Forest, Thorn Forest, Montane Forests and Mangrove. For identification only

National Parks Corbett, Kaziranga, Ranthambor, Shivpuri, Kanha, Simlipal & Manas Bird Sanctuaries : Bharatpur and Ranganthitto Wild life Sanctuaries :Sariska, Mudumalai, Rajaji, Dachigam (Location and Labelling) CH-6 : POPULATION (location and labelling) The state having highest and lowest density of population The state having highest and lowest sex ratio Largest and smallest state according to area


April Chapter 1: Computer  Computer and its functions system- an overview  Characteristics of computer  Applications of a computer  Convergence of technology

Chapter 2  Input Devices Input, Output and  Output Devices Storage Devices  Storage Devices May  Memory Measurement Units

July Chapter 3:  Hardware/Software’s Concpt of Software’s  Types of Software’s

IX /2017-18/11 Aug Chapter 4  Need of Operating system Operating Systems  O/S Functions Software  Types of Operating System  Popular Operating System  Customising windows  Introduction to Windows  Windows Explorer  Windows Accessories  Windows Keyboard Shortcut

Chapter 5  Word Processing Word Processing tools  Features of word processing  Formatting In Word

Oct Chapter 6  Inserting Images Moving ahead with  Moving or Resizing the Graphical Objects Microsoft word 2007  Adding borders, Format Painter, spell check  Creating Newsletter style column  Tables  Print preview and Printing a document

Chapter 8:  Table Style Word Processing Tools  Mail Merge  Track Changes  Inserting Graphical Objects

Activity:- Draft an Invitation letter to your 10 friends inviting them for a birthday party using Mail Merge

 Computer Networking Chapter 7  Types of Networking Communication  Communication Channels Nov Technology  Internet  Application of the Internet, content Technology  Multimedia Technology

 What is PowerPoint?  Views in PowerPoint Chapter 9  Creating a presentation Microsoft Powerpoint  Working text in the slides  Applying theme  Creating a watermark  Adding Header and Footer  Adding Graphical objects to the slides.  Animating slides  Slide Show  Printing a presentation IX /2017-18/12 Activity:-

Create a PowerPoint presentation and show it in the lab. Project:

Take the print out of the presentation and present the project in a file PROJECT WORK

 What is Excel?  Features of worksheet  Components of Spreadsheet Chapter 10:  Working with Excel Ms Excel  Editing worksheet Data Dec  Fill in data series  Inserting Rows, Column  Formatting in Excel  Aligning the cell values  Borders and Formula in excel  Creating complex formulas  Functions in Excel 2007  Copying g formulas to other cell  Cell referencing  Charts in Excel Activity:-

Design a Class report card comprising of 5 students using formulas Sum, Average, Max, Min and Count.

 Plagiarism Chapter 11  Privacy  Security and integrity of information Societal impact of  Intellectual property rights information technology  Information and communication Technology  Benefits of ICT  Careers in IT

IX /2017-18/13

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