First Aid and Medication Policy
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First Aid and Medication Policy
First Aid and Medication Policy
Policy lead: Zizi Relton
Date of last review: November 2011
Date for next review: November 2012
Head of School Adam Abdelnoor
Lead SMT: Zizi Relton
Related Policies: Health and safety Persons in a position of trust Raising ConcernsWhistle Blowing Safe Recruitment and Selection Policy Information Sharing Safe guarding Child Protection
Introduction This policy forms part of the larger Health and Safety requirements and should be read in conjunction with those safeguarding policies. This document outlines how adequate First Aid provision will be ensured at Inaura School. The policy also looks at the safe storage and administration of medicines.
Management of First Aid Responsibilities Inaura School is compliant with the Health and Safety executive requirements to appoint someone to take responsibility in the event of first aid being required. As a small organisation with small groups of individuals on separate sites, we consider a single qualified first aider for each location is sufficient. Contact staff receive first aid trainng within six months of recruitment
An appointed person is someone you choose to: take charge when someone is injured or falls ill, including calling an ambulance if required look after the First Aid equipment, e.g. restocking the First Aid box
Appointed persons should not attempt to give First Aid for which they have not been trained. An appointed person should be available at all times people are at work on site. First Aid and Medication Policy
What is a first-aider? A first-aider is someone who has undergone a training course in administering First Aid at work and holds a current First Aid at work certificate. Training organizations running First Aid at work courses should be approved by HSE.
First aiders LOCATION Appointed persons Administrator Administrators (2) Samways House Second Administrator
Lead Support Worker Lead Support Worker Godney Centre Manager Second Support worker Lead teacher
Health and safety Officer Health and Safety Officer The Hide Centre Manager
None The Myrtles, Burnham Lead teacher
First aid First aid boxes are located in each school premises. Samways at Burrowbridge in the administrator’s office, Baybrook main area, Unit 4B Fir Tree, the DT Unit, The Hide also Manor Farm Cottage, Godney and The Myrtles, Burnham. First aid kits are also carried in all staff cars The appointed people responsible for first aid are listed in the appendix. All first aid trained staff are listed at each base with a central register of trained staff at Samways House
First aider’s main duties Complete an approved training course Give immediate help to casualties with common injuries and illnesses and those arising from specific hazards in the settings. When necessary ensure that an ambulance or other professional medical help is called Identify with SMT any further training required
First Aid boxes It is recommended that all first aid boxes include the following: 20 individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings, assorted sixes 2 sterile eye pads 2 eye wash pods 4 individually wrapped bandages 6 safety pins 6 medium sized individually wrapped sterile un-medicated wound dressings 2 large sterile individually wrapped un-medicated wound dressings 1 emergency foil blanket 1 triangular bandage Antiseptic wipes First Aid and Medication Policy
1 ice pack 1 x resuscitation shield Tick removers 2 x Cool sterile burn dressings Half box of disposable gloves
When items are used, they should be restocked as soon as possible. Every term all premises first aid boxes will be examined by the appointed person for the premises and by each member of staff who carries a travelling first aid kit (see appendices)
It is their responsibility to raise an order to replenish required items. The appointed person is responsible for ensuring the first aid box is always restocked as soon as possible after its use. The person providing first aid is responsible for informing the appointed person that the first aid box has been used (when first aid reports are received).
Travelling first aid containers Before undertaking any off site activities, a minimum stock of first aid items for travelling should be available 6 individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings, assorted sizes 1 large sterile individually wrapped un-medicated wound dressings 2 triangular bandages 2 safety pins 1 pair of disposable gloves
Accidents and injuries All injuries will be treated by a first aider who will record the injury on the appropriate online form. An incident note will be issued in the case of a bumped head, an injury that leaves a mark or any other significant injury that the first aider judges a parent/guardian may need further information about. Any staff incurring a minor injury which is treated by a first aider will need to record the details and treatment using the online form (staff portal).
Emergency treatment Any injury to staff, children or visitors (either on the premises or on a related outing) requiring treatment by an outside agency i.e. doctor or hospital will be reported to the Senior Management and the Accident Report Form will be completed by the injured person’s line manager. Where medical attention is required a senior member of staff should notify the parent as soon as possible whilst caring for the child appropriately. The person responsible for reporting accidents, incidents or near misses is the member of staff who witnesses the incident. The person in charge must report serious accidents to Connie Lane/Grant Lewis for investigation for further action to be taken (i.e. a full risk assessment or report under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)) this person is also responsible for ensuring staff ratio’s are maintained. First Aid and Medication Policy
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) The school/ children’s centre provides staff with PPE according to the need of the task or activity. Staff must wear PPE to protect themselves and the children during care tasks that involve contact with bodily fluids. PPE is also provided for the handling of chemicals and other tasks. This is chosen according to need and will be regularly reviewed to ensure it is suitable and effective. PPE requirements are listed on the relevant activity risk assessment The Health and Safety Officer will review the suitability of PPE’s as part of the H&S annual review Dealing with blood Precautions will always be taken when cleaning wounds as some conditions such as Hepatitis or the HIV Virus can be transmitted via blood. Wear disposable gloves and wipe up any blood spillage with disposable cloths, neat Milton or freshly diluted bleach (one part diluted with ten parts water). Such solutions must be carefully disposed of immediately after use.
Infectious Diseases A specially devised leaflet outlining the main infectious diseases will be given to all families in the school. For any other conditions we will refer to the Health Protection Agency or other appropriate agencies
Known Medical conditions On admission to school: All parents/guardians will be asked to complete an admissions form giving full details of medical conditions, regular medication, emergency contact numbers, name of family doctor, details of hospital consultants, allergies, special dietary requirements, etc.
Administration of medicine in school In the absence of a medicines administration plan the school will only administer paracetamol (See below) Should a child need to receive medication during the school day, the key worker for that student will visit the parent and obtain the medication for their child and fill in the details of the medicines administration plan which needs to be approved by the Head of pastoral care. The teacher/key worker who will be responsible for administering the medicine will then be given full details of the required procedures. The medicine should be in the container as prescribed by the doctor and dispensed by the chemist with the child’s name and instructions for administration printed clearly on the label. Medicines that have been taken out of the container originally dispensed should not be accepted and administration can only be provided according to the instructions on the original container even at the request of parents/carers.
The medicines administration plan should be completed and by the parent/guardian. This will then be kept by the person responsible for administering the medicine or in the school office. Should the medication need to be changed or discontinued before the completion of the course, parents should notify the changes to appropriate person. Should the supply need to be replenished, this should be done in person by the parent/guardian. First Aid and Medication Policy
No child under 16 should be given medicines without their parents/guardians written consent. A child under 16 should only be given medicine containing aspirin where prescribed by a doctor. If in doubt about any procedure staff should not administer the medicines but check with the parents/guardians or a health professional before taking any further action. If staff have any other concerns related to administering medicines to a particular child the issue should be discussed with the parent/guardian, if appropriate or with a health care professional attached to the setting.
In the case of a child refusing medication the parent/guardian will be informed as soon as possible.
Self administration Should the child be required or able to administer their own medicine, e.g. inhaler for asthma, we will want to ensure they understand their responsibilities in this area. We may want to ask the student’s doctor that they are considered competent to do so. The student’s parent’s/guardian’s permission would need to be obtained prior to contacting their doctor.
Administration of life saving medication e.g. Insulin/adrenalin injections With regards to the administration of life saving medication such as insulin/adrenalin injections, if specialist knowledge is required, the staff involved in administering this medication will receive training from a qualified health professional and will not administer these medications until trained to do so. A record of staff qualified to provide this will be kept in each premises. No child may commence school until an appropriately trained member of staff is available Storage and disposal of medicines All medicines, with the exception of inhaled treatment for asthma, will be kept in an appropriate secure space. Medication requiring refrigeration will be stored in a suitable, labelled locked box in the nearest refrigerator. Where appropriate with parental agreement, pupils should be responsible for their own inhaler which should be marked clearly with the child’s name. A regular check will be made of the medicine cabinet every term and any medicine which is not complete, which is out of date or not clearly labelled will be disposed of at the local chemist. The record sheets will be collated and filed at Burrowbridge every term and replaced with new record sheets.
Controlled drugs Controlled drugs will be kept in locked cabinets and only named staff will have access to them. A record will be kept for audit and safety purposes. A controlled drug, as with all medicines should be returned to the parent when no longer required for safe disposal. If this is not possible, it should be returned to the dispensing chemist (details should be on the label).
Management Plans Children with more complex health needs may have a health care plan (in addition to the medical plan which is for the administration of medicines) which will be compiled in conjunction with the parents/guardian, the SENCO, the class teacher/key worker and any other health professionals involved with the child.
Visits First Aid and Medication Policy
As part of the risk assessment for outings, arrangements for children with medical needs will be included. On the day of the visit it is the responsibility of the adult in charge to ensure all necessary medication is taken, safeguarded and administered when required.
Sporting Activities Some children may need to take precautionary measures before or during exercise such as use of inhalers. This will be the responsibility of the member of staff supervising the sporting activity. The site will also have a stock of foil blankets and cold ice packs.
Record Keeping Medicines should always be provided in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacist and include the prescriber’s instructions. In all cases it is necessary to check that written details include:
Name of the child Name of the medicine Dose Method of administration Any side effects Expiry date
All premises will keep written records of all medicines administered to children. All staff must make sure that parents/guardians have signed the consent form giving permission for staff to administer medication.
Medicine record sheets for individual students will be held either by the administrators at Burrowbridge or the Health and Safety Officer at Godney. It is the responsibility of the staff member administering medication to fill out this form with the name of student, medication administered, date and sign with a legible signature.
Medical Information It is the duty of the senior staff to ensure that any supply staff are informed about any children with medical needs and the qualified first aiders. Any member of staff attending medical training is required to complete a form and return it to the office for ongoing training purposes. All staff will always treat medical information with strict confidentiality.
Inaura keeps a list of all children receiving medications – this list is maintained by the medical policy administrator. Insurance In the event of a claim alleging negligence by a member of staff action is likely to be taken against the employer, rather than the employees.
Attached Appendices List of First Aiders Parental Consent Form Medicines administration form Health care plan o Sample care plan Infectious diseases leaflet Medications to be administered First Aid and Medication Policy
Appendix 1
List of First Aiders:
Grant Lewis The Hide
Mandy Vearncombe Godney
Clare Dean Godney
Jane Weston Samways House
List of Appointed Persons
Jane Weston Samways House, Burrowbridge Joy Miller
Connie Lane Baybrook Farm, Godney
Mandy Vearncombe Manor Farm Cottage, Godney
Clare Dean Baybrook Farm, Godney
Oliver Kinneir D&T Unit, Godney
Lee West Unit 4B Fir Trees, Godney
Grant Lewis The Hide
Cora Stock The Myrtles, Burnham-on-Sea First Aid and Medication Policy
Appendix 2
YOUNG PEOPLE UNDER 18 PARENTAL CONSENT FORM September 2011 – July 2012 Child’s Name:
Please complete and return to Inaura as soon as possible.
Dear Parent or Carer, The Inaura School offers a wide variety of activities both on and off the school premises. This form will help us to make sure we are following your wishes regarding these activities. It is in four parts and we need four signatures. Thanks!
This consent form is your agreement that your child may participate in Inaura Curriculum activities shown below. If you have any concerns about any of these activities please contact the school office.
If you do not wish your child to participate in any of the activities listed above please put a cross (X) by the activity listed above and sign below. If you are happy for your child to do these activities just sign the box.
I do not wish my child to participate in the regular activities listed below marked with a cross (X)
□ Education Visits
□ Career Options activities
□ Curriculum-based activities
□ Social Trips & Visits
□ Work experience
□ Sports and physical education activities which are part of the national curriculum Sign Date First Aid and Medication Policy
We will always let you know about activities which take place outside of our school centres. You and will be asked to give consent to your child participating in non-routine off-site activities.
The following activities are considered potentially hazardous.
We will ask you to sign a separate consent form if we wish to offer your child the opportunity to do any of the activities listed below. If we do offer these activities we will ensure that the persons providing the activity are properly insured, and have certificates showing they have the right training to do this. We will also carry out our own risk assessment of the activity and ensure that it is safe for your child to take part.
Aeroball Abseiling American Football Archery Motor Cycling Mountain Biking Mountain Boarding Mountain Walking
Assault Courses Boxing Pole Canoe Surfing Canoeing (Kayaking) Open Water Courses Potholing Raft Building Swimming
Rifle Shooting Caving Rock Clay Pigeon Cruising Pistol Shooting Climbing Shooting Roller Hockey Roller-Skating
Rowing Dry Slope Skiing Fishing Go Karting/ Offshore boating Rugby Sailing Quadbikes Skateboarding
Grass Skiing/Sledging Horse Riding Ice Skating Ice Hockey Skiing/Snow Boarding Snow/Ice Sub Aqua Snorkelling Climbing
Land Yachting Low Rope Courses High Rope Courses Martial Arts Tobogganing Water Skiing Wave Skiing Wind Surfing
Moorland Walking Moorland Trampolining All airborne activities Camping
If you do not wish your child to participate in any of the special activities listed above please put a cross (X) by the activity and sign below. We will always ask for your consent before providing your child with one of these activities. However, it will avoid disappointment if you tell us now so that we do not suggest these activities to your child.
Occasionally we may take individual or group photographs of participants in our activities that will then be used for displays or in publications we produce. We may also make video or web cam recordings of activities and take photographs or film footage in which First Aid and Medication Policy
participants in our activities may appear. In order to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 we require your permission for your son or daughter to be photographed or named. If you have any objections please state them in writing in the box provided.
Please note that we will always ask you before using any media which identify you child.
Please state any objections
We do ask that you let us know if there are medical or any other reasons why your child should not participate in any activities. By signing below, you are confirming that there are no reasons why your child should not participate in any activities
There are no medical reasons I am aware of why my child should not participate in either the regular or special activities listed on this form Signed Date Name of child
If you do have concerns please talk to us before completing this form.
I have read, fully understood and am satisfied with the details supplied about Inaura school activities and agree to my child taking part in them except where indicated above.
I am aware that: A. Inaura only provides insurance cover against proven or agreed negligence by Inaura and its employees. B. I should consider making my own arrangements for personal accident cover.
Please note that Inaura Services will hold the information you provide us with for the purpose of organising activities. Inaura Services meets its responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the information will be held securely at Inaura Services.
Name of Child: First Aid and Medication Policy
Name of Parent/Carer :
Appendix 3
Medications to be Administered
Name of Student ______
DOB ______
Medication Strength Quantity Times per day At what time
Any further comments below: First Aid and Medication Policy
Appendix 4
Health Care Plan
Name of school/setting Child’s name Group/class/form Date of birth Child’s address Medical diagnosis or condition
Date Review date Family Contact Information Name Phone no. (work) (home) (mobile) Name Phone no. (work) (home) (mobile) Clinic/Hospital Contact Name Phone no. G.P. Name Phone no. INAURA SCHOOL FIRST AID AND MEDICAL INFORMATION POLICY
Describe medical needs and give details of child’s symptoms
Daily care requirements (e.g. before sport/at lunchtime)
Describe what constitutes an emergency for the child, and the action to take if this occurs
Follow up care
Who is responsible in an emergency (state if different for off-site activities)
Form copied to
Appendix 5
Record of medicines administered to all children
Name of school/setting
Date Child’s name Time Name of Dose given Any reactionsSignature Print name medicine of staff
Appendix 6
Infectious Diseases Leaflet
For next review:
Record of Seizures Form
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