Chapter 12 Critical Thinking Questions

1. What specific strategies for acing employment tests apply to your job search campaign?

2. Is it more advantageous for the applicant or the interviewer to bring up the subject of salary first? Why?

3. What is an appropriate response when an interviewer asks what salary you are looking for?

4. If economic conditions require you to accept a job that is not exactly what you are aiming for, how can you best approach the new job? What are the benefits of doing so?

5. Base your answers to the following questions on your salary research:

(a) What is the entry-level salary for the job you are seeking?

(b) What salary range do you plan to seek in your job search? What is this range based on?

Chapter 12: Following Up and Negotiating Offers Your Career: How to Make It Happen, 7e Critical Thinking Questions COPYRIGHT © South-Western Cengage Learning