Ketchikan Charter School Academic Policy Committee December 17, 2015 at KCS


I. Call to Order: 6:00 P.M.

Attending APC Members: Adam Archibald, Lindsay Duckworth, Daryl Easterling, Rhea Kahle, Ken Montero

KCS Administrator: Julie Espinosa

KCS Staff Representative: Erin Henderson

Guests: Becky King

Note Taker: Chandra Oshima

II. Consent Agenda A. Consent of 1/7/16 & 1 /21/16 APC Meeting Dates B. Consent of December 3, 2015 Meeting Minutes C. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda

Member Motion Second Aye Nay Abstain Absent

Archibald ______x______Duckworth ______x______Easterling ______x____ _x______Esposito ______x____ Kahle ___x______x______Montero ______x______

III. Public Remarks A. N/A IV. Reports A. APC Member Report- N/A

B. Treasurer’s Report- N/A

C. Principal’s Report 1. Annual Agenda Guideline, updated

2. Wish List- Collected from the Staff a. New Work Stations for Teachers Teachers are in need of new equipment; the tech plan states that 1/3 of tech equipment be upgraded each year. b. Playground Repairs The climber next to the ball field needs to be replaced; Changing the blue ground covering; Removing empty planters. c. More APC involvement A social event between January and February; Staff party d. Counselor e. Storage space f. Algebra teacher g. Full-time SPED teacher h. New gym floor i. Middle school outdoor education summer program Have a program the week before school starts, which would help students bond at the beginning of the year and also give KCS good P.R. j. Better space for the Music program k. ELL full-time teacher/part-time para

3. Battle of the Books The cost of the doing the program and pizza party will come to $400.

D. Staff Representative Report The staff request items on the wish list and funds for the Battle of the Books. V. Old Business A. Motion to fund the Battle of the Books with an amount not to exceed $400. Member Motion Second Aye Nay Abstain Absent

Archibald ______x______Duckworth ___x______x______Easterling ______x____ _x______Esposito ______x____ Kahle ______x______Montero ______x______

B. Playground Equipment 1. TSAS is interested in joining KCS on purchasing playground equipment for the playground area where the sandbox currently is located. They suggested getting a real sandbox and paneling for the back wall. They will vote on sharing costs in January.

C. District Principal Evaluation Tool/Staff Input Tool 1. The current principal evaluation tool for staff was sent out to staff and can be found on the KCS and District websites. However, the District tool does not gather all of the types of information desired by the APC. It is also not clear as to whether the District will share the evaluation results with the APC. For these reasons, the APC is looking for a new evaluation tool to replace it.

D. Survey Monkey for Evaluation 1. The Survey Monkey was looked into as a replacement for the District’s evaluation tool, but there were several glitches. A. Archibald will look into using Google Docs, as recommended by E. Henderson, and get back to the APC about this at the next meeting.

VI. New Business A. January Agenda Guideline items were reviewed.

VII. Public Citizen Remarks N/A

VIII. APC Member Comments A. R. Kahle received the AMP results for her children and shared that they were informative. J. Espinosa stated that it is important to concentrate on giving students a good education and that the test scores will follow. B. A. Archibald was pleased with the winter concert and thanked J. Cron and all those involved in making it a success.

IX. Adjournment: 6:55 P.M.