Sud Expert Plantes Développement Durable

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Sud Expert Plantes Développement Durable

Sud Expert Plantes Développement Durable (SEP2D)

Application form – 3rd call for project « Projects of Priority Research » 1- PRESENTATION SHEET

Project n° (do not fill) : Received on (do not fill) :

Project acronym:

Project full title:

Coordinating team’s and project leader’s names:

Project leader’s affiliation institution (name, location) [= partner 1]:

Project partners, if any (name, legal status, geographical location):

. Partner 2 :

. Partner 3 :

. …

Topics covered:

Countries concerned by the project (Country of origin of partners and country of the study field):

Project duration:

Budget: (please insert additional columns in case there are more than 3 partners)

PARTNER 1 PARTNER 2 (PARTNER 3) … TOTAL Expenses Contributions Total grant requested to SEP2D [Total expenses – Total contributions]


SEP2D : Application form – 3rd call for project 2 2- ABSTRACT (1 page maximum)

In one page maximum, present the project’s objectives in line with relevant scientific fields, the foreseen activities and the expected outcomes, as well as the partners (if any) and their roles in the project realization.

3- A PROJECT DESCRIPTION (5 pages maximum)

The summary is structured around 5 components:

3.1. Context and brief state of the art Give a general presentation of the relevant scientific field(s) and the knowledge on the topic, revealing possible contributions of the partners (if any). Emphasize on the scientific stakes (and possibly social, economic and/ or political) in these field(s). 3.2. Purpose of the Project Describe the global objective and the specific objectives of the project. 3.3. Foreseen Activities Present the operational consistency and the concrete activities that would be pursued in keeping with the objectives. 3.4. Expected results and deliverables For every specific objective, present the expected concrete results and deliverables, as well as the adapted and ascertainable success indicators that could help evaluate the project at its end. Please emphasize on: i) the long-term project impact expected in terms of scientific advances (and possibly social, economic and political development), ii) the expected sustainability of the project after its achievement, iii) the possibilities of sharing or results transferring, at the regional level for instance. 3.5. Summarized presentation of the project team In the event of a project led in partnership, provide a summarized presentation of the partners involved. Provide information on their skills and knowledge in regard of the subject addressed, their respective responsibilities in carrying out the project and enough elements in order to review the relevance of the established partnership.


Define the development in time of the programme activities (a provisional timetable is suggested). The calendar must clearly present the dates of deliverables’ restitution.

SEP2D : Application form – 3rd call for project 3 5- PROVISIONAL BUDGET

Use the frame of the Excel sheet proposed in the attached file to inform the total expected expenditures, as well as the provisional expenses supported by each partner.

Justify in a narrative form the major expenses items (1 page maximum). For any expenses above 7.000 euros on equipment, please attach three quotations to the application form.


6.1. List of bibliographic references

6.2. A summarized project presentation [to provide not later than May 5 th 2017] This summarized presentation of 10 to 15 lines maximum must be written for communication purpose. It could be used to present the project for institutional communication, in case the project would be financed by the SEP2D programme.

6.3. Summary table of the people involved in the project

Family Name / Age Organisation Post Grade Discipline % of working time First name dedicated to the project


2 …

6.4. Description of the teams involved in the projects For every team involved in the project (the project leader team and the partners’, if any) please fill a separate presentation sheet that includes the following information: General presentation :  Name of the research team or the operational partner

 Name of the organisation or the affiliated institution

SEP2D : Application form – 3rd call for project 4  Team leader

 Address

 Telephone number

 E-mail

Description of the team: its institutional or professional anchorage (position in the concerned sector), its activities, its expertise in respect to the theme subject of the project, its assets to carry out the project. Research activities: state the research projects lead in the last 10 years, the major scientific collaborations and the list of the relevant scientific publications in the past 5 years in regard of the current project. For each scientific publication, make sure to underline the name(s) of the team member(s) involved. In case operational partner(s) is (are) involved: inform the legal status of the organisation, its place in the local, regional or international economy, the partners already engaged on the topic of the subject theme, results of a possible market study related to the expected outcomes of the project and any other information that could be valuable for the reviewing of the submitted project.

6.5. Resume of the project leader

6.6. Consent to the form disclosure This document must be provided only if the project leader and/or some project partners would not be able to provide the commitment letters (section 6.7) for March 6 th 2017

For the project leader’s team and/ or the project partners’, this joint statement must be signed by the department / service supervisor related to the project, then covered by the head of the organisation (institution, company, NGO, SCO, etc.). More than an agreement of supervisory authorities, this statement is intended to express their engagement to support the partner’s team (or affiliated service), in order to implement and carry out the project.

One consent letter per partner must be provided. These letters must be printed on the official letterhead papers of each partner.

SEP2D : Application form – 3rd call for project 5 Name of the establishment

I, the undersigned, ………………………………………….., duly declare that the information conveyed through this form are authentic and assure the « Institut de Recherche pour le Développement » as well as every partner of the SEP2D programme, that this demand has obtained my agreement and my engagement to fully support the project in the name of the authority bested upon me.

Accordingly, I request the project named hereafter to be submitted to the SEP2D Scientific and Pedagogical Council’s appreciation, in charge of its reviewing, for the purpose of possible financing from the SEP2D programme.

Establishment or Research Institution:

Project title:

Name and position of the signatory:

Date and signature:

Official stamp of the head of the establishment / the Name : research institution to which belongs the project leader Position :

Date :

Signature :

SEP2D : Application form – 3rd call for project 6 6.7. Commitment letter for each team involved [to provide not later than May 5th 2017]

The engagement letters (one per organisation) must be written on official letterhead papers.

These letters must summarize : - The partner’s activities within the project - The relationships and the data/ skills/ technologies transfer process to which the partner commit toward the other members of the partnership - The partner’s contribution to the project’s global budget (in-kind or in-cash) - The consent given to disclose the application form contents to the SEP2D governing bodies involved in the evaluation of proposals

These engagement letters must be signed by each team’s service supervisor that is involved in the project, then covered by the head of the organisation it belongs to. More than an agreement of supervisory authorities, this statement is intended to express their engagement to support every aspects of the project implementation (key resource people, equipment, students mentoring, etc.).

6.8. Signature of the SEP2D charter [to provide not later than May 5th 2017]

SEP2D : Application form – 3rd call for project 7 The project leaders are asked to send their application to the SEP2D Executive Secretariat by e-mail to the following address: [email protected]

Not later than MARCH 6th 2017

For all further information, please contact: Executive Secretary: Ms Stéphanie ARDILA-CHAUVET [email protected] Field Technical Officer: Mr Jean-Pierre PROFIZI [email protected] Private Partnership Officer: Mr Anshuman RANA [email protected]

SEP2D : Application form – 3rd call for project 8

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