Emotions (girls) (4)

Emotions: Can You Trust Them? Main Point: Base our emotional life on the Rock, Jesus Christ Antithesis: Argue against allowing emotions to control our life.  A whole new set of strong emotions emerge during middle school  Emotions can be indicators to our inner life  Base our lives on Jesus Christ says, not on our emotions Application:  Recognize the emotion  Pray God will reveal anything going on in our inner life.  Read verses showing that Christ alone do we find true joy and stability.

Emotions: Loneliness and Depression Main Point: Initiate with God and others Antithesis: Sit alone and wait for others to initiate with you.  We live in a broken world. We are stuck with negative emotions  Define loneliness and depression  Identify: Describe biblical character(s) who struggled with loneliness (David, Elijah, Christ)  Don’t languish in loneliness—initiate with God and others.  Explain to students that sometimes loneliness and depression can get so bad that it seems like there is no way out. Remind students that there is a way out, and it involves the points made above but also opening up to others. Let students know that if any of them are wrestling with extreme negative emotions that they can talk to you, especially if their emotions are so strong they are thinking about hurting themselves or others.  Application:  Begin a personal relationship with Jesus if you don’t have one  Initiate with Jesus by spending time in His word and in prayer. (read verses showing how prayer and time in God’s word help)  Initiate love towards others (plan an overnight with friends, plan a service project). Show verses on the benefit of initiating love towards others.

Emotions: Fear and Anxiety Main Point: Take a step in faith Antithesis: Argue against running or hiding  Define fear and anxiety  Identify: Describe biblical character(s) who struggled with fear and anxiety (Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Peter when he denied Jesus)  Explore areas that cause fear and anxiety with middle schoolers  Explore God’s power and loving willingness to help Application:  Recognize fear and anxiety  Talk to God about it.  Take a step in faith in trying to develop God’s view point on your situation. Initiate time in His word, reading verses dealing with fear & anxiety. See Josh. 1; Psalm 3, 4, 27, 46, 56, 91, 118; Isa. 12:1-3; Matt. 6:34; 10:26-31; John 14:27; 1 Pet. 5:6-7  Take a step in faith by doing what you believe God is calling you to do.  Take care of your body by getting enough exercise, sleep, and food o “We do our emotions a favor when we eat right, exercise, and sleep well. Studies show that kids who don’t eat well (junk food), don’t exercise or get much sleep have a more difficult time keeping control of their emotions. “

Emotions: Anger Main Point: Develop self-control. Antithesis: Argue against exploding on people  Define anger  Identify biblical character (s) who struggled with anger (Moses, Peter, Paul)  Explore areas that cause middle schoolers anger  Show how God can help you control your anger. Read verses on it. Application:  Recognize when you are feeling angry (physical and emotional cues)  Initiate with God o Prayer—let Him know about your anger o Recognize He is in control o Ask him for peace  Vent anger in appropriate ways, but don’t gossip  Resolve conflict in a positive way.