Pittsburgh Chess Club

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Pittsburgh Chess Club


Board Members Present: M. Jampole (President), C. Kapinos (Vice- President), J. Szurek (Treasurer), M. Opaska (Secretary), C. Mahan, Mr. Surlow, Mr. Linsuan, Mr. Petesch, Mr. Moskowitz, Mr. Castillo

Club Members Present: Mr. Klutz

1.) Introductions: every one on the board stood up and said their name, so as to make the new members more familiar with their fellow board members 2.) Minutes: Since the minutes from the 9-11-02 Board of Directors meeting still needed approved it was decided to table the minutes to the next meeting. 3.) Mr. Szurek gave the financial report. The Club’s total assets went up due to grant contributions to Jerry’s program, however, the balance of unrestricted Club money is still breaking even. The mutual funds gained a little over the last month, and the grant accounts showed substantial gains. Mr. Castillo had questions regarding the administration of the grants. Mr. Castillo’s questions brought up some valid points, and Mr. Jampole said he would get a copy of the grant proposal from Jerry. Mr. Linsuain had a concern over the decreasing amount of grant money given each year. Mr. Surlow explained why this was happening. 4.) Vice-President’s/Tournament Report: Mr. Kapinos informed the board that the adult tournament program is in trouble. He went on to inform the board that he spoke with the Jewish Community Center in Squirrel Hill as well as the Homestead Library concerning the Metropolitan Open that is to be held in February. He also regrettably informed the board how much the Club would have lost on the Gateway Open without the donations received. Moving on, Mr. Kapinos reported on the current status of the Abel Bomberault Memorial tournament that is going to be held December 1st. After hearing Mr. Kapinos information regarding the Bomberault Memorial, Mr. Jampole set up calling assignments based on a list of current Club members that go to tournaments and current Club non- members who go to tournaments in an effort to boost the turnout. The discussion returned to the future of the tournament program. It was decided that the long-term goal was for the tournaments to break even and sustain themselves. When the discussion returned to the issue of a tournament site, Mr. Moskowitz said he had a very favorable impression of the Homestead Library. This comment was followed by some discussion focusing on the remoteness of the location for some members and the stereotypes Pittsburghers have regarding Homestead in general, and Mr. Jampole said he would put together a brochure. A suggestion of a shuttle running twice a day; in the morning from the PCC to Homestead, and in the evening from Homestead to the PCC, was popular, and Mr. Mahan, among others, volunteered his services although nothing was made official. Mr. Surlow related an experience he had in Los Angeles, where the Department of Parks and Recreation offered tournament sites, and it was decided to talk to the Pittsburgh (or Allegheny County?) Department of Parks and Recreation. The discussion returned to the Metropolitan Open, and Mr. Opaska made a motion to hold the Metro at Homestead. The motion was properly seconded and passed unanimously. Before closing the report discussion once more returned to a tournament site and the numbers of tournament goers. There was talk of calling tournament goers and not-goers as well as talk of possibly going back to the University of Pittsburgh or considering other colleges in the area. 5.) Before moving on to more important matters, the Distinguished Service award presentation was discussed, and plans regarding it were made final. Note: Mr. Castillo left the meeting due to a prior commitment. 6.) Lawsuit: Mr. Jampole informed the board that Mr. Milisits threatened a lawsuit against Mr. Meyers and the PCC. A moderate amount of discussion followed regarding how best to reply to Mr. Milisits’ letter, and regarding the quality of footing his case, if taken to court, stood on. In the end, it was decided that Mr. Moskowitz suggestion of simply denying the accusations and not saying anything more was the way to go. 7.) Membership: Mrs. Dorohovich informed the board via e-mail that she has an ethical conflict with calling lapsed members more than once asking them to renew. Mr. Jampole is an “extremist” on the issue, he believes that any member should be called once more a month later (if they haven’t renewed), or they should be called again if you only got a voicemail or answering machine the first time. Mr. Klutz suggested that, when asking lapsed members to renew, you remind them that they’re not only supporting the PCC but chess in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County as well. Mr. Surlow and Mr. Szurek were both of the opinion that you shouldn’t leave messages, call until you talk to someone. Mr. Petesch and Mr. Linsuain volunteered to call lapsed members. 8.) Mrs. Dorohovich also informed the board that she will no longer be able to attend the Wednesday evening meetings. General discussion was held regarding a possible different date. Even though Wednesday was ultimately the best day for the majority of the board members it was decided to schedule the January meeting for the 2nd Thursday of the month. 9.) Rich Barbara resigned his board position, which creates a vacancy on the board. A small discussion was held, and in the end the floor was opened to nominations. Mr. Klutz was the only nomination. With no other nominations the floor was closed to nominations and a vote was taken. Mr. Klutz was elected unanimously (9 in favor, none opposed). Mr. Kapinos then moved that Boyd Reed, a new chess player in the Pittsburgh area who recently moved here from Chicago, be given a 6 month PCC membership for his help with directing the Gateway Open. Mr. Surlow amended Mr. Kapinos’ motion to give Mr. Reed a year. This amendment was accepted and the motion was properly seconded and passed by a vote of 8-1. It was decided to ask Mr. Reed to attend the next board meeting. 10.) New Business: Some issues regarding the Stewards and coffee money was scheduled, but due to the time it was tabled to next month. 11.) Meeting adjourned at 10:47pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michael Opaska

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