Lake Braddock High School Competencies and Indicators

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Lake Braddock High School Competencies and Indicators

Lake Braddock High School Competencies and Indicators

ASCA ASCA National VA FCPS Student DOMAIN Standards for Students Stand Achievement Goals ards for Lake Braddock High School Schoo Counseling Strategies l Couns eling (2004) Academic A:A1 Improve Academic Self-Concept Acade Academics Parent information sessions mic 1. All students will obtain, Standard A: A:A1.1 Articulate feelings of competence HA1. understand, analyze, Individual academic advising and post-secondary and confidence as learners Under communicate, and apply planning Students will stand knowledge and skills to achieve acquire the A:A1.2 Display a positive interest in acade success in school and life Small group counseling through grade level units attitudes, learning mic knowledge and status Essential Life Skills Communication with students and parents when in skills that contribute A:A1.3 Take pride in work and toward 2.5 Students will be inspired to danger of meeting graduation requirements to effective learning achievement s learn throughout life in school and meetin Academic Recognition Program across the life A:A1.4 Accept mistakes as essential to g span. the learning process gradu Encourage student participation in extra-curricular ation activities A:A1.5 Identify attitudes and behavior requir which lead to successful learning ement Most Improved Bruin (MIB) s Freshman Transition Program HA3. Demo nstrat e the knowl edge and skills neces sary to ensur e succe ssful transiti on from high school to post- secon dary option s

Caree r HC3. Under stand how work and leisure interes ts can help achiev e perso nal succe ss and satisfa ction

HC9. Devel op and utilize time and task mana geme nt skills

ASCA ASCA National VA FCPS Student DOMAIN Standards for Students Standar Achievement Goals ds for Lake Braddock High School School Counseling Strategies Counse ling (2004) Academic A:A2 Acquire Skills for Improving Career Essential Life Skills: Small group sessions for interpretation of learning HC 9. 2.7 Students will develop styles inventories Standard A: Learning Develo practical life skills including but p and not limited to: Small group sessions to instruct students how to Students will utilize 2.7.1 Problem solving/ critical set S.M.A.R.T. goals. A:A2.1 Apply time-management and acquire the time thinking task-management skills attitudes, and 2.7.2 Work habits and ethics Individual study skills advising knowledge and task- 2.7.4 Self-sufficiency A:A2.2 Demonstrate how effort and skills that manag 2.7.5 Time Management Time and task management groups and parent persistence positively affect learning contribute to ement information sessions effective learning in skills A:A2.3 Use communication skills to know school and across Assist students and parents with Blackboard- when and how to ask for help when the life span. Person FCPS 24/7 needed al/Socia l Encourage student use of Agenda book A:A2.4 Apply knowledge and learning HP2: styles to positively influence school Underst Facilitate communication between students, performance and parents, teachers, and administrators when and Facilitate weekly progress reports how to utilize Bruin Block for remediation family, peer, Provide tutor referrals school, and or commu nity resourc es ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling Achievement Goals Lake Braddock High School (2004) Counseling Strategies Academic A:A3 Achieve School Academic Academic Career assessments (e.g., ASVAB, interest Success HA4. Demonstrate 1.2 Communicate in at least inventories, etc.) Standard A: skills needed for two languages A:A3.1 Take responsibility for independent living Evaluate and report academic progress Students will their actions 1.3 Explore, understand, and acquire the Career value the fine and practical arts Communication with parents attitudes, A:A3.2 Demonstrate the HC3. Understand how knowledge and ability to work independently, work and leisure 1.5 Effectively use technology Encourage student participation in extra-curricular skills that as well as the ability to work interests can help to access, communicate, and activities contribute to cooperatively with other achieve personal apply knowledge and to foster effective learning students success and creativity Help students realize the transferable skills they in school and satisfaction learn in extracurricular activities across the life A:A3.3 Develop a broad Essential Life Skills span. range of interests and HC7. Demonstrate 2.1.2 Take responsibility for Collaborate with School Team to implement service abilities employability skills their actions learning projects such as individual A:A3.4 Demonstrate initiative, teamwork, 2.1.3 Keep their promises and Encourage students to participate in community dependability, productivity, problem solving, commitments service and initiative organization, and communication 2.1.7 Show respect and Provide access to employment and community A:A3.5 Share knowledge understanding for the interests service opportunities and opinions of others Support Peer Mediation/conflict resolution programs 2.2 Be able to contribute effectively within a group Collaborate with PBIS Committee for character dynamic education

2.7 Develop practical life skills including, but not limited to: 2.7.2 Work habits and ethics 2.7.4 Self-sufficiency 2.7.5 Time management ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling (2004) Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies Academic A:B1 Improve Learning Academic Academic Encourage students to take advantage of after HA1. Understand academic 1.1 Achieve their full school help offered by teachers Standard B: A:B1.1 Demonstrate the status towards meeting academic potential in the motivation to achieve graduation requirements core disciplines of: Collaborate with teachers to organize a mentoring Students will individual potential 1.1.1 English language program complete school HA3. Demonstrate the arts: with the academic A:B1.2 Learn and apply knowledge and skills Facilitate study skills groups Reading preparation critical-thinking skills necessary to ensure a essential to successful transition from Writing Assist with interventions for students failing classes choose from a A:B1.3 Apply the study high school to post- Communication wide range of skills necessary for secondary options Communicate through D/F Letters substantial post- academic success at 1.1.2 Math secondary each level HA4. Demonstrate skills 1.1.3 Science Help students use Family Connection to learn more options, including needed for independent 1.1.4 Social Studies about their interests, habits, and college/career college A:B1.4 Seek information living opportunities and support from faculty, Essential Life Skills: staff, family, and peers Career 2.7 Students will develop College Partnership Program HC8. Demonstrate skills practical life skills including A:B1.5 Organize and involved in locating, using, but not limited to: Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) apply academic and interpreting a variety of 2.7.1 Problem solving/ information from a career and educational critical thinking Senior Seminars variety of sources resources including the 2.7.2 Work habits and internet ethics Help students arrange college visits A:B1.6 Use knowledge 2.7.4 Self-sufficiency of learning styles to Personal/ Social Schedule college admissions representatives for positively influence HP2. Understand when and 2.6 Courageously identify sessions in Career Center school performance how to utilize family, peer, and pursue their personal school, and/or community goals A:B1.7 Become a self- resources directed and independent learner HP4. Apply problem solving and decision making skills to make safe and healthy decisions ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling (2004) Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies Academic A:B2 Plan to Achieve Academic Academic Provide continuous academic advisement Academic Goals HA 1 Understand 1.1 Achieve their full academic Standard B: academic status towards potential in the core disciplines Ensure equal access to rigorous courses A:B2.1 Establish meeting graduation of: Students will challenging academic requirements 1.1.1 English language arts: Coordinate events and speakers for college complete goals in…high school Reading and career exploration school with the HA2 Understand variety Writing academic A:B2.2 Use assessment of post-secondary options Communication Collaborate with community businesses to offer preparation results in educational available to them and internships and job shadowing opportunities essential to planning requirements of those 1.1.2 Math choose from a options including Collaborate with Career and Technical wide range of A:B2.3 Develop and relationship of academic 1.1.3 Science Education to provide guest speakers, substantial implement annual plan of status and scholastic 1.1.4 Social Studies internships, and information about job training post-secondary study to maximize ability record options, and achievement Essential Life Skills: Help students arrange college visits including HA 3 Demonstrate the 2.1 Demonstrate sound moral college A:B2.4 Apply knowledge knowledge and skills character and ethical judgment: Participate in Educators in the Workplace Day of aptitudes and interests necessary to ensure a 2.1.2 Take responsibility for to goal setting successful transition from their actions high school to post- A:B2.5 Use problem- secondary options 2.7 Students will develop solving and decision practical life skills including but making skills to assess HA4 Demonstrate skills not limited to: progress toward needed for independent 2.7.1 Problem solving/ educational goals living critical thinking

A:B2.6 Understand the Career 2.6 Courageously identify and relationship between HC11 Apply decision pursue their personal goals classroom performance making skills to career and success in school planning Responsibility to the Community A:B2.7 Identify post- Personal/Social 3.2 Be respectful and secondary options HP4 Apply problem contributing participants in their consistent with interests, solving and decision school, community, country, achievement, aptitudes, making skills to make and world and abilities safe and healthy choices ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling (2004) Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies Academic A:C1 Relate School to Life Academic Academic Encourage participation in career and technical HA2 Understand variety of 1.3 Explore, understand, and courses and events Experiences post-secondary options value the fine and practical Standard C: available to them and arts Emphasize the connection between academic requirements of those choices and career aspirations to students and Students will options including relationship 1.5 Effectively use parents A:C1.1 Demonstrate the understa of academic status and technology to access, ability to balance school, nd the scholastic record communicate, and apply Facilitate career units studies, extra curricular relationsh knowledge and to foster activities, leisure time, and ip of HA 3 Demonstrate the creativity Facilitate time management groups family life academic knowledge and skills s to the necessary to ensure a Essential Life Skills Offer transitional activities to help students make a A:C1.2 Seek co-curricular world of successful transition from 2.5 Be inspired to learn smooth transition to post-secondary options and community work and high school to post- throughout life experiences to enhance to life at secondary options Provide mediation opportunities for students with the school experience home 2.6 Courageously identify other students, teachers, and parents and in HA4 Demonstrate skills and pursue their personal A:C1.3 Understand the the needed for independent goals Help students realize the connection between their relationship between communit living school work and college/career work learning and work y. 2.7 Develop practical life Career skills including but not limited Encourage attainment of Career & Technical Seal A:C1.4 Demonstrate an HC3 Understand how work to: and Civics Seal understanding of the value and leisure interests can help 2.7.5 Time management of lifelong learning as achieve personal success essential to seeking, and satisfaction Responsibility to Community obtaining, and maintaining 3.2 Be respectful and life goals HC4 Understand how the contributing participants in changing workplace requires their school, community, A:C1.5 Understand that lifelong learning, flexibility, country, and world school success is the and the acquisition of new preparation to make employment skills transition from student to community member HC9 Develop and utilize time and task management skills A:C1.6 Understand how school success and academic achievement enhance future career and vocational opportunities ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling (2004) Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies Career C:A1 Develop Career Academic Essential Life Skills Host orientations to career center for students and HA2 Understand variety of post- 2.5 Be inspired to learn parents Awareness secondary options available to them throughout life Standard A: and requirements of those options Time and task management groups and parent including relationship of academic 2.6 Courageously identify information sessions Students will status and scholastic record and pursue their personal acquire C:A1.1 Develop skills to goals Encourage participation in career and technical the skills locate, evaluate, and Career courses and events to interpret career HC3 Understand how work and 2.7 Develop practical life investigat information leisure interests can help achieve skills including but not Help students identify personal interests, abilities, e the personal success and satisfaction limited to: and skills world of C:A1.2 Learn about the 2.7.5 Time management work in variety of traditional and HC6 Understand that self- Educate students about interviewing skills relation to nontraditional occupations employment is a career option and Responsibility to Community knowledg demonstrate knowledge of the variety 3.2 Be respectful and Help students develop resume and cover letter e of self C:A1.3 Develop an of professional, technical, and contributing participants in and to awareness of personal vocational skills necessary for self their school, community, Assist students with prioritizing different aspects of make abilities, skills, interests, employment country, and world their life informed and motivations career HC7 Demonstrate employability skills Facilitate goal setting decisions. C:A1.4 Learn how to such as individual initiative, interact and work teamwork, problem solving, Small group sessions to instruction students how to cooperatively in teams organization, and communication set S.M.A.R.T. goals

C:A1.5 Learn to make HC8 Demonstrate skills involved in Refer and recommend students for participation in decisions locating, using, and interpreting a leadership programs variety of career and educational C:A1.6 Learn how to set resource, including the internet goals HC9 Develop and utilize time and C:A1.7 Understand the task management skills importance of planning HC11 Apply decision making skills to C:A1.8 Pursue and career planning develop competency in areas of interest Personal/Social HP4 Apply problem solving and C:A1.9 Develop hobbies decision making skills to make safe and vocational interests and healthy choices C:A1.10 Balance between work and leisure time ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling (2004) Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies Career C:A2 Develop Employment Academic Academics Relate school experiences, academic Readiness HA 3 Demonstrate the knowledge and skills 1.2 Communicate in at least decision making, citizenship, and study habits necessary to ensure a successful transition two languages to employment skills Standard A: C:A2.1 Acquire employability from high school to post-secondary options skills such as working on a 1.4 Understand the Teach skills of adaptability to facilitate Students will team, problem-solving, and Career interrelationship and transitions into changing work environment acqui organizational skills HC1 Understand value of ethical standards interdependence of the re the and behavior in education and the countries and cultures of the Facilitate student participation in job fairs, skills C:A2.2 Apply job readiness workplace world career speakers, job shadowing, and/or to skills to seek employment internships inves opportunities Essential Life Skills tigate HC2 Understand how changing economic 2.1 Demonstrate sound Help students develop resume writing and the C:A2.3 Demonstrate and societal needs influence employment moral character and ethical interviewing skills world knowledge about the changing trends and future training judgment: of workplace 2.1.4 Possess the skills to Family Connection resources work HC4 Understand how the changing manage and resolve conflict in C:A2.4 Learn about the rights workplace requires lifelong learning, 2.1.6 Protect others’ health Ensure students are familiar with College and relati and responsibilities of flexibility, and the acquisition of new and safety Career Center employment skills on to employers and employees 2.1.7 Show respect and knowl understanding for the Collaboration with PBIS Committee for edge C:A2.5 Learn to respect HC5 Understand that behavior such as interest and opinions of character education of individual uniqueness in the punctuality, courtesy, proper dress and others language, and hard work are essential to self workplace 2.1.8 Be capable of Incorporate Lake Braddock’s core values in and success in the job market placing their own self- grade level units to C:A2.6 Learn how to write a interests in perspective with make resume HC7 Demonstrate employability skills such the interests of others Recognizing students for demonstrating core infor as individual initiative, teamwork, problem values med C:A2.7 Develop a positive solving, organization, and communication 2.2 Be able to contribute caree attitude toward work and effectively within a group r learning HC9 Develop and utilize time and task dynamic decisi management skills ons. C:A2.8 Understand the 2.7 Develop practical life HC10 Demonstrate knowledge of the current importance of responsibility, skills including but not dependability, punctuality, job market trends limited to: integrity, and effort in the 2.7.1 Problem solving/ Personal/Social workplace critical thinking HP1 Understand the relationship among, 2.7.2 Work habits and and the importance of respecting rules, C:A2.9 Utilize time- and task- ethics laws, safety, and the protection of individual management skills 2.7.4 Self-sufficiency rights 2.7.5 Time management ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling (2004) Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies Career C:B1 Acquire Career Academic Academics Maintain a career center with on-going activities to allow Information HA2 Understand variety of 1.5 Effectively use students to gain access to career information and post-secondary options technology to access, developing career goals Standard B: C:B1.1 Apply decision-making available to them and communicate, and apply skills to career planning, requirements of those knowledge and to foster Emphasize relationship between course selection and Students will course selection, and career options including creativity post-secondary plans during academic advising sessions employ transition relationship of academic strategies status and scholastic record Essential Life Skills Provide students and parents access to on-line post- to achieve C:B1.2 Identify personal skills, 2.3 Develop the resilience secondary planning programs future interests, and abilities and Career and self-confidence required career relate them to current career HC2 Understand how to deal effectively with life’s Encourage frequent use of Family Connection resources goals with choice changing economic and challenges success societal needs influence Assist students with exploring and narrowing their and C:B1.3 Demonstrate employment trends and 2.5 Be inspired to learn interests satisfactio knowledge of the career future training throughout life n. planning process HC6 Understand that self- 2.6 Courageously identify C:B1.4 Know the various ways employment is a career and pursue their personal in which occupations can be option and demonstrate goals classified knowledge of the variety of professional, technical, and Community C:B1.5 Use research and vocational skills necessary 3.2 Be respectful and information resources to obtain for self employment contributing participants in career information their school, community, HC8 Demonstrate skills country, and world C:B1.6 Learn to use the involved in locating, using, Internet to access career- and interpreting a variety of planning information career and educational resource, including the C:B1.7 Describe traditional internet and nontraditional career choices and how they relate to HC10 Demonstrate career choice knowledge of the current job market trends C:B1.8 Understand how changing economic and HC11 Apply decision making societal needs influence skills to career planning employment trends and future training ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling (2004) Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies Career C:B2 Identify Career Academic Essential Life Skills Encourage students to discuss with teachers Goals HA 1 Understand academic 2.5 Be inspired to learn different career opportunities in the disciplines they status towards meeting throughout life teach Standard B: C:B2.1 Demonstrate graduation requirements awareness of the 2.6 Courageously identify Offer internship and co-op courses Students will employ education and training HA2 Understand variety of and pursue their personal strategies to needed to achieve post-secondary options goals Offer opportunities for students to learn about achieve career goals available to them and different career opportunities through classroom future career 2.7 Develop practical life lessons, access to career center, or career and requirements of those goals with C:B2.2 Assess and skills including but not college fairs options including success and modify their educational limited to: satisfaction. plan to support career relationship of academic 2.7.2 Work habits and Provide ongoing academic advising that relates status and scholastic record ethics course selection to career interests C:B2.3 Use employability 2.7.4 Self-sufficiency and job readiness skills HA 3 Demonstrate the 2.7.5 Time management Encourage students to develop technology skills in internship, mentoring, knowledge and skills shadowing, and or other necessary to ensure a Assist students with effective conflict resolution work experience successful transition from strategies high school to post- C:B2.4 Select course secondary options work that is related to career interests Career HC5 Understand that C:B2.5 Maintain a career behavior such as punctuality, planning portfolio courtesy, proper dress and language, and hard work are essential to success in the job market

HC7 Demonstrate employability skills such as individual initiative, teamwork, problem solving, organization, and communication

HC11 Apply decision making skills to career planning ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling (2004) Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies Career C:C1 Acquire Academic Essential Life Skills Offer groups/units that teach transferable skills Knowledge to HA2 Understand variety 2.3 Develop the resilience Achieve Career of post-secondary options and self-confidence Offer opportunities for students to learn about different Standard C: Goals available to them and required to deal effectively career opportunities through classroom lessons, access to requirements of those with life’s challenges career center, or career and college fairs Students will C:C1.1 Understand the options including understa relationship between relationship of academic 2.5 Be inspired to learn Maintain a career center with on-going activities to allow nd the educational achievement status and scholastic throughout life students to gain access to career information and relationsh and career success developing career goals record ip 2.6 Courageously identify between C:C1.2 Explain how work and pursue their personal Include tours of career center during annual career units personal can help to achieve HA 3 Demonstrate the goals qualities, personal success and knowledge and skills Help students learn effective stress-management education satisfaction necessary to ensure a Responsibility to techniques , training successful transition from Community and the C:C1.3 Identify personal high school to post- 3.1 Know and practice the world of preferences and secondary options duties, responsibilities, and work. interests influencing rights of citizens in a career choice and Career democratic society success HC3 Understand how work and leisure interests can 3.2 Be respectful and C:C1.4 Understand that help achieve personal contributing participants in the changing workplace success and satisfaction their school, community, requires lifelong learning country, and world and acquiring new skills HC4 Understand how the changing workplace C:C1.5 Describe the requires lifelong learning, effect of work on lifestyle flexibility, and the acquisition of new C:C1.6 Understand the employment skills importance of equity and access in career choice HC11 Apply decision making skills to career C:C1.7 Understand that planning work is an important and satisfying means of personal expression ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies (2004) Career C:C2 Apply Skills to Career Essential Life Skills Provide interpretations of interest inventories HC5 Understand that 2.1 Demonstrate sound Achieve Career Goals behavior such as moral character and ethical Work with teachers to provide students with Standard C: punctuality, courtesy, judgment: interpersonal skills and cooperative learning strategies proper dress and 2.1.4 Respect people, Students will language, and hard work property, and authority Help students learn how to resolve conflicts with C:C2.1 Demonstrate how understa are essential to success 2.1.6 Protect others’ health teachers interests, abilities, and nd the in the job market and safety achievement relate to relationsh 2.1.7 Show respect and Encourage students to take advantage of job achieving personal, social, ip HC7 Demonstrate understanding for the shadowing, internships, or mentoring activities educational, and career between employability skills such interests and opinions of goals personal as individual initiative, others Provide activities that promote positive self-esteem qualities, teamwork, problem 2.1.8 Be capable of placing C:C2.2 Learn how to use education solving, organization, their own self interests in Encourage students to become leaders in the conflict management skills , training and communication perspective with the interests classroom, in their activities, or in the community with peers and adults and the of others world of HC9 Develop and utilize Collaborate with the PBIS Committee to support school C:C2.3 Learn to work work. time and task 2.2 Be able to contribute wide character education program cooperatively with others management skills effectively within a group as a team member dynamic Personal/Social C:C2.4 Apply academic HP3 Use appropriate and employment readiness communication and 2.4 Possess the skills to skills in work-based conflict resolution skills manage and resolve conflict learning situations such as with peers and internships, shadowing, and or mentoring experiences ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies (2004) Personal/Social PS:A1 Acquire Self-Knowledge Career Essential Life Skills Provide students with opportunities for mentoring HC1 Understand value 2.1 Demonstrate sound PS:A1.1 Develop positive attitudes of ethical standards and moral character and ethical Assist students with creating academic, career, and Standard A: toward self as a unique and worthy behavior in education judgment: personal/social goals person and the workplace 2.1.1 Model honesty and Students will integrity Provide annual bullying and sexual harassment acquire PS:A1.2 Identify values, attitudes, Personal/Social 2.1.2 Take responsibility for lessons to students and faculty the and beliefs HP1 Understand the their actions knowledg relationship among, and 2.1.3 Keep their promises Educate students, parents, and faculty about cyber e, PS: A1.3 Learn the goal-setting the importance of and commitments bullying and internet safety attitudes process respecting rules, laws, 2.1.4 Respect people, and safety, and the property, and authority Educate students about healthy body image and its interperso PS:A1.4 Understand that change is a protection of individual 2.1.5 Exercise good relation to self-esteem nal skills part of growth rights stewardship of the to help environment Collaborate with Alcohol and Drug Services counselor them PS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings HP3 Use appropriate 2.1.6 Protect others’ health to help students understand the risks of alcohol and understan communication and and safety drugs d and PS:A1.6 Distinguish between conflict resolution skills 2.1.7 Show respect and respect appropriate and inappropriate with peers and adults understanding for the Counsel students involved in various risk-taking self and behaviors interests and opinions of behaviors others others PS:A1.7 Recognize personal 2.1.8 Be capable of Refer students to leadership programs boundaries, rights, and privacy needs placing their own self interests in perspective with PS:A1.8 Understand the need for the interests of others self-control and how to practice it 2.2 Be able to contribute PS:A1.9 Demonstrate cooperative effectively within a group behavior in groups dynamic

PS:A1.10 Identify personal strengths 2.3 Develop the resilience and assets and self-confidence required to deal effectively with life’s PS:A1.11 Identify and discuss challenges changing personal and social roles 2.6 Courageously identify PS:A1.12 Identify and recognize and pursue their personal changing family roles goals ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies (2004) Personal/Social PS:A2 Acquire Personal/Social Essential Life Skills Offer small groups on effective communication skills Interpersonal Skills HP1 Understand the 2.1 Demonstrate sound Help students learn how to use “I messages” relationship among, and moral character and ethical Standard A: PS:A2.1 Recognize that the importance of judgment: respecting rules, laws, Support students with a peer helping and peer everyone has rights and safety, and the protection 2.1.2 Take responsibility mediation course Students will responsibilities of individual rights for their actions acquire 2.1.3 Keep their promises Provide annual bullying and sexual harassment the PS:A2.2 Recognize and commitments HP3 Use appropriate lessons to students and faculty knowledg alternative points of view 2.1.4 Respect people, communication and e, property, and authority conflict resolution skills Encourage students to participate and/or attend annual attitudes PS: A2.3 Recognize, accept, 2.1.6 Protect others’ with peers and adults cultural event and respect, and appreciate health and safety interpers individual differences 2.1.7 Show respect and onal skills understanding for the to help PS:A2.4 Recognize, accept, interests and opinions of them and appreciate ethnic and others understa cultural diversity 2.1.8 Be capable of nd and placing their own self respect PS:A2.5 Recognize and interests in perspective self and respect differences in with the interests of others others various family configurations 2.2 Be able to contribute PS:A2.6 Use effective effectively within a group communication skills dynamic

PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening, and nonverbal behavior

PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies (2004) Personal/Social PS:B1 Self-knowledge Application Personal/Social Essential Life Skills Support students with a peer helping and peer mediation HP2 Understand when 2.1 Demonstrate sound course PS:B1.1 Use a decision-making and and how to utilize moral character and Standard B: problem-solving model family, peer, school, ethical judgment: Provide students with individual personal/social and/or community 2.1.4 Respect people, counseling and referrals to outside agencies if needed Students will PS:B1.2 Understand consequences of resources property, and authority make decisions and choices 2.1.7 Show respect and Assist students with developing their own ethical values decisions, HP3 Use appropriate understanding for the set goals PS:B1.3 Identify alternative solutions to communication and interests and opinions of Educate students about their relationship with their and take a problem conflict resolution skills others community necessary with peers and adults action to PS:B1.4 Develop effective coping skills 2.3 Develop the resilience Support students expression of their diversity achieve HP4 Apply problem and self-confidence goals. PS:B1.5 Demonstrate when, where, solving and decision required to deal effectively and how to seek help for solving making skills to make with life’s challenges problems and making decisions safe and healthy choices 2.4 Possess the skills to PS:B1.6 Know how to apply conflict- manage and resolve resolution skills conflict

PS:B1.7 Demonstrate a respect and 2.6 Courageously identify appreciation for individual and cultural and pursue their personal differences goals

PS:B1.8 Know when peer pressure is 2.7 Develop practical life influencing a decision skills included, but not limited to: PS:B1.9 Identify long- and short-term 2.7.1 Problem goals solving/critical thinking.

PS:B1.10 Identify alternative ways of 2.8 Make healthy and safe achieving goals life choices

PS:B1.11 Use persistence and perseverance in acquiring knowledge and skills

PS:B1.12 Develop an action plan to set and achieve realistic goals ASCA ASCA National VA Standards for FCPS Student Lake Braddock High School DOMAIN Standards for Students School Counseling Achievement Goals Counseling Strategies (2004) Personal/ PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills Academic Essential Life Skills Provide annual bullying and sexual harassment HA4 Demonstrate 2.1 Demonstrate sound lessons to students and faculty Social PS:C1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of personal skills needed for moral character and information (i.e., telephone number, home independent living ethical judgment: Consult with and refer to ADS to provide parent address, emergency contact) information Standard C: 2.1.4 Respect people, PS:C1.2 Learn about the relationship between Personal/Social property, and authority Offer resiliency support group Students will rules, laws, safety, and the protection of rights HP1 Understand the 2.1.5 Exercise good underst of the individual relationship among, stewardship of the Provide information rights for parents and and the importance of environment safety PS:C1.3 Learn about the differences between respecting rules, 2.1.6 Protect others’ Execute crisis plan and provide crisis counseling when and appropriate and inappropriate physical contact laws, safety, and the health and safety necessary survival protection of 2.1.7 Show respect and skills PS:C1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set individual rights understanding for the Provide support group during school-wide crisis boundaries, rights and personal privacy interests and opinions of HP2 Understand others PS:C1.5 Differentiate between situations when and how to requiring peer support and situations requiring utilize family, peer, 2.3 Develop the resilience adult professional help school, and/or and self-confidence community resources required to deal effectively PS:C1.6 Identify resource people in the school with life’s challenges and community, and know how to seek help HP3 Use appropriate communication and 2.4 Possess the skills to PS:C1.7 Apply effective problem-solving and conflict resolution manage and resolve decision-making skills to make safe and skills with peers and conflict healthy choices adults 2.8 Make healthy and safe PS:C1.8 Learn about the emotional and HP4 Apply problem life choices physical dangers of substance use and abuse solving and decision making skills to make PS:C1.9 Learn how to cope with peer pressure safe and healthy choices PS:C1.10 Learn techniques for managing stress and conflict

PS:C1.11 Learn coping skills for managing life events

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