Stroud Town Council Stroud Station Feasibility Study September 2019 " " ! Stroud Station Feasibility Study Version 0.1 Produced by: Sandy Moller For: Stroud Town Council Contact: Jon Harris Integrated Transport Planning Ltd. Regus Castlemead Bristol BS1 3AG UNITED KINGDOM 0117 917 5159
[email protected] " " " Contents The table of contents is empty because you aren’t using the paragraph styles set to appear in it. " i " " Introduction 1. A Tool for Change 2. Using this Document 3. Other Useful Tools Stroud Town Council (STC) commissioned This document has been developed to help A number of separate tools have been developed Integrated Transport Planning (ITP) in 2017 to realise incremental change and should be used to help compliment this document and assist develop a spatial vision and overarching plan for as a ‘live’ and adaptable tool to help guide and future decision making; including recalibrating improving the railway site in the town. leverage support for investment over time. design elements when neccasary. These are; The project was funded through the Customer The following pages are designed to help tell the Menu of Measures Assessment Matrix and Communities Investment Fund (CCIF) story of the station site and to lay down specific established by the Train Operating Company and aspirational proposals that can be delivered, Detailed rationale and assessment of each individual (TOC), Great Western Railway (GWR). in phases, over the next 5-10 years. measure, including links to policy discourse. The requirements of the study include gathering This approach aims to overcome some of the 3D Station Site Sketchup Model and collating together a sound evidence base to pitfalls of conventional ‘masterplans’ by enabling help inform decision making and ultimately for decision makers to adapt the focus of investment Adaptable, free tool, for enabling communities to laying the foundations for change at the station.