Physical Science Study Guide: First Semester

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Physical Science Study Guide: First Semester

Physical Science Study Guide: First Semester

Matching A. Friction D. Johannes Kepler B. Galileo Galilei E. Newton’s Second Law of Motion C. Inertia

1. The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the net force on it and inversely proportional to its mass. The harder you push an object, the faster it will move 2. The unbalanced force that acts against the car’s direction of motion 3. proved that falling objects are subject to a constant acceleration, later known as gravity, regardless of their mass by dropping two balls of unequal weight from the Leaning Tower of Pisa 4. Used studies on gravity to write three laws of planetary motion 5. The tendency of an object to resist any change in motion

A. meter C. kilogram B. liter D. kelvin 6. volume of orange juice 7. mass of an orange 8. length of a soccer field 9. freezing point of carbon dioxide

A. Law of Conservation of Momentum D. Projectile Motion B. Momentum E. Sir Isaac Newton C. Newton’s First Law of Motion

10. States that any time two or more objects interact, they may exchange momentum, but the total momentum stays the same 11. Developed laws to explain the concepts of force. Gave Gravity its name 12. The curved path an object follows when launched near the surface of the Earth 13. An object with no force acting on it moves with constant velocity. An object will keep moving unless something stops it, or an object will not move until something moves it 14. A quantity defined as the product of the mass and velocity of an object

A. Aristotle D. Newton’s Third Law of Motion B. Albert Einstein E. Pressure C. Law of Universal Gravitation

15. States that all objects in the universe attract each other through gravitational force 16. Conducted many experiments on Gravity and force. The results of his experiments made way for future scientists. Stated the reason that falling objects fall straight down was due to their nature to reach the center of the universe 17. The amount of force exerted on an object compared to its surface area 18. When one object exerts a force on a second object, the second exerts a force on the first this equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. An object reacts with an equal but opposite reaction 19. Used his studies of gravity to show the existence of black holes. He stated gravity causes space to be curved, and other bodies are accelerated because they move in this curved space

A. compound machine D. mechanical advantage B. efficiency E. simple machine C. effort force

20. the force you apply to a simple machine 21. device that does work with only one movement 22. device made up of more than one simple machine 23. ratio of resistance force to effort force 24. work output of a machine divided by the work input

Multiple Choice 25. A unit of pressure is called a A. meter. B. pascal. C. bernoulli. D. pound. 26. Which of the four main types of forces is the weakest? A. Electromagnetic B. Gravitational C. Strong Nuclear D. Weak E. Inertia 27. If you are standing on one foot and then put both feet down, you have ____ the force on the ground. A. increased B. decreased C. not changed D. can't tell 28. Select the correct list of simple machines. A. lever, pulley, wheel and axle, vertical plane, wedge, screw, gas motor, electric motor B. lever, pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, screw, gas motor C. lever, pulley, wheel and axle, horizontal plane, wedge, screw, gas motor, electric motor D. lever, pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, screw, gas motor, electric motor E. lever, pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, screw 29. What is a collision called when momentum is completely tranfered from one object into another when the two objects collide? A. Kinetic B. Static C. Inelastic D. Elastic E. Sliding

30. According to the graph above, during which interval is the cat at rest? A. 5.0–10.0 s B. 10.0–15.0 s C. 0.0–5.0 s D. 15.0–20.0 s 31. According to the graph above, the cat has the fastest speed during which interval? A. 5.0–10.0 s B. 10.0–15.0 s C. 15.0–20.0 s D. 0.0–5.0 s 32. According to the graph above, during which interval does the cat have the greatest positive velocity? A. 10.0–15.0 s B. 0.0–5.0 s C. 15.0–20.0 s D. 5.0–10.0 s 33. Which of the four main types of forces is the strongest? A. Weak B. Gravitational C. Inertia D. Strong Nuclear E. Electromagnetic 34. An object that is in free fall seems to be ____. A. speeded up by air resistance C. not moving B. slowed by air resistance D. weightless

A B C D E 35. Which diagram is an example of just accuracy? A. C B. E C. D D. A E. B 36. Which diagram is an example of both precision and accuracy? A. B B. C C. A D. E E. D 37. Which diagram is an example of just precision? A. D B. C C. A D. E E. B 38. What is the SI unit of acceleration? A. m/s B. m /s C. m·s D. m/s 39. The upward force on an object falling through the air is ____. A. terminal velocity C. air resistance B. inertia D. momentum 40. Which of the four main types of forces acts over the shortest distance? A. Inertia B. Electromagnetic C. Strong Nuclear D. Weak E. Gravitational 41. When two or more simple machines work together, they are called a(n)____. A. compound machine C. simple machine B. screw D. effort machine 42. For any object, the greater the force that's applied to it, the greater its ____ will be. A. gravity B. inertia C. acceleration D. velocity 43. What is the SI Unit for Time? A. Minute B. Decade C. Second D. Hour 44. Snowshoes enable a person to walk on deep snow because the snowshoes A. increase the area over which the person’s weight is distributed. B. increase the pressure on the snow. C. decrease the person’s weight on the snow. D. increase the buoyancy of the person. Figure 4-1 45. Which ball in Figure 4-1 has the least potential energy? A. C B. A C. B D. D 46. Which ball in Figure 4-1 has the greatest potential energy? A. C B. B C. D D. A The position-time graph below represents the motion of three people in an airport moving toward the same departure gate.

47. Which person travels fastest by riding a motorized cart? A. A B. B C. C D. D 48. Which person appears to be going to the wrong gate? A. B B. C C. D D. A 49. Which person travels the farthest during the period shown? A. A B. D C. C D. B 50. A 10.0 kg dog chasing a rabbit north at 6.0 m/s has a momentum of A. 60.0 m/s. C. 60.0 kg/s. B. 60.0 kg · m/s north. D. 0.6 kg · m/s. 51. What is the SI Unit for Mass? A. Gravity B. gram C. kilogram D. Pound E. ounce 52. The kinetic energy of an object increases as its ____ increases. A. potential energy C. specific heat B. velocity D. gravitational energy 53. What property of a stalled car determines how much effort is required to move it? A. color B. volume C. density D. mass E. height 54. Which of the following is a pair of vector quantities? A. Velocity — Displacement C. Speed — Displacement B. Velocity — Distance D. Speed — Distance 55. Water pressure increases as A. gravity increases. C. acceleration decreases. B. force decreases. D. depth increases. 56. If you are standing on both feet and then stand on one foot, you have ____ the pressure on the ground. A. decreased C. depends on your motion B. increased D. not changed If you throw a ball straight upward, it will rise into the air and then fall back down toward the ground. Imagine that you throw the ball with an initial velocity of 13.7 m/s. 57. How far will the ball rise before it begins to fall? A. 29.29m B. 9.82m C. 12.65m D. 26.47m 58. How long does it take the ball to reach the top of its motion? A. 1s B. 13.87s C. 1.41s D. 135.93s 59. What is its average velocity during this period? A. 20.77m/s B. 8.97m/s C. 6.96m/s D. 18.77m/s 60. What is the SI Unit for Length? A. Foot B. Meter C. Mile D. Kilometer E. Inch 61. According to the law of conservation of energy, the total amount of energy in the universe ____. A. decreases C. increases B. changes constantly D. remains constant 62. What is required for work to be done? A. there must be energy released C. the object must move B. there must be energy applied D. you must be paid 63. What is the unbalanced force that slows down a ball rolling across the floor? A. the force of gravity C. the force of friction B. the force of inertia D. the force of momentum 64. Lets say you have a bowling ball. You placed the ball on the scales down in the lab and found that its mass is 10 kg. Now let’s say that an astronaut is going to carry your bowling ball into space with him. He lands on the moon and decides that he wants to find out what the mass of the bowling ball is on the moon. What would he find out is the mass of the bowling ball? A. 10N B. 98N C. 10kg D. 1.02kg E. 98kg 65. An inclined plane with one or two sloping sides forms a machine called a ____. A. wedge B. ramp C. lever D. pulley 66. In the universal gravitation equation, the constant G has a value of 6.67x10–11 N·m2/kg2. Find the force a 4 kg ball exerts on a 2 kg ball if the distance between their centers is 1 m. A. 3.65 x10-10 N B. 4.67 x10-10 N C. 5.34 x10-10 N D. 5.34 x10-6 N 67. A ship stays afloat as long as the buoyant force is A. less than the ship’s weight. C. greater than the ship’s weight. B. greater than the ship’s speed. D. less than the ship’s speed.

68. The graph above describes the motion of a cyclist. The graph illustrates that the acceleration of the cyclist A. increases. B. is zero. C. decreases. D. is constant. 69. The graph above describes the motion of a cyclist. During the interval shown, the cyclist is A. traveling at the same speed. C. speeding up. B. slowing down. D. at rest. 70. A bar that is free to pivot about a fixed point is a ____. A. ramp B. fulcrum C. screw D. lever 71. What is the energy that is stored? A. Eleastic B. Potential C. Static D. Inelastic E. Kinetic 72. A baseball catcher throws a ball vertically upward and catches it in the same spot as it returns to the mitt. At what point in the ball’s path does it experience zero velocity and nonzero acceleration at the same time? A. the instant it leaves the catcher’s hand B. at the top of its path C. the instant before it arrives in the catcher’s mitt D. midway on the way up 73. When you measure something in meters cubed, you are measuring ____. A. area B. length C. volume D. mass 74. What is the energy in motion? A. Potential B. Kinetic C. Inelastic D. Elastic E. Static 75. A toy car is given an initial velocity of 5.0 m/s and experiences a constant acceleration of 2.0 m/s2. What is the final velocity after 6.0 s? A. 10.0 m/s B. 16 m/s C. 17 m/s D. 12 m/s 76. A slanted surface used to raise an object is a(n) ____. A. effort ramp C. screw B. efficiency board D. inclined plane 77. If a 2-kg ball is thrown through the air at 20 m/s, what is the momentum of the ball? A. 18 kg•m/s B. 10 kg•m/s C. 40 kg•m/s D. 22 kg•m/s

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time (s) 78. Given is the position-time graph representing motions of two runners, Nick and Ian. Use this graph to determine which runner has greater average velocity. A. Nick B. Ian 79. The rate at which work is done is A. energy. B. force. C. power. D. velocity. 80. What does the slope of a position-time graph of an object give? A. force B. displacement C. velocity D. acceleration 81. The mass per unit volume of a substance is its A. buoyancy. B. weight. C. density. D. fluid pressure. 82. An inclined plane wrapped around a cylindrical post is a ____. A. block and tackle C. lever B. screw D. ramp 83. The unit of momentum is ____. A. kg x m B. kg x m/s2 C. kg x m/s D. m/s2 84. What is the SI Unit for Temperature? A. Kelvin B. Celsius C. Rankine D. Rowe E. Farhenheit 85. A 20-kg bicycle carrying a 50-kg girl is traveling at a speed of 8 m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the girl and bicycle? A. 1600 J B. 2,240 J C. 640 J D. 280 J 86. A raft is floating on the water. The bottom of the raft takes up an area of 22m2. It exerts a force of 847N onto the water. How much pressure did the raft push on the water? A. 825 Pa B. 38.5 Pa C. 18634 Pa D. 0.0259 Pa 87. A jukebox that weighs 1023 N is lifted a distance of 45 m straight up by a rope. The job is done in 117 s. What power is developed in watts? A. 5.15W B. 5386095W C. 2659.8W D. 393.46W 88. Air pressure decreases as A. gravity increases. C. acceleration decreases. B. elevation increases. D. velocity increases. 89. In the absence of air, a penny and a feather that are dropped from the same height at the same time will ____. A. not have momentum C. fall at the same rate B. fall at different rates D. float 90. The law of ____ states that energy in a system can change forms but can never be created or destroyed. A. conversion of energy C. conservation of energy B. consecration of energy D. construction of energy 91. Earth pulls on the moon and holds the moon in its orbit. The moon pulls on Earth with an equal and opposite force. This is an example of A. Newton’s first law. C. Newton’s third law. B. Newton’s second law. D. None of the above 92. The ability to do work is called A. velocity. B. friction. C. conversion. D. energy. 93. The SI unit for energy is the ____. A. joule C. meter per second B. calorie D. kilogram 94. The SI unit of force, named for the scientist who described the relationship between motion and force, is called the A. pasteur. B. newton. C. einstein. D. curie. 95. A feather will fall through the air more slowly than a brick because of ____. A. momentum B. gravity C. air resistance D. inertia 96. Which of the four main types of forces acts over the longest distance? A. Inertia B. Weak C. Strong Nuclear D. Gravitational E. Electromagnetic 97. A measurement standard is defined as ____. A. the distance between two points B. a system of prefixes C. the interval between two events D. the exact quantity people agree to use for comparison 98. Bob uses a pulley system to raise a 297 N crate 33.5 m. A force of 105 N is exerted and the rope is pulled 94.76 m. What is its mechanical advantage? A. 2.83 B. 1.11 C. 3.13 D. 0.35 E. 8.87 99. Which of these is an example of deceleration? A. a car approaching a red light B. an airplane following a straight flight path C. a baseball released by a pitcher D. a bird taking off for flight 100. A radio signal takes 1.28 s to travel from a transmitter on the Moon to the surface of Earth. The radio waves travel at 3.00x108 m/s. What is the distance, in kilometers, from the Moon to Earth? A. 384000km C. 384km B. 384000000000km D. 384000000km Physical Science Study Guide: First Semester Answer Section

MATCHING 44. A 89. C 1. E 45. A 90. C 2. A 46. C 91. C 3. B 47. B 92. D 4. D 48. B 93. A 5. C 49. A 94. B 6. B 50. B 95. C 7. C 51. C 96. D 8. A 52. B 97. D 9. D 53. D 98. A 10. A 54. A 99. A 11. E 55. D 100. A 12. D 56. B 13. C 57. B 14. B 58. C 15. C 59. C 16. A 60. B 17. E 61. D 18. D 62. C 19. B 63. C 20. C 64. C 21. E 65. A 22. A 66. C 23. D 67. C 24. B 68. D MULTIPLE CHOICE 69. C 25. B 70. D 26. B 71. B 27. C 72. B 28. E 73. C 29. D 74. B 30. A 75. C 31. B 76. D 32. B 77. C 33. D 78. B 34. D 79. C 35. C 80. C 36. D 81. C 37. E 82. B 38. A 83. C 39. C 84. A 40. C 85. B 41. A 86. B 42. C 87. D 43. C 88. B

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