University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Academic Support Advisory Committee (ASAC) Proposal to Utilize Academic Support Services Fee funds currently in savings

1. Proposed projects must contribute to the academic resources and/or educational environment at the Anschutz Medical Campus. This academic relevance must be described fully in the Project Overview.

2. Funding requests must address all points in the template on the following page. Incomplete requests will not be considered and may not be re-submitted during the current funding period.

3. Funding is considered ‘one time’ for a project determined to be outside the scope of the original Academic Support fee referendum.

4. Budgets must represent a realistic and true picture of what is needed for the project to succeed. Academic Support Services Fee funds should be used ‘last’ to ensure projects are completed with these funds. These funds are intended to be used for one-time projects and not for ongoing initiatives with recurring expenses. Submitted budgets should document all available and committed funds and their sources.

5. ASAC within its authority will determine the amount of funding, if any, is available for funding projects at any particular time.

6. The determination of whether a project will move forward in the proposal/funding process is within the purview of ASAC, AMC Administration, and/or AMC Student Senate. This determination is final.

7. ASAC may determine if projects will be fully or partially funded before forwarding to AMC Student Senate for final approval. (we discussed possible partial funding during last night’s meeting – I’ve added that here) I also re-ordered 6/7 to reflect a more true order of how things will progress in the process.

8. If the project is approved and funded by ASAC and AMC Student Senate, ASAC will retain the authority to remove project funds if at any time it is determined that any use does not match the purpose/budget as originally submitted in this request. The timeline for completing the project can be up to two years from the original ASAC / Senate funding approval.

Spring 2012 9. Directors of approved projects will be expected to provide progress reports in person to ASAC during and at the conclusion of the project.

Questions regarding this proposal process may be directed to [email protected], Director of the Student Assistance Office, member of the Academic Support Advisory Committee.

Completed proposals are to be submitted to Regina Kilkenny, Co-Chair, Academic Support Advisory Committee. These may be dropped off at the Academic Resources & Services Office on the 5th Floor of the Education II North Building, Room 5101, delivered via post/campus email to 13120 East 19th Avenue, Campus Box A095, Aurora, CO 80045 or emailed to [email protected] with the subject line “ASAC Proposal.”

Proposal Template

Prepared by (NAME, TITLE, OFFICE/ORGANIZATION AFFILIATION): If proposed by a student organization attach a copy of the current Registration/Affiliation agreement. In addition, the advisor must attach a letter stating their willingness to oversee the completion of the project, including participating in the project’s Sustainability in Part II: C below. If additional department/s and/or administrator/s are also named as supporting the project, letters from each must be attached acknowledging acceptance of their respective specific area of responsibility as well as any financial contribution (if applicable).

Part I: Project Overview

A. Proposed Project – Description

B. Purpose/Justification: Purpose for project and its justification, including how your project will contribute to the academic resources and services, and offer a benefit to all students at AMC) Total project description and purpose/justification must not exceed 3 pages.

C. Supporting Data (Attach any helpful supporting information, tables, studies, etc.)

Part II: Overview of use of funds

A. Dollar amount requested (Note: funding from this source allows only a one-time request, no additional funding proposals for the project named above will be considered).

B. Other resources (What other sources of funding have you explored and/or secured?)

C. Sustainability of project

1. From where will future funding be acquired?

2. Which campus entity will provide administrative support for this project?

D. When are funds needed?

Part III. Budget (Attach) Please include the following:

Spring 2012 A. Total Revenue Note all revenue already realized, requested, and future funding of this project- including grants, departmental support, etc. Provide documentation of all supplementary funding for this project. If this project will generate self-sustaining funding, please provide the estimated annual revenue.

B. Expenditure Plan (Please provide a detailed budget including applicable price quotes. Note that University procurement policies will apply to all purchases, licenses or leases.)

My signature below acknowledges that all funding for this project will be used only for the stated purposes and will be reviewed periodically through a process established by the Academic Support Advisory Committee and/or AMC Student Senate. I understand and accept the conditions placed on the funding process as outlined above.

Name (print) Signature Date

Spring 2012