Build Words in Action into Core Programming

Program Connections: Sparks In My Community Keeper

– more information coming soon Program Connections: Brownies Key to Me #3 My Favourite Things > Is reading your favourite thing to do? Share your favourite book or author with your unit. Key to My Community #1 > My Neighbourhood > Service project Key to My Community #6 > Advertising All Around Us > Learn the importance of being media literate. Key to My Community > Community Counts Interest Badge > Service Project Key to STEM > Information Technology is “IT” > Learn the importance of computer literacy. Key to the Arts > Hurrah for Reading Interest Badge Key to Girl Guides > Helping Sparks Interest Badge > Meeting Activity #4, #7

Program Connections: All Branches Cybercitizen Challenge—Internet literacy WAGGGS Surf Smart—best for Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers

Words in Action website: Build Words in Action into Core Programming

Program Connections: Guides You in Guiding > Understand the Promise and Law and Motto #1 > use Meeting Activity # 11 to help girls learn the Guiding Promise and Laws. You in Guiding > Be Involved in Your Community #3 > Supporting Your Community through any of the five Words in Action Service Projects. You and Others > Learn About Leadership in a Group #1 > As a Unit, prepare various games and activities from the Meeting Activities, set up a Reading Tent, and invite Sparks or Brownies to a Literacy themed bridging event. You and Others > Learn How to Plan #1 to plan, organize and evaluate the Literacy themed event. Discovering You > Discover What’s Important to You #3 > Hold a Reflections meeting on the theme of Literacy. What does reading mean to you? Share a book with your unit and describe what makes it special or inspiring to you. Share characters, quotes and more. Interest Badges: Reading > Various > Reading Tent, Volunteer to Read, Meeting Activity #4 Writing > #1 > Meeting Activity # 5, #6 Writing > #8 > Meeting Activity #12 Event Planning > Various > Any of the five service projects, various Meeting Activities done as a Literacy themed event. Lady Baden Powell Challenge #4 > Any of the five Words in Action service projects. Program Connections: All Branches Cybercitizen Challenge—Internet literacy WAGGGS Surf Smart—best for Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers

Words in Action website: Build Words in Action into Core Programming

Program Connections: Pathfinders Canada Cord > Finding the Path > Bridging the Gap #3 > Various Words in Action activities, depending on the unit Pathfinders are bridging with. Canada Cord > Community Service Award > Creating Your Future > Lending a Hand #1 > Find organizations with a Literacy connection, and see which of the Words in Action service projects they would be interested in. For example, Read Aloud to children at a Women’s Shelter. Expand it for the Community Service Award. Canada Cord > Community Service Award > Expand on Creating Your Future > Lending a Hand #4 and hold a Read-a-thon to raise donations of books or supplies for the Literacy Backpack. Partner up with other girls for a reading marathon. Canada Cord > Creating Your Future > Event Planning Girls Stuff > Media and Image > Literacy does not only refer to reading printed words. It includes being media literate, knowing how to read the messages in mass media and find the balance between what is real and what is fantasy. Program Connections: Rangers Coming soon! Program Connections: All Branches Cybercitizen Challenge—Internet literacy WAGGGS Surf Smart—best for Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers

Words in Action website: