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HOME ADDRESS: 1362 Sebewaing Okemos, Michigan 48864 BUSINESS ADDRESS: Department of Osteopathic Medicine College of Osteopathic Medicine A-414B East Fee Hall Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 TELEPHONE: Business: (517) 355-0320 Home: (517) 349-8739 E-Mail [email protected] DATE OF BIRTH: November 2, 1944 MARITAL STATUS: Married, 3 children EDUCATION 1971 Ph.D. Applied Mechanics (Biomechanics) Michigan State University Thesis: A Constitutive Equation for Collagen Fibers 1968 M.S. Applied Mechanics Michigan State University Thesis: Rheological Properties of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament 1967 B.S. Mechanical Engineering Michigan State University Graduated with "Honors"
POSITIONS 1992-Present Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering Michigan State University
1992-Present Professor Department of Osteopathic Surgical Specialties Division of Orthopaedic Surgery Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine College of Osteopathic Medicine Michigan State University 1986-1992 Associate Professor Roger C. Haut page 2
Department of Biomechanics College of Osteopathic Medicine Michigan State University 1986-1992 Associate Professor Department of Materials Science & Mechanics College of Engineering Michigan State University 1983-1986 Adjunct Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering Wayne State University 1975-1986 Staff Research Scientist General Motors Research Laboratories Warren, Michigan 48090-9058 1971-1975 Associate Senior Research Engineer General Motors Research Laboratories Warren, Michigan 48090-9058 1970 Graduate Teaching Assistant Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 1967 Process Engineer Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation Bay City, Michigan 1966 Quality Control Engineer Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation Bay City, Michigan AWARDS 1971 Sigma Xi Graduate Student Research Award 1989 H. Ed Cabaud Award from the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine 1996 Innovation Award from MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine 2000 O’Donoghue Award from the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine 2000 Research Excellence Award from MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine 2001 Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003 MSU Distinguished Faculty Award PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Society of Mechanical Engineers Osteoarthritis Research Society American Orthopaedic Research Society Sigma Xi Society of Automotive Engineers PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS Roger C. Haut page 3
Current Editorial Consultant, Journal of Biomechanics Member, ASME Bioengineering Division, Honors Committee Member, ASME Bioengineering Division Y.C. Fung Young Investigator Award Committee 2000-2003 Member, CDC Injury Grant Review Committee (1997- ) 1999 Chairman, Biomechanics Study Section 2002 Chairman, Biomechanics Study Section Previous Associate Technical Editor, ASME, J. Biomechanical Engineering (1992-2000) Chair & Member, ASME Bioengineering Division, Industry Liaison Committee(1986-2000) ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Current
University Hearing Board, Michigan State University, 2000-2003. Salary and Merit Raise Committee, Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (1996- Member, Research and Graduate Studies Committee, College of Osteopathic Medicine (1999- Previous Chairman, Graduate Studies and Research Committee, Department of Biomechanics (1986- 1993) Executive Committee, Department of Biomechanics (1986-1993) Curriculum Committee, Department of Biomechanics (1986-1993) Chairman, University Graduate Council (1989-1990) Academic Council (1989-90) Executive Committee of Academic Council (1989-1990) Chairman, Graduate Studies and Research Committee, Department of Biomechanics (1987- 1994)) Executive Committee, Department of Biomechanics (1987- 1994 ) University Graduate-Professional Judiciary Committee (1989-91) COM Research and Graduate Studies Committee (1997-1998) MSM Awards and Recognition Committee (1998-1999) Chairman, Research Studies Committee, Department of Osteopathic Surgical Specialties ( 1998- 2000) Member, Institutional Biosafety Committee, Michigan State University, Subcommittee: Animals and Animal Pathogens (1994-2001) Safety, Space and Equipment Committee, Department of Mechanics and Materials Science(2000-2001) WORKSHOPS 1994 National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Biomechanics Research Planning Workshop SYMPOSIA (ORGANIZED) 1. Soft Tissue Mechanics II. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology. Los Angeles, California. September 15-19, 1984. Roger C. Haut page 4
2. Forum on Microstructure Related to Tissue Mechanics and Function. Biomechanics Symposium. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. June 14-17, 1987. PUBLICATIONS Manuscripts (peer-reviewed): 1. Haut, RC, Little, RW. Rheological properties of canine anterior cruciate ligaments. J. Biomechanics 2:289-298, 1969. 2. Haut, RC, Little, RW. A constitutive equation for collagen fibers. J. Biomechanics 5:423-430, 1972. 3. Haut, RC, Gadd, CW, Madiera, RW. Nonlinear viscoelastic model for head impact injury hazard. Society of Automotive Engineers Transactions, SAE 720962:2811-2817, 1972. 4. Haut, RC, Remmers, EP, Meyer, WW. A numerical method of film analysis with differentiation with applications in biomechanics. Proceedings of the Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers 57:53-61, 1975. 5. Viano, DC, Haut, RC, Golocovsky, M, Absolon, K. Factors influencing biomechanical response and closed chest trauma. Proceedings of the 7th IAATM/AAAM, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 67-82 , 1978. 6. Haut, RC, Remmers, EP, Meyer, WW. A numerical method of film analysis with differentiation. Transactions of the Instrument Society of America 18(4):15-22, 1978. 7. Haut, RC, Viano, DC, Garg, BD, Absolon, K. Golocosky, M. Cardiovascular response of an atherosclerotic animal model to thoracic impact. Proceedings of the 1st Mid-Atlantic Conference on Bio-Fluid Mechanics, 1:217-227, 1978. 8. Viano, DC, Culver, CC, Haut, RC, Melvin, JW, Bender, M, Culver, RH, Levine, RS. Bolster impacts to the knee and tibia of human cadavers and a part 572 dummy. Society of Automotive Engineering Transactions SAE 780896:1978. 9. Haut, RC, Garg, BD, Metke, M, Josa, M, Kaye, MP. Mechanical properties of the canine aorta following hypercholesterolemia. J. Biomechanical Engineering 102(2):98-102, 1980.
10. Haut, RC. Age-dependent influence of strain rate on the tensile failure of rat-tail tendon. J. Biomechanical Engineering 105(4), pp. 296-299, 1983. 11. Haut, RC. The influence of superficial tissue on response of the primate knee to traumatic posterior tibial drawer. J. Biomechanics 16(7):465-472, 1983. 12. Culver, CC, Haut, RC, Nusholtz, G. Significance of head-to-knee impacts: A comparison of dummy and cadaver responses. SAE 841662, Proceedings of the 28th Stapp Car Crash Conference, pp. 119-133, 1984. 13. Haut, RC. The effect of a lathyritic diet on the sensitivity of tendon to strain rate. J. Biomechanical Engineering 107:166-174, 1985. 14. Lee, MC, Haut, RC. Biomechanics of traumatic subdural hematoma due to failure of the parasagittal bridging veins. In: Head Injury Prevention:Past and Present Research, Ed. by L.M. Thomas and V.R. Hodgson, pp. 227-234 ,1986. Roger C. Haut page 5
15. Haut, RC. The influence of specimen length on the tensile failure properties of tendon collagen. J. Biomechanics 19(11):951-955, 1986. 16. Lee, MC, Haut, RC. Insensitivity of tensile failure properties of human bridging veins to strain rate: Implications in biomechanics of subdural hematoma. J. of Biomechanics 22(6/7):537-542, 1989. 17. Haut, RC. Contact pressures in the patello femoral joint during impact loading on the human flexed knee. J. Orthopaedic Research 7:272-280, 1989. 18. Haut, RC. The effects of orientation and location on the strength of dorsal rat skin in high and low speed tensile failure experiments. J. Biomechanical Engineering 111:136- 140, 1989. 19. Burks, RT, Haut, RC, Lancaster, RL. Biomechanical and histological observations on the dog patellar tendon after removal of the central one-third. Amer. J. Sports Medicine 18(2):146-153, 1990. 20. Haut, RC, Powlison, AC. The effects of test environment and cyclic stretching on the failure properties of human patellar tendons. J. Orthopaedic Research. 8(4):532-540, 1990. 21. Belkoff, SM, Haut, RC. A structural model used to evaluate the changing microstructure of maturing rat skin. J. Biomechanics. 24(8):711-720, 1991. 22. Haut, RC, Lancaster, RL, DeCamp, CE. Mechanical properties of the canine patellar tendon: Some correlations with age and the content of collagen. J. Biomechanics. 25(2):163-173, 1992. 23. Belkoff, SM, Haut, RC Microstructurally based model analysis of gamma irradiated tendon allografts. J. Orthopaedic Research. 10:461-464, 1992. 24. DeDeyne, P, Haut, RC. Some effects of gamma irradiation on patellar tendon allografts. J. Connective Tissue Research. 27(1):51-63, 1991. 25. Karol, LA, Doane, RM, Cornicelli, SF, Zak, PJ, Haut, RC, Manoli, A. In situ pinning of slipped capital femoral epiphysis: A biomechanical analysis after fixation. J. Pediatric Orthopaedics. 12:741-745, 1992.
26. Shores, A, Haut, RC, Bonner, JA. An in vitro study of plastic spinal plates and Luque segmental fixation of the canine thoracic spine. Prog. in Veterinary Neurology. 2(4):279-285, 1991. 27. Dombi, GW, Haut, RC, Sullivan, W.G. Correlation of high speed tensile strength with collagen content in control and lathyritic rat skin. J. Surgical Research. 54:21-28, 1993. 28. Lee, MC, Haut, RC. Strain rate effects on tensile failure properties of the common carotid artery and jugular veins of ferrets. J. Biomechanics. 25(8):925-928, 1992. 29. Linder, LH, Sukin, DL, Burks, RT, Haut, RC. Biomechanical and histologic properties of the canine patellar tendon after removal of its medial third. Amer. J. Sports Medicine. 22(1):136-142, 1994. Roger C. Haut page 6
30. Kibiloski, LJ, Doane, RM, Karol, LA, Haut, RC, Loder, RT. Biomechanical analysis of single versus double screw fixation in slipped capital femoral epiphysis at physiological load levels. J. Pediatric Orthopaedics. 14:627-630, 1994. 31. Lancaster, RL, Haut, RC Decamp, CE. Changes in the mechanical properties of patellar tendon preparations of spontaneously diabetic dogs under long-term insulin therapy. J. Biomechanics. 27(8):1105-1108,1994. 32. Belkoff, SM, Naylor, EC, Walshaw, R, Lanigan, E, Colony, L, Haut, R.C. Effects of subcutaneous expansion on the mechanical properties of porcine skin. J. Surgical Research. 58:117-123,1995. 33. Kamps, BS, Linder, L, DeCamp, CE, Haut, RC. The influence of immobilization versus exercise on scar formation in the rabbit patellar tendon after excision of the central third. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 22(6):803-811,1994. 34. Haut, RC, Atkinson, PJ. Insult to the human cadaver patellofemoral joint: Effects of age on fracture tolerance and occult injury. Proc. 39th STAPP Car Crash Conference. SAE 952729, 1995. 35. Haut, RC, Ide, TM, DeCamp, CE. Mechanical responses of the rabbit patello-femoral joint to blunt impact. J. Biomechanical Engineering. 117(4):402-408,1995. 36. Li, X, Haut, RC, Altiero, NJ. An analytical model to study blunt impact response of the rabbit p-f joint. J. Biomechanical Engineering. 117(4):485-491,1995. 37. Atkinson, PJ, Haut, RC. Subfracture insult to the human cadaver patellofemoral joint produces occult injury. J. Orthopaedic Research. 13:936-944,1995. 38. Newberry, WN, Haut, RC. The effects of subfracture impact loading on the patellofemoral joint in a rabbit model. Proc. 40th STAPP Car Crash Conference. SAE 962422, 1996. (1st Place in Student Paper Competition) 39. Haut, TL, Haut, RC. The state of tissue hydration determines the strain rate sensitive stiffness of human patellar tendon. J. Biomechanics. 30(1):79-81, 1997. 40. Newberry, WN, Zukosky, DK, Haut, RC. Subfracture insult to a knee joint causes alterations in the bone and in the functional stiffness of overlying cartilage. J. Orthopaedic Research 15(3):450-455, 1997.
41. Atkinson, PJ, Garcia, JJ, Haut, RC, Altiero, NJ. The influence of impact interface on human knee injury: Implications for instrument panel design and the lower extremity injury criterion. Proc. 41st STAPP Car Crash Conference. 1997. 42. Atkinson, TS, Haut, RC, Altiero, NJ. A poroelastic model that predicts some phenomenological responses of ligaments and tendons J. Biomech. Engrg. 119(4):400- 405, 1997. 43. Atkinson, TS, Haut, RC, Altiero, NJ. Impact-induced fissuring of articular cartilage: An investigation of failure criteria. J. Biomechanical Engineering. 120(2):181-187, 1998. 44. Atkinson, PJ, Oyen-Tiesma, M, Zukosky, DK, DeCamp, CE, MacKenzie, CD, Haut, RC. Patellar tendon augmentation after removal of its central third limits joint tissue changes. J. Orthopaedic Research 17:28-36, 1999. Roger C. Haut page 7
45. Atkinson, P, Haut, R, Eusebi, C, Hill, T. Application of a knee injury criteria for the Hybrid III dummy to address a variety of car crash and restraint scenerios. Proc. 1999 SAE International Congress & Exposition. 46. Newberry,WN, MacKenzie, C, Haut, RC. Blunt impact causes changes in bone and cartilage in a regularly exercised animal model. J. Orthopaedic Research 16:348-354, 1998. 47. Atkinson, PJ, Atkinson, TS, Lancaster, RL, Arnoczky, SP, Haut, RC, Weisbrode, SE. Breaking strength retention and histological effects around 1.3-mm ORTHOSORB polydioxanone absorbable pins at various sites in the rabbit. J. Foot & Ankle Surgery 37(1):42-47, 1998. 48. Atkinson, PJ, Walsh, JA, Haut, RC. The human patella: A comparison of three preparation methods. J. Histotechnology 21(2):151-153, 1998. 49. Atkinson, TS, Haut, RC, Altiero, NJ. An investigation of biphasic failure criteria for impact-induced fissuring of articular cartilage. J. Biomechanical Engineering. 120(4):536-537, 1998. 50. Garcia, J.J., Altiero, N.A., Haut, R.C. An approach for the stress analysis of transversely isotropic biphasic cartilage under impact load. J. Biomechanical Engineering. 120(4):608-613, 1998. 51. Atkinson, P, Atkinson, T, Haut, R, Eusebi, C, Maripudi,V, Hill, T, Sambatur,K Development of injury criteria for human surrogates to address current trends in knee-to- instrument panel injuries. SAE 983146. Proc. 42nd STAPP Car Crash Conference. 1998. 52. Oyen-Tiesma, M, Atkinson, J, Haut, RC. A method for promoting regular exercise in rabbits involved in orthopedics research. Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science. 37(8): 77-80, 1998. 53. Atkinson, TS, Atkinson, PJ, Mendenhall, HV, Haut, RC. Patellar tendon and infrapatellar fat pad healing after harvest of an ACL graft. J. Surgical Research. 79:25-30, 1998. 54. Atkinson, PJ, Newberry, WN, Atkinson, TS, Haut, RC. A method to increase the sensitive range of pressure sensitive film. J. Biomechanics. 31(9):855-859, 1998. 55. Newberry, WN, Garcia, JJ, MacKenzie, CD, DeCamp, CE, Haut, RC. Analysis of acute mechanical insult in an animal model of post-traumatic osteoarthrosis. J. Biomechanical Engineering. 120(6):704-709, 1998. 56. Atkinson, PJ, Mackenzie, CM, Haut, RC. Patellofemoral joint fracture load prediction using physical and pathological parameters. SAE 980358. Proc. 1998 SAE International Congress & Exposition. 57. Atkinson, PJ, Walsh, JA, Haut, RC. Detection of experimentally produced occult microcracks at the bone-cartilage interface. J. Biotechnic & Histochemistry. 74(1):27-33, 1999. 58. Banglmaier, RF, Dvoracek-Drikna, D, Oniang'o, TE, Haut, RC. Axial compressive load response of the 90º flexed human tibiofemoral joint. 99SC09. Proc. 43rd STAPP Car Crash Conference. pp 127-139, 1999. (3rd Place in Student Paper Competition) Roger C. Haut page 8
59. Atkinson, TS, Ewers, BJ, Haut, RC. The tensile and stress relaxation responses of human patellar tendon varies with specimen cross-sectional area. J. Biomechanics. 32(9):907- 914, 1999. 60. Garcia, JJ, Altiero, NJ, Haut, RC. Estimation of in situ elastic properties of biphasic cartilage based on a transversely isotropic hypo-elastic model. J. Biomechanical Engineering. 122(1):1-8, 2000. 61. Ewers, BJ, Haut, RC. Polysulphated glycosaminoglycan treatments can mitigate decreases in stiffness of articular cartilage in a traumatized animal joint. J. Orthopaedic Research. 18(5):756-761, 2000. 62. Atkinson, PJ, Haut, RC. Injuries produced by blunt trauma to the human patellofemoral joint vary with flexion angle of the knee. J. Orthopaedic Research. 19(5):827-833, 2001. 63. Bowker, RM, Atkinson, PJ, Atkinson, TS, Haut, RC. Effect of contact stress in bones of the distal interphalangeal joint on microscopic changes in articular cartilage and ligaments. Am. J. Veterinary Research. 62(3):414-424, 2001. 64. Badylak, S, Arnoczky, S, Plouhar, P, Haut, R, Mendinhall, V, Clarke, R, Horvath, C. Naturally occurring extracellular matrix as a scaffold for musculoskeletal repair. Clin. Ortho. & Rel. Res. 367S:S333-S343, 1999. 65. Ewers, BJ, Newberry, WN, Haut, RC. Chronic softening of cartilage without thickening of underlying bone in a joint trauma model. J. Biomechanics. 33:1689-1693,2000. 66. DeJardin, LM, Arnoczky, SP, Ewers, BJ, Haut, RC, Clarke, RB. Tissue-engineered rotator cuff tendon using porcine small intestine submucosa: Histologic and mechanical evaluation in dogs. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 29(2):175-184,2001. 67. Atkinson, PJ, Ewers, BJ, Haut, RC. Blunt injuries to the patellofemoral joint resulting from transarticular loading are influenced by impactor energy and mass. J. Biomechanical Engineering. 123(3):293-295, 2001. 68. Ewers, BJ, Devoracek-Disksna, D, Orth, MW, Haut, RC. The extent of matrix damage and chondrocyte death in mechanically traumatized articular cartilage explants depends on rate of loading. J. Orthopaedic Research. 19(5):779-784, 2001. 69. Atkinson, PJ, Haut, RC. Impact responses of the flexed human knee using a deformable impact interface. J. Biomechanical Engineering. 123(3):205-211, 2001. 70. Ewers, BJ, Weaver, BT, Sevensma, ET, Haut, RC. Chronic changes in rabbit retro- patellar cartilage and subchondral bone after blunt impact loading of the patellofemoral joint. J. Orthopaedic Research. 20(3):545-550, 2002. 71. Ewers, BJ, Weaver, BT, Haut, RC. Impact orientation can significantly affect the outcome of a blunt impact to the rabbit patellofemoral joint. J. Biomechanics. 35(12):1591-1598, 2002. 72. Shaw, N, Wertheimer, S, Krueger, J, Haut, R. A mechanical comparison of first metatarsal diaphyseal osteotomies for the correction of hallux abducto valgus. J. Foot & Ankle Surgery. 40(5):271-276, 2001. 73. Ewers, BJ, Jayaraman, VM, Banglmaier, RF, Haut, RC. The effect of loading rate on the degree of acute injury and chronic conditions in the knee after blunt impact. The Stapp Car Crash Journal. 44:299-313, 2000. Roger C. Haut page 9
74. Jayaraman, VM, Sevensma, ET, Kitagawa, M, Haut, RC. Experimental constraint can affect injury patterns in the human knee during tibial-femoral joint loading. The Stapp Car Crash Journal. 45:449-467, 2001. 75. Ewers, BJ, Jayaraman, VM, Banglmaier, RF, Haut, RC. Rate of blunt impact loading affects changes in retropatellar cartilage and underlying bone in the rabbit patella J. Biomechanics. 35(6):747-755, 2002. 76. Krueger, JA, Thisse, P, Ewers, BJ, Dvoracek-Dricksna, D, Orth, MW, Haut, RC. The extent and distribution of cell death and matrix damage in impacted cartilage explants varies with the presence of underlying bone. J. Biomechanical Engineering. 125(1):114- 119,2003. 77. Fenton, TW, DeJong, JL, Haut, RC. One unlucky blow: The etiology of a depressed skull fracture. J. Forensic Sciences. 48(2):277-281, 2003. 78. Khuri, J, Wertheimer, S, Krueger, J, Haut, R. The off-set V osteotomy with two point screw fixation for correction of hallux valgus. J. Foot & Ankle Surgery. 42(2):63-67, 2003. 79. Phillips, D, Haut, RC. The use of a non-ionic surfactant (P188) to save chondrocytes from necrosis following impact loading of chondral explants. J. Orthopaedic Research. (In Review) 80. Meyer, EG, Haut, RC. Tolerance of the isolated human knee to blunt force trauma significantly decreases for oblique versus direct oriented impacts on the patella. The Stapp Car Crash Journal. (In Review) 81. Weaver, BT, Ewers, BJ, Haut, RC. Enforced exercise softens and helps limit histological changes in retropatellar cartilage after blunt trauma to the rabbit patello-femoral joint. (In Preparation)
Other Manuscripts: 1. Haut, RC, Ide, TM, DeCamp, CE. Impact-induced damage to articular cartilage of the patello-femoral joint. 1st Symposium on Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics. Wayne State University. 1:13-26, 1991. 2. Haut, RC, Ide, TM, Walsh, JC, Robbins, J, DeCamp, C. Studies on the blunt impact response of articular cartilage: Animal experiments, human cadaver experiments, and mathematical modeling. Proceedings of the 2nd Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symposium. Wayne State University. (2):21-40, 1992. 3. Haut, RC, Shelp, D, Li, X, Altiero, N. Studies on the impact response of articular cartilage to blunt impact. Proc. of the Third Conference on Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symp. (3):177-200, 1993. 4. Shelp, D, Newberry, W, Li, X, Dalimonte, R, DeCamp, C, Altiero, N, Haut, R. Tissue damage resulting from blunt impact on the knee: Animal and cadaver studies. Proc. of Fourth Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symp. (4):43-62. 1994. Roger C. Haut page 10
5. Newberry, W, Atkinson, P, Li, X, DeCamp, C, Altiero, N, Haut, R. Tissue injuries resulting from blunt impact on the knee. Proc. 5th Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symp. 5:21-39, 1995. 6. Atkinson, P, Newberry, W, Staton, T, Garcia, J, Altiero, N, Haut, R. Animal and human studies on injury mechanisms during blunt insult to the knee. Proc. 6th Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symp. 6:137-160, 1996. 7. Atkinson, P, Garcia, JJ, Haut, RC, Altiero, NJ. Impact experiments on the knee: The influence of padding and flexion angle. Proc. 7th Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symposium. 7:53-64, 1997. 8. Newberry, W, Garcia, JJ, Altiero, NJ, Haut, RC. Post-traumatic osteoarthrosis- A stress- based criterion. Proc. 7th Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symp. 7:65-73, 1997. 9. Oyen-Tiesma, M, Newberry, WN, Haut, RC. Interventions for post-traumatic osteoarthrosis. Proc. 7th Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symp. 7:75-84, 1997. 10. Atkinson, TS, Altiero, NJ, Haut, RC. An investigation of failure criteria for impact induced fissuring of articular cartilage. Proc. 7th Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symp. 7:85-92, 1997. 11. Garcia, JJ, Altiero, NJ, Haut, RC. An approach for the analysis of anisotropic articular cartilage under impact load. Proc. 7th Injury Through Biomechanics Symp. 7:93-102, 1997. 12. Atkinson, T, Atkinson, P, Buetow, M, Bruning, D, Swann, K, Haut, RC. A retrospective study of unintentional knee injuries. Proc 8th Injury Through Biomechanics Symposium. 8:91-102, 1998. 13. Ewers, BJ, Newberry, WN, Garcia, JJ, Orth, MW, Haut, RC. Early diagnosis, possible treatment, and etiology of osteoarthrosis due to blunt impact of the rabbit patello-femoral joint. Proc 8th Injury Through Biomechanics Symposium. 8:103-115, 1998. 14. Newberry, WN, Garcia, JJ, Altiero, NJ, Haut, RC. A padded impact interface alters the stress state in subchondral bone and subsequent chronic remodeling in an in vivo animal model of post-traumatic osteoarthrosis. Proc 8th Injury Through Biomechanics Symposium. 8: 117-125, 1998.
15. Atkinson, P, Garcia, J, Ali, H, Altiero, N, Haut, R. Human knee impact injury thresholds and location vary with flexion angle and impact interface. Proc 8th Injury Through Biomechanics Symposium. 8:127-144, 1998. 16. Garcia, JJ, Altiero, NJ, Haut, RC. A method to determine material properties of biphasic cartilage based on a transversely isotropic model. Proc 8th Injury Through Biomechanics Symposium. 8:145-156, 1998. 17. Atkinson, P, Altiero, A, Eusibi, C, Maripudi, V, Hill, T, Sambatur, K, Haut, RC. A proposed model to transform cadaver knee injury criteria to the Hybrid III Dummy. Proc 8th Injury Through Biomechanics Symposium. 8:157-169, 1998. 18. Ewers, BJ, Dvoracek-Driksna, D, Orth, MW, Haut, RC. Urinary collagen crosslinks and lasting effects of polysulphated glycosaminoglycans in a traumatized animal joint. Proc. 9th Injury PreventionThrough Biomechanics Symposium. 9:23-36, 1999. Roger C. Haut page 11
19. Banglmaier, RF, Dvoracek-Driksna, D, Haut, RC. Response of the human tibiofemoral joint to axially compressive impact loads. Proc. 9th Injury Through Biomechanics Symposium. 9:7-22, 1999. 20. Haut, R. Blunt knee impacts causing a post-traumatic osteoarthrosis. Proc. 11th Injury Through Biomechanics Symposium. 11:16-20, 2001.
BOOK CHAPTERS 1. Biomechanics of Soft Tissue in Accidental Injury: Biomechanics and Prevention. Editors J. Melvin and A. Nahum. Springer Verlag. 2. Mechanical and Viscoelastic Properties of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament in The Anterior Cruciate Ligament: Current and Future Concepts. Editors: S. Arnoczky, S. Woo, C. Frank, and D. Jackson. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Raven Press. 3. Biomechanics of Soft Tissues in Accidental Injury: Biomechanics and Prevention. Editors J. Melvin and A. Nahum. Springer Verlag. 2nd Edition.
ABSTRACTS (Peer Reviewed) 1. Viano, DC, Haut, RC. Factors influencing biomechanical response and closed chest trauma in experimental thoracic impact. AAAM, Ann Arbor, MI, July, 1978. 2. Viano, DC, Haut, RC, et al. Biomechanics and kinematics of posterior cruciate ligament trauma. Proceedings 26th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, p. 19 (1979). 3. Haut, RC, Garg, BD, Mathe, M, Josa, M, Kaye, MP. Mechanical properties of the canine aorta following hypercholesterolemia. Advances in Bioengineering, ASME, pp. 35-36 (1979). 4. Garg, BD, Haut, RC. Morphology of the aorta following inflation rupture. Proceedings 32nd ACEMB, p. 166 (1979).
5. Haut, RC, Garg, BD. Mechanical properties of the hypertensive aorta. Proceedings 32nd ACEMB, p. 167 (1979). 6. Haut, RC. The primary restraint in the isolated knee joint during traumatic posterior drawer. Proceedings 3rd Annual Conference of the American Society of Biomechanics, p. 14 (1979). 7. Haut, RC. Some characteristics of skeletal muscle under dynamic lengthening. Advances in Bioengineering, ASME, pp. 321-324 (1980). 8. Haut, RC, Viano, DC, Vostal, JJ. Evaluation of the in vivo response to traumatic posterior tibial drawer. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 5:89 (1980). 9. Haut, RC. Age dependent influence of strain rate on the tensile failure of rat-tail tendon. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 8:85 (1983). Roger C. Haut page 12
10. Haut, RC. The sensitivity of skin to strain rate of loading. Proceedings 7th Meeting American Society of Biomechanics, p. 48 (1983). 11. Haut, RC. Correlation between strain-rate-sensitivity in rat-tail tendon and tissue glycosaminoglycans. ASME Biomechanics Symposium, pp. 113-116 (1983). 12. Haut, RC. Sensitivity of lathyritic tendon to strain rate. Proceedings 37th ACEMB, p. 344 (1984). 13. Haut, RC. Decou, JM. The effect of enzymatic removal of glycosaminoglycans on the strength of tendon. Advances in Bioengineering, ASME, pp. 48-49 (1984). 14. Haut, RC. Studies on the rate-sensitive failure characteristics of skin in tension. ASME Biomechanics Symposium, pp. 13-16 (1985). 15. Haut, RC. Impact studies on the canine knee model. Proceedings 9th Meeting American Society of Biomechanics, p. 117 (1985). 16. Dombi, GW, Haut, RC. The tensile strength of skin and correlations with collagen content. Advances in Bioengineering, ASME, pp. 95-96 (1985). 17. Lee, MC, Haut, RC. Strain rate effects on tensile failure properties of the human parasagittal bridging vein and the common carotid artery and jugular veins of ferrets. Advances in Bioengineering, ASME, pp. 111-112 (1985). 18. Haut, RC. The contact pressures on articular cartilage of the human knee during impact loading. Proceedings of the ASME Biomechanics Symposium, pp. 21-24 (1987). 19. Haut, RC, Dombi, GW. Studies on microstructural-mechanical correlations in connective tissues using reconstituted collagen analogs. Proceedings of the ASME Biomechanics Symposium, pp. 221-224 (1987). 20. Haut, RC, Kateley, JR. Effects of irradiation on the tensile failure properties of fresh frozen human tendon allografts. Proceedings American Association of Tissue Banks 11th Annual Meeting, September 28-30, 1987. 21. Rutherford, GW, Kateley, JR, Haut, RC. The effects of irradiation and freeze-drying on the mechanical properties of soft and hard connective tissue allografts. Proceedings American Association of Tissue Banks 12th Annual Meeting, August 21-24, 1988.
22. Haut, RC, Powlison, A, Rutherford, GW, Kateley, JR. Some effects of donor age and sex on the mechanical properties of patellar tendon graft tissues. Advances in Bioengineering, ASME, pp. 75-78 (1988). 23. Burks, RT, Haut, RC, Lancaster, RL. Biomechanical testing of patellar tendon after removal of its central one-third. 35th Mtg. Orthopaedic Research Society. February 6-9, 1989. 24. Haut, RC, Powlison, AC, Rutherford, GW, Kateley, JR. Order of irradiation and lyophilization on the strength of patellar tendon allografts. 35th Mtg. Orthopaedic Research Society. February 6-9, 1989. 25. Burks, RT, Haut, RC, Lancaster, RL. Biomechanical and histological observations on the dog patellar tendon after removal of the central one-third. 15th Annual Mtg. American Orthop. Society of Sports Med. June 19-22, 1989. Roger C. Haut page 13
26. Karol, L, Doane, R, Cornicelli, S, Zak, P, Haut, R, Manoli, A. In situ pinning of slipped capital femoral epiphysis: A biomechanical analysis after fixation. Annual Mtg. of Michigan Orthopaedic Society. June 22-24, 1989. 27. Lancaster, RL, Haut, RC, DeCamp, CE, Licciardello, DJ. A biomechanical study of the canine patellar tendon in juvenile diabetes. 13th Annual Mtg. Amer. Soc. Biomech. August 23-25, 1989. 28. Powlison, AC, Haut, RC. Effects of testing environment and cyclic loading on mechanical properties of human patellar tendon. 13th Annual Mtg. Amer. Soc. Biomech. August 23-25, 1989. 29. Doane, RM, Haut, RC, Karol, L, Manoli, A. Biomechanical analysis of the slipped capital femoral epiphysis with single and double screw fixation. 36th Mtg. Orthopaedic Research Society, February 5-8, 1990. 30. Karol, LA, Doane, RM, Haut, RC, Manoli, A. In situ pinning in slipped capital femoral epiphysis: A biomechanical analysis after fixation. 57th Mtg. Amer. Acad. Orth. Surg., Feb. 8-13, 1990. 31. Belkoff, SM, Haut, RC. A microstructurally based model of connective tissue. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Composites. June 11-14, 1990. East Lansing, Michigan. 32. Haut, RC, Curcione, PJ, Bonner, J, DeCamp, CE. Alterations in the structural and material properties of the canine femur with age and diabetes. 1st World Congress of Biomechanics. Aug. 30 - Sept. 4, 1990. San Diego, CA. 33. Haut, RC, DeDeyne, P, Curcione, PJ, Farquhar, AL. Thermal stability and solubility of collagen in patellar tendons after gamma irradiation. 1st World Congress of Biomechanics. Aug. 30 - Sept. 4, 1990. San Diego, CA. 34. Belkoff, SM, Haut, R.C. A method to evaluate the collagenous microstructure of skin. 1990 Winter Annual Mtging ASME. Nov. 25-30, 1990. Dallas, Texas. 35. Kibiloski, LJ, Loder, RT, Doane, RM, Haut, RC. Biomechanical properties of single and double fixed epiphysis under physiological loading conditions. 58th Mtg. Amer. Acad. Ortho. Surg., March 7-12, 1991.
36. Naylor, EC, Belkoff, SM, Walshaw, R, Haut, RC. Biomechanical properties of porcine skin after chronic and intra-operative clinical expansion. 1991 Biomechanics Symposium, ASME Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics Conference, June 16-19, 1991, Columbus, Ohio. 37. Belkoff, SM, Haut, RC. An evaluation of the spatial arrangement of collagen fibers in the rat dermis. 1991 Biomechanics Symposium, ASME Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics Conference, June 16-19, 1991, Columbus, Ohio. 38. Ide, T, Haut, R, DeCamp, C. An evaluation of impact induced trauma to articular cartilage using a rabbit model. 1991 Biomechanics Symposium, ASME Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics Conference, June 16-19, 1991, Columbus, Ohio. 39. Belkoff, SM, Haut, RC. A microstructural model used to study the effect of gamma irradiation on tendon allografts. Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies of USA, Japan and Canada. October 21-23, 1991, Banff, Alberta. Roger C. Haut page 14
40. An, KN, Tamai, K, Haut, RC. Effects of water content on tendon strength. Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies of USA, Japan and Canada. October 21- 23, 1991, Banff, Alberta. 41. Haut, RC. A research model of post-traumatic arthritis. 3rd National Injury Control Conference. April 22-25, 1991. Denver, Colorado. 42. Ide, TM, DeCamp, CE, Haut, RC. Measurement of the mechanical properties of articular cartilage following blunt trauma. Phi Zeta Research Meeting. May 1, 1991. Michigan State University. 43. Walshaw, R, Belkoff, SM, Naylor, E, Haut, RC. The effects of chronic and intra- operative skin expansion on the biomechanical properties of pig skin. Phi Zeta Research Meeting. May 1, 1991. Michigan State University. 44. Belkoff, SM, Haut, RC. A microstructural model used to study the effect of gamma irradiation on tendon allografts. Phi Zeta Research Meeting. May 1, 1991. Michigan State University. 45. Linder, L, Haut, RC, Sukin, D, Burks, R. A comparative biomechanical study of the dog patellar tendon after removal of the medial versus central one-third. Proc. 1991 ASME Winter Annual Mtging., Atlanta, GA. 46. Linder, LH, Kamps, B, Walsh, J, Haut, R, Render, J. Influence of forced exercise on healing of the patellar tendon following removal of its central third. Phi Zeta Research Meeting. May 10, 1992. Michigan State University. 47. Haut, T, Linder, L, Walsh, J, Render, J, Haut, R. Implantation of a tendon augmentation device using reconstituted collagen. Phi Zeta Research Meeting. May 10, 1992. Michigan State University. 48. Haut, R, Kamps, B, Linder, L. Biomechanical and histological assessments of the patellar tendon after removal of the central one-third. 39th Annual Meeting Orth. Res. Soc. Feb. 15-18, 1993. 49. Haut, R, Shelp, D, DeCamp, C, Robbins, J. Studies on the response of articular cartilage to blunt impact. 2nd World Injury Conference. May, 1993. 50. Shelp, D, Gu, H, Haut, RC. Alterations in the compressive characteristics of femoral cartilage 6 months after transection of the cranial cruciate ligament. 1993 ASME/AICHE/ASCE Summer Bioengineering Conference. Breckenridge, Colorado. June 25-29, 1993. 51. Hoonjan,A, Arnoczky, S,P, Gu, H, Wallon, JA, Haut, RC. A technique for measuring cell deformation in situ using a confocal laser microscope. Fourth Annual Phi Zeta Research Meeting. MSU, College of Veterinary Medicine. April 22, 1993. 52. Haut, R, Robbins, J, Gu, H, DeCamp, C. The influence of tissue stress on healing of the patellar tendon after its use in ligament reconstruction. 1993 Winter Annual Meeting of the ASME, New Orleans, LA. Nov. 28-Dec. 3. 53. Kamps, B, Robbins, J, DeCamp, C, Haut, R. The effect of post surgical loading on the biomechanical and histologic properties of the patellar tendon after removal of the central 10% and 40%. Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of ORS 19:620, 1994. Roger C. Haut page 15
54. Kamps, B, Robbins, J, DeCamp, C, Haut, R. The effect of forced exercise on the biomechanical properties of the patellar tendon after removal of the central 10% and 40%. 27th Annual Residents' Conference, The American Orthopaedic Association. Atlanta, GA. Mar. 23-26, 1994. 55. Haut, RC, Dalimonte, RT, Li, X, Altiero, NJ. Mechanical damage in the human p-f joint after blunt impact loading on the knee. Proceedings of the Second World Congress of Biomechanics. I(297a),1994. 56. Haut, RC, Li, X, Altiero, N. Response of a small animal p-f joint to blunt impact. Proceedings of the Second World Congress of Biomechanics. II(146b), 1994. 57. Newberry, WN, Shelp, DE, Atkinson, PJ, Haut, RC. The effect of temperature on the mechanical response of intact and scarified articular cartilage. Advances in Bioengineering. ASME. BED-28:73-74, 1994. 58. Newberry, WN, Shelp, DE, Coles, AX, Haut, RC. Chronic alterations in the physiologically relevant properties of cartilage after mechanical insult. 41st Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, February 13-16, 1995, Orlando, Florida., p. 383. 59. Staton, TA, Jayaraman, R, Haut, RC. Metabolic heating of feet in athletic shoes. Proc 1995 Summer Biomechanics Symposium. ASME. Beaver Creek, Colorado. June 28- July 2, 1995, pp. 483-484. 60. Haut, TL, Jayaraman, R, Haut, RC. Water content determines the strain rate sensitive stiffness of human patellar tendon. 1995 Advances in Bioengineering, ASME BED-Vol 31, pp 61-62. 61. Newberry, WN, Zukosky, DK, Walsh, JC, Haut, RC. Blunt trauma to a joint produces surface damage to cartilage with subsequent changes in subchondral bone. Proc. 42nd Ann Mtging Orthopaedic Research Society, 1996. 62. Atkinson, PJ, DeCamp, C, Kamps, B, Hespenheide, BM, Zukosky, D, Haut, RC. Healing response of the patellar tendon after removal of its central third and implantation of an augmentation device. Proc. 42nd Ann. Mtging. Orthopaedic Research Society, 1996. 63. Newberry, WN, Haut, RC. Regular, low-intensity joint loading accelerates a post- traumatic osteoarthrosis in the rabbit patello-femoral joint. Proc. 16th Ann. Mtging Soc. Phys. Regulation in Biology and Medicine, pp. 32-33, 1996.
64. Atkinson, PJ, Haut, RC. An method for determining regions of diarthrodial joint contact during dynamic loading of the human knee. Proc. 43rd. Mtging of the Orthopaedic Research Society, p. 656, 1997. 65. Atkinson, TS, Haut, RC, Altiero, NJ. Fissuring of articular cartilage during blunt insult: An investigation of failure criteria. Proc. 43rd. Mtging of the Orthopaedic Research Society, p. 824, 1997. 66. Garcia, JJ, Newberry, WN, Atkinson, PJ, Haut, RC, Altiero, NJ. Comparison of stresses in human and rabbit knees as they pertain to injuries observed during impact. Proc. ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference. pp 315-316. June 11-15, 1997. Sun River,Oregon. 67. Atkinson, T, Haut, R, Altiero, N. A microstructural poroelastic model for patellar tendon. Proc. ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference. pp 573-574. June 11-15, 1997. Sun River, Oregon. Roger C. Haut page 16
68. Singleton, C, Oakes, BW, Haut, R. Correlation of mean collagen fibril diameter and modulus in the repairing and normal rabbit patella tendon. Proc. Australian & New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society. pg 205, abstract OR12. 1997. 69. Oakes, BW, Singleton, C, Haut, RC. Correlation of collagen fibril morphology and tensile modulus in the repairing and normal rabbit patella tendon. Proc. Matrix Biology Soc. Aus N.Z., 1997. 70. Oakes, BW, Singleton, C, Haut, RC. Correlation of collagen fibril morphology and tensile modulus in the repairing and normal rabbit patella tendon. Proc. 44th Mtging of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 1998. 71. Newberry, WN, Garcia, JJ, Ewers, BJ, Haut, RC. Post-traumatic Osteoarthrosis is dependent on impact-induced stresees in cartilage and bone. Proc. 44 Mtging of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 1998. 72. Oyen-Tiesma, M, Newberry, WN, Haut, RC. Anti-arthritis drug helps mitigate early changes in a traumatized joint. Proc. 44th Mtging of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 1998. 73. Ewers, BJ, Newberry, WN, Garcia, JJ, Haut, RC. Alterations in the mechanical properties of bone underlying articular cartilage in a traumatized joint. Proc. 44th Mtging of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 1998 74. Haut, R, Atkinson, P, Garcia, J, Altiero, N. Impact model for the human patellofemoral joint. Proc. Third World Congress of Biomechanics. p. 117a. 1998. Invited Paper. 75. Haut, R, Newberry, W, Mackenzie, C. Post-traumatic osteoarthritis of the knee in subfracture experiments in an animal model. Third World Congress of Biomechanics. p. 148a. 1998. Invited Paper. 76. Haut, R, Atkinson, P, DeCamp, C, Mackenzie, C. Augmentation influences joint remodeling after removal of the central third of the patellar tendon. Third World Congress of Biomechanics. p.127b 1998. Invited Paper. 77. Fiechtner, J, Ewers, B, Mackenzie, C, Haut, R. Prevention of lapine post-traumatic osteoarthritis with polysulphated glycosaminoglycans (PSGAG). 62nd National Mtging American College of Rheumatology. San Diego, CA. Nov 8-12, 1998.
78. Atkinson, TS, Haut, RC. Epitenon connective tissue sheaths in tendon influence the relaxation response. 45th Mtging. Orthopaedic Research Society, 1999. 79. Ewers, BJ, Orth, MW, Haut, RC. Urinary markers of post-traumatic OA and effects of PSGAG treatment after insult. 45th Mtging. Orthopaedic Research Society, 1999. 80. Newberry, WN, Haut, RC. Subchondral bone thickening is not necessary for the degradation of cartilage in an animal model of post-traumatic osteoarthrosis. 45th Mtging. Orthopaedic Research Society, 1999. 81. Atkinson, PJ, Haut, RC. Occult injuries in the subchondral plate are precursors to gross fracture in an experimental model of impact injury in the human knee. 45th Mtging. Orthopaedic Research Society, 1999. 82. Banglmaier, RF, Oniang’o, TE, Haut, RC. Axially compressive impacts to the human tibiofemoral joint. 1999 ASME Summer Bioengineering Meeting. Roger C. Haut page 17
83. Ewers, BJ, Garcia, JJ, Altiero, NJ, Haut, RC. Modeling of the rabbit’s patello-femoral joint for studies of acute blunt injury to the knee. 1999 ASME Summer Bioengineering Meeting. 84. Ewers, BJ, Dvoracek-Driksna, D, Orth, M, Altiero, N, Haut, R. Matrix damage and chondrocyte death in articular cartilage depends on loading rate. 46th Mtging. Orthopedic Research Society, 2000. 85. Dejardin, LM, Arnoczky, SP, Ewers, BJ, Haut, RC. Tissue engineered rotator cuff tendon using swine small intestinal submucosa- Histological and mechanical evaluation in dogs. 46th Mtging. Orthopedic Research Society, 2000. 86. Atkinson, P, Ewers, B, Haut, R. Is impact energy the most important parameter affecting transarticular loading of the patellofemoral joint? 46th Mtging Orthopedic Research Society, 2000. 87. Atkinson, T, Haut, R. The influence of collagen fiber orientation on tendon creep and relaxation. 46th Mtging Orthopedic Research Society, 2000. 88. Sevensma, E, Ewers, BJ, Haut, RC. The effect of polysulfated glycosaminoglycan treatment on rabbit retropatellar articular cartilage after traumatizing the patello-femoral joint. Michigan Osteopathic Association Annual Convention, 2000. (2nd Place in Scientific Research Exhibit Competition) 89. Dvoracek-Dricksna, DM, Krueger, J, Peters, TL, Miller, M, Ewers, B, Haut, RC, Orth, MW. A comparison between interlukin-1 and acute load stimulated damage in bovine articular cartilage. Midwest Connective Tissue Workshop, Oct. 12-15, 2000. St. Louis, Mo. 90. Ewers, B, Krueger, J, Dvoracek-Dricksna, D, Orth, M, Haut, R. Chondrocyte viability decreases over 24 hours post-impact in a mechanicallly traumatized cartilage explant. 47th Mtging Orthopaedic Research Society, 2001. 91. Krueger, J, Dvoracek-Dricksna, D, Haut, R, Orth, M. Effects of pretreatment with glucosamine on mechanically traumatized cartilage explants. 47th Mtging Orthopaedic Research Society, 2001. 92. Thisse, P, Krueger, J, Ewers, B, Dvoracek-Driskna, D, Orth, M, Haut, R. A comparison of mechanically traumatized articular cartilage explants with and without underlying bone. University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum, Michigan State University, April 6, 2001. 93. Weaver, B, Ewers, B, Haut, R. Regular exercise is beneficial to a stable joint after trauma. 48th Mtging Orthopaedic Research Society, 2002. 94. Krueger, J, Haut, R, Thisse, P, Ewers, B, Dvoracek-Drickna, D, Orth, M. Underlying bone limits cell death and matrix damage in impacted cartilage explants. 48th Mtging Orthopaedic Research Society, 2002. 95. Jayaraman, V, Ewers, B, Banglmaier, R, Haut, R. Rate of blunt impact joint loading affects chronic changes in retropatellar cartilage and underlying bone in an animal model. 48th Mtging Orthopaedic Research Society, 2002. Roger C. Haut page 18
96. Clack, E, Ewers, B, Jayaraman, V, Haut, R. A hyperviscoelastic model for unconfined compression of articular cartilage under impact rates of loading. 48th Mtging Orthopaedic Research Society, 2002. 97. Fenton, TW, DeJong, JL, Haut, RC. Punched with a fist: The etiology of a fatal depressed cranial fracture. 54th Ann. Mtging Amer. Acad. Forensic Sciences, Feb 11-16, 2002. 98. Atkinson, PJ, Anseth, S, Raley, T, Kargus, R, Walter, N, Haut, R, Cooper, T. The frequency of bone bruising secondary to subfracture knee trauma. Ann Mtging Michigan Orthopaedic Society, June 21-23, 2002. 99. Phillips, D, Koch, A, Haut, R. Preservation of cell viability in cartilage explants following severe blunt trauma. 49th Mtg. Orthopaedic Research Society, 2003. 100. Haut, R, Jayaraman, V, Sevensma, E, Meyer, E. Anterior cruciate ligament rupture due to compression of the human tibiofemoral joint. 49th Mtg. Orthopaedic Research Society, 2003. 101. vonPfeil, DJF, Desjardin, LM, Weerts, R, DeCamo, CE, Haut, RC. Biomechanical comparison of interlocking nail and plate-rod fixation- An in vitro functional analysis in a canine tibial fracture model. Amer. Coll. Vet. Surg., Oct. 9-12, 2003. 102. Kirsch, JA, Desjardin, LM, DeCamp, CE, Meyer, EM, Haut, RC. Effect of an intramedullary pin on the mechanical properties of plate pantarsal arthrodesis: A comparative in vitro analysis in dogs. Amer. Coll. Vet. Surg., Oct. 9-12, 2003. 103. Atkinson, PJ, Anseth, SD, Walter, NE, Haut, RC, Cooper, T. Post-Traumatic, Non- Fracture knee injury patterns documented via MRI for 1,982 consecutive cases: Bone bruises and soft tissue lesions. Michigan Orthopaedic Society, June 13-15, 2003. (In Review) 104. Chan, PS, Schlueter, AE, Coussens, PM, Rosa, GJM, Haut, RC, Orth, MW. Gene expression profile of mechanically impacted bovine articular cartilage explants. International Symposium on Animal Functional Genomics, May 9-11, 2003, East Lansing, MI. 105. Rundell, SA, Haut, RC. Does equilibration alter the response of cartilage explants to blunt trauma? Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum, Michigan State University, April 4, 2003. (1st Place in Engineering/Mathematics category)
106. Weerts, R, Von Pfeil, D, Dejardin, L, DeCamp, C, Haut, R. Biomechanical comparison of interlocking nail and plate-rod fixation in a canine tibial fracture model. Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum, Michigan State University, April 4, 2003. Roger C. Haut page 19
FORMAL PRESENTATIONS 1. The rheological properties of anterior cruciate ligaments. Presented at the ASME 3rd Biomechanical and Human Factors Division Conference, June 12-13, 1969, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2. Nonlinear viscoelastic model for head impact injury hazard. Presented at the 16th Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-10, 1972, Detroit, Michigan. 3. A numerical method of film analysis with differentiation. Presented at the 24th International Instrumentation Symposium, May 1-5, 1978, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 4. Cardiovascular response of an atherosclerotic animal model to thoracic impact. Presented at the 1st Mid-Atlantic Conference on Bio-Fluid Mechanics, August 9-11, 1978, Blacksburg, Virginia. 5. Differences in the mechanical response between live and dead skeletal muscle. Presented at the 6th International Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research, October 23, 1978, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 6. Mechanical properties of the canine aorta following hyper-cholesterolemia. Presented at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, December 2-7, 1979, New York, New York. 7. The primary restraint in the isolated knee joint during traumatic posterior drawer. Presented at the 3rd Annual Conference of the American Society of Biomechanics, October 22-23, 1979, University Park, Pennsylvania. 8. Mechanical properties of the hypertensive aorta. Presented at the 32nd Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, October 6-10, 1979, Denver, Colorado. 9. Some characteristics of skeletal muscle under dynamic lengthening. Presented at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, November 17-19, 1980, Chicago, Illinois. 10. Evaluation of the in vivo response to traumatic posterior drawer. Presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, February 5-7, 1980, Atlanta, Georgia.
11. Age dependent influence of strain rate on the tensile failure of rat-tail tendon. Presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, March 8-10, 1983, Anaheim, California. 12. Correlation between strain-rate-sensitivity in rat-tail tendon and tissue glycosaminoglycans. Presented at the ASME Biomechanics Symposium, June 19-22, 1983, Houston, Texas. 13. The sensitivity of skin to strain rate of loading. Presented at the 7th Annual Conference of the American Society of Biomechanics, September 28-30, 1983. 14. Strength of the flexed knee during traumatic posterior drawer. Presented at the Michigan Technological University, May 10, 1984. Invited Lecture. 15. Sensitivity of lathyritic tendon to strain rate. Presented at the 37th ACEMB, September 17-19, 1984. Roger C. Haut page 20
16. The effect of enzymatic removal of glycosaminoglycans on the strength of tendon. Presented at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, December 9-14, 1984. 17. Studies on the strain rate sensitive failure properties of tendon collagen. Presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Bioengineering and Orthopaedic Sciences, August 6-10, 1984. Invited Lecture. 18. Studies on the strain-rate-sensitive failure properties of tendon collagen. Presented at Michigan State University, Department of Biomechanics, May 3, 1985. 19. Studies on the rate-sensitive failure characteristics of skin in tension. Presented at the ASME Biomechanics Symposium, June 24-26, 1985. 20. Impact studies on the canine knee model. Presented at the 9th Annual Mtg. Amer. Soc. Biomechanics, October 2-5, 1985. 21. Tissue biomechanics. Presented at Michigan State University, August 17, 1986. Invited Lecture. 22. The contact pressures on articular cartilage of the human knee during impact loading. Presented at the ASME Biomechanics Symposium, June 14-17, 1987. 23. Studies on microstructural-mechanical correlations in connective tissues using reconstituted collagen analogs. Presented at the ASME Biomechanics Symposium, June 14-17, 1987. 24. Studies on the mechanical properties of irradiated tissues. Presented to the Department of Pathology, Sparrow Hospital, Lansing, Michigan, November 18, 1987. Invited Lecture. 25. Current studies in biomechanics at M.S.U. Presented to the Department of Surgery, St. Lawrence Hospital, Lansing, Michigan, May, 1988. Invited Lecture. 26. The Effects of Irradiation and Lyophilization on the Mechanical Properties of Cloward Plugs. Presented to the Department of Pathology, Sparrow Hospital, Lansing, Michigan, June 29, 1988. Invited Lecture. 27. Influence of freezing, lyophilization, irradiation and rehydration on biomechanical features of bone dowels. Presented to the American Association of Tissue Banks 12th Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 21-24, 1988. Invited Lecture. 28. Some effects of donor age and sex on the mechanical properties of patellar tendon graft tissues. Presented at the 1988 Winter Annual Meeting of ASME, December 2, 1988. 29. Order of irradiation and lyophilization on the strength of patellar tendon allografts Presented at the 35th Mtg. Orthopaedic Research Society, February 8, 1989. Las Vegas, Nevada. 30. Effects of testing environment and cyclic loading on mechanical properties of human Patellar Tendon. 13th Annual Mtg. Amer. Soc. Biomech., August 23-25, 1989. 31. Alterations in the structural and material properties of the canine femur with age and diabetes. 1st World Congress of Biomechanics. August 30-September 4, 1990. San Diego, CA. Roger C. Haut page 21
32. Thermal stability and solubility of collagen in patellar tendons after gamma irradiation. 1st World Congress of Biomechanics. August 30-September 4, 1990. San Diego, CA. 33. Impact-induced damage to articular cartilage of the patello-femoral joint. Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symposium. April 12-13, 1991. Detroit, MI. 34. A microstructural model used to study the effect of gamma irradiation on tendon allografts. 2nd Annual Phi Zeta Research Meeting. May 1, 1991. Michigan State University. 35. Biomechanics of Soft Tissues. Symposium on accidental Injury: Biomechanics and prevention. November 16-17, 1991. San Diego, California. Invited Lecture. 36. Biomechanical studies on the patellar tendon after removal of a third for reconstruction. Orthopaedic Grand Rounds. Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, September 24, 1992. Invited Lecture. 37. Biomechanical studies on the patello-femoral joint after impact trauma. Seminar. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland. September 24, 1992. Invited Lecture. 38. Biomechanical and histological assessments of the patellar tendon after removal of the central one-third. 39th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. February 15, 1993. 39. Studies on the impact response of articular cartilage to blunt impact. Second World Conference on Injury Control. Atlanta, Georgia. May 20-23, 1993. 40. The Influence of Tissue Stress on Healing of the Patellar Tendon After Its Use in Ligament Reconstruction. 1993 Winter Annual Mtging. of ASME. New Orleans, LA, Nov. 28-Dec 1, 1993. Invited Lecture. 41. Mechanical damage in the human p-f joint after blunt impact loading on the Knee. Second World Congress of Biomechanics. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. July 10-15, 1994. 42. Soft tissue biomechanics and applications in orthopaedics. Solid Mechanics Seminar Series. Michigan Technological University, Dec. 16, 1994. Houghton, MI. Invited Lecture.
43. Some of my studies on the pathway towards a poroelastic model for tendons. AHFMR Visiting Lecturer. U. Calgary, Alberta, Canada December 5, 1996. Invited Lecture. 44. Alterations in the mechanical properties of bone underlying articular cartilage in a traumatized joint. A “brown bag” Seminar. Dept. of Biochemistry, Michigan State University, November 5, 1997. 45. Linking biomechanics to injury control programs. Invited Lecture. Fourth National Injury Control Conference. Washington, D.C. November 19-21, 1997. 46. Haut, R, Atkinson, P, Garcia, J, Altiero, N. Impact model for the human patellofemoral joint. Proc. Third World Congress of Biomechanics. Sapporo, Japan. Aug 2-8,1998. Invited Lecture. Roger C. Haut page 22
47. Haut, R, Newberry, W, Mackenzie, C. Post-traumatic osteoarthritis of the knee in subfracture experiments in an animal model. Third World Congress of Biomechanics. Sapporo, Japan. Aug 2-8,1998. Invited Lecture. 48. Haut, R, Atkinson, P, DeCamp, C, Mackenzie, C. Augmentation influences joint remodeling after removal of the central third of the patellar tendon. Third World Congress of Biomechanics. Sapporo, Japan,. Aug 2-8, 1998. Invited Lecture. 49. Haut, R. Biomechanics of Soft Tissues. Conference on accidental injury: Biomechanics and prevention. San Diego, Calif., Oct 23-24, 1999. Invited Lecture. 50. Haut, R. Studies of post-traumatic OA following blunt impact to the patellofemoral joint. Pennsylvania State University , Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation. March 6, 2000. Invited Lecture 51. Haut, R. Blunt knee insults causing a post-traumatic osteoarthrosis. 11th Annual CDC Work-In-Progress Monitoring Workshop: Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics. Atlanta, GA. Nov. 7, 2001. 52. Haut, R. Biomechanical studies on the blunt impact response of human knees and relevance to current injury criteria. Graduate Student Seminar, Michigan Technological University, November 29, 2001. Invited Lecture. 53. Haut, R. A post-traumatic osteoarthrosis: Intervention studies using an animal model. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Johns Hopkins University, January 17, 2002. Invited Lecture. 54. Haut, R. Underlying bone limits cell death and matrix damage in impacted cartilage explants. 48th Mtging Orthopaedic Research Society, Dallas, TX, February 9-13, 2002. 55. Haut, R. Traumatic injury of the knee: Intervention studies using an animal model. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, McClaren Regional Medical Center, July 10, 2002. Invited Lecture.
1. A model of connective tissue as an engineering composite material. M.S.U. Foundation. 3-13-87. 2. Stress-induced remodeling of connective tissue. Basic Sciences Research Grant. M.S.U. College of Osteopathic Medicine. 3-25-87. 3. Patellar tendon testing after removal of the central third in dogs. The Fund for Medical Research and Education. Wayne State University (Co-investigator: R. Burks, M.D.). 9- 4-87. 4. Acceleration of skin wound healing by the application of controlled mechanical stresses. A preproposal. Department of the Army. 11/9/87. Accepted for full-proposal status. 5. Shear strength of the slipped capital femoral epiphysis after fixation. The Fund for Medical Research and Education. Wayne State University (Co-investigator: A. Manoli, M.D.). 4-19-88.. Roger C. Haut page 23
6. Mechanical properties of the canine patellar tendon in naturally occurring diabetes mellitus. (Co-investigator with C. DeCamp, D.V.M.) Basic Sciences Research Grant. M.S.U. College of Veterinary Medicine. 5-12-88.. 7. A method of measuring the mechanical properties of skin in vivo. Research Excellence Fund. State of Michigan. 8-1-88. 8. Mechanical strength characteristics of human patellar tendon allografts. Michigan Tissue Bank, Lansing, Michigan. Research being conducted on a fee-for-service basis. 9. Mechanical properties of reconstituted collagen used for orthopaedic devices. Colla Tex Corporation. Fee-for-service basis. 10. The biomechanical strength of the single and double fixed epiphysis under physiological loading conditions. The Fund for Medical Research and Education. Michigan State University. 6-1-89/9-13-89. 11. Injury to articular cartilage following blunt impact. Centers for Disease Control. 9-1- 89/6-1-92. R49/CCR503607-01 12. Application of a composite materials model of biological tissue to evaluate the mechanical property changes in skin resulting from clinical expansion techniques. Research Excellence Fund. State of Michigan 1-90/12-90. 13. Biomechanical studies in orthopaedics. United States Surgical Corporation. 1990. 14. Biomechanical studies on various shoe designs. Wolverine World Wide. Brooks Shoe. 1990. 15. Biomechanical and histological analyses of the canine patellar tendon following removal of the medial one-third. Orthopedic Research and Education Foundation. PI - Dean C. Sukin, M.D., University of Utah; Co-Investigators - R. Burks, M.D. and R. Haut, Ph.D. 1990. 16. Scar formation in the rabbit patellar tendon. R.C. Haut, B.S. Kamps (M.D.). Basic Research Sciences Grant (COM) and All-University Research Initiation Grant. 10-29-90. 17. Development of a tendon augmentation device from reconstituted collagen. Foundation for Sports Medicine Education and Research. R. Burks, M.D., D. Sukin, M.D., R. Haut, Ph.D. 5/10/90 - 5/10/91. 18. Development of materials and shoe designs. Wolverine World Wide, Brooks Shoe Division, 1991. 19. Injury to articular cartilage following blunt impact. Centers for Disease Control. (1992- 1995) R49/CCR503607-04. 20. Development of materials and shoe designs. Wolverine World Wide, Brooks Shoe Division, 1992. 21. Development of materials and shoe designs. Wolverine World Wide, Brooks Shoe Division, 1993. 22. New materials concepts and theoretical models. Brooks Sport Inc., 1993. Roger C. Haut page 24
23. A first step towards the development of new orthopaedic implants. CO-PI B. Kamps, MD, and H.GU. McLaren Regional Medical Center and Women's Hospital Association, Flint, Mich. and the Brownell Fund of McLaren Regional Medical Center. 24. Development of a dummy lower torso FEA model. CO-PI D. Liu, PhD. Ford Motor Company. Gift. June,1994-June,1995. 25. Studies in athletic footware. Brooks Sport Inc., 1994. 26. Progressive changes in joint tissue after blunt trauma. Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. 1995-1998. 27. Biomechanical evaluation of an SIS graft. Depuy, Inc. 8/95-8/96. 28. Studies on footwear biomechanics and material designs. Wolverine Worldwide Inc. 6/95- 6/96. 29. Studies on footwear biomechanics and material designs. Wolverine Worldwide, Inc. 7/96-6/97. 30. Development of a shock absorbing insert for a shoe insole. Spenco, Inc. 1/96-12/96. 31. Biomechanical tests of bone cement using a lateral defect in the canine femur. Orthovita, Inc. Jan.-Feb., 1997. 32. Pilot study to evaluate the SIS graft for use as a patellar tendon augmentation device. Depuy, Inc., Feb.-Dec. 1997. 33. Biomechanical studies on the efficacy of SIS for shoulder reconstruction. DePuy, Inc. Aug. 1997 - July, 1998. 34. Blunt knee insults causing a post-traumatic osteoarthrosis. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 09-01-98 to 08-31-01. 35. Evaluation of a second generation SIS graft for shoulder reconstruction. DePuy, Inc. Aug, 1998-Aug 1999. 36. Studies on footwear biomechanics and material designs. Wolverine Worldwide, Inc. 7/97-6/98.
37. Studies on footwear biomechanics and material designs. Wolverine Worldwide, Inc. 7/98-6/99. 38. Evaluation of a new generation bone cement using a rabbit radius model. DePuy Orthopaedics, A Division of Johnson & Johnson, Inc. 5/31/99-7/1/00. 39. Studies on footwear biomechanics and material designs. Wolverine Worldwide, Inc. 7/99-6/00. 40. Studies on the use of an SIS graft for replacement of a torn ACL. Primedica Mason Laboratories. Feb 10-12, 2000. 41. Studies on footwear biomechanics and material designs. Wolverine WorldWide, Inc. 7/00-6/01. 42. Opportunities to re-design bicycling shoes. Specialized Bicycles. 5/15-8/15/2000. Roger C. Haut page 25
43. Evaluation of bone ingrowth, resorption, and mechanical properties of various ceramic bone substitutes: An in vivo comparative study in a rabbit tibial defect model. Depuy Orthopaedics, A Division of Johnson & Johnson, Inc. 6/00-6/02, (P.I.- Dr. L. Desjardin, CVM) 44. Evaluation of a new generation bone cement using a rabbit radius model. DePuy Orthopaedics, A Division of Johnson & Johnson, Inc. 7/00-8/00. 45. Impact test results of spenco and competitor insoles. Sport Biomechanics, Inc. 10/1/00- 11/1/00. 46. Energy absorption and impact force comparisons study of brine versus competitor soccer shinpads. Sport Biomechanics, Inc. 12/00-1/01. 47. Biomechanical evaluations on the ‘Shoe Spring’ shoe. Sport Biomechanics, Inc. April 3, 2001. 48. Knee joint injury: Prevention and intervention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 10/01/01 to 09/31/04. 49. Compression testing of shoe spring. Sport Biomechanics, Inc. June 22, 2001. 50. From lightweight composites to biocomposites. Research Excellence Fund, MSU Center for Composites Research, 2001-2002, In Review ( D. Liu, P.I.) 51. Effect of intramedullary pin-plate combination on the mechanical properties of pantarsal arthrodesis: A comparative in vitro functional analysis in dogs. Companion Animal Fund. College of Veterinary Medicine, MSU. 11/01/01-10/31/02 ( J. Kirsch, P.I.) 52. Torsional tests on the rabbit radius having a 4 mm 'healing' defect. Depuy Orthopaedics, Inc. A Division of Johnson & Johnson, Inc. 11/19/01-12/05/01. 53. Compression tests on Kemmler materials. Sport Biomechanics. Dec 18, 2001. 54. Studies on footwear biomechanics and material designs. Wolverine WorldWide, Inc. 7/01-6/02. 55. Studies on footwear biomechanics and material designs. Wolverine WorldWide, Inc. 7/02-6/03. 56. Compression testing of exposed-plate shoes. Sport Biomechanics, Inc. 8-29-02. 57. Effect of uncovering mid-sole plates in Mizuno shoes. Sport Biomechanics, Inc. 11-18- 02. 58. Evaluation of Dical using a healing bone defect model in rabbits. MPI Research, Inc. 12/15/03-3/15/03. 59. The development of better in vitro experimental models for the study of acute cartilage injury. 4/1/03-3-31-04. TRW Education Foundation. 60. Biomechanical comparison of interlocking nail and plate-rod fixation- An in vitro analysis in a canine tibial fracture model. Companion Animal Fund. College of Veterinary Medicine, MSU. 03/03-03/04. ( JFD von Pfeil, P.I.) Roger C. Haut page 26
61. A nutraceutical to protect joint cartilage from trauma. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 10/03-9/04. (In Review)
62. Chondroprotection for impacted equine cartilage explants. Grayson Jockey Club Research Foundation. 4/1/2003-3-30/05. (MW Orth, P.I.)
63. An In Vitro Model to Study the Initiation of Articular Cartilage Damage. Co-funded by the Michigan Animal Industry Coalition and Nutramax Laboratories. 7/01/01-6/30/03. (MW Orth , P.I.)
64. Wound Healing: Effects of Glycolated Soluble Chitins. NIH-SBIR grant. Co-sponsor Vanson HaloSource Corporation. 11/03/03-5/30/04. ( C. Mackenzie, P.I.) (In Review)
65. Compression testing of Spenco Ironman and competitor insoles. Sport Biomechanics, Inc. 4/2/03. Roger C. Haut page 27
TECHNICAL REPORTS 1. Haut, RC. Tensile failure properties of fresh frozen human tendon allografts: Effects of irradiation. Report to the Michigan Tissue Bank. 1987. 2. Powlison, AC, Haut, RC. Mechanical properties of cloward bone plugs: Effects of the order of sterilization and preservation treatments. Report to the Michigan Tissue Bank. 1988. 3. Haut, RC, Doane, RM. The biomechanical strength of the slipped capital femoral epiphysis after single and double screw fixation. Report to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Wayne State University. February, 1989. 4. Doane, R, Haut, RC, Probst, C, Soutas-Little, RW, Beckett, C. Biomechanical analysis of extraction responses for five types of cannulated bone screws. A Report to the ACE Medical Company, March, 1989. 5. Doane, RM, Haut, RC. Biomechanical properties of the slipped capital femoral epiphysis with single and double screw fixation under physiological loading. Report to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Wayne State University. December, 1989. 6. Haut, RC, Kincaid, VL, Walsh, J. An interim report to the U.S. Surgical Corporation on the resorbable hytrel yarn. March 16, 1990. 7. Haut, RC, Haut, T. An interim report to the U.S. Surgical Corporation on the L1/L6 hytrel yarn. July, 1990. 8. Haut, T, Haut, RC. Interim Report: Comparison responses of various covered yarns. Report to the U.S. Surgical Corporation. July 12, 1990. 9. Haut, T, Haut, RC. An interim report to the U.S. Surgical Corporation on the 2nd batch of L1/L6 hytrel yarn. September 6, 1990. 10. DeCamp, C, Haut, RC, Kamps, B, Kincaid, VL, Walsh, J. An interim report to the U.S. Surgical Corporation on morphology of the TAD. September 20, 1990. 11. Haut, RC, Kamps, B, Kincaid, VL, Walsh, J. Report to the U.S. Surgical Corporation on histological evaluation of the resorbable anterior cruciate ligament. November 12, 1990.
12. Linder, C, Robbins, J, Haut, RC. Interim report to Brooks on flexion tests of Hush Puppie Shoes, "Flexitech" and Brooks BPS shoes. January 4, 1991. 13. Linder, C, Haut, RC. Interim report to Brooks on flexion tests of Hush Puppie soles, "Flexitech." December 18, 1990. 14. Beckett, C, Haut, RC, Ide, T. Interim report to Brooks on controlled flexion of carbon fiber propulsion plates. July, 1990. 15. Ide, T, Haut, RC. Report to Brooks on heel strike compression testing. October 24, 1990. 16. Ide, T, Haut, T, Haut, RC. Interim report to Brooks on flexion tests of the Fusion shoe and New Graphite plate. August 28, 1990. 17. Ide, T, Linder, C, Haut, RC. Interim report to Brooks on flexion tests of carbon fiber plates. November 5, 1990. Roger C. Haut page 28
18. Ide, T, Haut, RC. Interim report to Brooks on flexion tests of carbon fiber plates and the GFS 110 shoe. September 17, 1990. 19. Linder, C, Robbins, J, Haut, RC. Interim report to Brooks on flexion tests of carbon fiber plates. November 8, 1990. 20. Robbins, J, Haut, RC. Westscot - CRP flex plates vs. Taiwan flex plates. A Report to the Brooks Shoe Company. February 1, 1991. 21. Implantation of a resorbable TAD and kennedy LAD into the central defect of the canine patellar tendon. A Technical Report to the United States Surgical Corporation. October 2, 1991.
TECHNICAL REPORTS - GENERAL MOTORS (RESTRICTED) 1. Haut, RC. Head severity indices from holloman air bag test series. GM 34-1620. October 28, 1971. 2. Haut, RC. Nonlinear viscoelastic model for head impact injury hazard. January, 1972. 3. Haut, RC. A numerical method of curve fitting and differentiation with frequency cut- off. January 19, 1973. 4. Haut, RC. Schreck, R. Trip report of visit to Michigan State University, Center for Laboratory Animal Resources. April 24, 1973. 5. Haut, RC. A study of the normal compression of superficial tissues of the human head. June 11, 1973. 6. Haut, RC, Nyquist, GW. Trip report of visit to animal care facilities at the Upjohn Co. and the G.D. Searle Co. June 22, 1973. 7. Haut, RC. Preliminary compression tests of muscle tissue. November 27, 1973. 8. Haut, RC. The dynamic state of postmortal muscle tissues. December 6, 1974. 9. Haut, RC. A model of the impact response of a viscoelastic layer. August 12, 1974.
10. Haut, RC, Remmers, EP, Meyer, WW. A numerical method of film analysis with differentiations with applications in biomechanics. March, 1976. 11. Haut, RC. Heart rhythmicity studies in the Macaca Iirus monkey during dynamic air cushion deployments. November 9, 1976. 12. Haut, RC. A method for characterizing the impact response of the superficial musculature. November 17, 1976. 13. Haut, RC. Inertia considerations in MTS actuator mounted diaphragm load cells. November 19, 1976. 14. Haut, RC. The mechanical degeneration of the descending aorta after prolonged in situ storage - A Pilot Study. March 14, 1977. Roger C. Haut page 29
15. Haut, RC, Viano, D. Effect of impact location and vascular sclerosis on biomechanical response and trauma in rabbits - Part I In vivo studies. April 20, 1977. 16. Haut, RC, Viano, D. Effect of impact location and vascular sclerosis on biomechanical response and trauma in rabbits - Part II In vitro studies. Marcy 20, 1977. 17. Haut, RC. A comparative evaluation of the mechanical properties of the skeletal muscle in an anesthetized animal and in the postmortem tissue. August 15, 1977. 18. Haut, RC, Garg, BD. The ultimate transverse mechanical properties of hyperlipidemic and hypertensive aortas from dogs. November 30, 1977. 19. Haut, RC, Garg, BD. The ultimate longitudinal mechanical properties of hyperlipidemic and hypertensive aortas from dogs. November 30, 1977. 20. Haut, RC, Viano, D, Golocovsky, M, Absolon, K. Factors influencing biomechanical response and closed chest trauma. March, 1978. 21. Haut, RC. The dynamic wall stiffness of the aorta during hyperlipidemia and hypertension in an animal model. March 17, 1978. 22. Haut, RC. Cardiovascular response of an atherosclerotic animal model to thoracic impact. April 18, 1978. 23. Haut, RC. Observations of aortic ruptures following dynamic inflation. April 27, 1978. 24. Haut, RC. A comparison of living and dead muscle in tension. June 20, 1978. 25. Haut, RC, Viano, D, Culver, C. Bolster impacts to the knee and tibia of human cadavers and an anthropomorphic dummy. November 14, 1978. 26. Haut, RC. Theory for the large deformation of blood vessels Part I: The design of an experiment. February 5, 1979. 27. Haut, RC. Biomechanical response of the human knee to posterior drawer deformation. March 2, 1979. 28. Haut, RC, Garg, BD. Morphological evaluation of the posterior cruciate ligament after mechanical testing. May 2, 1979.
29. Haut, RC, DeSilva, C, Viano, D. Constitutive equations for the large deformation- elastic response of biological structures using a general Timoshenko beam theory. May 4, 1979. 30. Haut, RC. Mechanism of isolated knee joint resistance at traumatic levels of posterior drawer. August 8, 1979. 31. Haut, RC. Primary restraint in the isolated knee joint during traumatic posterior drawer. October 22, 1979. 32. Haut, RC. An analysis of lower limb field injuries from 1974-1976 ACRS-equipped automobiles-A First Report. May 15, 1980. 33. Haut, RC. Effect of strain fate and maturation on the mechanical properties of tendon. February 17, 1982. Roger C. Haut page 30
34. Haut, RC. Biomechanical response of the human knee to posterior drawer deformation: II. Influence of skeletal musculature based on animal experiments. February 17, 1982. 35. Haut, RC, Viano, D, Vostal, JJ. Evaluation of the in vivo response to traumatic posterior tibial drawer. March 8, 1982. 36. Haut, RC. Age-related change in the strain rate sensitivity factor of skin tissue. April 26, 1982. 37. Haut, RC. Correlation between the strain-rate-sensitivity factor of rat-tail tendon and the concentration of tissue glycosaminoglycans. 38. Haut, RC. Measurement of strain-rate-sensitivity for the aging rat tail tendon. July 13, 1982. 39. Haut, RC. Mechanical properties of the canine aorta following hypercholesterolemia. May, 1980 (ASME). 40. Haut, RC. Some mechanical properties of in situ mammalian muscle in extension. July, 1982. 41. Haut, RC. The influence of superficial tissue on response of the primate knee to traumatic posterior tibial drawer. July, 1982. 42. Haut, RC. Age-dependent influence of strain rate on the tensile failure of rat-tail tendon. July, 1982. 43. Haut, RC. Some characteristics of skeletal muscle during dynamic lengthening. November, 1980. 44. Haut, RC. Correlation between strain-rate-sensitivity in rat-tail tendon and tissue glycosaminoglycans. January 4, 1983. 45. Haut, RC. Sensitivity of skin to strain rate of loading. 1983. 46. Haut, RC. and Culver, C. A study of impact interaction between an instrumented part 572 dummy head and the dummy knee. Jaunary 19, 1984. 47. Haut, RC. The influence of covalent cross-linking in collagen on the sensitivity of tendon to strain rate of tensile loading. February 16, 1984. 48. Haut, RC, Culver, C. A study of impact interaction between an instrumented part 572 dummy head and the cadaver knee. March 15, 1984. 49. Haut, RC. Sensitivity of lathyritic tendon to strain rate. March 30, 1984. 50. Haut, RC, Decou, JM. The effect of enzymatic removal of glycosaminoglycans on the tensile failure properties of tendon. April 26, 1984. 51. Haut, RC, Culver, C. A study of impact interaction between an instrumented part 572 dummy head and the cadaver knee, Phase II. May 10, 1984. 52. Haut, RC. The influence of covalent crosslinking in collagen on the sensitivity of tendon to strain rate. May 16, 1984. Roger C. Haut page 31
53. Haut, RC, Culver, C. Significance of head-to-knee impacts: A comparison of dummy and cadaver responses. June 7, 1984. 54. Haut, RC, DeCou, JM. The effect of enzymatic removal of glycosaminoglycans on the strength of tendon. June 28, 1984. 55. Haut, RC, DeCou, JM. The Effect of experimental lathyrism on the tensile failure properties of dorsal rat skin. July 31, 1984. 56. Haut, RC, DeCou, JM. The influence of water content on the strength characteristics of tendon - A First Study. August 7, 1984. 57. Haut, RC, DeCou, JM. The effect of osmotic dehydration by a nonionic solute on the tensile failure properties of tendon. August 27, 1984. 58. Haut, RC. Studies on the rate-sensitive failure characteristics of skin in tension. November 28, 1984. 59. Haut, RC. Lower extremity injuries in knee impact tests on the canine model - A progress report. January 24, 1985. 60. Haut, RC. The influence of orientation on the strain-rate-sensitivity factors of skin. March 26, 1985. 61. Haut, RC. The influence of specimen length on the tensile failure properties of tendon collagen. May 3, 1985. 62. Lee, MC, Haut, RC. Strain rate effects on tensile failure of the carotid artery and jugular veins of ferrets. May 22, 1985. 63. Lee, MC, Haut, RC. Strain rate effects on tensile failure properties of the human parasagittal bridging vein: A Progress Report. May 30, 1985. 64. Haut, RC, Dombi, G. Studies on the strength characteristics of reconstituted collagen fibril composites - A Feasibility Study. July 10, 1985. 65. Haut, RC, Lee, MC. Strain rate effects on tensile failure properties of the human parasagittal bridging vein and the common carotid artery and jugular veins of ferrets. June 25, 1985.
66. Haut, RC, Dombi, G. The tensile strength of skin and correlation with the collagen content. June 25, 1985. 67. Haut, RC. The influence of specimen length on the tensile failure properties of tendon collagen. June 25, 1985. 68. Haut, RC. Impact studies on the canine knee model. June 25, 1985. 69. Haut, RC. The tensile strength of skin and correlations with the content of collagen. January 16, 1986. 70. Haut, RC, Dombi, G. Tendon water content measured by NMR spectroscopy. September 16, 1986. 71. Haut, RC, Lee, MC. Biomechanics of traumatic subdural hematoma: Tensile failure of the human parasagittal bridging vein. December 4, 1985. Roger C. Haut page 32
72. Haut, RC. Contact pressures on articular cartilage of the human knee during Impact loading. September 30, 1986.
1. Patrick De Deyne, M.S., Biomechanics - Studies on the thermal stability of collagen following gamma irradiation. Completion date: 8/89. 2. Stephen Belkoff, Ph.D., Engineering Mechanics - A microstructural based mathematical model of skin as a fiber-reinforced composite material. Completion date: 6/90. 3. Robert L. Doane, M.S., Engineering Mechanics - Shear strength of the slipped capital femoral epiphysis after fixation. Completion date: 6/90. 4. Ronald Lancaster, M.S., Biomechanics - Age related changes in the mechanical strength characteristics of the canine patellar tendon. Completion date: 6/90. 5. Ellen Naylor, M.S., Biomechanics - A biomechanical and morphological analysis of surgically expanded skin using the porcine model. Completion date: 6/92. 6. Thad Ide, M.S., Engineering Mechanics - An analysis of impact-induced fissures in articular cartilage. Completion date: 6/92. 7. Cindy Linder, M.S., Engineering Mechanics - Mechanical and biological responses of the canine patellar tendon after removal of the central versus medial one-third for Ligament reconstruction. Completion date: 6/92. 8. Dennis Shelp, M.S., Engineering Mechanics - Mechanisms of traumatic insult to articular cartilage. Completion date 5/94. 9. Jeffrey Robbins, M.S., Biomechanics - The effects of post-surgical loading on the biomechanical and histological properties of the rabbit patellar tendon after removal of the central 10% and 40%. Completion date 8/93. 10. Amardeep Hoonjon, M.S., Biomechanics--Completion date 8/93.
11. Hai Gu, M.S., Materials Science and Mechanics--Completion date 5/94.
12. Xiaowei Li, Ph.D., Materials Science and Mechanics.—A criterion to predict damage in articular cartilage due to blunt impact. Competion date 5/94.
13. Rich Dalimonti, M.S., Materials Science and Mechanics. Completion date 12/94. 14. Patrick Atkinson, M.S., Materials Science and Mechanics. Completion Date 5/95. 15. William Newberry, M.S., Materials Science and Mechanics--Completion date 4/96. 16. Michael Esch, M.S., Materials Science and Mechanics—Biomechanical assessment of HTR as a pre-molded cranial plasty implant material. Completion date 11/96. 17. Ben Ewers, M.S. Materials Science and Mechanics. Completion date 4/97 Roger C. Haut page 33
18. Patrick Atkinson, PhD, Materials Science and Mechanics—A stress-based camage criterion to predict articular joint injury from subfracture insult. Completion date 6/98. 19. Theresa Atkinson, PhD, Materials Science and Mechanics—Experimental and analytical development of a poroelastic finite element model for tendon. Completion date 7/98. 20. Jose Garcia, PhD., Materials Science and Mechanics—A transversely isotropic hypo- elastic biphasic model of articular cartilage under impact loading. Completion date 8/98. 21. Michelle Tiesma, M.S. Materials Science and Mechanics—Completion date 5/99. 22. Richard Banglmaier, M.S., Materials Science and Mechanics—Completion date 5/99. 23. Ben Ewers, PhD , Engineering Mechanics—Correlation of stress and strain with alterations in cartilage and underlying bone following an impact in an in vivo animal and an in vitro explant model. Completion date 5/01. 24. Bryan Weaver, M.S., Engineering Mechanics---The analysis of tissue response following a rigid blunt impact in an in vivo animal model. Completion date 10/01 25. Vijay Jayaraman, M.S., Engineering Mechanics--- Completion date 12/01. 26. Dana Dvoracek-Driksna, M.S., Animal Science—Effects of mechanical impact on a bovine articular cartilage explant system. Completion date 8/01. 27. Jill Krueger, M.S., Mechanics--- Completion date 12/01. 28. Eric Clack, M.S., Mechanical Engineering/Mechanics--Expected 12/02. 29. Dan Phillips, M.S., Mechanical Engineering/Mechanics-- Expected 8/03. 30. Eric Meyer, M.S., Mechanical Engineering/Mechanics—Expected 8/04.
UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH 1. David Michelin, 1987 NIH Summer Trainee, College of Human Medicine. Effects of sex and age on the mechanical properties of irradiated patellar tendon allografts.
2. Jeffrey Bonner, Materials Science-Engineering (Senior Thesis: Fracture fixation of the canine lumbar spine). Co-investigator: A. Shores, D.V.M., Small Animal Clinical Sciences. Report: 6/89. 3. Peter Curcione, 1989 NIH Summer Trainee, College of Osteopathic Medicine. Structural and material properties of the canine femur in juvenile onset diabetes mellitus. 4. Thad Ide, Mechanical Engineering (Senior Project: Mechanical properties of traumatized articular cartilage), Report dated 8/90. 5. Colleen Kennedy, 1990 NIH Summer Trainee, College of Osteopathic Medicine. Cleavage of proteoglycans from collagen in articular cartilage following blunt impact. 6. Scott Hannum, 1991 NIH Summer Trainee, College of Osteopathic Medicine. Effects of surgically removing the central and medial thirds of the PT on PF joint pressure distributions. Roger C. Haut page 34
7. Robert Roth, 1992 NIH Summer Trainee, College of Human Medicine. The influence of stress on rehabilitation of the patellar tendon after femoval of the central third for ligament reconstruction. 8. Scott Camphausen, Materials Science (Senior thesis: Analysis of ASTM standard tests on materials used in athletic footware), 6/92. 9. Keith Sultana, Mechanical Engineering (Senior Project: Mechanical properties of the central third of the rabbit patellar tendon), 6/92. 10. Brenda Kenty, (Senior Thesis: The influence of cross-linking and diameter on the mechanical properties of reconstituted collagen fibers), 8/93. 11. Debbra Spanos, (Senior Thesis: Characterization of materials used in the athletic midsole), 5/93. 12. William Newbury,.(Senior Thesis: Feasibility study using electro-rheological fluids in athletic shoe designs), 8/93. 13. James D. Windon, (Senior Thesis: Design considerations for a Patellar Tendon augmentation device after removal of the central one-third for the reconstruction of the ACL), 8/94. 14. Antoinette Coles, B.S. G.E. Summer Research Program. The effects of impact location and energy on damage in the knee from impact. 6/1/94-8/15/94. 15. Tammy Cummings, (Senior Thesis: A comprehensive study on iliac crest blocks), 12/95. 16. Kurt Gardener, (Senior Thesis: Tensile properties of the human femur anterior cruciate ligament-tibia complex. The effects of strain rate and hydration), 1/97. 17. Veronica Robertson, (Senior Thesis: The design of a composite heel insert for a shoe insole), 1/97. 18. Glenys Thorensten, (Senior Thesis : The development and design of a device for non- destructive compressive testing of iliac crest blocks), 8-97. 19. David Raymond, ( Senior Thesis: A study of injury, decompression, and subsequent reconstruction of cervical spine lesions in the canine) 12/98 20. Thomas Koop, ( Senior Thesis: Studies on the sensitivity of articular cartilage mechanical properties to rate of strain) 21. Hasnin Ali, ( Senior Project: The development of a stress based injury criterion for the human knee) 5/98 22. Tete Eshiyonzo Oniango, ( Senior Thesis: Blunt impacts on the human tibio-femoral joint) 12/98. 23. Melissa Baetz, (Senior Thesis: Structural properties of the bovine patellar tendon and the effect of twisting the structure) 5/99 24. Brian Weaver, (Senior Thesis: The analysis of the trochlear wedge recession technique versus the trochlear block recession technique for a canine stifle suffering from medial patellar luxation) 5/99 Roger C. Haut page 35
25. Raelynn Deller, (Senior Thesis: The effects of twisting bovine patellar tendons and its relationship to human ACL reconstruction) 8/00 26. Jill Krueger, ( Senior Thesis: Determination of tensile strength of various concentrations of fibrin glue in vitro) 12/99 27. Alex Rucker, (Senior Thesis: Determination of the material properties of bone grafts in a rabbit radius subjected to torsion) 8/00 28. Eric Clack, (Senior Thesis: Design of a bicycling shoe flexural stiffness test and preliminary test results) 12/00 29. Masaya Kitagawa, (Senior Thesis: Injury patterns and internal loads in the human knee during tibial-femoral joint loading at various flexion angles) 8/01 30. Phillip Thisse, (Senior Thesis: A comparison of mechanically traumatized cartilage explants with and without underlying bone) 05/02, expected. 31. Noah Bartsch, (Senior Thesis: A transversely isotropic hypo-elastic biphasic model of articular cartilage under impact loading II- Updating the finite element software and expanding the applicability of the model) 8/01 32. Eric Meyer, (Senior Thesis: Effect of intramedullary pin-plate combination on the mechanical properties of pantarsal arthrodesis: A comparative in vitro functional analysis in dogs) 8/02. 33. Amy Koch, (Senior Thesis: ), Expected 8/02. 34. Robin Weerts, (Senior Thesis: ………) Expected completion 5/03. 35. Michael Sinnott, (Senior Thesis: …….) Expected completion 8/03.
TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Theory of Tissue Mechanics, BIM 812, Spring 1987 (developed a lecture manual). 2. Tissue Biomechanics, BME 481, Fall 1987.
3. Mechanics of Deformable Solids I, MMM 211, Spring 1988. 4. Theory of Tissue Mechanics, BIM 812, Fall 1988. 5. Experimental Methods in Biomechanics, BIM 871, Fall 1988 (developed course outline). 6. Basic Concepts in Biomechanics, BIM 500, Winter 1987 and 1988, selected lectures. 7. Mechanics I, MMM 205, Winter 1989. 8. Basic Concepts in Biomechanics, BIM 500, Winter 1989, selected lectures. 9. Theory of Tissue Mechanics, BIM 812, Fall 1989. 10. Experimental Methods in Biomechanics, BIM 871, Fall 1989. Roger C. Haut page 36
11. Theory of Tissue Mechanics, BME 481, Fall 1990. 12. Experimental Methods in Biomechanics, BIM 871, Fall 1990, 20%. 13. Mechanics I, MMM 205, Winter 1990. 14. Basic Concepts in Biomechanics, BIM 500, Winter 1990, selected lectures. 15. Mechanics I, MMM 205, Winter 1991. 16. Basic Concepts in Biomechanics, BIM 500, Winter 1991, selected lectures. 17. Theory of Tissue Mechanics, BIM 812, Fall 1991. 18. Experimental Methods in Biomechanics, BIM 871, Fall 1991. 19. Mechanics of Deformable Solids I, MMM 211, Winter 1992. 20. Mechanics I, MSM 205, Fall 1992. 21. An Introduction to Bioengineering, BME 311, Fall 1992. 22. Theory of Tissue Mechanics, BME 441, Spring 1993. 23. An Introduction to Bioengineering, BME 311, Fall 1993. 24. Biomechanics, COM Orthopaedic Residency Program, 1992-1996, monthly lecture series on video tape for 8 residency programs in Michigan. 25. Mechanics of Deformable Solids I, MSM 211, Spring 1994. 26. Mechanics I MSM 205. Fall 1994. 27. Mechanics of Deformable Materials, MSM 211, Fall 1995. 28. Theory of Tissue Mechanics, BME 441, Spring 1996. 29. Theory of Tissue Mechanics, BME 441, Spring 1997.
30. Integrative Clinical Correlations, OST 541, Fall 1997 (Lecture on Biomechanical Principles). 31. Mechanics of Deformable Materials, MSM 211, Spring 1998. 32. Mechanics of Deformable Materials, MSM 211, Fall 1998. 33. Theory of Tissue Mechanics. BME 441, Spring 1999. 34. Mechanics I, MSM 205, Fall 1999. 35. Mechanics of Deformable Materials, MSM 211, Spring 2000. 36. Mechanics I, MSM 205, Fall 2000. 37. Theory of Tissue Mechanics, MSM 441, Spring 2001. Roger C. Haut page 37
38. Mechanics of Deformable Materials, MSM 211, Fall, 2001. 39. Theory of Tissue Mechanics, MSM 441, Spring 2002. 40. Technical Writing, NSC 840, Course Facilitator, Spring 2002. 41. Neuromuscular Systems, OST 511, Summer 1993-2002, Selected (4) Lectures on Clinical Biomechanical Principles. 42. Mechanics of Deformable Materials, ME 222, Fall, 2002. 43. Independent Study, ME 490, 6 credits (2 students), Fall, 2002. 44. Theory of Tissue Mechanics, ME 495, Spring, 2003.