To: Graduate Council Members From: Sal Sanders, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies Date: October 21, 2013 Re: The next meeting of Graduate Council is scheduled for: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Graduate Council Conference Room, Coffelt Hall 3:30 p.m. 1. Election of officers a. Graduate Council Chair b. Graduate Council Secretary c. Graduate Student Recruitment and Retention Chair d. Policy Chair e. Assistantships Allocation Chair f. Grievance Chair g. Exceptions Chair h. Curriculum Chair-Samuel Adu-Poku 2. Approval of minutes from April 2013 meeting 3. Report of the Graduate Curriculum Committee (S. Adu-Poku) (bring September 26, 2013 Circulation Memo with you) 4. Economics 4+1 Masters Degree 5. Graduate program review 6. Bound Thesis/Dissertation copies 7. Graduate faculty membership applications

WCBA David Stout, Accounting and Finance STEM Gang Peng, Management Gary Walker, Biological Sciences Mark Womble, Biological Sciences CLASS Brian Leskiw, Chemistry Jeffrey Buchanan, English John Jackson, Chemistry Philip Brady, English Larry Curtin, Chemistry Steven Brown, English Sherry Lovelace-Cameron, Chemistry Dawna Cerney, Geography George Yates, Mathematics and Statistics Diane Barnes, History Guang-Hwa Andy Chang, Mathematics and Statistics Eleanor Congdon, History Jamal Tartir, Mathematics and Statistics Julie Blaskewicz Boron, Psychology Steven Kent, Mathematics and Statistics Frank Xiying Li, Electrical and Computer Engineering CCA&C James Andrews, Physics and Astronomy Adam Earnheardt, Communication Caroline Oltmanns, Dana School of Music HHS David Morgan, Dana School of Music Pamela Schuster, Nursing Glenn Schaft, Dana School of Music Kenneth Learman, Physical Therapy Suzanne Guiffre, Physical Therapy BCOE Richard VanVoorhis, School Psychology Dora Bailey, Teacher Education

8. Associate Dean’s comments 9. Interim Associate Dean’s comments 10. Next Meeting Wednesday, November 20, 2013 3:30 PM 2