County of Dunn
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COUNTY OF DUNN Planning, Resources, and Development Committee
* Land Conservation * Planning and Zoning * Register of Deeds * Solid Waste/Recycling * Surveying
In accordance with the provisions of Section 19.84, Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby given that a public meeting of the Planning, Resources and Development Committee will be held on July 14, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. at the Dunn County Government Center - Rm 58, 800 Wilson Avenue, Menomonie, Wisconsin. Items of business to be discussed or acted upon at this meeting are listed below:
1. Call to Order 2. Call of the Roll 3. Approval of Minutes: June 23, 2015 4. Public Comment(s) 5. Public Hearing(s) 6. Items Placed at the request of the Chair a. Future Agenda Discussion Items – To schedule by approximate date, items known by the department and committee members. 7. Staff Reports a. Presentation - Environmental Services Annual Report b. Written Environmental Services Annual Report can be found on the Dunn County Website. c. Dolly Catlin - Directional Planning Overview Powerpoint Presentation 8. Consideration for Actions to be Taken by the Committee a. Request to apply rental payments toward purchase price of In Rem property (Pt. NE1/4, SE1/4, Sec.32, T27, R14W, Town of Weston, PIN 1704222714324100004) b. Recommendation to the Committee on Administration for a Water Quality Contingency Fund Request of $1,000 which would serve as a match for the grant submitted by the Tainter/Menomin Lake Improvement Association to continue civic organizing for watershed and land management training. 9. Consideration for Reports, Resolutions and Ordinances to be recommended to the County Board 10. Announcements 11. Adjournment
______Bob Walter, Chairman