Application Pack s3
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Application Pack
Grade 9 (HEO/IO) Press Officer 12 months Fixed Term Vacancy Ref: 1486843
Acas Terms & Conditions
Working Hours:
This post is available on a full-time. Full time staff work a 5 day, 36 hour week (excluding lunch breaks). Staff working less than full-time are paid pro-rata for the number of hours worked.
The salary for this role is £32,149 - £36,487 (this includes a London allowance of £4,100). Annual holiday leave entitlement is 25 days rising to 30 days after 5 years completed service. In addition, we have one privilege day (the Queen's Birthday) and 8 public holidays.
Acas National, 22nd Floor, Euston Tower, 286 Euston Road, London NW1 3JJ.
Pension details – please visit
If you have a disability
Under the Guaranteed interview scheme (Two ticks logo) any disabled applicants passing the minimum criteria at sift stage will be invited to interview.
If it difficult for you to submit an application form in this format, please contact [email protected] . We can adjust the selection process to enable you to participate fully, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss your needs. Personal Details and Work History
Application Form
Press Officer
Please return your completed application form and your diversity monitoring form quoting the reference number to [email protected]
Applications must be received by 11:59 on Monday 6th June 2016.
Second Forename
No. Name Flat Address No.
Postcode Telephone No.
Mobile No.
Email Address
NB – If you presently work in Acas, please give your Acas email address for contact in the box above.
Please tick if you are a serving Civil Servant:
Please tick if you are a Civil Servant and you have been declared Surplus: Education & Qualifications Please provide information about secondary, further and higher educations, school, college, university, apprenticeships etc. Please start with the most recent. In addition, please provide details of any relevant training and development/professional qualifications undertaken. From To Establishment Qualifications Grade(s) Date NATIONALITY Since Acas is a non-Departmental Government body its employees must meet certain nationality requirements. This information will enable us to assess your eligibility. Country of Birth Present Nationality Nationality at Birth If not British Nationality, please state number of years resident in the UK Are you a British Citizen by: Birth Other Naturalisation (please give certificate number) Have you ever possessed or acquired Nationality or Citizenship of any country other than the UK? (Please give details)
What is your alien registration number? (if applicable) Are you subject to immigration control? Yes/No Are you free to live and work in this country? Yes/No
To help us arrange any necessary adjustments please let us know in the box below if you consider yourself disabled and any adjustments you require.
Disability Do you consider yourself to have a disability or a YES NO health condition (please tick)? (Under the Two Ticks scheme)
If you responded yes above; do you require any special arrangement or adjustment to help you attend an interview if you are successful at the sift stage? Please give details. Your answers will be treated confidentially and will not affect your application in any way. Career History
Please give details of all full-time and part-time work for at least the last 3 years.
Employer's name and Dates State position/grade held including type address and type of From To of contract and outline briefly the nature business of the work and your responsibilities Current:
Previous: Please list in order starting with the most recent.
Time Not Already Accounted For Give details of any time not already accounted for (including unemployment). References:
If you are an existing civil servant – we do not require references but please ensure that your line manager signs the last page of this application.
Please give names and addresses of one employer and one personal referee who have given their permission for their names to be used. They should be people who have known you well for the last 3 years and are able to comment on your experience and qualifications for the post, as well as your character and personal qualities. They should not be relatives or friends.
Employer's name and address, Dates Occupation type of business Period on which referee is able to comment on From To Employer:
Telephone Number:
Telephone number:
We may also need to contact your present and/or former employer(s). May we do so now?
Present employer Yes/No
Past employer(s) Yes/No
Previous employment with the Civil Service If not described above, please give details of any employment you may have had in the Civil Service. Include your grade, the name of department in which you worked, and whether it was a temporary or permanent appointment. KEY COMPETENCIES
Please give specific relevant examples, which demonstrate how you meet each competence. You should explain what you did, why and how you did it and what the outcome was. You must limit your examples to a total of 250 words per competency. Anything in excess of this will not be marked.
Please give examples which demonstrate these competencies; the example may be drawn from any part of your life – education, home, spare-time activities, voluntary or paid work. Briefly describe the context, the actions you took and the outcome of your actions. Please read ‘Information on how to fill in the application form’ before filling in this section.
Delivering at pace Civil Service Competency Framework (Level 3/HEO) Max: 250 Words
Effectiveness in this area means focusing on delivering timely performance with energy and taking responsibility and accountability for quality outcomes. For all staff, it’s about working to agreed goals and activities and dealing with challenges in a responsive and constructive way. For leaders, it is about building a performance culture where staff are given the space, authority and support to deliver outcomes. It’s also about keeping a firm focus on priorities and addressing performance issues resolutely, fairly and promptly.
Effective behaviours: Successfully manage, support and stretch self and team to deliver agreed goals and objectives Show a positive approach in keeping their own and the team’s efforts focused on the goals that really matter Take responsibility for delivering expected outcomes on time and to standard, yet allowing the teams space and authority to deliver objectives Plan ahead but reassess workloads and priorities if situations change or people are facing conflicting demands Regularly monitor own and team’s work against milestones or targets and act promptly to keep work on track and maintain performance Coach and support others to set and achieve challenging goals for themselves Insight (Government Communication Professional competency framework - IO Level) Max: 250 Words Competency 1: Insight - Gain an accurate and deep understanding of the issue(s). Use insight to identify target audiences and partners and to inform communication objectives, messages and solutions. (Please see the job advert for full details of the competency being tested) Ideas (Government Communication Professional competency framework - IO Level) Max: 250 Words Competency 2: Ideas - Develop the communication strategy and plan. Select channels and develop key messages and content for target audiences. Identify evaluation criteria. (Please see the job advert for full details of the competency being tested) Implementation (Government Communication Professional competency framework - IO Level) Max: 250 Words Competency 3: Implementation - Develop and implement effective communication strategies and plans. Work with stakeholders and partners to deliver communication. (Please see the job advert for full details of the competency being tested) Impact (Government Communication Professional competency framework - IO Level) Max: 250 Words Competency 4: Impact - Assess the impact and effectiveness of communication. Review achievement of objectives. Identify lessons learnt and share feedback. (Please see the job advert for full details of the competency being tested) Evidence of Essential and Desirable Criteria Please complete ONLY if you are an existing civil servant.
Please pass this form to your line manager to countersign with a copy of the vacancy details. Please also submit your last two annual reports.
Line Managers signature:
Please provide comments against each competence & confirm that the examples given are a true representation of the applicant’s abilities. Please note that by supporting this application, you agree to their release if they are successful.
Please provide comments if the applicant has a live warning on performance, attendance or discipline.
Signature Date
I declare that the information I have given is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that my application may be rejected or that I may be dismissed if I have given false information or failed to disclose relevant information.
Applicant Must Now Sign and Date This Form (please type your signature)
Electronic Signature: Date:
How did you hear about this job?
After each round of recruitment we review how and where we advertise jobs. We use this information to help us make sure we are reaching a diverse range of people effectively. Please mark the box below to let us know where you originally heard about the job.
Civil Service Portal Guardian Twitter Acas website Acas staff Other (please specify)
Please make sure you complete a Diversity Monitoring form to send in with your application.