AIAA Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Program
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AIAA/Central Florida Section Scholarship Application for Undergraduates Deadline for submission of applications may be found on the section website:
OBJECTIVE 1. Scholarship This criterion shall be evaluated on the basis of the applicant’s grade The objective of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics point average or its equivalent. A grade point average of not less than a (AIAA) is to advance the arts, sciences, and technology of aeronautics 3.3 (B+) is required. You must submit your official college transcript if and astronautics. The Institute encourages: original research; furthers selected as a recipient. the dissemination of new knowledge; fosters the professional development of those engaged in scientific and engineering activities; 2. Career Goals improves public understanding of the profession and its contributions; This criterion will be evaluated by assessment of a 500-1000 word fosters education in engineering and science; promotes communication typewritten essay. The essay should specify the career objectives of the among engineers and scientists, as well as other professional groups; applicant and should outline the academic program required to achieve and stimulates outstanding professional accomplishments. Funding is those career objectives. provided through the Central Florida Section of AIAA. 3. Recommendations This program was instituted in the spring of 2011 and now presents Each new applicant must include no more and no less than three (3) scholarships annually as follows, provided worthy candidates are typewritten letters of recommendation. All letters of recommendation available: $500 each to only one college sophomore, junior, or senior. may be attached to the application. Recommendations must be postmarked by the submission deadline. ELIGIBILITY 4. Extracurricular Activities Each applicant's high school, college and community activities, offices, The following eligibility requirements shall be met by applicants for the awards, and work experience will receive due consideration. AIAA Central Florida Section Undergraduate Scholarship Awards:
1. Applicant must be an AIAA member for a minimum of one year, ADMINISTRATION OF THE SCHOLARSHIP with the second year’s dues paid and must maintain membership PROGRAM through the academic year in which the scholarship is awarded. 1. General 2. Applicant must be enrolled at the University of Central Florida AIAA’s Central Florida Section Council, or a subcommittee thereof, (Orlando) or the University of Florida (Gainesville) in a program of will be responsible for selecting the recipients of the awards. The study directly related to aeronautical, astronautical, or aerospace Central Florida Section Treasurer shall serve as the custodian and engineering. disbursing agency for the scholarship funds and will be responsible for handling the administrative details of the program. This scholarship is 3. Applicant must have a college grade point average of not less than not renewable and does not have to be awarded. the equivalent of a 3.3 on a 4.0 scale; official transcripts will be required prior to receiving funds. 2. Publicity The AIAA Central Florida Section Undergraduate Scholarship will be 4. Applicant must submit a 500-1000 word career goals essay. publicized and the application made available through the AIAA student branches of the University of Central Florida and the University 5. Applicant must submit (3) letters of recommendation. At least one of Florida. of these letters must be from a professor from the student’s university. 3. Submittal of Applications 6. Applicant does not necessarily have to hold an officer’s position, The completed application (including letters of recommendation, but must participate in their respective AIAA student branch activities. essays, etc.) must be uploaded by the submission deadline for consideration. Students submitting their applications should include the 7. Applicants may be students of any nationality, not restricted by the essay mentioned herein under “Selection Criteria”. U.S. State Department.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to have a completed application SELECTION CRITERIA package by the deadline date. We recommend that all letters of reference be sent by the applicant with the rest of the application The recipients of the scholarship awards will be selected on the basis of package. the following criteria which are listed in order of importance: Required submission method: To: [email protected]. Subject: First Name Last Name Year AIAA Scholarship Application
4. Selection of Award Recipients The decision of the AIAA Central Florida Section Council, or a subcommittee thereof, is considered to be final and all candidates will be advised of the outcome 30 days following the submission deadline.
5. Disbursement of the Scholarship Awards Disbursement of the scholarship awards shall be made in the form of a check in the name of the recipient and sent to the educational institution of the selected candidate. Educational institutions attended by recipients will be notified of the scholarship awards so that the institution can coordinate the financial transactions.
6. Restrictions Anyone involved in an AIAA National Technical Committee, Education Committee, or other AIAA National Member Committee, or National Subcommittee is not eligible for this scholarship.
Instructions: 1) Please type all information. 2) Please read carefully the entire application form and attachment. Failure to follow the instructions precisely will result in disqualification. 3) If additional space is required, please continue on a separate sheet. Deadline for submission of applications may be found on the section website:
PERSONAL INFORMATION First/Given Name______Last/Family Name ______
City ______State/Province______Postal Code______Country ______
Telephone (Home)______(School)______E-Mail Address ______
For how many years have you been an AIAA Member?______
Current class rank ______of ______
List all your educational experience to date: High School & College(s) Attended Dates Attended Graduation Date Degree GPA (day/month/year) (day/month/year)
______OUT OF ___
______OUT OF ___
______OUT OF ___
Degree sought (Major)______
Indicate your class standing in your department as of application date: ( ) Sophomore ( ) Junior ( ) Senior
I confirm that this student is in good standing and that the class status indicated above by the applicant is accurate:
______AIAA Faculty Advisor Date
______Print Name Phone Did you receive an AIAA/CFS Undergraduate Scholarship last year? Yes No EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION
List related work experience during the last four years: Type of Work Employer/Company Dates of Employment (day/month/year) ______
EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION List high school, college and community activities, including offices held and awards received Organization Offices/Awards Dates of Involvement (day/month/year) ______
Signature of Applicant______Date______