Oregon Coalition of Addiction Studies Educators

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Oregon Coalition of Addiction Studies Educators

Oregon Coalition of Addiction Studies Educators Chemeketa Community College Bldg 48, Room 201 October 7,2011 10 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Meeting Notes

Participants: Ann Bonner (MHCC), Denna Vandersloot (NFATTC,) Kathleen Hannigan- McNamara (MHCC), Donna Hirt (CCC), Maureen Jenne (Emergence), Pauline Martel (ADAPT,) Garry Oldham (LCC), Wanda Urban (CCC), Monica Vines (COCC),

Guests: Jo Bell (CCWD), Karen Wheeler (OHA/AMH Administrator), Kerryann Woomer, (AMH Prevention)

I Introductions and selection of meeting facilitator, Donna Hirt II Minutes Read and approved from April 29, 2011. Agenda approved with timeframes adjusted for guest schedules. III Distance Learning Projects: Jo Bell reported on Comm. Coll. Workforce Development (CCWD) distance education initiatives, some projects now on hold, working out business plan, anticipating positive response from CC Presidents Council. Pending program informatics system. Student support program in development. Working with PCC Pearson Learning Studio that has mgt system of early alerts for students in trouble, quality mgt, and programs to track course, student and program outcomes, to ID pts for adjustment. Working with John Geibar for funded programs developed thru RACES. Future: Consortium agreement for managing funds, student enrollment attribution, etc. [Samples available from other disciplines like ‘green’ building mgt.] Jo would like to restart small workgroup: ID courses needed to fill in crosswalk, processes. Ann: Workgroup previously ID’d expanded crosswalk of all the courses for degree/ certificate beyond RACES core courses. Our meeting handout missing LCC courses. Jo may have abbreviated version of RACES project version. Jo proposed: incorporate RACES courses and ID updates, eliminations or additions for a consortium. Still to develop/decide: which courses to offer on-line, which in-person, which hybrid, etc., so all 17 CC can access where there’s demand. Goal: Local school owns students, local courses first, but consortium delivery system available to meet needs. Ex Tillamook, Klamath have need for health ed but not volume so distance ed thru Comm Coll OCASE Notes October 7, 2011 Page 2

Health Alliance (CCHA), with local practicum. Jo can do flow chart/diagram of this vision re. Counselor training programs, if OCASE desires it. Financial Aid biggest barrier: progress but delayed work till November. Eluminate video conferencing is a possibility. Need local coach /advisor esp. for our population where educators are gatekeepers/ provide socialization into career and may need to counsel some out of the field/not right fit (ex. can’t pass background checks). Health professional clinical preceptors program has pioneered how to work with students and faculty—Jo would want funding for this role for an addiction/human services consortium. Kathleen Hannigan-McNamara, Pauline Martel, Wanda Urban will do some virtual meetings w/ Jo to explore, bring to larger gp. Garry will add LCC courses to crosswalk for Jo’s project. Jo will email Monica name of reps from COCC.

IV Potential new members: Donna developed a list, Jan made some contacts. Ann invited a counterpart from Concordia College, who was not able to attend this time. Pauline suggested we continue to identify partners as we redefine our mission in light of pending shifts with human service and healthcare integration. Maureen will update contact list and distribute.

V DHS Abuse Record added to criminal background barriers for students: Pauline reported the two she hoped to recruit to the rules committee were unable to participate in the DHS process. She did report her agency’s success with an appeal to bypass the barrier via documentation of fitness to the job, for two of their hires. Empower Oregon is also helpful to guide thru process to get into practicum, then, if a student succeeds there, be able to get hired. (Shawn may have more information on this topic.) Suggests students be encouraged to ask agencies if they are employable with particular hx to screen/ decide in advance, before commitment to coursework.

VI Determining OCASE Goals / Direction for 2011 – 12: Garry, Denna, Donna led review, edit of prior mission statement from 2008. Those present agreed on: “The mission of the Oregon Coalition of Addiction Studies Educators (OCASE) is to foster collaboration among institutions, to refine addiction studies curriculum, create pathways through graduate education, and advocate for system changes to meet the needs of students, employers, and people with substance misuse and co-occurring conditions.” Broke for lunch. OCASE Notes October 7, 2011 Page 3

VII Guest: Karen Wheeler OHA / AMH Addictions Programs Administrator, on status of health integration project for Oregon. Intensely rapid change process: health care integration and Oregon Health Authority /AMH integration/reorganization. Working on definitions and terminology. HB 2009 broad course reform health care sys Coordinated Care Organizations (relationships of CCO and counties) and peer mentors /‘peer helpers’. Oregon Health Authority reorganization: shared admin services, as of July 1. Brings AMH new partners (PEBB OEB, private health partnerships), (health (insurance) exchange), Office Health Policy and research, others. DHS still determines elig for TANF, OHP. Closer relation with Insurance Commission. 2014 implement more MH and CD clients covered, increasing service demand. IOM report releasing today lists essential benefits in health pkg for national plan. Addiction svs create cost offsets so should be in there. Good reference: John Conner OHSU article. AMH web site: 703 people on OHP reduced expenditure by $3306 avg with AOD tx (MH too?). External workgroups shaping future of health care: CCO vs ACO, Outcome measurements, financing gp “global budget” (absolute $ caps). AMH: global budgets to counties/ local MH authorities, starting July1, 2012, with advisory boards re principles and elements. Align goals, measures, between providers, regions, payors. More universal data systems: new MIS WITS web infrastructure for Treatment Services (OWITS), include electronic records, (Alaska is using for MH and CD). “Meaningful Use Criteria” (for IT). For educators/ students: Karen provided two reference sheets to aid educators: SAMHSA/HRSA Resource list and printout of AMH webpage for updates on Health System Transformation. Students should understand cost offsets to physical health if address addiction (& stabilize MH), do research projects re this. Students prepared to state facts/figures showing benefits to bottom line including chronic disease mgt / prevention to save more $. Educated to articulate ways addiction should/can be treated as chronic disease and addressed accordingly. Prepared to function with primary care: docs, nurses, health educators / promoters / navigators. Vocabulary, collaborative attitude. Understand NIATx type interventions to engage, retain and do rapid cycle adjustments – not just wait for cl to come to office. Prepared for work night/weekend/ non-traditional settings, go to clients, less office based. Since field delivery is likely, will need more memorized information to be credible and effective with clients in homes, health care settings (can’t always access written materials). Future of group delivered services uncertain. OCASE Notes October 7, 2011 Page 4

The multiple health educator / connector and prevention roles in new integration vision may draw from our students. Be able to think/ talk about community issues of access to alcohol, drugs, because down the road, these will need to be part of planning to integrate efforts to contain costs/ promote public health. Counselors need up-to-date information about / acceptance of medication-assisted treatment. Students need to be prepared to use data systems/ input info into web-based system. (AMH John Collins & Leslie Mike trainers –students perhaps view OWITS web-based service provider tutorial so they get familiar with one?) Washington wants Masters or PsyD MH level to do behavioral education and motivation, and Thomas McClellan wants complete medicalization of AOD tx. Peer Delivered Services may be the route for AA level graduates. Karen’s suggestion: OCASE invite A&D policy Commission speaker for more perspective.

Guest: Kerryann Woomer, AMH Strategic Prevention Framework: – yr 3 of 5yr grant, high risk drinking in under 25 year olds. Youthful drinking, esp for males, sets pattern for long term. 11 counties and tribes chosen for projects for ages 18-25 – identifying consequences to intervene, Ex. UO filling prevention/intervention specialist position. Kerryann provided a summary sheet for this project.

OCASE Goals / Direction continued: Group reworked Goal 1: to state: “Academic Excellence in Integrated Behavioral Health Care Services”. Denna distributed copies of the updated Addiction Counselor Performance Assessment Rubrics, a timely aid per alignment with TAP 21. Additional competencies will need to be identified for integrated behavioral health and collaboration with many levels of health care. Discussion began for Goal 2 with tentative “Responding to Health Care System Changes through Networking and…..” but due to time limits and a desire to gather as much of the information regarding system changes that guests and members could supply, it was tabled to the next meeting, when this process will resume. Member agreements from prior meeting: a) Ann seeking information on the content of Behavioral Health curricula b) Donna and Jan may continue contact with instructors /representatives from other community colleges / UO / college programs to communicate with OCASE re. Program responses to health care integration movement. Still unknown: will AMH continue to reimburse OCASE members for travel over 100 miles.

VIII Peer Delivered Services OCASE Notes October 7, 2011 Page 5

Shawn Clark was ill and unable to attend. ADAPT is enrolling for delivery of their first training for peer specialists. Chemeketa obtained Perkins funding to develop peer training. Lane County has a functioning program for the ATR grant which pays for wrap-around services for eligible vets, prison releases and DHS parents. Peer-delivered services are eligible for funding via ATR. IX Updates and announcements from college programs and providers a. Central Oregon CC: Smaller increase than expected, 3%. Stabilizing. Trouble finding placements with CADCII supervisors, ex. Serenity Lane limited to MS level students. Redirecting students to get other hrs, wait for CADC hours later, on the job. b. Mt. Hood CC: Kathleen took over after Tom TenEyck, teaching addiction track. Infusing ASAM, MI, GAIN, TCU. Worked w Leslie to do psychopharmacology. Ann reported resolution to the labor dispute. c. Chemeketa CC: Program down 4%, going pretty well. Fundraiser in December. Panel with broad soc svs and medical. Bldg removed so program has new classroom and smaller room fitted with observation window and recording rooms. Cathy Buchet, MSW is the new instructor. d. Umpqua CC: Jan unable to attend. Via email: new administration seems favorable to program. e. UO: no representative. Tom has left UO, we will need to seek new contact there. f. Lane CC: Garry – Lane is participating in the national movement Achieving the Dream. The focus is on assessment and includes collecting specific program and student information that will allow the college to identify points in students’ academic career that influence student retention and success so a strategy can be designed to reduce barriers. g. Emergence: Maureen- some funding cut to corrections program was restored. High census in drug court because it’s one of few options for DA, PD. Seeing many more young opiate addicts. Adding ability to bill OHP for MH services. Efforts in Lane Co. to coord./integrate MH,CD, etc more. h. Treasure Valley CC: Frances Ramirez-Knight has taken over program coordination, she is in the Caldwell, ID center for TVCC and would like to attend OCASE thru virtual meetings in the future. Allan’s email has changed, now working for the State of Idaho. His future OCASE involvement unknown. i. Rogue Valley CC: No report. j. ADAPT- Doing well with integration of behavioral health and primary care. Pauline looking at transition to part-time work in the next year. k. Clackamas CC reportedly teaching 5 core CADC courses now.

X NFATTC Update- Denna Vandersloot a. Distributed Performance Assessment Rubrics. b. Funding for ATTC ends 2012, likely new configuration for behavioral health and health care integration. National move to align with 10 HRSA regions, (Alaska, OR, WA, Idaho. Pacific Islands drop out of region?) But budget cuts may affect this plan. OCASE Notes October 7, 2011 Page 6

c. Contracted with King Co. Seattle, North Sound Mental Health Admin to do lots of MI trainings and SBIRT. David Jefferson with NFATTC out of Bellingham, WA has nice 2 hr presentation on integration. d. New products: Motivational Incentives, online and PAMI (Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives) DVD package. 5 hr training ATTC network.org. bettertxoutcomes.org. Blending initiative, suite of products re Motivational incentives. $25 for 5 CEUs. 14 hr CEU online $70 Clinical Supervision (theory). Steve and John piloted new version in-person Clinical Supervision combo of 2-14 hr Parts 1 and 2 to total 16 hrs with some theory, for total of 30 hours to meet certification standards. XI Set Future actions and agenda items:

a. Next meeting will be Friday, February 10, 2012 at Chemeketa Community College 10 AM to 2 PM with TVCC conference connection b. Donna will reserve and confirm room, arrange TVCC connection c. Denna/Jennifer will reserve and confirm lunch and provide copies, (send to Jennifer for Denna to bring) d. Garry will facilitate OCASE winter meeting, continue Goals/Direction with strategic tips from Denna e. Maureen will send minutes, reminder and draft agenda f. Everyone to send agenda items to Maureen and Garry g. Agenda to include: Updates i. Distance Ed. Committee Report – members ii. Invite Shawn Clark again –update Peer Delivered Services iii. Resume OCASE Goals/Direction for 2011-12 -- Garry (& Denna) (update on behavioral health recruitments – Donna & Jan)

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