2 Outside Cern Assembly Sites 4

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2 Outside Cern Assembly Sites 4

ATLAS Pixel Detector

Assembly and Testing of the Pixel Detector System

ATLAS Project Document No: ABS item number Created: 28/06/01 Page: 1 of 12

ATL-IP-QA-0007 Modified: 17/01/2002 Rev. No.: 2.1

ATLAS Pixel Detector

Assembly and Testing of the Pixel Detector System

Abstract Version 15/11/01

This document describes the requirements for the assembly and testing of the pixel detector on the surface in the SR-building prior to its installation in the underground experimental area.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

G.Lenzen M.Olcese

Distribution List ATLAS Project Document No: Page:2 of 20 Error: Reference Rev. No.: Error: source not found Reference source not ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 3 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1

History of Changes

Rev. No. Date Pages Description of changes

1 22/08/01 General update 2.1 20/01/03 Editing for the Integration FDR ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 4 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1




2.1 Bi-Stave Integration [Eric V.]...... 4

2.2 Half Shell Assembly [Charlie, Bernd]...... 4

2.3 Disk Assembly [Gil]...... 5



3.2 Barrel assembly [to be updated by Charlie, Bernd]...... 9

3.3 Disk assembly [to be updated by Gil at al.]...... 9

3.4 Final integration of the pixel detector parts into the ITT [to be updated by Danilo/Andrea R.]...... 9

3.5 Service panels integration [Neal/Eric A.]...... 9


4.1 Fixed infrastructures...... 11

4.2 Specific mobile tools/equipment [Danilo]...... 12

5 TESTS...... 12

5.1 Survey and Mechanical tests [Danilo]...... 12

5.2 Electrical & electronic Test [Kevin]...... 12

5.3 System Test [Kevin]...... 12


7 APPENDIX A: BREAKDOWN OF PIXEL ASSEMBLY TESTS...... 14 ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 5 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1



This document describes how the pixel detector system will be assembled and tested in various Collaboration Labs and in the SR-building situated close to the CERN point 1 ATLAS pit.

It is assumed that the whole pixel detector including the B-layer and the ATLAS beam-pipe will be assembled and tested on the surface and then installed as a “package” into the ATLAS detector in the cavern.


The ATLAS pixel detector consists of three barrel layers and three disks each for the two disk sections as shown in Figure 1. The complexity of the detector and numerous test procedures necessitate the setting- up of different assembly sites where pixel sub-detector parts are assembled and tested before being sent to CERN.

Endcone Sectors Staves Barrel Shells Disk Rings

Disk Frame Barrel Frame

Endplate Disk Ring Mounts

Figure 1 The pixel detector.

The barrel Bi-staves will be mounted on half-shell supports in France (Marseille), Germany (Wuppertal) and Italy (Genoa), while the pixel disks will be mounted to the disk ring supports in the U.S. (Berkeley).

The assembly and testing of the pixel detector at CERN will take place under the following working hypothesis: ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 6 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1

The six barrel half shells (with a total of 112 staves) and six end-cap disks (with a total of 48 sectors) will arrive at CERN from the assembly sites fully equipped (including services) and tested. The overall support frame made out of three pieces (one barrel and two end-cap global support sections) fully assembled get to CERN. All tooling and equipment necessary for the final pixel detector assembly, test, and installation will be available at CERN. The beam pipe will be available by the time of the final assembly.

The assembly of the sub-detector parts and all further tests before the final installation in the cavern will be carried out in the SR-building at the ATLAS pit 1.

3.1 Bi-Stave Integration [Eric V.] Explanation of the Bi-stave assembly procedure and tools

3.2 Half Shell Assembly [Charlie, Bernd] Explanation of the Bi-stave assembly procedure and tools (HAS, SSBA&SSBC)

3.3 Disk Assembly [GBilil] Explanation of the assembly procedure of the operations performed within the SR-Buildingthe rings The disk system will be preassembled and partially tested at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory(LBNL) before arrival at CERN. The disk system consists of two identical disk frame sections with disk rings(see Figure 1). All disks are identical.

Each disk is composed of eight identical sectors, each with six pixel modules and associated local cables, a disk ring to hold the sectors and four mounts to attach the disk-ring assembly to the disk frame section. The status of these elements is as follows. Both disk frame sections have been fabricated. All disk rings have been fabricated. Disk ring mounts have been fabricated. Sector fabrication is in progress. These parts are shown in Figure 2. The location of the rings in the frame is fixed by drilling holes in the frame and precision bonding of mount parts. This has been fully demonstrated on a prototype but remains to be done for the production parts. It is planned to complete this step by July 2003. The assembly of production sectors with pixel modules onto disk rings is planned to begin in March 2004.

Sectors will be assembled and tested at LBNL. The locations of the pixel modules on each sector will be surveyed to locate the modules relative to the sector mounting holes. The sectors will be mounted by hand onto the disk rings(the hole locations on each disk ring will have been previously surveyed) using precision, custom fasteners(bolts).. We do not expect to survey the location of pixels modules once the sectors are attached to the disk ring(although this could be done if necessary).

Each disk ring will be mounted for assembly and testing in an aluminum “ring box” that will support the ring, provide access to mount sectors and support the local cables and the cooling tubes exiting from the sectors. The ring will also be tested in this box, which will provide a dry environment. Testing at LBNL will be done with liquid cooling. Note that each sector will be housed and tested in the same way in a ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 7 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1 sector test box before mounting on a disk support ring. This will included cold testing at the sector level but cold testing at the ring level is not planned, but could be implemented. At a minimum, two sectors at a time will be tested electrically after mounting on the ring. The capability exists to test a complete ring if necessary. The testing will occur as the (bi)sectors are completed on a ring. The design of the ring assembly and testing box has not started but will begin by September 2003.


Disk Ring Disk Frame

Figure 2 Photographs of a disk frame section, a disk support ring and a preproduction disk sector.

Each ring will undergo a trial insertion into it’s final location in a frame but testing will not occur in the frame. (Obviously trial insertions with just the mechanical structure will have already occurred). Cables and pipes from the disks are held by clamps(strain reliefs) that are attached to threaded holes in the disk frame. The location and suitability of these clamps will be tested in the trial insertion. The ring will be put back into its box and tested again after the trial insertion and removal. The tooling for this will consist of a simple rail system and cart to hold and adjust the disk frame section and another cart to hold a short cantilever tool holding the disk ring and the associated cables. The carts are moved together and the mounts engaged into the frame and tightened by hand. The design for this tooling has not started(except for those parts that are common to allow drilling mount holes in the frame) but will begin by April 2003.

Each ring box will be mounted in a custom shipping box for shipment to CERN after all testing is complete.

The two frame sections, the rings in their testing boxes and all tooling that was used for trial assembly at LBNL will be shipped to CERN to the SR building. The rings in their boxes will be unpacked and tested. Spare sectors will also be shipped. If a sector is somehow damaged, it will be replaced by hand at CERN and retested. The first testing with evaporative C3F8 will occur at onlyCERN(although a vacuum leak test will have occurred at LBNL). This testing will occur ring-by-ring, each in it’s own test box(augmented by local insulation) in a nitrogen environment. Insertion of rings into the disk frame section will then occur using the same tooling and procedures as done at LBNL. The need for a final survey of the disk positions at this point is not yet understood but will follow from trial insertion and survey using a touch CMM of just the mechanical parts at LBNL during summer 2003. ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 8 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1

4 THE SR-BUILDING ON THE ATLAS SITE [to be updated by Lenzen]

The assembly and testing of the ATLAS Inner Detector (Pixel detector, SCT, TRT) prior to its installation into the underground experimental area are foreseen on the surface in building 2175, the so-called SR- building, on the ATLAS pit 1 site. This building is already existing and was used so far by the LEP machine, but it has to be modified to match the needs of the ATLAS Inner Detector groups.

The SR-building is expected to be handed over of the Inner Detector groups after mid 2002!!!!!. Only then the detector specific tasks like the installation of cables and pipes for testing the sub-detectors will be performed.

A lot of requirements for the assembly and testing of all parts of the Inner Detector have to be taken into account. The building will be: air-conditioned (temperature 222 °C and humidity 4010 % controlled) moderately clean ( 30000 level cleanliness for the entire assembly area) equipped with additional local dust trapping equipped with local movable screens access controlled

No cold storage area for any detector element is foreseen.

The SR-building is subdivided into several zones (see figure 1), especially important are: a big assembly and test area of about 35.5m x 15.8m in common for the Pixel, SCT, and TRT parts of the Inner detector a specific area for barrel TRT and SCT integration and test a service areas for power supply racks and cooling system a control room a storage area as repository for tools and specific movable equipment.

The big common assembly and test area will be subdivided by means of local movable screens in order to satisfy the needs of all Inner Detector communities. The option of installing a separate air-handling unit (AHU) at a later stage for a possible class 10000 clean room will be kept open. ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 9 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1

Figure 1: layout of SR building

The sharing of part of the big clean area between the SCT, TRT and pixel detectors is posing no problem due to the foreseen later arrival of the pixel parts.

However, a trial assembly of the major pixel detector support structures is foreseen one year before the start of final assembly.

This trial assembly could be carried out in an area with no specific requirements in terms of equipment/systems as no tests are foreseen, except mechanical handling. Therefore it could be performed anywhere in the assembly area.

On the contrary, the final assembly and integration has to be performed in an area close to all the permanent installations and equipments needed to carry out the functionality tests.

The area which is currently allocated to the assembly and testing of the pixel detector has a size of 16m x 6m.

This area size is “just” the required minimum and its length is just sufficient for the final integration of the pixel package and hence cannot be reduced by any means. It is assumed that some tools and equipment for the assembly and testing will be stored in other areas when not in use.

If it turns out to be necessary, the local screens in the pixel, SCT and the barrel TRT assembly area can be moved after mutual agreement in order to reduce or enlarge the areas as needed by the individual ID communities. Though being cost effective, this flexibility in subdividing the area necessitates good communications and information in time between the three ID sub-groups. ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 10 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1

All power supplies and cooling racks/units will be located in the dedicated racks and services area. This room will be connected to the area foreseen for the pixel detector via cable and pipe channels under the floor in order to perform the necessary tests of the system.

The evaporative cooling plant in the SR-building is designed to be a common item for both SCT and pixel detector. The plant should be equipped with local manifolds so that a fast connection to the to be tested part of the Inner Detector (SCT and/or Pixel) is made possible.

It is under discussion to transfer a Milano group owned CMM from building 15 on the CERN 1 site into the SR-building. As its present floor only stands a load of about 500 kg/m2, a small part in the corner of the pixel area in the order of 4 m2 has to be reinforced for providing additional stability to the device during measurements.

The measuring volume of the CMM is about 1.0m x 0.8m x 0.6m and it weights about 1500kg.

The CMM will be used in particular forto survey the position of Bi-staves into half-shells : the survey of the barrel assembly possibly to survey the position of staves into half-shells the final survey of the pixel detector sub-assemblies, before the integration in the package.

The measurements performed by the CMM will then be merged with the measurements performed at each assembly site for sub-assemblies.

This step-by-step procedure should allow mapping the position of each individual module of the pixel detector with reference to a given co-ordinate system with a much higher precision than that which could be achieved with the manufacturing and assembly tolerances.

These measurements would give the initial input to a final more precise alignment of the detector in beam position, which will be performed with the help of particle tracks during operation. ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 11 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1


At the arrival at CERN of the six half shells of the barrel and the six disks an initial acceptance will be done in order to determine if damage occurred during shipment. Most of these structures have never been tested with the final evaporative system, so this initial test is meant also to check the performances of staves and sectors in real operating conditions before proceeding with any other assembly step.

This test will mainly consist of: a visual inspection System test: a full functional test of the modules (up to 10% of the total capacity at a time)

If a component on a stave or disk sector is found to be faulty a whole stave or disk sector is then to be replaced. No repair of any individual parts of a stave or sector foreseen in the SR-building. These repairs are either done in the home institutes (assembly sites) or in a specifically equipped building on the CERN site (for example building 186).

The full functional test with evaporative cooling will be repeated only after final integration of the system inside the Installation and Testing Tube (ITT).Dummy Support Tube (DST). Other intermediate basic functional tests of the modules will be carried out during the assembly.

A moderate gas cooling system with Helium is sufficient for this purpose, since it will allow to test module by module of one stave (13 modules/stave) or one disk sector (6 modules/sector) with a power of less than 100 Watt, avoiding the operation of the more complicated and powerful evaporative cooling system.

After having performed all initial acceptance tests of half shells and disks the complete assembly of the pixel detector will take place in five main steps: Llayer 1 and layer2 assemblyy: The Two half shell are clamped in one full layer layer 2 assembly Bbarrel assembly: layer 1 + layer 2 + barrel frame + end cones are integrated by means of the ITT. This procedure is called Barrel assembling Ddisk section assembly: Rings are assembled in the Disk Section Frame Packagefinal integration into the ITT: Beam pipe and B-layer are assembled with the barrel. Disks and services panels are installed too. The Package assembly is moved to the Dummy Support Tube. slide the barrel assembly into the ITT slide the beam pipe into the ITT through the barrel assembly clam-shell the B-layer around the beam-pipe, slide and fix it to the barrel part slide in the two disk sections and match them with the barrel part install the service panels and connect them at PP0 install a temporary thermal barrier around the ITT and perform the final system tests.

This rather recent assembly scenario of assembly leads to the fact that the B-layer is not independent any more from the other parts (barrel, disk sections). In fact, in order to take out the B-layer from the rest of ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 12 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1 the pixel detector, first both disk sections have to be removed to access the B-layer. Because of restricted space inside the ATLAS detector and remaining high radiation levels even after switching-off the LHC, this and any other operation is more conveniently done on the surface. Therefore the whole pixel detector is supposed to be taken again into the SR-building (by means of the ITT) in case of serious repair and maintenance.

The following sections explain in some detail the assemblingy and testing of the barrel and the disk parts of the pixel detector before the global assembly of the whole pixel detector is described.

The description of the assembly and testing of the pixel detector is brought to a sufficient level in order to identify the requirements of the SR-building in terms of tools and infrastructures.

The detailed breakdown of the assembly and testing steps with some basic description of procedures and tools needed is reported in appendix A1.

4.2 Barrel assembly [to be updated by Charlie, Bernd]

For schedule flexibility reasons the three layers of the barrel are assumed to arrive at CERN split in 6 individual half shell assemblies.

Each half shell will be safely supported and handled by a Shell Transfer Tool (STT), which is supposed to be removed only after the full shell is assembled.

Due to limitations in size of existing CMMs at the different assembly sites, it might be necessary to carry out the final survey of the staves on the half-shells by using the CMM in the SR-building. The detailed sequence of the pixel barrel assembly will be written down in a separate document (ATL-IP- AP-0006: Assembly and Testing of the Barrel Section of the Pixel Detector). Here after we summarise the major steps for the assembly and test of the pixel barrel part.

First of all full system tests will be carried out on each half shell assembly, following this basic procedure:

The inlet capillaries and the bi-stave U-links will be connected to the staves Temporary return cooling tubes are connected on each bi-stave The half shell is put into a cold box The evaporative system is connected to the staves and the power supplies and readout units to the module cables The functional test are carried out on the 10 % of the total modules at a time.

Then the two layers are assembled connecting together the relevant half-shells. This operation is carried out by means of a dedicated tool. ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 13 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1

No electrical or cooling tests are foreseen after the layer assembly, only a mechanical survey using the CMM will be performed.

When the two full layer assemblies are available, the barrel integration can start and will be carried out through the following major steps:

 The two end cones (long fingers extensions not in place) are mounted on layer 2  Layer 2 cables are fanned out along the end cones  The service rings of layer 2 are installed and the cable bundles are fixed to them  The capillaries are fanned out along the end cone, bent back on the barrel frame and the two temporary supports for services are removed from layer 2  layer 2 cooling tubes are connected to the staves and fixed on the service rings  Layer 1 finger extensions are connected on one end cone  Layer 1 is inserted in layer 2 bore and connected to the fingers at one side  Layer 1 finger extensions are connected to the second end cone and fixed to layer 1 structure  Layer 1 cables are fanned out along the end cones  The service rings of layer 1 are installed and the cable bundles are fixed to them  The capillaries are fanned out along the end cone, bent back on the barrel frame and the two temporary supports for services are removed from layer 1  layer 1 cooling tubes are connected to the staves and fixed on the service rings  the service strain relief brackets are installed on the end cones

The assembly of the barrel is carried out using a specific tool, which will occupy an area of about 3m x 1m.

Once a layer is mounted into the central global support frame and the cooling tubes up to PP0 are connected a test sequence of all staves of that layer is foreseen through the following steps:

Leak-tightness under vacuum and then under pressure of each bi-stave Basic module functional test, here the simple He cooling device is used.

After the assembly of layer 2 has successfully passed the tests, the assembly of layer 1 into the central global support frame will start.

The barrel pixel assembly is finished when layer 1 and layer 2 of the detector are situated inside their global support structure, and when both layers have passed above described tests.

At this stage a survey of the relative position of the two barrel layers with respect to the alignment features on the outer frame is carried out (using the CMM in situ). ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 14 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1

4.3 Disk assembly [to be updated by Gil at al.]

As already mentioned in before it is not yet finally decided whether 6 individual disks or two disk sections with 3 disks each in their local support frame will be delivered to CERN from the US assembly site. In case only individual disks will arrive at CERN, the two disk sections have to be assembled, and then basic geometrical and functional tests will follow.

As in the case of the barrel there will be a separate document (ATL-IP-AP-0007: Assembly and Testing of the Disk Sections of the Pixel Detector) describing in detail the end-cap pixel assembly.

Initial tests of each disk will be carried out with a similar protocol than the barrel half shells. Then the disks will be built into the two forward global support structures. During and after the assembly of the two disk sections the same tests as during the barrel assembly are carried out. A final survey of the position of each disk with respect to outer reference features on the global support frame will be also performed. The two frame sections, the rings in their testing boxes and all tooling that was used for trial assembly at LBNL will be shipped to CERN to the SR building. The rings in their boxes will be unpacked and tested. Spare sectors will also be shipped. If a sector is somehow damaged, it will be replaced by hand at CERN and retested. The first testing with evaporative C3F8 will occur at onlyCERN(although a vacuum leak test will have occurred at LBNL). This testing will occur ring-by-ring, each in it’s own test box(augmented by local insulation) in a nitrogen environment. Insertion of rings into the disk frame section will then occur using the same tooling and procedures as done at LBNL. The need for a final optical survey of the disk positions at this point is not yet understood but will follow from trial insertion and survey using a touch CMM of just the mechanical parts at LBNL during summer 2003.

4.4 Final integration of the pixel detector parts into the ITT [to be updated by Danilo/Andrea R.]

The detailed procedures for the integration and testing of the pixel system into the ITT are described in the document: ATL-IP-AP-0003 currently under preparation. After having assembled and tested the barrel and both forward parts of the pixel detector, these three parts will have to be integrated to form with the B-layer, the service panels and the beam-pipe the “pixel detector system”. Though the beam pipe is not a subject to work on by the pixel group, it nevertheless is a key element for the assembly of the pixel detector, and the whole pixel assembly and test procedures depend on the availability of the beam-pipe in time.

The B-layer will be tested after arrival at CERN in the same way than the barrel and the two disk parts. Leak-tightness and full functional tests for all B-layer staves are to be performed.

The service panels will have to be initially tested as well. Besides a visual inspection upon arrival in the SR-building, some electrical tests will have to be foreseen in order to make sure that all the cable connectivity and opto-link functionality are still performing correctly. ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 15 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1

The ITT function is both to work as an integration tool during the assembly (supporting parts sliding relative each other) and to provide a temporary support of the pixel detector system prior to the installation.

The ITT will occupy an area of about 7m x 1m .

The overall assembly of the pixel detector starts with the installation of the beam-pipe inside the ITT.

The barrel assembly with its pixel layers 1 and 2 will then slide along the beam-pipe to its final position. This operation will require temporary sliding pads mounted on the barrel frame and resting on the ITT rails to keep the barrel co-axial with the beam pipe.

Then the B-layer, consisting of two half shells, will be clam-shelled, by means of a specific tool, around the beam pipe, slid into the pixel barrel part and be bolted there.

Only after these two operations the two disk sections will slide into the ITT and match the barrel part. This activity will require a specific tool to keep the two disk sections aligned (coaxial) to the barrel during the insertion inside the barrel cooling tubes.

As last step service panels are inserted into the ITT and connected at PP0.

After having assembled the “pixel detector system” inside the ITT the evaporative cooling system and the electrical services are connected at both ends of the ITT for running a final test. This test consists in checking all internal electrical and cooling connections, and in proving the functionality of all pixel modules in a realistic environment.

Up to a maximum of 10% of the modules will be tested at a time (6 bi-staves or 24 disk sectors).

This whole configuration of the pixel detector is then used for final installation in the cavern, and all cables and pipes stay connected during that operation. After having connected the ITT tube to the final pixel support tube down into the pit the pixel detector will slide into its final position, and the ITT tube is removed.

4.5 Service panels integration [Neal/Eric A.] ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 16 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1


A budget of 120 kCHF distributed over three years is foreseen for the setting up of the assembly and testing area of the pixel detector in the SR building. The sum should cover all the specific basic infrastructures for the pixel detector not included in the general supplies of the buildingI suppose so.

The reinforced floor for the CMM and uninterrupted power supplies (UPS) are part of this budget.

Cables and cooling pipes for testing the pixel detector are counted separately and are not part of above budget.

It is assumed that the SR-building has to be equipped with cooling, cables, and read-out for 10% of the pixel system. Therefore a cooling capacity of about 3 kW is needed. This equipment is supposed to remain permanently in the SR-building for later maintenance and eventual upgrading of the pixel system.

All the ROD and DCS will go into the rack area. Local links (inside the test area) to computers for monitoring and control are needed.

All sub-parts of the pixel detector and tools will be transported to the SR-building. Special care will be taken to minimiseminimize the risks of breaking these parts during the transport from the assembly sites to CERN.

The size of the assembly area reserved for the pixel detector allows in principle to work simultaneously on the barrel and at least one end-cap part in an independent way. A first basic layout of the pixel assembly and testing area is shown in figure 2.

Trial assembly tests will be carried out one year earlier than the final assembly will take place. These tests could be performed anywhere in the assembly area, since they are purely mechanical and do not require any of the equipment of the pixel area.

The area needed for the trial assembly is about 16m x 3m. ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 17 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1

Disk assembly area Barrel assembly area


Package integration area Integration and testing tool

Service panels testing and storage area

Cooling manifold

Module power supplies, read out and control connections Normal access

Vacuum ports

Gas distribution

Fixed walls

Movable screens

Fig. 2 Pixel area layout

5.1 Fixed infrastructures

The following fixed infrastructures should be installed in the pixel area:

Inert gases: Concerning the supply of different kinds of non flammable gases, only Nitrogen and Helium should be used. Compressed air is disfavoured because of its possible contamination by traces of oil. Either Nitrogen and Helium are taken from dewars, or, more conveniently, batteries with 12 bottles each can be used. In both cases the primary pressure of the gases is more than 200 bar and pressure reducers and flow limitations have to be provided. The purity of the gases should be 99.9% . However a dedicated line of compressed air, with oil traps will be needed for the CMM.

Vacuum ports: Two normal vacuum ports (pumping speed and vacuum level to be determined) will be needed in the assembly area to operate some assembly jigs. ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 18 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1

Module power supplies connections: For testing the pixel detector system before its final installation in the cavern up to 10% of the total amount of modules will be tested at a time. Therefore power supplies for about 160 modules have to be available in the rack and control rooms. Six former DELPHI racks are foreseen in the racks and tooling area of the SR-building. Two racks will be equipped with the read-out electronics and electronics for test systems. All power supplies for the pixel detector system will be implemented in additional two racks. And there is foressen one rack each for the Detector Control System (DCS) and the three UPS systems.

Cooling connections: There are two C3F8 cooling manifolds foreseen with 6 input and output connections each.

Electrical supplies In case of unforeseen power cuts, uninterrupted power supplies are to be available in order to guarantee the functioning of important devices, as the online DCS system and computers. A capacity of about 2kW for the UPS is adequate. There are three UPS with a capacity each of 1kW available from the former DELPHI experiment.

Network connections (to be determined) The SR-building will be connected to the CERN computer center, and at least three network connections will be available in the pixel assembly area.

5.2 Specific mobile tools/equipment [Danilo]

This section lists all the specific mobile tools/equipment to be available in the area for relevant assembly/test steps. The list will be filled in later on as soon as the detailed assembly and testing procedures will be defined.

Initial acceptance test: Cold box (size, power and cooling requirements)

6 Tests

6.1 Survey and Mechanical tests [Danilo] 6.2 Electrical & electronic Test [Kevin] 6.3 System Test [Kevin] ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 19 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1

7 TIME SCHEDULE AND MANPOWER [to be update Danilo/Marco/Leo]

The detailed time schedule for the production and installation of the pixel detector is to be updated by the end of this year. Therefore only a rudimentary schedule is given here.

The SR-building is to be handed over to the Inner Detector community by about September beginning 20032. At that time all requirements of cleanliness and temperature/humidity control are implemented in this building. Therefore the installation of the common evaporative cooling system, of racks and crates for the power supplies, and read-out electronics can start.

The basic installation of all fixed equipment for the pixel detector assembly and testing will take about a year till mid 2003.

Trial assemblies of some support structures are planned in late 2003 for a few months.

The barrel and the both end-cap pixel detectors are expected to arrive at CERN mid of 2004.

The final pixel system will have to be ready for the installation inside ATLAS by beginning 2005.

During this period (6-8 months) the whole area assigned to pixel will have to be available, because, due to very tight schedule, many operations will have to be carried out in parallel.

A very rough plan of the pixel activities in SR building area up to first commissioning is given in figure 3.

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 ID Task Name Duration Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 1 Trial assembly 91 days

2 Layer 2 arrives at CERN 0 days 24/9 3 Initial disk system at CERN 0 days area needed: 24/9 4 B-layer at CERN 0 days 16 x 3 m2 17/12 anyw here 5 Pixel Package Integration 124 days

6 Pixel ready for installation 0 days 17/3 area needed: 16 x 6 m2 specific for pixel

Figure 3: plan for pixel activities in SR-building

Concerning the manpower needed for the assembly and testing the size of the detector has to be taken into consideration. The delicate work on fragile pixel detector elements demands skilled technical manpower. It is envisaged to assemble and test the detector with several small teams of two to three persons. ATLAS Project Document No: Page: 20 of 20 ATL-IP-QA-0007 Rev. No.: 2.1

8 APPENDIX A: breakdown of pixel assembly Testsand testing steps

In this appendix a breakdown of the assembly steps of the pixel system from the arrival of the parts at CERN to the final integration into the ITT is provided. For each assembly step the tests to be performed are described and relevant tools/equipment for assembly, testing, handling and installation are identified. This appendix will be available in next version.

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