Data Dictionary 01-02 _V9 HHS National Service Framework Purchase Unit

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Data Dictionary 01-02 _V9 HHS National Service Framework Purchase Unit


National, Hospital Specific and Public Health Purchase Units for Services provided by District Health Boards (DHBs) – updated 4/07/01 TABLE OF CONTENTS


2 GUIDE TO THE USE OF THE DATA DICTIONARY 4 2.1 Acronyms And Abbreviations 4 2.2 Definition of Headings 5 2.3 Definitions of Units of Measure – These are generic definitions for the purchase units in Section 3. 5

3 DATA DICTIONARY 10 3.1 National Purchase Units 10 3.2 Nationally Purchased Services and Service Specifications with Locally Agreed Prices and Volumes 75 3.3 Regional Purchase Units Mapped to Common Purchase Units 79 3.4 Regional Purchase Units for 2001 only - One off to be deleted 82 3.5 Hospital Specific Purchase Units 83 3.6 Public Health Purchases from DHB in 2001/02 92


5 EXCLUSIONS FROM MEDICAL/SURGICAL DRG PURCHASING 101 5.1 Exclusions from casemix purchasing 101


Commentary on how this latest version of the data dictionary has evolved from version7 published at 31 March 2000.

Review of Data Dictionary, including reclassification, rationalisation and clear definition of Regional Purchase Units (PUs). Purchase units previously defined as Regional have been reclassified into new National PUs, mapped to existing Common PUs, created as new Common PU, or classified as Hospital Specific PUs. Some Regional PUs were for one off purchases for 2000/01. There are some PUs for Public Health purchases from HHS in 2000/01.


2.1 Acronyms And Abbreviations Acronyms and abbreviations appear throughout the dictionary and on the whole are fairly easy to follow. In the first two columns of the data dictionary you will find codes such as AH01002/AH01.04 –the AH relates to an allied health service. This applies to each purchase unit identified in either the CMS or Purchase Unit code columns – to assist you these are identified below.

AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome IRF Inter-regional Flows ADJ Adjuster ISHLT International Society for Heart Lung Transplant A & D Alcohol and Drug LMC Lead Maternity Carer AH Allied Health MSUD Maple Syrup Urine Disease ATR Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation MUD Matched Unrelated Donor ACTREG Australasian Cardiothoracic Transplant Registry M Medical AABR Automated Brainstem Response Audiometry MHCS Mental Health Community Services C Child/Children MHQI Mental Health Quality Improvement COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease MHIS Mental Health Inpatient Services CS Community Services MHRC Mental Health Residential Care CHF Congestive Heart Failure MHRD Mental Health Research and Development CAPD Continuous Abdominal Peritoneal Dialysis MOH Ministry of Health D Dental NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit DRG Diagnosis Related Group NZHIS New Zealand Health Information Service DSS Disability Support Services OT Other DHB District Health Board PICU Paediatric Intensive Care Unit DOM Domicillary PC Pain Clinic ECG Electrocardiogram PUK Phenylketonuria ED Emergency Department RHA Regional Health Authority FS Fertility Services RU Regional Unit FSA First Specialist Assessment S Surgical FTE Full Time Equivalent SCBU Special Care Baby Unit GP General Practitioner SH Sexual Health HB Health Benefits SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome HFA Health Funding Authority T Transplant HHS Hospital Health Services TR Transport HS Hospital Specific UV Ultra Violet HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus VIC Victorian IGG Immune Gamma Globulin WH Waitemata Health ICS International Classification of Diseases W Women NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 4 2.2 Definition of Headings

Column Name Description Purchase Unit (V8) Alpha numeric identification code in Contract Management System of SSSG Purchase Unit (V7) Alpha numeric identification code in Version 7 Data Dictionary Purchase Unit Description Name of Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Definition of Purchase Unit Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Contracted Unit of Measure Definition Definition of Unit of Measure Contracted

2.3 Definitions of Units of Measure – These are generic definitions for the purchase units in Section 3.

Refer Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definitions * denotes various Adjuster Price adjustment for cost elements not funded adequately under national purchase unit base prices. Assessments Number of assessments. Initial assessments and reassessments should be counted separately. T0105, DSS204 Total number of assessments. DSSC*

Individual assessments. S60004

Attendances Number of attendances to a clinic/department/acute assessment unit or domiciliary.

First time a client attends a clinic/department. BSA-55 Agreed lump sum amount for the attendance of a woman for a screening mammogram. BSA-45 Attendance to an emergency department. Includes patients who are subsequently admitted. Excludes acute ED* assessments (see M00.04, M55.04) Number of attendances to a clinic/department/assessment unit. One event with multiple health professional contacts is DSS215 counted as one volume. Available bed days Total number of inpatient beds that are available to be occupied during the period multiplied by the number of days they MHIS* are available during that period. Available facility Availability of facility for fixed period of time MHIS14 Bed days Total number of beds that are available and/or occupied each day as locally agreed in a community residential facility MHCR* over a designated period. Total number of beds that are occupied each day over a designated period. For reporting purposes, count beds occupied DSS*, DSSR*, RU104 as at 12 midnight of each day.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 5 Refer Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definitions * denotes various Case Total number of treatment places provided during a specified period by GPs/specialist MHCS29* Number of deceased persons. OT02001 Client attendances Agreed lump sum. Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0060 Price purchased. R564, R567 Clients Number of clients is the number of individual clients receiving service on the first day of the reported month. D01003, D01004 Number of clients managed by the service in a year. DOM103, DOM104, M20006 Number of client cases. PC0009, HS0016 Total number of client / client tenants supported. MHCR17, MHCR18 Client cases. HS0016 Number of clients managed by the service in a year ie caseload at the commencement of the financial year plus all new FS01013, FS01014, cases year to date. SH0103 Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff member (health professional) involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. Completed Number of clients seen during the period for any one diagnosis for whom there is no further sessions or treatments treatment booked. Contacts Number of contacts. DOM101

The number of face to face contacts between a health professional and client group or group of clients, for the provision SH01001, SH01002 of clinical services/interventions described in the services specification. A contact is equivalent to a visit. A contact does not include  Phone consultations  Discussions between health professionals regarding a client’s care  Any contact where the SOLE purpose of the contact is provision of supplies or consumables  Where during a contact/visit, the health professional provides care to a client under more than one service sub-unit the contact should be recorded as a single contact under the service that is the primary reason for the contact/visit. Where a service is provided to a group of people simultaneously by one health professional it will be counted as ONE contact. Number of contacts with a client in a clinic/department/assessment unit or domiciliary. AH*, MS001 Cost weighted As per the specifications for the calculation of Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier discharges Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). Courses Number of courses. NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 6 Refer Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definitions * denotes various Day attendances Number of attendances to a day session lasting 3 hours or more. Deliveries in Total volume of deliveries in all facilities in the catchment area plus homebirths. catchment area Deliveries in facility The number of women who have delivered in the facility, irrespective of whether a women is under the care of a primary LMC or the secondary or tertiary maternity service. Devices Total number of devices. Discharges As per NZHIS definition - the process of documentation that changes the status of an admitted healthcare user. Fee for service Payment per defined modules. FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member (clinical or non-clinical) involved in direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. Health specialty A classification describing the specialty to which a healthcare user has been assigned. code Healthcare user A person booked to receive or receiving healthcare resulting from direct contact with a healthcare provider where the healthcare results in the use of resources associated with observation, assessment, diagnosis, consultation, rehabilitation or treatment. Hours Number of hours provided. DOM105, DOM107 Uniquely agreed at a local level. DSS213 International units Standard definition relating to blood products. Number of International Units used. M30008, M30010, M30012, M30013 Item Number of items provided/repaired. Locally agreed Uniquely agreed at a local level. Meals Number of meals provided. New clients Number of clients at end of the reporting period who were not included in the caseload for the previous reporting period. Non-Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member (without health professional qualification) directly delivering clinical/therapeutic services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. Nurse Practitioner Is a registered nurse practising at an advanced practice level in a specific scope of practice, who has been prepared at masters level of education and has been recognised and approved by the Nursing Council of New Zealand as a nurse practitioner. Other Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff member (health professional - other than senior medical officer) involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. Outpatient An outpatient is a patient who receives a consultation, or a diagnostic procedure or treatment at a healthcare facility, and

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 7 Refer Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definitions * denotes various who is not admitted, and the specialist’s intent is that they will leave that facility within 3 hours from the start of the consultation. Outpatient Clinic A scheduled administrative arrangement enabling outpatients to receive the attention of a healthcare provider. The holding of a clinic provides the opportunity for consultation, investigation and minor treatment, and patients normally attend by prior arrangement. The clinic may be held on or off the hospital site. Patient Months The number of patients receiving a minimum of 13 treatments in the last month of the reporting periods. Per event Provisions of drug per individual per annum. Postnatal stays Facility services provided to women in the post natal period from the time she is transferred to a postnatal facility until each women is discharged home from the facility. Premium Agreed lump sum amount. HS0035, HS0036 Agreed lump sum amount. Service purchased in a block arrangement. Price for purchase of stents. HS0069 Provision of drugs per individual per annum. HS00051 Cost adjustment for difference of WIES from $109,000. HS0067 Prescription Items Number of items dispensed. Procedures Number procedures completed in the period. FS* Number of procedures. HS0044 An individual operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. M*, S* Programme Various - may include short-term studies/ surveys and long-term research lasting more than a year. MHRD01 Various - mix of facility and staffing cost recovery based on local market rates. MHCS*, MHRE* Various quality improvement programmes. MHQI Various - may include number of trainees and/or training programmes. MHWD01 Various - trainees and/or training programmes purchased by CTA. MHWD02 Number of co-ordinations. First and review co-ordinations should be counted separately. DSS1005 Uniquely agreed at a local level. DSS218 Price for Programme. M00007, S25005 Entire programme – search, harvest and procurement. M300011 Searches - process of looking for a Matched Unrelated Donor (MUD). The search may or may not be successful. Harvest/transport - process of extracting bone marrow from MUD and transporting it back to the hospital where the transplant is to take place. Harvest - as for harvest/transport, except that harvest takes place at the hospital where the transplant procedure is to take place. Set measures as per International Society for Heart Lung Transplant (ISHLT) Thoracic Transplant Data form; ISHLT T0103, T0106 Thoracic Follow-up form; Australasian Cardiothoracic Transplant Registry (ACTREG) Data Entry form. Agreed lump sum amount. NCS-P40, NCS-P60, NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 8 Refer Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definitions * denotes various BSA* Agreed lump sum amount. Refer to service specification for contracted service volume. DSSR271 Total number of programmes. DSSC* Number of coordinations completed. T0108 Relative Value Unit An individual operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure completed according to the College of Radiologists definition CS01001 for RVUs and codes. Senior Medical Full-time equivalent senior medical staff member involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time Clinical FTEs that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes DAMHS positions. Registrars and house surgeons are specifically excluded. Service(s) Agreed lump sum amount. Service purchased in a block arrangement Agreed lump sum amount. MEOU* Uniquely agreed at a local level. DSS220, DSS226, DSS230, DSSR270, DSS1012 Agreed lump sum for programme. Report against agreed performance indicators. RM00* Providing information according to MOH purchasing requirements. Agreed lump sum for programme. Report against RM00* agreed performance indicators. Service $/patient based on average historical volume. DSSR253 Total volume of deliveries in all facilities in the catchment area plus homebirths. W03001, W04001, W07006 Subsidies Number of subsidies granted. Tests Number of separate tests purchased. (eg one person receiving an ECG and a stress test equates to two tests).

Treatment Number of attendances for treatment. Treatment hours Time, in hours, from patient entering to exiting hyperbaric chamber. Visits An encounter where the healthcare provider goes to the healthcare user.

Number of visits by health professionals to a client's place of residence. DSS217, DSSR257

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 9 3 Data Dictionary

3.1 National Purchase Units

Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description ADJ101 TL01 Severity / Severity and Complexity pricing adjuster for National Medical & Surgical Adjuster Price adjustment for cost elements Complexity Adjuster Purchase units. not funded adequately under - Medical Surgical national purchase unit base prices. ADJ102 TL02 Severity / Severity and Complexity pricing adjuster for National Neonatal Purchase Adjuster Price adjustment for cost elements Complexity Adjuster units. not funded adequately under - Neonatal national purchase unit base prices. ADJ103 R270, and Rural Premium Price adjuster for costs related to rurality (sparsity) and provincialness for Adjuster Price adjustment for cost elements R561 RDL 1-4 facilities, not covered by base national purchase units. not funded adequately under national purchase unit base prices. ADJ104 R391 Diseconomies of Price adjuster for costs related to diseconomies of scale for RDL 3 & 4 Adjuster Price adjustment for cost elements Scale Premium (3 facilities, not covered by base national purchase units. not funded adequately under &4) national purchase unit base prices. ADJ105 Diseconomies of Price adjuster for costs related to diseconomies of scale for RDL 3 & 4 Adjuster Price adjustment for cost elements Scale Premium (1 & facilities, not covered by base national purchase units. not funded adequately under 2) national purchase unit base prices. ADJ106 MAOADJ Maori Health Price adjuster for costs related to providing culturally appropriate services, in Adjuster Price adjustment for cost elements Adjuster facilities that provide health services to areas with high Maori populations, not funded adequately under not covered by base national purchase units national purchase unit base prices. ADJ107 CCADJ Cost of Capital Adjustment to reflect re-allocation of cost of capital calculation by applying Adjuster Price adjustment for cost elements Adjustment sector weighted average cost of capital on the basis of DHB specific debt not funded adequately under and equity. national purchase unit base prices. ADJ109 Management of Adjustment to reflect allocation of dollars for risk management of acute Adjuster Increment to recognise local Acute Demand demand and development of programmes to alleviate increasing demand pressures on demand for acute services ADJ1010 Blood Adjuster Price Adjustment for increased blood costs Adjuster Price adjustment for cost elements not funded adequately under national purchase unit base prices

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 10 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description AH01001 AH01.01 Dietitian Dietitian services provided in an outpatient or domiciliary setting to DSS and Contacts Number of contacts with a client in personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other DHB a clinic/department/assessment referrals as well as community-referred clients. unit or domiciliary. AH01003 AH01.03 Occupational Occupational Therapy services provided in an Outpatient or domiciliary Contacts Number of contacts with a client in Therapy setting to DSS and personal health clients. Includes post discharge services a clinic/department/assessment and other DHB referrals as well as community-referred clients. unit or domiciliary. AH01004 AH01.04 Orthoptist Orthoptist services provided in an Outpatient or domiciliary setting to DSS Contacts Number of contacts with a client in and personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other DHB a clinic/department/assessment referrals as well as community-referred clients. unit or domiciliary. AH01005 AH01.05 Physiotherapist Physiotherapy services provided in an Outpatient or domiciliary setting to Contacts Number of contacts with a client in DSS and personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other a clinic/department/assessment DHB referrals as well as community-referred clients.. unit or domiciliary. AH01006 AH01.06 Podiatry Podiatry services provided in an Outpatient or domiciliary setting to DSS and Contacts Number of contacts with a client in personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other DHB a clinic/department/assessment referrals as well as community-referred clients. unit or domiciliary. AH01007 AH01.07 Social Work Social Work services provided in an Outpatient or domiciliary setting to DSS Contacts Number of contacts with a client in and personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other DHB a clinic/department/assessment referrals as well as community-referred clients.. unit or domiciliary. AH01008 AH01.08 Speech Therapy Speech therapy services provided in an Outpatient or domiciliary setting to Contacts Number of contacts with a client in DSS and personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other a clinic/department/assessment DHB referrals as well as community-referred clients.. unit or domiciliary. C01001 C01.01, Well Child (0- Services for well children (0-5 years) aimed at disease prevention and health Service Agreed lump sum amount. 5years) education. Includes vision and hearing screening, immunisation and dental Service purchased in a block N-DEEDUC health educator services arrangement. C01002 C01.02, Well Child - School Services for well children (5-18 years) aimed at disease prevention and Service Agreed lump sum amount. Aged Services (5- health education. Includes vision and hearing screening, immunisation and Service purchased in a block N-SBNURS 18 years) Scholl Based Nursing. arrangement. CS03001 CS03.01a Dispensing Pharmacy services refer to supply of pharmaceuticals and provision of Prescription Number of items dispensed. Pharmaceuticals clinical pharmacy support by a registered pharmacist. This service covers Items the dispensing of "Hospital Only" medicines, special foods and "Special Authority" medicines (including those approved as "Exceptional Circumstances"), under the provisions of the New Zealand Pharmaceutical Schedule, to patients who are not under the direct care of the facility, and related incidental services. This service includes the provision of a vaccine storage and distribution system for community-based providers of MOH- purchased immunisation programmes. Vaccine storage and distribution to community-based services (ie not DHB services) is purchased from DHBs.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 11 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Provision of the service to DHB units is an overhead for the relevant service. CS04001 CS04.01 Community referred Cardiology tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg Tests Number of separate tests tests - cardiology ECG, stress tests, echocardiograph. Includes interpretation and reporting of purchased (eg one person the test. Excludes tests referred by DHB staff. receiving an ECG and a stress test equates to two tests). CS04002 CS04.02 Community referred Neurological tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg Tests Number of separate tests tests - neurology EEG, EP, EMG. Includes interpretation and reporting of the test. Excludes purchased tests referred by DHB staff. CS04003 CS04.03 Community referred Audiology tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg Tests Number of separate tests tests - audiology audiogram, ABR. Includes interpretation and reporting of the test. Excludes purchased tests referred by DHB staff. CS04004 CS04.04 Community referred Gastroenterology tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. Tests Number of separate tests tests - eg breath tests. Includes interpretation and reporting of the test. Excludes purchased gastroenterology tests referred by DHB staff. Excludes endoscopy and motility studies. CS04005 CS04.05 Community referred Endocrinology tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg Tests Number of separate tests tests - thyroid tests, bone densitometry. Includes interpretation and reporting of the purchased endocrinology test. Excludes tests referred by DHB staff. CS04007 CS04.07 Community referred Urology tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg Tests Number of separate tests tests - urology urodynamics. Includes interpretation and reporting of the test. Excludes tests purchased referred by DHB staff. CS04008 CS04.08 Community referred Respiratory tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg Tests Number of separate tests tests - respiratory spirometry, lung function. Includes interpretation and reporting of the test. purchased Excludes tests referred by DHB staff. D01001 D01.01 Inpatient Dental See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost Weighted As per the specifications for the treatment (DRGs) specialty mapping table. Excludes maxillo-facial services now purchased in Discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent S60001. Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). D01002 D01.02 Outpatient Dental See Section 4 for a generic specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a treatment attendance to dental surgeon or dental officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/assessment unit. nurse practitioner for specialist assessment/treatment. D01003 D01.03 School dental School dental care is the provision of a comprehensive range of dental Clients Number of clients managed by the services services to maintain a functional natural dentition. It includes preventive service in a year ie caseload at the care, dental health promotion, health education, treatment of oral disease commencement of the financial and restoration of lost or absent tooth tissue. It covers children from the age year plus all new cases year to of 0 - 2.5 up to secondary school. date.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 12 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description D01004 D01.04 Adolescent dental A range of dental services, including preventive care, health education and Clients Number of clients managed by the services treatment of oral disease, by special arrangement for secondary school service in a year ie caseload at the children who have problems registering with a dentist for regular dental care. commencement of the financial Covers teenagers from Form 3 to 17 years old. year plus all new cases year to date. D01005 D01.05 Emergency Dental Dental services that are immediately necessary for the treatment of pain and Completed Number of clients seen during the Care for Low infection. It includes examination and diagnosis and treatment and treatment period for any one diagnosis for Income Adults reparative services as necessary. Elective maintenance and preventative whom there is no further sessions care are excluded. or treatments booked. DOM101 DOM1.01 Community Professional nursing services provided in the community to people requiring Contacts Number of contacts. Services – personal health services. Includes post-discharge community services. specialist (Refer to service specifications for details) Excludes community nursing services 1. services covered by other purchase units. 2. services able to be provided by general practices. 3. services purchased by other providers. (Refer to Service Specifications for details) DOM102 DOM1.02 Community A regular supply of oxygen to patients in the community by either oxygen Clients Number of clients managed by the Services - home concentrator and/or oxygen cylinders, as clinically indicated by the medical service in a year. oxygen practitioner. Education to patients and their families or carers on the correct use of domiciliary oxygen. DOM103 DOM1.03 Community Stomal therapy services including supply of equipment and advice/support Clients Number of clients managed by the Services - stomal services. service in a year. service DOM104 DOM1.04 Community Continence services for personal health and disability clients including supply Clients Number of clients managed by the Services - of equipment and advice/support services. service in a year. continence service DOM105 DOM1.05 Community DHB-based home help services are used to support people following illness Hours Number of hours provided. Services - home or surgical intervention, who require personal health services. (Home help help services for people with disabilities are purchased separately, through DSS services.) The home help service includes only assistance with domestic tasks, not personal care, or professional health care. However the same worker may deliver home help and personal care where appropriate. DOM106 DOM1.06 Community Meals on wheels services to prepare and deliver meals to people unable to Meals Number of meals provided. Services - meals on do this for themselves. wheels DOM107 DOM1.07 Community DHB-based personal care services are used to support people following Hours Number of hours provided. NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 13 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Services - personal illness or surgical intervention, who require personal health services. care (Personal care services for people with disabilities are purchased separately, through DSS services.) The personal care service includes only assistance with personal care such as bathing, toileting, dressing, mobility, grooming, assistance with meals, not home help, or specialist community services. However the same worker may deliver home help and personal care where appropriate. DSSC101 Cochlear Implant A service to provide assessment for people who meet the disability criteria, Assessments Total number of assessments. Assessment protocols and priority established by CI committee and the Ministry of Health and who are referred by a needs assessment / service co-ordination agency or audiologist/otologist DSSC102 Cochlear Implant The purchase of a suitable CI device to be implanted for those clients who Devices Total number of devices. Device meet the criteria and priority for funding. DSSC103 Cochlear Implant To provide services to the persons and their family/whanau who have been Client Total number of clients receiving Year 1 Rehab provided with Cochlear Implants according to the protocols given in Appendix year one programming and Two for Year One Services of the service specification.. rehabilitation

DSSC104 Cochlear Implant To provide services to the persons who have been provided with Cochlear Client Total number of clients receiving Year 2 Rehab Implants according to the protocols given in Appendix Two for Year Two year two programming and services of the service specification. rehabilitation

DSSC105 Cochlear Implant To provide services to the persons who have been provided with Cochlear Client Total number of clients receiving Year 3+ Rehab Implants according to the protocols given in Appendix Two for Year Three year three and out-years services of the service specification. programming and rehabilitation This is the level of service provision provided to a person for each year of the rest of their life. DSSC106 Cochlear Implant The major external component of Cochlear Implants (the speech processor) Devices Total number of devices. Device has a finite lifetime and will require replacing at various times during the Replacement lifetime of a person who uses a cochlear implant. The service will provide a replacement speech processor within available funding when the person’s processor is deemed to be uneconomical for repair (this has been estimated at 5-6 years).

DSS1005 DSS1.05 Service Service Coordination is the process of identifying and planning the package Programme Number of co-ordinations. First Coordination of services required to meet a person’s assessed needs. Service and review co-ordinations should Coordination will also determine which of those needs can be met by be counted separately. publicly-funded services and will explore options for addressing service support needs which cannot be met. Monitoring outcome should be part of NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 14 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description the Service Coordination process. DSS1012 DSS1.12 Child Development Child Development services are non medical, multidisciplinary allied health Services Uniquely agreed at a local level and community based. Whilst a significant component of the service is early intervention for pre-school children who have disabilities or who are not achieving developmental milestones, the service is intended to promote and facilitate each child’s developmental pathway so that their maximal potential is attained throughout their development and growth. It is envisaged that Child Development services will provide a centre of excellence to meet the needs of young children/young people, who have disabilities, in some localities this is up to the age of leaving school. DSS204 DSS2.04 Needs Assessment A Needs Assessment is a process of determining the current abilities, Assessments Number of assessments. Initial resources, goals, and needs of a person with a disability and prioritising assessments and reassessments those needs which is most important. The purpose of the assessment is to should be counted separately. decide what a person needs to achieve/maintain independence and participate fully in society, in accordance with their abilities, resources and goals. A person’s comprehensive support needs may include their recreational, social and personal development needs; their training and education needs; and their vocational and employment needs. DSS207 DSS2.07 Residential Long Clients requiring 24 hour care in a continuing care setting who have been Bed days Total number of beds that are Stay - Non aged assessed through a Needs Assessment/service co ordination process. occupied each day over a designated period. For reporting occupancy purposes, count beds occupied as at 12 midnight of each day. DSS213 DSS2.13 Respite Beds Respite Care is a residential based service for clients who have continuous Hours Uniquely agreed at a local level. DSS related health and or support needs who require 24 hour care and supervision. DSS214 DSS2.14 ATR Inpatient Multidisciplinary inpatient assessment treatment and rehabilitation for people Bed days Total number of beds that are with complex medical, cognitive, functional and social needs with the aim of occupied each day over a enabling them to live independently in the community. (Includes aged, designated period. For reporting physical, sensory and intellectual AT&R services). (Excludes mental health occupancy purposes, count beds for the elderly purchased under a separate purchase unit). occupied as at 12 midnight of each day. DSS215 DSS2.15 ATR Outpatient – Assessment, treatment and/or rehabilitation in a non home setting by a Attendances Number of attendances to a Clinics health professional. Includes services delivered: clinic/department/assessment unit. One event with multiple health 1) within DHB location; professional contacts is counted 2) outreach services (not within DHB location – ie involves some travel). as one volume.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 15 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Within (1) & (2) these will include specialist, allied health and multidisciplinary clinics. (Includes all disabilities including MHSE). DSS216 DSS2.16 ATR Outpatient - Multidisciplinary assessment treatment and rehabilitation programme for Day Number of attendances to a day Day Hosp & Day people with complex needs with the aim of improving their ability to live Attendances session lasting 3 hours or more. Programmes independently in the community. Day Hospital definition includes attendances lasting more than 3 hours and services delivered by at least 2 health professionals. (Includes all disabilities including MHSE). DSS217 DSS2.17 ATR Outpatient – A contact in a residential situation to determine the requirement for or provide Visits Number of visits by health domiciliary assessment treatment or rehabilitation. Services to be delivered in a professionals to a client’s place of assessments & residential setting by clinical staff, allied health staff & domiciliary nurses who residence. education sessions belong to the ATR team only. (Includes education sessions that should be linked to individual client needs). (Includes all disabilities including MHSE). DSS218 DSS2.18 Orthotics An Orthosis is a device applied to the exterior of the body to; Programme Uniquely agreed at a local level. Improve function and/or to prevent and correct deformity in those affected by congenital, developmental or acquired conditions of the nervous or musculo- skeletal systems. Immobilise damaged joints or muscles Aid healing Promote venous return and lymphatic flow.

Disability Support Services Orthotic services are an integral component of support services for people who have disabilities and for whom some form of Orthosis has been assessed as being required.

Personal Health Services People who have not been assessed as having a disability may also require orthotic services following Medical or Surgical intervention or treatment.

DSS220 DSS2.20 Specialist Support This service is provided by a Community Support Team that will concentrate Service Uniquely agreed at a local level. on: 1) education of families, providers and specialised community support services; 2) individual clinical intervention programmes aimed at reducing the incidence of severe challenging behaviour in people with an intellectual disability and assisting individuals to live more fulfilling lives in the

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 16 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description community; 3) immediate responses in cases of emergency for service providers, individual families and the police. DSS226 DSS2.26 Environmental This purchase unit is for longer-term (more than 6 months) equipment Service Uniquely agreed at a local level Support provision, not assessment processes. The service includes provision of, repairs and maintenance of long term wheelchairs, seating and other equipment as specified. Excludes Assessments, Orthotics, Prosthetics, Continence, Oxygen, Ostomy, Enteral Feeding, Hearing Aid Subsidy, Contact Lens Benefit, Speech Language Therapy and Audiology. DSS235 DSS2.35 ATR Inpatient – Multidisciplinary inpatient age-related assessment treatment and Bed days Total number of beds that are Mental Health rehabilitation for people with an identifiable or suspected psychiatric disorder occupied each day over a Services for Elderly (as defined in DSM IV, or other generally recognised diagnostic designated period. For reporting classification): occupancy purposes, count beds occupied as at 12 midnight of 1) Which has a significant impact on that person’s ability to function, or each day. 2) Which is likely to result in long term impairment with the aim of enabling them to live as independently as possible in the community. ED02001 ED02.01 Emergency Dept - Emergency service in small hospital with designated assessment and Attendances Attendance to an emergency Level 2 treatment areas. Minor injuries and ailments can be treated. Resuscitation department. Includes patients who and limited stabilisation capacity. Nursing staff available to cover emergency are subsequently admitted. presentations. Visiting medical officer is on call. May be local trauma Excludes acute assessments (see service. M00.04, M55.04) ED03001 ED03.01 Emergency Dept - As for level 2 plus: designated nursing staff available on 24-hour basis. Has Attendances Attendance to an emergency Level 3 unit manager. Some registered nurses have completed or are undertaking department. Includes patients who relevant post-basic studies. 24-hour access to medical officers on site or are subsequently admitted. available within 10 minutes. Specialists in general surgery, anaesthetics, Excludes acute assessments (see paediatrics and medicine available for consultation. Full resuscitation M00.04, M55.04) facilities in separate area. Access to allied health professionals and liaison psychiatry. ED04001 ED04.01 Emergency Dept - As for level 3 plus: can manage most emergencies. Purpose-designed area. Attendances Attendance to an emergency Level 4 Full-time director, experienced medical officer(s) and nursing staff on site 24 department. Includes patients who hours. Experienced nursing staff on site 24 hours. Specialists in general are subsequently admitted. surgery, paediatrics, orthopaedics, anaesthetics and medicine on call 24 Excludes acute assessments (see hours. May send nursing and medical teams to disaster site. Participation in M00.04, M55.04) regional adult retrieval system is desirable. May be an area trauma service. ED05001 ED05.01 Emergency Dept - As for level 4 plus: can manage all emergencies and provide definitive care Attendances Attendance to an emergency Level 5 for most. Access to specialist clinical nurse is desirable. Has undergraduate department. Includes patients who

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 17 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description teaching and undertakes research. Has designated registrar. May have are subsequently admitted. neurology service. Excludes acute assessments (see M00.04, M55.04) ED06001 ED06.01 Emergency Dept - As for level 5 plus: has neurosurgery and cardiothoracic surgery on site. Attendances Attendance to an emergency Level 6 Sub-specialists available on rosters. Has registrar on site 24 hours. May be department. Includes patients who a Regional Trauma Service. are subsequently admitted. Excludes acute assessments (see M00.04, M55.04) ED08001 R583 Emergency Care Regional management of Emergency Care Co-ordination Team activities as Service Agreed lump sum amount. Co-ordination part of the national Roadside to Bedside programme Service purchased in a block arrangement. FS01001 First Specialist See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a clinic Assessment attendance to fertility specialist for specialist assessment (Tertiary) FS01002 IVF Programme In vitro fertilization – a technique that allows sperm to be mixed with eggs for Procedures Number procedures completed in fertilization to occur outside the body. The procedure involves stimulating the the period. ovary to produce many eggs (oocytes), collecting the eggs by aspirating them under ultrasound imaging, fertilizing the eggs by mixing them with sperm, and replacing up to 3 embryos back into the uterus (called embryo transfer). Spare embryos are usually frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen for subsequent use FS01003 ISCI addition Intracytoplasmic sperm injection – this is a technique where a single sperm is Procedures Number procedures completed in injected directly, by micromanipulation techniques, into an egg. It is used in the period. IVF treatments when there are insufficient numbers of normal sperm for normal fertilization FS01004 Donor Insemination Donor insemination – the insemination of donor sperm into women whose Procedures Number procedures completed in partners are infertile the period. FS01005 AIH simple Artificial insemination by husband – a technique that allows specially Procedures Number procedures completed in prepared sperm to be inseminated directly into the uterus (womb). It is used the period. in situations where the male has a reduced or abnormal sperm count, but may also help some couples with unexplained infertility. Sometimes it is used with hyperstimulation of the ovary. FS01006 AIH + stimulation As above with hyperstimulation of the ovary to produce more than one egg. Procedures Number procedures completed in Theoretically if more than one egg is released at ovulation there is a higher the period. chance of conceiving. FS01007 Donor egg addition A donated egg (oocyte) is fertilized by recipient partner’s sperm in the Procedures Number procedures completed in laboratory and replaced in the recipient’s uterus as for IVF. the period.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 18 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description FS01008 Frozen embryo Transfer of additional embryos frozen at time of oocyte pickup in a following Procedures Number procedures completed in replacement cycle the period. FS01009 Ovulation induction Simulation of ovaries with fertility drugs to attempt to purchase a single egg Procedures Number procedures completed in and allow. Fertilisation to occur by natural intercourse the period. FS01010 Surgical retrieval of Sperm obtained surgically from the epididymis or testis’s and then used for Procedures Number procedures completed in sperm ICSI the period. FS01011 Sperm freezing Additional sperm frozen at time of surgical retrieval for future use Procedures Number procedures completed in the period. FS01012 Annual storage of Sperm stored by freezing in liquid nitrogen Service Agreed lump sum amount. sperm Service purchased in a block arrangement FS01013 Cancelled cycle Cancelled cycle after gonadotrophins commenced but before egg collection Clients Number of clients managed by the service in a year ie caseload at the commencement of the financial year plus all new cases year to date FS01014 Incomplete cycle No embryo transfer – usually failed fertilization Clients Number of clients managed by the service in a year ie caseload at the commencement of the financial year plus all new cases year to date M00001 M00.01 General Internal See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Medical Services - specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent Inpatient Services Separations version 8 (WIES8) (DRGs) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M00002 M00.02 General Medicine - See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a 1st attendance attendance to general physician or medical officer at registrar level or above clinic/department/assessment unit. or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment M00003 M00.03 General Medicine - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to general physician or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/assessment unit. attendance level or above or nurse practitioner. M00004 M00.04 Adult Acute Assessments of adults presenting for acute assessment where the Attendances Number of attendances to a Assessments assessment is conducted in a designated acute assessment facility by a clinic/department/assessment unit. specialist physician or medical officer at registrar level or above or nurse practitioner and the person is not subsequently admitted. Excludes emergency department attendances. Includes diagnostic support services.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 19 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description M00006 M00.06 General medicine - Blood transfusions performed an outpatient or elective daycase in general Attendances Number of attendances to a blood transfusions medicine, including procedures - clinic/department/acute assessment unit. That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND That the primary diagnosis OR the first three procedure codes fall in the range: ICD10 Blood, primary diagnosis in the range (Z513) OR {primary procedure in the range (9206000, 1370601, 1370602, 1370603) ANDsecond procedure in the range (9206000, 1370601, 1370602, 1370603, blank) AND third procedure blank}. Excludes blood transfusions performed as part of an inpatient episode. M00007 R256 DVT Project Canterbury Health initiative nurse managed/doctor supervised outpatient Programme Price for programme clinic to prevent admissions – an Integration Project M00008 R464 Models of Care Integration project working with GPs to reduce admissions to Hospital. Service Agreed lump sum amount. Service purchased in a block arrangement M00009 R519 Integration and Integration programme for reducing and managing acute growth resulting in Service Agreed lump sum amount. Acute Volume inpatient admission. Service purchased in a block Reduction initiatives arrangement M10001 M10.01 Cardiology - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M10002 M10.02 Cardiology - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to cardiologist or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. M10003 M10.03 Cardiology - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to cardiologist or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute attendance above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. M10004 M10.04 Cardiology Cardiac education and case management by multi-disciplinary teams in Clients Number of clients managed by the Education and hospital or community-based setting. service in a year ie caseload at the Management commencement of the financial year plus all new cases year to

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 20 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description date. M10005 M10.05 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Cardiology - specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent Inpatient Services Separations version 8 (WIES8) (DRGs) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M10006 M10.06 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a Cardiology - 1st attendance to cardiologist, paediatrician, or medical officer at registrar level clinic/department/acute attendance or above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. M10007 M10.07 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Cardiology – Follow-up attendances to paediatric cardiac specialist or medical officer at clinic/department/acute Subsequent registrar level or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. attendance M10008 R466 Cardiac outreach CHF project to provide support to prevent readmission and lower length of Service Agreed lump sum amount. service stay. There is a Service Spec & reporting requirements, Integration project. Service purchased in a block arrangement M15001 M15.01 Dermatology - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M15002 M15.02 Dermatology - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to dermatologist or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. M15003 M15.03 Dermatology - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to dermatologist or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute attendance above or nurse practitioner. Excludes UV treatment. assessment unit. M15004 M15.04 Dermatology - UV An attendance for the purpose of receiving ultra-violet treatment. Treatment Number of attendances for Treatment treatment. M20001 M20.01 Endocrinology & See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Diabetic - Inpatient specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent Services (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M20002 M20.02 Endocrinology - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to endocrinologist or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. Excludes diabetes. assessment unit. NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 21 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description M20003 M20.03 Endocrinology - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to endocrinologist or medical officer at registrar level clinic/department/acute attendance or above or nurse practitioner. Excludes diabetes. assessment unit. M20004 M20.04 Diabetes - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to endocrinologist or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. M20005 M20.05 Diabetes - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to endocrinologist or medical officer at registrar level clinic/department/acute attendance or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. M20006 M20.06 Diabetes Education Diabetes education and case management by multi-disciplinary teams in Clients Number of clients managed by the and Management hospital or community-based setting. service in a year ie caseload at the commencement of the financial year plus all new cases year to date. M20007 M20.07 Diabetes - Retinal An attendance for the purpose of fundus screening as part of a diabetic Procedures An individual Screening retinopathy programme. This includes the taking of photographs and the operative/diagnostic/assessment consultant examination and interpretation of the photographs. procedure. M20008 M20.08 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a Endocrinology - 1st attendance to paediatric endocrinologist or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute attendance above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. Excludes diabetes. assessment unit. M20009 M20.09 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Endocrinology - Follow-up attendances to paediatric endocrinologist or medical officer at clinic/department/acute Subsequent registrar level or above or nurse practitioner. Excludes diabetes. assessment unit. attendance M25001 M25.01 Gastroenterology - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M25002 M25.02 Gastroenterology - See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a 1st attendance attendance to gastroenterologist or medical officer at registrar level or above clinic/department/acute or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. M25003 M25.03 Gastroenterology - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to gastroenterologist or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute attendance level or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. M25004 M25.04 Gastroenterology - ERCP performed as an outpatient or elective day case, including procedures Procedures An individual operative/diagnostic/assessment NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 22 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description ERCP - procedure. That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 ERCP, first procedure in the range: (3048400, 3048401, 3048402, 3045200, 3048500, 3049100, 3045202, 3048501, 3049101, 3049400, 3045100, 3045201, 3044200). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 second procedure in the range: (3048400, 3048401, 3048402, 3045200, 3048500, 3049100, 3045202, 3048501, 3049101, 3049400, 3045100, 3045201, 3044200, 3047801, 3047802, 3209000, 3208400, 3209001, 3208401, 3209300, 3208700, 9030800, 3209400, 3207500, 3207200, 3207201, 3207501, 9031200, 9031201, 3207800, 3208100, 3209900, 3210800, 9034100, 3210500, 4181600, 3047303, 3047810, 4182500, 4182200, 3047304, 3047600, 3047601, 3047806, 3047809, 3047811, 3047812, 3047602, 3047813, 3047900, 3047807, 3047603, 3047300, 3047301, 3047500, 3047501, 3047803, 3209500, 3047804, 9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank). Excludes ERCPS performed as part of an inpatient episode. M25005 M25.05 Gastroenterology - Colonoscopy performed as an outpatient or elective day case, including Procedures An individual Colonoscopy procedures - operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 23 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description The patients age is greater than 15 years old AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Colonoscopies, first procedure in the range: (3209000, 3208400, 3209001, 3208401, 3209300, 3208700, 9030800, 3209400, 3207500, 3207200, 3207201, 3207501, 9031200, 9031201, 3207800, 3208100, 3209900, 3210800, 9034100, 3210500). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 second procedure in the range: (3048400, 3048401, 3048402, 3045200, 3048500, 3049100, 3045202, 3048501, 3049101, 3049400, 3045100, 3045201, 3044200, 3047801, 3047802, 3209000, 3208400, 3209001, 3208401, 3209300, 3208700, 9030800, 3209400, 3207500, 3207200, 3207201, 3207501, 9031200, 9031201, 3207800, 3208100, 3209900, 3210800, 9034100, 3210500, 4181600, 3047303, 3047810, 4182500, 4182200, 3047304, 3047600, 3047601, 3047806, 3047809, 3047811, 3047812, 3047602, 3047813, 3047900, 3047807, 3047603, 3047300, 3047301, 3047500, 3047501, 3047803, 3209500, 3047804, 9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank).

Excludes colonscopies performed as part of an inpatient episode. Excludes motility studies. M25006 M25.06 Gastroenterology - Gastroscopy performed as an outpatient or elective day case, including Procedures An individual Gastroscopy procedures - operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 24 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description ICD10 Gastroscopies, first procedure in the range: (4181600, 3047303, 3047810, 4182500, 4182200, 3047304, 3047600, 3047601, 3047806, 3047809, 3047811, 3047812, 3047602, 3047813, 3047900, 3047807, 3047603, 3047300, 3047301, 3047500, 3047501, 3047803, 3209500, 3047804, 3047801, 3047802). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 second procedure in the range: (3048400, 3048401, 3048402, 3045200, 3048500, 3049100, 3045202, 3048501, 3049101, 3049400, 3045100, 3045201, 3044200, 3047801, 3047802, 3209000, 3208400, 3209001, 3208401, 3209300, 3208700, 9030800, 3209400, 3207500, 3207200, 3207201, 3207501, 9031200, 9031201, 3207800, 3208100, 3209900, 3210800, 9034100, 3210500, 4181600, 3047303, 3047810, 4182500, 4182200, 3047304, 3047600, 3047601, 3047806, 3047809, 3047811, 3047812, 3047602, 3047813, 3047900, 3047807, 3047603, 3047300, 3047301, 3047500, 3047501, 3047803, 3209500, 3047804, 9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank). Excludes gastroscopy performed as part of an inpatient episode. Excludes motility studies. M25007 M25.07 Gastroenterology - Oesophageal and anorectal motility studies performed on an outpatient Procedures An individual Motility basis. Excludes motility studies performed as part of an inpatient episode. operative/diagnostic/assessment investigations procedure. M30001 M30.01 Haematology - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. Includes bone marrow transplants. (AN-DRG 006, discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) (including VIC-DRGs 11 and 12). Separations version 8 (WIES8) bone marrow and Weighted Inlier Equivalent transplants) Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M30002 M30.02 Haematology - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to haematologist or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. Excludes patients with assessment unit. haemophilia. M30003 M30.03 Haematology - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to haematologist or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute attendance above or nurse practitioner. Excludes patients with haemophilia and assessment unit. phoresis.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 25 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description M30004 M30.04 Haematology - An attendance where the purpose of the attendance is to receive prescribed Attendances Number of attendances to a Chemotherapy chemotherapy treatment. The specialist may or may not be in attendance. clinic/department/acute Includes all pharmaceuticals administered during the attendance. Includes assessment unit. day case treatment, including procedures – That the Admission date is the same as the Discharge date AND That either of the first two diagnosis codes fall in the range: ICD10 Chem/Radio, either of the first two diagnosis in the range: (Z510, Z511, Z512). M30005 M30.05 Haematology - Procedure used to remove certain specified components of blood/plasma Procedures An individual Phoresis and return remaining components to the body. Excludes plasma donation operative/diagnostic/assessment obtained through blood phoresis. procedure. M30006 M30.06 Haemophilia - Case Clinical case management of people with severe haemophilia. Includes Clients Number of clients managed by the Management education of patients and families, supply of equipment for self-management, service in a year ie caseload at the liaison with other specialists and general practitioners including promotion of commencement of the financial treatment guidelines. year plus all new cases year to date. M30007 M30.07 Haemophilia - Multi-disciplinary outpatient clinic for follow-up review of people with Attendances Number of attendances to a Clinics haemophilia. clinic/department/acute assessment unit. M30008 M30.08 Haemophilia - Plasma-derived and synthetic Factor IX blood products administered in International Standard definition relating to Factor IX accordance with treatment guidelines to the client group specified in the Units blood products. service specification. This covers both inpatient and outpatient services. Total International Units used/month M30010 M30.15 Haemophilia - Factor Eight Inhibitor Bypassing Activity blood product administered in International Standard definition relating to FEIBA accordance with treatment guidelines to the client group specified in the Units blood products. service specification. This covers both inpatient and outpatient services. Total International Units used/month M30011 M30.11 MUD S Search and procurement fee for matched unrelated donors for bone marrow Programme Entire programme – search, Harvest/Search Fee transplants. harvest and procurement. Searches - process of looking for a Matched Unrelated Donor (MUD). The search may or may not be successful. Harvest/transport - process of extracting bone marrow from MUD and transporting it back to the NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 26 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description hospital where the transplant is to take place. Harvest - as for harvest/transport, except that harvest takes place at the hospital where the transplant procedure is to take place. M30012 M30.12 Haemophilia - Synthetic Factor VIII blood products administered in accordance with International Standard definition relating to Factor VIII synthetic treatment guidelines to the client group specified in the service specification. Units blood products. This covers both inpatient and outpatient services. M30013 M30.13 Haemophilia - Plasma-derived Factor VIII blood products administered in accordance with International Standard definition relating to Factor VIII plasma- treatment guidelines to the client group specified in the service specification. Units blood products. based This covers both inpatient and outpatient services. M30014 M30.14 Haematology - Blood transfusions performed as an outpatient or elective day case in Attendances Number of attendances to a Blood transfusions general medicine, including procedures - clinic/department/acute That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same assessment unit. AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND That the primary diagnosis OR the first three procedure codes fall in the range: ICD10 Blood, primary diagnosis in the range (Z513) OR {primary procedure in the range (9206000, 1370601, 1370602, 1370603) AND second procedure in the range (9206000, 1370601, 1370602, 1370603, blank) AND third procedure blank}. Excludes blood transfusions performed as part of an inpatient episode. M34001 M34.01 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost Weighted As per the specifications for the Haematology - specialty mapping table. Discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent Inpatient Services Separations version 8 (WIES8) (DRGs) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M40001 M40.01 Infectious Diseases See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost Weighted As per the specifications for the (incl Venereology & specialty mapping table. Discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent HIV) - Inpatient Separations version 8 (WIES8) Services (DRGs) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M40002 M40.02 Infectious Diseases See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 27 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description (incl Venereology & attendance to infectious diseases specialist or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute HIV) - 1st level or above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. attendance M40003 M40.03 Infectious Diseases See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a (incl Venereology & Follow-up attendances to infectious diseases specialist or medical officer at clinic/department/acute HIV) - Subsequent registrar level or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. attendance M40004 M40.04 HIV/Aids Specialist Community-based programme of specialist advice and support for people Service Agreed lump sum amount. Community Service with HIV/AIDS and their families. Service purchased in a block arrangement. M40005 M40.05 HIV/AIDS Viral Viral load test for the purpose of monitoring medication requirements for Tests Number of separate tests Load Testing people with HIV/AIDS. purchased (eg one person receiving an ECG and a stress test equates to two tests). M45001 M45.01 Neurology - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M45002 M45.02 Neurology - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to neurologist or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. M45003 M45.03 Neurology - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to neurologist or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute attendance above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. M45004 M45.04 Neurology - Attendance for the purpose of receiving botulinum toxin therapy. Completed Number of clients seen during the Botulinum toxin treatment period for any one diagnosis for therapy whom there is no further sessions or treatments booked. M49001 M49.01 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost Weighted As per the specifications for the Neurology Inpatient specialty mapping table. Discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent Services (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M49002 M45.05 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a Neurology attendance to paediatric neurologist or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute Outpatient 1st above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 28 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description attendance M49003 M49.03 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Neurology Follow-up attendances to paediatric neurologist or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute Outpatient - level or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. Subsequent attendance M50001 M50.01 Oncology - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M50002 M50.02 Oncology - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to oncologist or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. Excludes BSA-75 assessment unit. M50003 M50.03 Oncology - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to oncologist or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute attendance above or nurse practitioner. Excludes chemotherapy and radiotherapy. assessment unit. Excludes BSA-80. M50004 M50.04 Oncology - An attendance where the purpose of the attendance is to receive prescribed Attendances Number of attendances to a Chemotherapy chemotherapy treatment. The specialist may or may not be in attendance. clinic/department/acute Includes all pharmaceuticals administered during the attendance. Includes assessment unit. day case treatment (see DRG exclusions). Excludes urology chemotherapy which is purchased as S70.04. Excludes BSA-70. M50005 M50.05 Oncology - An attendance where the purpose of the attendance is to plan for or to Attendances Number of attendances to a Radiotherapy receive prescribed radiotherapy treatment. The specialist may or may not be clinic/department/acute in attendance. Includes all planning and simulation, radioactive isotope assessment unit. implants or treatments, and radiation. Excludes BSA-65. M50007 M50.07 Oncology - Ablation of intracranial lesions using large single doses of radiation. Completed Number of clients seen during the Stereotactic treatment period for any one diagnosis for radiosurgery whom there is no further sessions or treatments booked. M50008 M50.08 Oncology - Delivery of a fractionated course of radiation using stereotactic techniques Completed Number of clients seen during the Stereotactic and precision. treatment period for any one diagnosis for radiotherapy whom there is no further sessions or treatments booked. M50009 M50.09 Blood transfusions Blood transfusions performed as an outpatient or elective day case in Attendances Number of attendances to a & Oncology general medicine, including procedures - clinic/department/acute That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same assessment unit.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 29 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND That the primary diagnosis OR the first three procedure codes fall in the range: ICD10 Blood, primary diagnosis in the range (Z513) OR {primary procedure in the range (9206000, 1370601, 1370602, 1370603) AND second procedure in the range (9206000, 1370601, 1370602, 1370603, blank) AND third procedure blank}. Excludes blood transfusions performed as part of an inpatient. M50010 R582 Paediatric Oncology Fund for the project management of the Paediatric Oncology Steering Group Service Agreed lump sum amount. Project approved by the Paediatric Specialty Review Service purchased in a block Management arrangement. M50011 R581 Child Cancer Fund Fund for the provision of the national Child Cancer activities approved by the Service Agreed lump sum amount. Paediatric Specialty Review Service purchased in a block arrangement. M54001 M54.01 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost Weighted As per the specifications for the Oncology - Inpatient specialty mapping table. Discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent Services (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M54002 M54.02 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a Oncology - attendance to paediatric oncologist or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute Outpatient 1st above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. Excludes assessment unit. attendance chemotherapy and radiotherapy. M54003 M54.03 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Oncology - Follow-up attendances to paediatric oncologist or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute Outpatient level or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. subsequent attendance M55001 M55.01 Paediatric Medical - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost Weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. Discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M55002 M55.02 Paediatric Medical See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 30 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Outpatient - 1st attendance to paediatrician or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute attendance nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. M55003 M55.03 Paediatric Medical See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Outpatient - Follow-up attendances to paediatrician or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute Subsequent above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. attendance M55004 M55.04 Paediatric Acute Assessments of children presenting for acute assessment where the Attendances Number of attendances to a Assessments assessment is conducted in a designated acute assessment facility by a clinic/department/acute specialist paediatrician or medical officer at registrar level or above or nurse assessment unit. practitioner and the person is not subsequently admitted. M55005 M55.05 Paediatric Seventy two hour nurse follow up of children who have been assessed Service Agreed lump sum amount. community acutely through M55004 Service purchased in a block programme arrangement. M55006 R506 Enuresis Bed wetting programme Service Agreed lump sum amount. Programme Service purchased in a block arrangement. M60001 M60.01 Renal Medicine - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M60002 M60.02 Renal Medicine - See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a 1st attendance attendance to nephrologist or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. M60003 M60.03 Renal Medicine - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to nephrologist or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute attendance above or nurse practitioner. Excludes dialysis. assessment unit. M60004 M60.04 Renal Medicine - Programme of home-based treatment for patients requiring long term Number of The number of patients receiving a Recurrent home continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis - treatment component only. Patients minimum of 13 treatments in the based CAPD Includes patient/family support and monitoring, ongoing equipment required last month of the reporting including repair and maintenance. periods. M60005 M60.05 Renal Medicine - Initial training and education of patients in self-management of continuous New clients Number of clients at end of the CAPD Training ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in their home. Includes patient/family reporting period who were not education, initial equipment required, home modifications. included in the caseload for the previous reporting period. M60006 M60.06 Renal Medicine - Programme of home-based treatment for patients requiring long term Number of The number of patients receiving a

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 31 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Recurrent home haemodialysis - treatment component only. Includes patient/family support Patients minimum of 13 treatments in the based and monitoring, ongoing equipment required including repair and last month of the reporting haemodialysis maintenance. periods. M60007 M60.07 Renal Medicine - Initial training and education of patients in self-management of haemodialysis New clients Number of clients at end of the Home in their home. Includes patient/family education, initial equipment required, reporting period who were not haemodialysis home modifications. included in the caseload for the Training previous reporting period. M60008 M60.08 Renal Medicine - Programme of centre-based treatment for patients requiring long term Number of The number of patients receiving a Incentre dialysis haemodialysis - treatment component only. Includes patient/family support Patients minimum of 13 treatments in the and monitoring, ongoing equipment required including repair and last month of the reporting maintenance. periods. M60009 M60.09 Renal Medicine - Programme of centre-based treatment for patients requiring long term Number of The number of patients receiving a recurrent self haemodialysis - treatment component only. Includes patient/family support Patients minimum of 13 treatments in the managed dialysis and monitoring, ongoing equipment required including repair and last month of the reporting maintenance. periods. M60010 M60.10 Renal Medicine - New clients undertaking incentre self managed renal dialysis training. New clients Number of clients at end of the incentre self reporting period who were not managed dialysis included in the caseload for the training previous reporting period. M60011 R578 Pre-renal Dedicated outpatient services for newly diagnosed Chronic Renal Failure Service Agreed lump sum amount. Replacement patients to provide a basic level of education at an early stage for all newly Service purchased in a block Therapy Program diagnosed patients, to identify and resolve at an early stage any social arrangement. problems which may influence modality choice and to commence dietary intervention at an early stage in order to control symptoms, prevent malnutrition and maintain renal function. This will be provided by a specialist multidisciplinary team, from a dedicated base facility . M60012 R579 Bridging the Gaps Specific services targeting the Maori and Pacific Island population to meet Service Agreed lump sum amount. Program the needs of Maori and Pacific Island population within the renal service. Service purchased in a block This will be provided by a multidisciplinary team including a Maori cultural arrangement. advisor and Maori diabetic nurse, from a dedicated base facility and including some outreach clinics. Team will be mobile for some work at other venues. M60013 R580 IDEAL Program The initiation of dialysis at a level of renal function earlier than is currently the Service Agreed lump sum amount. usual practice. Provision of additional costs for patients accepted for early Service purchased in a block dialysis. This will be provided by a specialist multidisciplinary team, from a arrangement. dedicated base facility. M65001 M65.01 Respiratory - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8)

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 32 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M65002 M65.02 Respiratory - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to respiratory physician or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. M65003 M65.03 Respiratory - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to respiratory physician or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute attendance level or above or nurse practitioner. Excludes bronchoscopy. assessment unit. M65004 M65.04 Respiratory Education and case management by multi-disciplinary teams, in hospital or Clients Number of clients managed by the Education and community settings for patients with chronic respiratory disease and/or service in a year ie caseload at the Management asthma. Excludes home oxygen therapy. commencement of the financial year plus all new cases year to date. M65005 M65.05 Respiratory - Bronchoscopy, including procedures - Procedures An individual Bronchoscopy That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Bronchoscopies, first procedure in the range: (4188901, 4189800, 4188900, 4189200, 4189801, 4176404, 4176403, 4184600, 4184900, 4185500, 4189500). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Bronchoscopies, second procedure in the range:. (4188901, 4189800, 4188900, 4189200, 4189801, 4176404, 4176403, 4184600, 4184900, 4185500, 4189500, 9250202, 9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank). Excludes procedures performed as part of an inpatient episode.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 33 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description M65006 M65.06 Sleep apnoea - An integrated programme for children & adults of diagnostic tests and short Clients Number of clients managed by the assessment term (up to 8 weeks) equipment supply for patients suspected clinically of service in a year ie caseload at the suffering from obstructive sleep apnoea. commencement of the financial Includes patient overnight stay, inlcuding procedures – year plus all new cases year to That the integer difference in days between the Discharge and Admission date. dates is less than 2 AND That the AR-DRG equals E63Z. Excludes medical consultations for specialist assessment which will be purchased under the appropriate specialist follow up attendance purchase units. M65007 M65.07 Sleep apnoea - long Long term equipment supply and maintenance for patients diagnosed with Clients Number of clients managed by the term treatment obstructive sleep apnoea who meet defined guidelines and are assessed as service in a year ie caseload at the requiring long term equipment. This includes the capital cost of the commencement of the financial equipment, CPAP, BIPAP and humidifier. Excludes diagnostic assessment year plus all new cases year to which is purchased through M65.06. Excludes medical consultations for date. specialist assessment which will be purchased under the appropriate specialist followup attendance purchase units. M65008 M65.08 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a Respiratory - 1st attendance to respiratory physician, paediatrician or medical officer at clinic/department/acute attendance registrar level or above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. M65009 M65.09 Specialist Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Respiratory - Follow-up attendances to respiratory physician, paediatrician or medical clinic/department/acute Subsequent officer at registrar level or above or nurse practitioner. Excludes assessment unit. attendance bronchoscopy. M65010 R165 Smoking Cessation CHF project to provide support to prevent readmission and lower length of Service Agreed lump sum amount. Initiative - stay. There is a Service a Spec & reporting requirements, Integration project. Service purchased in a block Respiratory arrangement. M65011 R508 General & Integrated programme encompassing inpatient, outpatient and community Service Agreed lump sum amount. Respiratory health services. (See attached table for Services included/excluded) Service purchased in a block Programme - Study arrangement. M65012 RS3289 COPD Pilot COPD Models of Care Programme. Includes Pulmonary Rehab, Respiratory Service Agreed lump sum amount. Nurse and Repsiratory Testing Service purchased in a block arrangement. M70001 M70.01 Rheumatology (incl See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Immunology) - specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent Inpatient Services Separations version 8 (WIES8) (DRGs) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 34 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description M70002 M70.02 Rheumatology (incl See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a immunology) - 1st attendance to rheumatologist or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute attendance nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. M70003 M70.03 Rheumatology (incl See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a immunology) - Follow-up attendances to rheumatologist or medical officer at registrar level clinic/department/acute Subsequent or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. attendance M80001 M80.01 Palliative Care - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). M80004 M80.04 Palliative Care - See Section 4 for a generic specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a Outpatient Services attendance to palliative care medicine specialist or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute level or above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. M80005 M80.05 Palliative Care - Programme of community-based care for people assessed as requiring Service Agreed lump sum amount. Community specialist palliative care. Service purchased in a block Services arrangement. M87001 M87.01 Clinical Genetics – See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a first specialist attendance to a medical geneticist assessment or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute assessment level or above or nurse practitioner for a specialist assessment. assessment unit. M87002 M87.02 Clinical Genetics - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow up attendances to a medical geneticist or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute attendance level or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. M87003 M87.03 Clinical Genetic Laboratory tests referred by other specialists or general practitioners for Tests Number of separate tests testing genetic testing only. purchased M87004 R455 Newborn Screening New born screening for the following diseases and disorders - Service Agreed lump sum amount. National Testing Phenylketonuria (PKU); Service purchased in a block Centre arrangement. Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD); Hypothyroidism; Galactosaemia; Biotinidase deficiency; Cystic fibrosis; and Adrenal hyperplasia. M87006 R456 Newborn National New born screening for the following diseases and disorders - Service Agreed lump sum amount. NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 35 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Testing Centre out Phenylketonuria (PKU); Service purchased in a block of region arrangement. Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD); Hypothyroidism; NN109 Galactosaemia; Biotinidase deficiency; Cystic fibrosis; and Adrenal hyperplasia McLeod genetic testing regional unit. MHCR01 MHCR001 Community This is a community-based residential rehabilitation and support service for Bed days Total number of beds that are Residential - Level I people with psychiatric disabilities. The service will provide "brief daily available and/or occupied each support provided by experienced non-clinical staff" in a home-like day as locally agreed in a atmosphere with partial supervision and a low-key rehabilitation programme community residential facility over for each resident. a designated period. MHCR02 MHCR002 Community This is a community-based residential rehabilitation and support service for Bed days Total number of beds that are Residential - Level people with psychiatric disabilities. The service will provide "24 hour support available and/or occupied each II provided by non-clinical staff. May include sleepovers" in a home-like day as locally agreed in a atmosphere with partial supervision and a low-key rehabilitation programme community residential facility over for each resident. a designated period. MHCR03 MHCR003 Community This is a community-based residential rehabilitation and support service for Bed days Total number of beds that are Residential - Level people with psychiatric disabilities. The service will provide "24 hour support available and/or occupied each III provided predominately by non-clinical staff with some clinical staff available day as locally agreed in a short term (day hours/sleepovers)" in a home-like atmosphere with partial community residential facility over supervision and low-key rehabilitation programme for each resident. a designated period. MHCR04 MHCR004 Community This is a community-based residential rehabilitation and support service for Bed days Total number of beds that are Residential - Level people with psychiatric disabilities. The service will provide "24 hour available and/or occupied each IV intensive support - mix of clinical/non-clinical staff providing: - 24 hour access day as locally agreed in a to medication, behaviour management strategies, daily consultation with community residential facility over clinical team, harm reduction strategies" in safe and comfortable a designated period. accommodation with a home-like atmosphere for each resident. MHCR05 MHCR005 Residential Long Provision of service for people with complex needs that require 24-hour Bed days Total number of beds that are Term Service supervision and active support over a very long time. available and/or occupied each day as locally agreed in a community residential facility over a designated period. MCHR06 MCHR006 Detoxification - Detoxification occurring in a residential facility targeting at those with drug Bed days Total number of beds that are Residential dependency and related issues. available and/or occupied each day as locally agreed in a community residential facility over a designated period.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 36 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description MHCR07 MHCR007 Residential Treatment for alcohol and drug clients in a residential facility. Bed days Total number of beds that are Treatment – Alcohol available and/or occupied each and Drug Service day as locally agreed in a community residential facility over a designated period. MHCR08 MHCR008 Residential Co- Coordination services between provider and other agencies/persons relating FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member ordination Service to the level 3 and 4 residential care for people with mental disorder. (clinical or non-clinical) involved in direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCR09 MHCR009 Other Residential Support services provided to consumers/clients with a mental disorder to FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Support enable them to have the independence stay in their own homes. The (clinical or non-clinical) involved in services may include home based support, community support workers and direct delivery of services to support for independence services. consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCR09.1 MHCR901 Other Residential Home based support services provided to consumers/clients with a mental FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Support– Home disorder to enable them to have the independence stay in their own homes (clinical or non-clinical) involved in Based Support direct delivery of services to Services consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCR09.2 MHCR902 Other Residential Community support work services provided to consumers/clients with a FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Support– mental disorder to enable them to have the independence stay in their own (clinical or non-clinical) involved in Community Support homes. direct delivery of services to Work consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCR09.3 MHCR903 Other Residential Support for independence services provided to consumers/clients with a FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Support - Support mental disorder to enable them to have the independence stay in their own (clinical or non-clinical) involved in For Independence homes. direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 37 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCR10 MHCR010 Child & Youth Dedicated services for consumers who are under the age of 20 in a Bed days Total number of beds that are Community residential setting. available and/or occupied each Residential Care day as locally agreed in a community residential facility over a designated period. MHCR11 MHCR011 Forensic Assessment and support services delivered to individuals in a community Bed days Total number of beds that are Community residential facility by forensic team members. available and/or occupied each Residential Care day as locally agreedin a community residential facility over a designated period. MHCR13 MHCR013 Kaupapa Maori This is a community-based residential rehabilitation and support service for Bed days Total number of beds that are Residential Maori with psychiatric disabilities. The service will provide "brief daily support available and/or occupied each Rehabilitation Level provided by experienced non-clinical staff" in a home-like atmosphere with day as locally agreed in a I partial supervision and a low-key rehabilitation programme for each resident. community residential facility over This treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing a designated period. practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. MHCR14 MHCR014 Kaupapa Maori This is a community-based residential rehabilitation and support service for Bed days Total number of beds that are Residential Maori with psychiatric disabilities. The service will provide "24 hour support available and/or occupied each Rehabilitation Level provided by non-clinical staff. May include sleepovers" in a home-like day as locally agreed in a II atmosphere with partial supervision and a low-key rehabilitation programme community residential facility over for each resident. a designated period. This treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. MHCR15 MHCR015 Kaupapa Maori This is a community-based residential rehabilitation and support service for Bed days Total number of beds that are Residential Maori with psychiatric disabilities. The service will provide "24 hour support available and/or occupied each Rehabilitation Level provided predominately by non-clinical staff with some clinical staff available day as locally agreed in a III short term (day hours/sleepovers)" in a home-like atmosphere with partial community residential facility over supervision and low-key rehabilitation programme for each resident. a designated period. This treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. MHCR16 MHCR016 Kaupapa Maori This is a community-based residential rehabilitation and support service for Bed days Total number of beds that are Residential people with psychiatric disabilities. The service will provide "24 hour available and/or occupied each Rehabilitation Level intensive support - mix of clinical/non-clinical staff providing: - 24 hour access day as locally agreed in a IV to medication, behaviour management strategies, daily consultation with community residential facility over clinical team, harm reduction strategies" in safe and comfortable a designated period. NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 38 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description accommodation with a home-like atmosphere for each resident. This treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. MHCR17 MHCR017 Supported Landlord Provision of community-based, affordable, furnished or unfurnished flats with Clients Total number of client tenants Service low-key regular social support for people with psychiatric disabilities. supported. Tenants will have security of tenure and social supports will be minimally intrusive. MHCR18 - Alcohol and Drug – Provision of individual support and rehabilitation services for Service Users Clients Total number of clients supported. Supported Living who have alcohol and drug dependency and who are living independently, Services but not necessarily alone, in the community. MHCR19 - Child and Youth Provision of a home-like 24-hour residential rehabilitation service for children, Bed Day Total number of beds that are Community Alcohol adolescents and youth with a serious alcohol and drug problems that result in available and/or occupied each and Drug complex and ongoing high support needs related to their activities of daily day as locally agreed in a Residential Care living. community residential facility over a designated period. MHCR20 - Community Provision community-based residential service, which will provide Bed Day Total number of beds that are Residential – Dual accommodation and treatment interventions for people who have coexisting available and/or occupied each Diagnosis Mental mental health problems with alcohol and drug dependency. day as locally agreed in a Health and Alcohol community residential facility over and Drug a designated period. MHCS01A MHCS01.A Community Alcohol Alcohol and drug assessment and treatment services provided out of a Other Clinical Full-time equivalent clinical staff & Drug Services community based facility. Community treatment services includes: FTEs member (health professional - (Other Clinical  comprehensive assessment & treatment planning; other than senior medical officer) FTEs)  the provision of range of time limited treatment interventions such as involved in the direct delivery of individual or family counselling, home based detoxification, day services to consumers. Exclude programmes, referral to specialist services and aftercare and follow up; time that is formally devoted to  liaison, consultancy and brokerage; administrative or management  provision of A&D information and harm reduction strategies; functions e.g. half-time  community development. coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS01B MHCS01.B Community Alcohol Alcohol and drug assessment and treatment services provided out of a Senior Medical Full-time equivalent senior medical & Drug Services community based facility. Community treatment services includes: Clinical FTEs staff member involved in the direct (Senior Medical  comprehensive assessment & treatment planning; delivery of services to consumers. Clinical FTEs)  the provision of range of time limited treatment interventions such as Exclude time that is formally individual or family counselling, home based detoxification, day devoted to administrative or programmes, referral to specialist services and aftercare and follow up; management functions e.g. half-  liaison, consultancy and brokerage; time coordination of a community NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 39 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description  provision of A&D information and harm reduction strategies; team. This includes DAMHS  community development. positions. Registrars and house surgeons are specifically excluded. MHCS01C MHCS01.C Community Alcohol Alcohol and drug assessment and treatment services provided out of a Non-Clinical Full-time equivalent staff member & Drug Services community based facility. Community treatment services includes: FTEs (without health professional (Non-Clinical FTEs)  comprehensive assessment & treatment planning; qualification) directly delivering  the provision of range of time limited treatment interventions such as clinical/therapeutic services to individual or family counselling, home based detoxification, day consumers. Exclude time that is programmes, referral to specialist services and aftercare and follow up; formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g.  liaison, consultancy and brokerage; half-time coordination of a  provision of A&D information and harm reduction strategies; community team.  community development. MHCS02A MHCS02.A Kaupapa Maori Kaupapa Maori alcohol and drug assessment and treatment services Other Clinical Full-time equivalent clinical staff Alcohol & Drug provided out of a community based facility. Community treatment services FTEs member (health professional - Services (Other includes: other than senior medical officer) Clinical FTEs)  comprehensive assessment & treatment planning; involved in the direct delivery of  the provision of range of time limited treatment interventions such as services to consumers. Exclude individual or family counselling, home based detoxification, day time that is formally devoted to programmes, referral to specialist services and aftercare and follow up; administrative or management  liaison, consultancy and brokerage; functions e.g. half-time  provision of A&D information and harm reduction strategies; coordination of a community team.  community development. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar This treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing and house surgeon time. practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. MHCS02C MHCS02.C Kaupapa Maori Kaupapa Maori alcohol and drug assessment and treatment services Non-Clinical Full-time equivalent staff member Alcohol & Drug provided out of a community based facility. Community treatment services FTEs (without health professional Services (Non- includes: qualification) directly delivering Clinical FTEs)  comprehensive assessment & treatment planning; clinical/therapeutic services to  the provision of range of time limited treatment interventions such as consumers. Exclude time that is individual or family counselling, home based detoxification, day formally devoted to administrative programmes, referral to specialist services and aftercare and follow up; or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a  liaison, consultancy and brokerage; community team.  provision of A&D information and harm reduction strategies;  community development. This treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. MHCS03 MHCS003 Detoxification - Detoxification occurring in a community setting targeting at those with drug Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Home/Community dependency and related issues. member (health professional) involved in the direct delivery of NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 40 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS04 MHCS004 Dual Diagnosis - Specific services targeting people with co-existing alcohol and drug use and Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Mental Health and severe mental health disorders. The services provided include clinical, member (health professional) Alcohol & Drug consultation/liaison and support services. involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS05 MHCS005 Service for Specific services targeting deaf people with mental health disorders. The Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Profoundly Deaf services provided include clinical, consultation/liaison and support services. member (health professional) involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS06A MHCS06.A Community Mental Community Mental Health Teams employed to provide initial screening, and Other Clinical Full-time equivalent clinical staff Health Service constancy for people requesting public mental health services. They provide FTEs member (health professional - (Other Clinical assessment, treatment, continuing care/support for clients with severe other than senior medical officer) FTEs) mental illness, both in the community and residential services. involved in the direct delivery of Includes sub units: Multidisciplinary team, community mental health team comprises mental services to consumers. Exclude  MHCS06A1: health professionals to provide clinical services, including social workers, time that is formally devoted to Needs psychiatric nurses, consultant psychiatrists, occupational therapists, medical administrative or management Assessment & officers and psychologist. Include services such as Support Needs functions e.g. half-time Service Co- Assessment, Crisis Teams, Continuing Care Teams, Community Day coordination of a community team. ordination Hospitals and Early Intervention. They also guide the person to the This includes the non clinical  MHCS06A2: appropriate service. training component of registrar Crisis Intervention and house surgeon time.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 41 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description  MHCS06A4: Community Day Hospital Programme  MHCS06A5: Early Intervention for people with first time psychosis  MHCS06A6: Intensive Treatment Service – Mobile  MHCS06A7: Clinical Rehab. Service – Comm’ty MHCS06B MHCS06.B Community Mental Community Mental Health Teams employed to provide initial screening, and Senior Medical Full-time equivalent senior medical Health Service constancy for people requesting public mental health services. They provide Clinical FTEs staff member involved in the direct (Senior Medical assessment, treatment, continuing care/support for clients with severe delivery of services to consumers. FTEs) mental illness, both in the community and residential services. Exclude time that is formally Multidisciplinary team, community mental health team comprises mental devoted to administrative or Includes sub units: health professionals to provide clinical services, including social workers, management functions e.g. half-  MHCS06B1: psychiatric nurses, consultant psychiatrists, occupational therapists, medical time coordination of a community Needs officers and psychologist. Include services such as Support Needs team. This includes DAMHS Assessment & Assessment, Crisis Teams, Continuing Care Teams, Community Day positions. Registrars and house Service Co- Hospitals and Early Intervention. They also guide the person to the surgeons are specifically ordination appropriate service. excluded.  MHCS06B2: Crisis Intervention  MHCS06B4: Community Day Hospital Programme  MHCS06B5: Early Intervention for people with first time psychosis  MHCS06B6: Intensive Treatment

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 42 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Service – Mobile  MHCS06B7: Clinical Rehab. Service – Comm’ty MHCS07 MHCS007 General Hospital Dedicated psychiatric consultation/liaison team services to patients at the Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Liaison Service general hospital. Includes consultation/liaison services to pain clinics, member (health professional) accident and emergency clinics and medical, obstetric and surgical services. involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS08A MHCS08.A Children & Young Dedicated outpatient services for children up to and including 18 years old. Other Clinical Full-time equivalent clinical staff People Community This will be provided by a specialist, multidisciplinary team, from a dedicated FTEs member (health professional - Services (Other base facility, and including some outreach clinics. Team will be mobile for other than senior medical officer) Clinical FTEs) some work at other venues. involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude Includes sub units: time that is formally devoted to  MHCS08A1: administrative or management Needs functions e.g. half-time Assessment & coordination of a community team. Service Co- This includes the non clinical ordination – Child training component of registrar & Youth and house surgeon time. MHCS08B MHCS08.B Children & Young Dedicated outpatient services for children up to and including 18 years old. Senior Medical Full-time equivalent senior medical People Community This will be provided by a specialist, multidisciplinary team, from a dedicated Clinical FTEs staff member involved in the direct Services (Senior base facility, and including some outreach clinics. Team will be mobile for delivery of services to consumers. Medical FTEs) some work at other venues. Exclude time that is formally Includes sub units: devoted to administrative or  MHCS08B1: management functions e.g. half- Needs time coordination of a community Assessment & team. This includes DAMHS Service Co- positions. Registrars and house ordination – Child surgeons are specifically & Youth excluded. MHCS09 MHCS009 Eating Disorders A clinical service that provides assessment and treatment for people with a Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Service – member (health professional) NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 43 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Community (Clinical significant eating disorder including anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. involved in the direct delivery of FTEs) services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS09C MHCS009C Eating Disorders A clinical service that provides assessment and treatment for people with a Non-Clinical Full-time equivalent staff member Service – significant eating disorder including anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. FTEs (without health professional Community (Non- qualification) directly delivering Clinical FTEs) clinical/therapeutic services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS10 MHCS010 Specialist Therapeutic interventions that are primarily targeted at consumer group with Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Psychotherapy severe personality disorder. member (health professional) Service involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS11 MHCS011 Community Assessment and treatment services delivered to individuals who live in the Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Forensic Service community by members of the forensic team. member (health professional) involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS12 MHCS012 Prison/Court Liaison This includes: Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff  assessment and liaison services provided to individuals in prison by member (health professional) forensic team members involved in the direct delivery of NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 44 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description  a specialised dedicated health professional services to provide mental services to consumers. Exclude health status assessment, liaison and advice for the court. time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS14 MHCS014 Work Rehabilitation/ Work rehabilitation, employment, vocational, educational and skills Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Employment and enhancement support and services provided to psychiatric clients in the member (health professional) Educational Support community by dedicated health professionals. involved in the direct delivery of Services (Clinical services to consumers. Exclude FTEs) time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS14C MHCS015 Work Rehabilitation/ Work rehab, employment, vocational, educational and skills enhancement Non-Clinical Full-time equivalent staff member Employment and support and services provided to psychiatric clients in the community by FTEs (without health professional Educational Support dedicated non-clinical staff. qualification) directly delivering Services (Non- clinical/therapeutic services to Clinical FTEs) consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS16 MHCS016 Activity-Based Activity rehab services/day & activity living skills and recreational support and Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Rehabilitation services provided to psychiatric clients in the community by dedicated health member (health professional) Service/Day Activity professionals. involved in the direct delivery of and Living Skills services to consumers. Exclude (Clinical FTEs) time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS16C MHCS017 Activity-Based Activity rehab services/day & activity living skills and recreational support and Non-Clinical Full time equivalent staff member Rehabilitation services provided to psychiatric clients in the community by dedicated non FTEs (without health professional Service/Day Activity clinical staff. qualification) directly delivering

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 45 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description and Living Skills clinical/therapeutic services to (Non-Clinical FTEs) consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions eg half- time coordination of a community team. MHCS18 MHCS018 Community Service Dedicated outpatient services for mental health consumers over the age of Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff - Older People 65. This will be provided by a specialist, multidisciplinary team, from a member (health professional) dedicated base facility, and including some outreach clinics. Team will be involved in the direct delivery of mobile for some work at other venues. services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS19 MHCS019 Kaupapa Maori Dedicated outpatient services for Maori consumers. This will be provided by Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Mental Health a specialist, multidisciplinary team, from a dedicated base facility, and member (health professional) Services - Adult including some outreach clinics. Team will be mobile for some work at other involved in the direct delivery of Community Teams venues. services to consumers. Exclude (Clinical FTEs) time that is formally devoted to This treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing administrative or management practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS19C MHCS020 Kaupapa Maori Dedicated outpatient services for Maori consumers provided by non clinical Non-Clinical Full-time equivalent staff member Mental Health staff. This will be provided by a specialist, multidisciplinary team, from a FTEs (without health professional Services - Adult dedicated base facility, and including some outreach clinics. Team will be qualification) directly delivering Community Teams mobile for some work at other venues. clinical/therapeutic services to (Non-Clinical FTEs) consumers. Exclude time that is This treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing formally devoted to administrative practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS21 MHCS021 Advocacy/Peer Advocacy/Peer Support provided to Consumers by dedicated health FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Support – professionals & non clinical staff. (clinical or non-clinical) involved in Consumers direct delivery of services to Includes sub-units consumers. Exclude time that is as follows: formally devoted to administrative NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 46 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description  MHCS21.1 or management functions e.g. Adults half-time coordination of a  MHCS21.2 community team. Older Adults  MHCS21.4 Forensic Services  MHCS21.7 Child & Youth  MHCS21.8 Alcohol & Drug MHCS22 MHCS022 Advocacy/Peer Advocacy/Peer Support provided to Families/ Whanau of consumers of FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Support - Mental Health services by dedicated health professionals and non clinical (clinical or non-clinical) involved in Families/Whanau staff. direct delivery of services to Includes sub-units consumers. Exclude time that is as follows: formally devoted to administrative  MHCS22.1 or management functions e.g. Adults half-time coordination of a  MHCS22.2 community team. Older Adults  MHCS22.4 Forensic Services  MHCS22.7 Child & Youth  MHCS22.8 Alcohol & Drug MHCS24 MHCS024 Child & Youth Day Services that provide specific programmes aimed at enhancing skills such as Programme Various - mix of facility and Services (part of interpersonal and living skills for people who have mental health problems staffing cost recovery based on inpatient service) and high support needs, primarily targeted at clients up to 19 years age local market rates. group. Provided by inpatient unit. MHCS25 MHCS025 Maori Advisory Maori Advisory Services relating to the care of Maori people with a mental FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Services disorder. (clinical or non-clinical) involved in direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS26 MHCS026 Early Intervention Early Intervention Alcohol & Drug Services provided by specialist and Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Alcohol & Drug multidisciplinary team to assess and treat people with an alcohol or drug member (health professional) Service related problem in the early stage of the illness. involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 47 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS27 MHCS027 Refugee Mental Psychiatric assessment, treatment and other related services provided to Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Health Service refugees with a psychiatric (trauma) disorder. member (health professional) involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS28 MHCS028 Specialist Maternal The service is designed to provide assessment, treatment and therapy to Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Mental Health women who have an exacerbation or develop mental illness associated with member (health professional) Service pregnancy, or who are suspected of having, moderate to severe mental involved in the direct delivery of health problems. services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS29.1 MHCS29.1 Methadone To facilitate a primary care service for those people dependent on opioids, Case Total number of treatment places Treatment – run according to the National Protocol for Methadone Treatment NZ (May provided during a specified period General Practitioner 1996). The focus of the programme is harm reduction and stabilisation of the by GPs. client's health status, lifestyle and drug use. MHCS29.2 MHCS29.2 Methadone A comprehensive treatment service for those people dependent on opioids, Case Total number of treatment places Treatment – run according to the National Protocol for Methadone Treatment NZ (May provided during a specified period Specialist 1996). The focus of the programme is harm reduction and stabilisation of the by specialists. client's health status, lifestyle and drug use. MHCS31 MHCS031 Dual Diagnosis with Specific services targeting people with co-existing intellectual disability and Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Intellectual severe mental health disorders. The services provided include clinical, member (health professional) Disability consultation/liaison and support services. involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 48 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS33 MHCS033 Liaison with Child Provision of specialist advice on assessment, treatment and management of Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Youth & Family children and young persons involved with the Child Youth and Family member (health professional) Service Service. involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS34 MHCS034 Sub-contracted Community Mental Health Networking sub contract. FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Services (clinical or non-clinical) involved in direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS35A MHCS35.A Community Dedicated outpatient services for Pacific Islands consumers. This will be Other Clinical Full-time equivalent clinical staff Services for Pacific provided by a specialist, multidisciplinary team, from a dedicated base FTEs member (health professional - Islands People facility, and including some outreach clinics. Team will be mobile for some other than senior medical officer) (Other Clinical work at other venues. involved in the direct delivery of FTEs) services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS35C MHCS35.C Community Dedicated outpatient services for Pacific Islands consumers. This will be Non-Clinical Full-time equivalent staff member Services for Pacific provided by a specialist, multidisciplinary team, from a dedicated base FTEs (without health professional Islands People facility, and including some outreach clinics. Team will be mobile for some qualification) directly delivering (Non-Clinical FTEs) work at other venues. clinical/therapeutic services to consumers. Exclude time that is

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 49 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS36A MHCS36.A Children and Youth Alcohol and drug assessment and treatment services for people under the Other Clinical Full-time equivalent clinical staff Alcohol and Drug age of 20, provided out of a community based facility. Community treatment FTEs member (health professional - Community services includes: other than senior medical officer) Services (Other  comprehensive assessment & treatment planning; involved in the direct delivery of Clinical FTEs)  the provision of range of time limited treatment interventions such as services to consumers. Exclude individual or family counselling, home based detoxification, day time that is formally devoted to programmes, referral to specialist services and aftercare and follow up; administrative or management  liaison, consultancy and brokerage; functions e.g. half-time  provision of A&D information and harm reduction strategies; coordination of a community team.  community development. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS36B MHCS36.B Children and Youth Alcohol and drug assessment and treatment services for people under the Senior Medical Full-time equivalent senior medical Alcohol and Drug age of 20, provided out of a community based facility. Community treatment FTEs staff member involved in the direct Community services includes: delivery of services to consumers. Services (Senior  comprehensive assessment & treatment planning; Exclude time that is formally Medical FTEs)  the provision of range of time limited treatment interventions such as devoted to administrative or individual or family counselling, home based detoxification, day management functions e.g. half- programmes, referral to specialist services and aftercare and follow up; time coordination of a community  liaison, consultancy and brokerage; team. This includes DAMHS  provision of A&D information and harm reduction strategies; positions. Registrars and house  community development. surgeons are specifically excluded. MHCS37 MHCS37 Alcohol and Drug Alcohol and drug assessment and treatment services provided by way of a FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Day Treatment day treatment programme out of a community based facility. Community (clinical or non-clinical) involved in Programme treatment services includes: direct delivery of services to  comprehensive assessment & treatment planning; consumers. Exclude time that is  the provision of range of time limited treatment interventions such as formally devoted to administrative individual or family counselling, home based detoxification, day or management functions e.g. programmes, referral to specialist services and aftercare and follow up; half-time coordination of a community team.  liaison, consultancy and brokerage;  provision of A&D information and harm reduction strategies;  community development. MHCS38 MHCS38 Children and Youth Activity rehab services/day & activity living skills and recreational support and FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Day Activity Service services provided to psychiatric clients who are under the age of 20 years old (clinical or non-clinical) involved in ,in the community by dedicated health professionals. direct delivery of services to consumers. Exclude time that is NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 50 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS39 MHCS39 Kaupapa Maori Dedicated outpatient services for Maori consumers who are under the age of FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Mental Health 20 years old. This will be provided by a specialist, multidisciplinary team, (clinical or non-clinical) involved in Services - Tamariki from a dedicated base facility, and including some outreach clinics. Team direct delivery of services to and Rangatahi will be mobile for some work at other venues. consumers. Exclude time that is The treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing formally devoted to administrative practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS40 MHCS40 Kaupapa Maori Provision of liaison and specialist Maori advice and information to other FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Mental Health services and teams in regard to specific consumers on traditional Maori (clinical or non-clinical) involved in Services healing practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori direct delivery of services to -Consultation / ownership. consumers. Exclude time that is Liaison formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS41 MHCS41 Kaupapa Maori To provide rapid clinical and cultural assessment and intervention for eligible FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Mental Health Maori people in crisis, in a highly mobile fashion and at the point when the (clinical or non-clinical) involved in Services - Crisis crisis is occurring. direct delivery of services to Intervention The treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing consumers. Exclude time that is practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS42 MHCS42 Kaupapa Maori Day programmes to assist eligible Maori people to improve their life skills, FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Mental Health strengthen their sense of identity and knowledge and understanding of their (clinical or non-clinical) involved in Services - Day Maoritanga and overcome social isolation. direct delivery of services to Programmes The treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing consumers. Exclude time that is practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS43 MHCS43 Kaupapa Maori Specific services targeting Maori people with co-existing alcohol and drug FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Mental Health use and severe mental health disorders. The services provided include (clinical or non-clinical) involved in Services - Dual clinical, consultation/liaison and support services. direct delivery of services to Diagnosis with The treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing consumers. Exclude time that is Alcohol and Drug practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. formally devoted to administrative problems or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 51 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description community team. MHCS44 MHCS44 Kaupapa Maori Early Intervention Alcohol & Drug Services for Maori consumers provided by FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Mental Health specialist and multidisciplinary team to assess and treat people with an (clinical or non-clinical) involved in Services - Early alcohol or drug related problem in the early stage of the illness. direct delivery of services to Intervention The treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori healing consumers. Exclude time that is practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS45 MHCS45 Older Persons Day Dedicated outpatient services for mental health consumers over the age of Clinical FTEs Full-time equivalent clinical staff Hospital 65, providing an assessment, treatment and recovery oriented programme. member (health professional) Programme This will be provided by a specialist, multidisciplinary team, from a dedicated involved in the direct delivery of base facility. services to consumers. Exclude time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS46 MHCS46 Kaupapa Maori Provision of Kaumatua and Taua (Kuia) services to support other Kaupapa FTEs Full-time equivalent staff member Mental Health Maori Mental Health Services. (clinical or non-clinical) involved in Services – direct delivery of services to Kaumatua and consumers. Exclude time that is Taua (Kuia) formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. MHCS47A - Child and Youth Provision of intensive clinical assessment and treatment services which will Other Clinical Full-time equivalent clinical staff Intensive Clinical enable children and adolescents who have serious mental health problems FTEs member (health professional - Support Service and are under the care of the Department of Child Youth and Family other than senior medical officer) (Other Clinical FTE) Services (CYF), to achieve their maximum possible level of wellbeing, live involved in the direct delivery of safely and effectively in a family/whanau environment and to maintain services to consumers. Exclude appropriate social and educational relationships. time that is formally devoted to administrative or management functions e.g. half-time coordination of a community team. This includes the non clinical training component of registrar and house surgeon time. MHCS47B - Child and Youth Provision of intensive clinical assessment and treatment services which will Senior Medical Full-time equivalent senior medical Intensive Clinical enable children and adolescents who have serious mental health problems FTEs staff member involved in the direct NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 52 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Support Service and are under the care of the Department of Child Youth and Family delivery of services to consumers. (Senior Medical Services (CYF), to achieve their maximum possible level of wellbeing, live Exclude time that is formally safely and effectively in a family/whanau environment and to maintain devoted to administrative or appropriate social and educational relationships. management functions e.g. half- time coordination of a community team. This includes DAMHS positions. Registrars and house surgeons are specifically excluded. MHCS48 - Child and Youth Provision of individually tailored support packages which will enable Programme Various - mix of facility and Wrap Around children/adolescents who are using the intensive clinical support services to staffing cost recovery based on Services live safely and effectively in a family/ whanau environment and to maintain local market rates. appropriate social and educational relationships. MHCS49 - Child and Youth Provision of individually tailored packages of care/treatment for children and Programme Various - mix of facility and Acute Care adolescents who are experiencing an acute episode of a serious mental staffing cost recovery based on Packages illness/mental health problem. local market rates. MHIS01 MHIS01.1 Acute Inpatient Inpatient assessment and treatment in a designated psychiatric ward or Available bed Total number of days that inpatient Beds portion of a ward for consumers who are suffering from an acute mental days beds that are available to be disorder and who cannot be safely treated in an outpatient setting. occupied during the period MHIS02 MHIS002 Older People Inpatient assessment and treatment in a designated psychiatric ward or Available bed Total number of days that inpatient Inpatient Beds portion of a ward for consumers who are over the age of 65 and who are days beds that are available to be suffering from an acute mental disorder and who cannot be safely treated in occupied during the period an outpatient setting. MHIS03 MHIS003 Clinical Time spent by a client in a psychiatric rehabilitation inpatient unit (long Available bed Total number of days that inpatient Rehabilitation/Sub- term/extended care). days beds that are available to be Acute/Extended occupied during the period Care Inpatient Beds MHIS04 MHIS004 Long Term Secure Services that provide the full range of psychiatric/mental health services to Available bed Total number of days that inpatient Forensic clients deemed forensic within a maximum secure inpatient environment. days beds that are available to be occupied during the period MHIS05 MHIS005 Medium Secure Services that provide the full range of psychiatric/mental health services to Available bed Total number of days that inpatient Forensic clients deemed forensic within a medium secure inpatient environment. days beds that are available to be occupied during the period MHIS06 MHIS006 Minimum Secure Services that provide the full range of psychiatric/mental health services to Available bed Total number of days that inpatient Forensic clients deemed forensic within a minimum secure inpatient environment. days beds that are available to be occupied during the period MHIS07 MHIS007 Child and Youth Inpatient assessment and treatment in a designated psychiatric ward or Available bed Total number of days that inpatient Inpatient Beds portion of a ward for consumers who are under the age of 19 and who are beds that are available to be NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 53 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description suffering from an acute mental disorder and who cannot be safely treated in days occupied during the period an outpatient setting. MHIS08 MHIS008 Kaupapa Maori Inpatient assessment and treatment in a designated psychiatric ward or Available bed Total number of days that inpatient Mental Health portion of a ward for Maori consumers who are suffering from an acute days beds that are available to be Services - Inpatient mental disorder and who cannot be safely treated in an outpatient setting. occupied during the period Beds The treatment model is expected to contain traditional Maori health practices including holistic approach, whanau input and Maori ownership. MHIS09 MHIS01.2 Intensive Care Inpatient assessment and treatment in a designated secure psychiatric ward Available bed Total number of days that inpatient Inpatient Beds or portion of a ward for consumers who are suffering from an acute mental days beds that are available to be disorder and who cannot be safely treated in an outpatient setting. occupied during the period MHIS10 MHIS010 Detoxification – Detoxification occurring in a designated inpatient facility targeting at those Available bed Total number of days that inpatient Medical Inpatient with complex drug dependency and related issues. days beds that are available to be occupied during the period MHIS12 MHIS012 Eating Disorder Inpatient assessment and treatment in a designated psychiatric ward or Available bed Total number of days that inpatient Service - Inpatient portion of a ward for patients with an Eating Disorder. days beds that are available to be occupied during the period MHIS13 MHIS013 Mother and Baby - Inpatient assessment and treatment in a designated psychiatric ward/portion Available bed Total number of days that inpatient Inpatient of a ward for mothers & babies. days beds that are available to be occupied during the period MHIS14 MHIS014 Inpatient Access Provision of a dedicated Mental Health Inpatient Facility of set capacity for a Available Availability of facility for fixed Fee fixed period of time. Facility period of time MHQI01 MHQI001 Quality Include Quality Improvement programmes for monitoring, auditing, reporting Programme Various quality improvement Improvements of Mental Health services and contracts. programmes. MHRD01 MHRD001 Research and Research and Development programmes and strategies associated with Programme Various - may include short-term Development Mental Health. Include collaboration with the Health Research Council for studies/ surveys and long-term the development of research proposals for casemix, outcomes and research lasting more than a year. epidemiology study. MHRE01 MHRE01.1 Adult Planned Dedicated facility and services provided for client and/or carer and/or family Programme Various - mix of facility and Respite who require a short break from their own homes. staffing cost recovery based on local market rates. MHRE02 MHRE01.2 Adult Crisis Respite Dedicated facility and services provided for client and/or carer and/or family Programme Various - mix of facility and who require a short break from their own homes. staffing cost recovery based on local market rates. MHRE03 MHRE01.3 Maternal Respite Respite service for mothers and/or babies who require a short break from Programme Various - mix of facility and their own homes or additional support in their own home. Services staffing cost recovery based on specifically for women who have had an exacerbation or develop mental NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 54 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description illness associated with pregnancy. local market rates. MHRE04 MHRE01.4 Child and Youth Dedicated facility and services provided for client and/or carer and/or family Programme Various - mix of facility and Planned Respite who require a short break from their own homes. staffing cost recovery based on local market rates. MHRE05 MHRE01.5 Child and Youth Dedicated facility and services provided for client and/or carer and/or family Programme Various - mix of facility and Crisis Respite who require a short break from their own homes. staffing cost recovery based on local market rates. MHWD01 MHWD001 Workforce Purchased of mental health related training programmes and/or training Programme Various - may include number of Development positions. May include 'one-off' programme development and establishment trainees and/or training services. programmes MHWD02 MHWD002 Workforce Purchased of mental health related training programmes and/or training Programme Various - trainees and/or training Development - CTA positions. May include ‘one-off’ programme development and establishment programmes purchased by CTA Places services. MS01001 Previously Nurse led outpatient Education and management clinic led by a nurse specialist for specialist Attendances Number of attendances to a covered in clinics groups of clients excluding diabetes, respiratory and wound care that are clinic/department/assessment unit AH01002 covered in other purchase units. OT02001 OT02.01 Coroner Deaths not Provision of facilities, materials and ancillary staff to deal with human Case Number of deceased persons. requiring Post remains prior to release by a coroner for burial or cremation. No post Mortem mortem required. OT05001 OT05.01 Hyperbaric chamber This includes the delivery of HBO, associated care and treatment by a team Treatment Time, in hours, from patient of specialised staff, (including medical nursing and technical staff) liaison with hours entering to exiting hyperbaric referrers, discharge planning on both an in patient and day case basis. For chamber. cases admitted but present primarily for HBO costs related to the admission will be met within this contract. PC0001 Pain clinic 1st First attendance to pain clinic anaesthetist or medical officer/s at registrar Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance – level or above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. clinic/department/ assessment unit medical practitioner PC0002 Pain clinic 1st First attendance to pain clinic clinician (excluding medical practitioner) for Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance – non- specialist assessment. clinic/department/ assessment unit medical practitioner PC0003 Pain clinic – Follow-up attendances to pain clinic anaesthetist or medical officer at Attendances Number of attendances to a subsequent registrar level or above or nurse practitioner. clinic/department/ assessment unit attendance – medical practitioner PC0004 Pain clinic – Follow-up attendances to anaesthetist(s) or medical officer at registrar level Attendances Number of attendances to a standard cost or above or nurse practitioner, involving a medical/surgical procedure on an NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 55 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description procedures outpatient basis (excluding procedures carried out in operating theatres). clinic/department/ assessment unit PC0005 Pain clinic – Follow-up attendances to anaesthetist(s) or medical officer at registrar level Attendances Number of attendances to a or above or nurse practitioner, involving a medical/surgical procedure on an clinic/department/ assessment unit high cost outpatient basis in an operating theatre. procedures PC0006 Pain clinic – Follow-up attendances to pain clinic non-medical practitioner for specialist Attendances Number of attendances to a subsequent assessment. clinic/department/ assessment unit attendance – non- medical practitioner PC0007 Multidisciplinary Attendance to a Pain Centre for Team Assessment. Team will consist of no Attendances Number of attendances to a Assessment – less than 3 health professionals. In depth assessment to gain insight into clinic/department/acute Psycho-social patient’s situation, coping strategies, pain effects and readiness for self- assessment unit assessment, management approaches and/or other treatment modalities. functional assessment and medical review PC0009 Pain management Patient programme including liaison, co-ordination, assessment, diagnosis Clients Number of client cases programme and treatment programme for people requiring chronic pain management service within these programmes. Patients within these programmes will have the entirety of care under this purchase unit which is for non-inpatient care, and will not be counted in any other purchase unit. RU101 R066 Generalist Primary Funding of Special Area Medical Service Service Agreed lump sum amount. Care (SAMO/INP) Service purchased in a block arrangement. RU102 R185 Chatham Islands Health services to Chatham Islands people Service Agreed lump sum amount. Service purchased in a block health services arrangement. RU103 R186 Murchison health Health services provided to people in Murchison area Service Agreed lump sum amount. services Service purchased in a block arrangement. RU104 OT04001 Rural Inpatients Available bed days in designated rural hospitals. Bed days Total number of beds that are occupied each day over a designated period. For reporting purposes, count beds occupied as at 12 midnight of each day RU105 R420 Motueka Health DSS funded services to small communities Service Agreed lump sum amount. Centre Services - Service purchased in a block

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 56 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description A4 arrangement. RU107 R421 Motueka Health DSS funded services to small communities Service Agreed lump sum amount. Centre Services - Service purchased in a block A6 arrangement. RU108 R422 Motueka Health DSS funded services to small communities Service Agreed lump sum amount. Centre Services Service purchased in a block -MS2 arrangement. RU109 R423 Golden Bay Health DSS funded services to small communities Service Agreed lump sum amount. Centre Services - Service purchased in a block A4 arrangement. RU110 R424 Golden Bay Health DSS funded services to small communities Service Agreed lump sum amount. Centre Services - Service purchased in a block A6 arrangement. RU111 R425 Golden Bay Health DSS funded services to small communities Service Agreed lump sum amount. Centre Services - Service purchased in a block MS2 arrangement. S00001 S00.01 General Surgery - See Appendix for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. Excludes BSA-50. (Purchaser code 15). discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (IES5) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). S00002 S00.06 General Surgery - See Appendix for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a 1st attendance attendance to general surgeon or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. Excludes BSA-55. assessment unit. S00003 S00.07 General Surgery - See Appendix for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to general surgeon or medical officer at registrar level clinic/department/acute attendance or above or nurse practitioner. Excludes BSA-50. assessment unit. S00004 S00.04 General Surgery - Colonoscopy performed as an outpatient or elective day case, including Procedures An individual Colonoscopy procedures - operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 57 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Colposcopy, first procedure in the range: (3560800, 3564600, 3564700, 3560801, 3553902, 3561100, 3553904, 3563705, 3553903, 3560802, 3561400). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Colposcopy, second procedure in the range: (3560800, 3564600, 3564700, 3560801, 3553902, 3561100, 3553904, 3563705, 3553903, 3560802, 3561400,9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank). Excludes colonoscopy performed as part of an inpatient episode. Excludes motility studies. S00005 S00.05 General Surgery - Gastroscopy performed as an outpatient or elective day case, including Procedures An individual Gastroscopy procedures - operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Gastroscopies, first procedure in the range: (4181600, 3047303, 3047810, 4182500, 4182200, 3047304, 3047600, 3047601, 3047806, 3047809, 3047811, 3047812, 3047602, 3047813, 3047900, 3047807, 3047603, 3047300, 3047301, 3047500, 3047501, 3047803, 3209500, 3047804, 3047801, 3047802). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 second procedure in the range: (3048400, 3048401, 3048402, 3045200, 3048500, 3049100, 3045202, 3048501, 3049101, 3049400, NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 58 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description 3045100, 3045201, 3044200, 3047801, 3047802, 3209000, 3208400, 3209001, 3208401, 3209300, 3208700, 9030800, 3209400, 3207500, 3207200, 3207201, 3207501, 9031200, 9031201, 3207800, 3208100, 3209900, 3210800, 9034100, 3210500, 4181600, 3047303, 3047810, 4182500, 4182200, 3047304, 3047600, 3047601, 3047806, 3047809, 3047811, 3047812, 3047602, 3047813, 3047900, 3047807, 3047603, 3047300, 3047301, 3047500, 3047501, 3047803, 3209500, 3047804, 9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank). Excludes gastroscopy performed as part of an inpatient episode. Excludes motility studies. S15001 S15.01 Cardiothoracic - See Appendix for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (IES5) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). S15002 S15.02 Cardiothoracic - 1st See Appendix for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to general surgeon or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. S15003 S15.03 Cardiothoracic - See Appendix for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to cardiothoracic surgeon or medical officer at clinic/department/acute attendance registrar level or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. S25001 S25.01 Otorhinolaryngology See Appendix for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the (ORL), previously specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent known as Ear, Nose Separations version 8 (IES5) and and Throat - Weighted Inlier Equivalent Inpatient Services Separations version 8 (WIES8A). (DRGs) S25002 S25.02 Otorhinolaryngology See Appendix for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a (ORL), previously attendance to ENT surgeon or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute known as Ear Nose nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. and Throat - 1st attendance S25003 S25.03 Otorhinolaryngology See Appendix for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a (ORL), previously Follow-up attendances to ENT surgeon or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute known as Ear Nose above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 59 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description and Throat - Subsequent attendance S25005 R333 National Audiology Provision of advice nationally related to audiology services and technical Programme Price per programme Advisory Service advice. S30001 S30.01 Gynaecology - See Appendix for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). S30002 S30.02 Gynaecology - 1st See Appendix for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to gynaecologist or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. S30003 S30.03 Gynaecology - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to gynaecologist or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute attendance above or nurse practitioner. Excludes colposcopy and minor procedures. assessment unit. S30006 S30.06 Termination of Surgical termination of pregnancy performed on an outpatient or day patient Procedures An individual Pregnancy basis, including procedures - operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. The AR-DRG is equal to O40Z AND That the primary procedure/procedure codes fall in the range: ICD10 Surg ToP, primary procedure in the range: (3564300, 3564301) AND primary diagnosis in the range (O040-O049 {O04*}). S30008 S30005 Gynaecology - High Outpatient procedures where the purpose of the attendance is to receive the Procedures An individual Cost Minor procedure and the patient is not admitted. Includes LETZ and Miraena operative/diagnostic/assessment procedures procedures. Excludes colposcopies. Excludes NCSP-20. purchases procedure. S35001 S35.01 Neurosurgery - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). S35002 S35.02 Neurosurgery - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to neurosurgeon or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. S35003 S35.03 Neurosurgery - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 60 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Subsequent Follow-up attendances to neurosurgeon or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute attendance above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. S40001 S40.01 Ophthalmology - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). S40002 S40.02 Ophthalmology - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to ophthalmologist or medical officer at registrar level or above or clinic/department/acute nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. S40003 S40.03 Ophthalmology - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to ophthalmologist or medical officer at registrar level clinic/department/acute attendance or above or nurse practitioner. Excludes minor eye procedures, argon laser assessment unit. and fundus screening. S40004 S40.04 Minor Eye Outpatient procedures where the purpose of the attendance is to receive the Procedures An individual Procedures procedure and the patient is not admitted. Excludes laser treatments. operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. S40005 S40.05 Eye Laser Laser eye procedures. Includes YAG and Argon. . Procedures An individual Procedures operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. S45001 S45.01 Orthopaedics - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). S45002 S45.02 Orthopaedics - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to orthopaedic surgeon or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. Excludes fracture assessment unit. clinic. S45003 S45.03 Orthopaedics - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Subsequent Follow-up attendances to orthopaedic surgeon or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute attendance level or above or nurse practitioner. Excludes fracture clinic. assessment unit. S45004 S45.04 Fracture Clinic - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to orthopaedic surgeon or medical officer for assessment and clinic/department/acute treatment of fractures. Includes initial assessment and treatment of patients assessment unit. referred from emergency department. S45005 S45.05 Fracture Clinic - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 61 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Subsequent Follow-up attendances to orthopaedic surgeon or medical officer for clinic/department/acute attendance assessment and treatment of fractures. assessment unit. S45006 R548 Gait Lab Computerised orthopaedic assessment of gait patterns of children that Assessments Number of assessments avoids other intrusive testing. S50001 S50.01 Spinal Services - Patients admitted acutely to a spinal injury unit. Excludes pressure areas. Discharges As per NZHIS definition - the Acute case process of documentation that changes the status of an admitted healthcare user. S50002 S50.02 Spinal Services - Patients admitted electively to a spinal injury unit. Excludes pressure areas. Discharges As per NZHIS definition - the non-acute case Excludes all ACC clients post 1972. process of documentation that changes the status of an admitted healthcare user. S50003 S50.09 Spinal Services - Patients admitted to a spinal injury unit who require re-assessment. Excludes Discharges As per NZHIS definition - the Reassessment ACC clients. process of documentation that changes the status of an admitted healthcare user. S50005 S50.05 Spinal - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to spinal injury specialist or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. S50006 S50.06 Spinal - Subsequent See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance Follow-up attendances to spinal injury specialist or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute level or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. S50008 S50.08 Spinal Services - Patients admitted to a spinal injury unit who require a forearm transfer Procedures An individual Forearm transfer procedure. operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. S50009 S50.03 Spinal Services - Patients admitted to a spinal injury unit who require treatment of pressure Discharges As per NZHIS definition - the pressure area areas. process of documentation that changes the status of an admitted healthcare user. S50010 S50.04 Spinal Services - Patients admitted to a spinal injury unit who require a troid transfer Discharges As per NZHIS definition - the Troid transfer procedure. process of documentation that changes the status of an admitted healthcare user. S55001 S55.01 Paediatric Surgical See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost Weighted As per the specifications for the Services (DRGs) specialty mapping table. Discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8)

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 62 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). S55002 S55.02 Paediatric Surgery See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a Outpatient - 1st attendance to a paediatric surgeon or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute attendance above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. S55003 S55.03 Paediatric Surgery See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Outpatient - Follow-up attendances to a paediatric surgeon or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute Subsequent level or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. attendance S60001 S60.01 Plastic & Burns - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. This includes maxillo-facial specialty services. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). S60002 S60.02 Plastics (incl Burns See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a and Maxillofacial) - attendance to plastic or maxillo-facial surgeon or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute 1st attendance level or above or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. S60003 S60.03 Plastics (incl Burns See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a and Maxillofacial) - Follow-up attendances to plastic or maxillo-facial surgeon or medical officer clinic/department/acute Subsequent at registrar level or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. attendance S60004 Pulse Dye Laser Initial assessment by appropriate clinician and development of a treatment Assessments Individual assessments. Treatment - plan for children up to 18 years with lesions that are clearly visible from a Assessments distance of 2 metres on skin not usually covered by clothing. S60005 Pulse Dye Laser Treatment for children up to 18 years with lesions that are clearly visible from Treatment Number of attendances for Treatment - a distance of 2 metres on skin not usually covered by clothing. treatment. Treatments S70001 S70.01 Urology - Inpatient See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Services (DRGs) specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). S70002 S70.02 Urology - 1st See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a attendance attendance to urologist or medical officer at registrar level or above or nurse clinic/department/acute practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. S70003 S70.03 Urology - See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 63 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Subsequent Follow-up attendances to urologist or medical officer at registrar level or clinic/department/acute attendance above or nurse practitioner. Excludes cystoscopy, lithotripsy and assessment unit. chemotherapy. S70004 S70.04 Urology - An attendance where the purpose of the attendance is to receive prescribed Attendances Number of attendances to a Chemotherapy chemotherapy treatment. The specialist may or may not be in attendance. clinic/department/acute Includes all pharmaceuticals administered during the attendance. Includes assessment unit. day case treatment, including procedures – That the Admission date is the same as the Discharge date AND That either of the first two diagnosis codes fall in the range: ICD10 Chem/Radio, either of the first two diagnosis in the range: (Z510, Z511, Z512). S70005 S70.05 Urology - Cystoscopy, including procedures - Procedures An individual Cystoscopy operative/diagnostic/assessment That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same procedure. AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Cystoscopies, first procedure in the range: (3681201, 3681200, 3683600, 3683904, 3684503, 3683902, 3684501, 3684500, 3683900, 3684505, 3684504, 3684502, 3731801, 3731500, 3681501, 3682700). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Cystoscopies, second procedure in the range: (3681201, 3681200, 3683600, 3683904, 3684503, 3683902, 3684501, 3684500, 3683900, 3684505, 3684504, 3684502, 3731801, 3731500, 3681501, 3682700, 9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank).

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 64 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description S70006 S70.06 Urology - Lithotripsy Lithotripsy, including procedures - Procedures An individual operative/diagnostic/assessment That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same procedure. AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Lithotripsy, first procedure in the range: (3654600). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Lithotripsy, second procedure in the range: (3654600,9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in the range: (3654600,9250202,9250300, 9250202,9250300, blank). S70007 S50.07 Urodynamics Patients treated for urodynamic procedures. Procedures An individual operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. S75001 S75.01 Vascular Surgery - See Section 4 for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Inpatient Services specialty mapping table. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent (DRGs) Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). S75002 S75.02 Vascular Surgery See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. First Attendances Number of attendances to a Outpatient - 1st attendance to vascular surgeon or medical officer at registrar level or above clinic/department/acute attendance or nurse practitioner for specialist assessment. assessment unit. S75003 S75.03 Vascular Surgery See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Attendances Number of attendances to a Outpatient - Subseq Follow-up attendances to Vascular surgeon or medical officer at registrar clinic/department/acute attend level or above or nurse practitioner. assessment unit. SH01001 SH01.01 Sexual Health - Assessment, diagnosis and education including any necessary diagnostic Contacts The number of face to face First Contact tests, HIV testing and necessary pre-test counselling. contacts between a health professional and a client or group of clients, for the provision of clinical services. A contact does

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 65 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description not include: phone consultations, discussions between health professionals regarding a client's care, any contact where the sole purpose of the contact is the provision of supplies or consumables. SH01002 SH01.02 Sexual Health - Treatment of patient with diagnosed sexually transmitted infections (SFI), Contact The number of face to face Follow Up contact tracing, counselling and education or referral as necessary. contacts between a health professional and a client or group of clients, for the provision of clinical services. A contact does not include: phone consultations, discussions between health professionals regarding a client's care, any contact where the sole purpose of the contact is the provision of supplies or consumables. SH01003 SH01.03 Family Planning Provision of information and advice on sexual and reproductive health Clients Number of clients managed by the Services including contraception and pregnancy testing. Provision or prescription of service in a year ie caseload at the necessary pharmaceutical drugs and advice. Referrals as necessary. commencement of the financial year plus all new cases year to date. SH01004 R080 Sex Abuse Sexual abuse programmes. Service Agreed lump sum amount. Programme Service purchased in a block arrangement. T0102 T01.02 Specialised Assessment against agreed criteria for access for cardiac transplant. Assessments Number of assessments. Heart/Lung Transplant Services - Heart transplant assessment T0103 T01.03 Specialised Transplantation as an accepted treatment for selected patients with end- Programme Set measures as per International Heart/Lung stage cardiac failure. Society for Heart Lung Transplant Transplant Services (ISHLT) Thoracic Transplant Data - Heart transplant form; ISHLT Thoracic Follow-up form; Australasian Cardiothoracic Transplant Registry (ACTREG) Data Entry form.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 66 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description T0105 T01.05 Specialised Assessment against agreed criteria for access for lung transplant. Assessment Number of assessments. Heart/Lung Transplant Services - Lung transplant assessment T0106 T01.06 Specialised Transplantation as an accepted treatment for the young (upper age of 55 Programme Set measures as per International Heart/Lung years for single lung transplantation and 50 years for bilateral-sequential lung Society for Heart Lung Transplant Transplant Services transplantation) and except for end stage pulmonary disease, vigorous and (ISHLT) Thoracic Transplant Data - Lung transplant healthy. Potential clients should have a stable psychological and social form; ISHLT Thoracic Follow-up situation. Patient should be in functional class III or IV (NYHA) and have form; Australasian Cardiothoriacic poor prognosis for survival. Transplant Registry (ACTREG) Data Entry form. T0108 T01.08 Organ donation co- Facilitation of supply of donor organs and tissue for the NZ population and Programme Number of co-ordinations ordination organ sharing with Australia completed. T0109 R528 Cadaver Collection Collection of Cadavers for organ donation for transplants Service Agreed lump sum amount. Service purchased in a block arrangement. T0110 R549 Workup for Assessment for suitability for liver transplantation for children. Assessments Number of assessments Overseas Liver Transplants for Children TR0101 TR01.01 Patient Travel & Implementation of the HFA patient travel and accommodation assistance Service Agreed lump sum amount. Accommodation policy. Service purchased in a block Assistance arrangement. TR0201 TR02.01 Patient transport - Transport of patients from one facility in a DHB to a facility in another DHB Service Agreed lump sum amount. non emergency and when their condition is such that ordinary modes of transport are unsuitable. Service purchased in a block inpatient transfers arrangement. TR0202 TR02.02 Road ambulance - Emergency road ambulance services for medical cases. Service Agreed lump sum amount. emergency Service purchased in a block arrangement. TR0203 TR02.03 Air ambulance - Emergency air ambulance services for medical cases. Service Agreed lump sum amount. emergency Service purchased in a block arrangement. W01001 W01.01 Primary Maternity - Lead maternity care, including midwifery support services for doctor LMC. Fee for service Payment per defined modules. S51 notice W01002 W01.02 Pregnancy and Antenatal education course (non LMC). Courses Number of Courses Parenting Education NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 67 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description W02001 W02.01 Maternity Facility - Inpatient facility services during labour & birth. Deliveries in The number of women who have Fee for labour and facility delivered in the facility, delivery <199 births irrespective of whether a women is under the care of a primary LMC or the secondary or tertiary maternity service. W02002 W02.02 Maternity Facility Inpatient facility services during labour & birth. Deliveries in The number of women who have -Fee for labour and facility delivered in the facility, delivery 200-599 irrespective of whether a women is births under the care of a primary LMC or the secondary or tertiary maternity service. W02003 W02.03 Maternity Facility Inpatient facility services during labour & birth. Deliveries in The number of women who have -Fee for labour and facility delivered in the facility, delivery 600+ births irrespective of whether a women is under the care of a primary LMC or the secondary or tertiary maternity service. W02004 W02.04 Maternity Facility Inpatient facility services postnatally. Postnatal Facility services provided to -Fee per postnatal stays women in the post natal period <199 births from the time she is transferred to a postnatal facility until each women is discharged home from the facility. W02005 W02.05 Maternity Facility - Inpatient facility services, postnatally. Postnatal Facility services provided to Fee per postnatal stays women in the post natal period 200-599 births from the time she is transferred to a postnatal facility until each women is discharged home from the facility. W02006 W02.06 Maternity Facility Inpatient facility services, postnatally. Postnatal Facility services provided to -Fee per postnatal stays women in the post natal period 600+ births from the time she is transferred to a postnatal facility until each women is discharged home from the facility. W03001 W03.01 Secondary 24 hour/day specialist inpatient & outpatient services for women who have Deliveries in Total volume of deliveries in all Maternity complications. catchment facilities in the catchment area area plus homebirths.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 68 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description W04001 W04.01 Tertiary Maternity Inpatient & outpatient services for rare/complex maternity needs. Deliveries in Total volume of deliveries in all catchment facilities in the catchment area area plus homebirths. W06002 W06.02 Neonatal home care Domiciliary services post discharge for specialist neonates. Service Agreed lump sum amount. Service purchased in a block arrangement. W06003 W06.03 Specialist neonates Inpatient specialist services for sick neonates. Cost Weighted As per the specifications for the Discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). W07006 R434 Budget Holding Funding for obstetric consultants. Service Total volume of deliveries in all Section 51 facilities in the catchment area Obstetrician plus homebirths. Consultations W08001 R206 Special Maternity Special projects to assist women in pregnancy Programme Agreed lump sum Project

3.2 Nationally Purchased Services and Service Specifications with Locally Agreed Prices and Volumes

Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description COAM001 PRIME Rural Bonus Volunteer support officers – ambulance officers Services Agreed lump sum amount Scheme COAM002 PRIME Rural Bonus Primary response in medical emergency – fees. Services Agreed lump sum amount Scheme COAM003 PRIME Rural Bonus Primary response in medical emergency – administration. Services Agreed lump sum amount Scheme COAM004 PRIME Rural Bonus Training. Services Agreed lump sum amount Scheme COAM005 PRIME Rural Bonus Primary response in medical emergency – equipment Services Agreed lump sum amount Scheme COAM006 PRIME Rural Bonus Ambulatory integrated medical services. Services Agreed lump sum amount NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 69 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Scheme CS01001 CS01.01 Community Diagnostic imaging referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. Relative Value An individual Radiology DHB Excludes tests referred by DHB staff. Excludes maternity ultrasound. Unit operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure completed according to the College of Radiologists definition for RVUs and codes CS02001 CS02.01 Community Laboratory tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. Tests Number of separate tests Laboratory DHB Excludes tests referred by DHB staff. purchased. M90001 Care and Review Management (including a plan of care) of patients, currently below the Services Agreed lump sum amount access threshold for secondary inpatient or outpatient services, provided by either secondary or primary providers. MEOU0001 Redesign - Ear, Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Nose and Throat the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0002 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Respiratory the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0003 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Opthalmology the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0004 Redesign - General Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Medicine the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0005 Redesign - Urology Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0006 Redesign - General Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Surgery the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0007 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 70 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Gynaecology the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0008 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Orthopaedic the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0009 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Cardiology the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0010 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Cardiology the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0011 Redesign - Dental Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0012 Redesign - Pain Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Management the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0013 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Gastroenterology the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0014 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Neurosurgery the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0015 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Paediatric the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0016 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Audiology the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 71 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0017 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Endocrinology the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0018 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Haematology the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0019 Redesign - Renal Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Medicine the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0020 Redesign - Plastics Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount & Burns the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0021 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Deramtology the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0022 Redesign - Vascular Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0023 Redesign – Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Cardiothoracic the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0024 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount. Oncology the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0025 Redesign - Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Rheumatology the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 72 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations) MEOU0070 Magnetic Resource Provision of alternative access to secondary assistance for patients below Services Agreed lump sum amount Imaging Scans the outpatient threshold (which may include such things as direct access to diagnostics, helplines, and management by other health professionals, as well as the provision of additional FSA and follow-up consultations)

3.3 Regional Purchase Units Mapped to Common Purchase Units

Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description S25001 and R017 Temp Cochlear Provision of assessment, implant of cochlear and follow up in Years 1, 2 and New DSS Implants & Hearing 3 and replacement of device. Purchase Aid Subsidy Units – Implant procedure is covered in Casemix purchase S25001 DSSC* See data dictionary DSSC101 – DSSC106. R035 Parental Nutrition Provision of total parental nutrition for region clients. Mapped to Dom 101. Long See data dictionary. DOM101 R036 Parenteral Nutrition See data dictionary. Temp AH01001 to R060 Allied Support See data dictionary. AH01008 Services (Domiciliary) DOM104 R061 Continence See data dictionary Services/Continenc e Aids DOM101 R064 General/Specialist See data dictionary Domiciliary Nursing DOM105 R073 Home Support See data dictionary. DOM106 R075 Meals on Wheels See data dictionary. DOM103 R084 Stomal See data dictionary. Services/Stomal Appliances

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 73 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description S25001 and R091 Audiology - Ear, See data dictionary. S25002 Nose And Throat CS04001 R093 Cardiology Primary See data dictionary. Referred Diagnostic Tests PC0009 R144 Pain Programme See data dictionary. DOM105 R151 Post Discharge See data dictionary. Domiciliary Home Support DOM101 R152 Post Discharge See data dictionary Domiciliary Nursing M65006 R163 Sleep apnoea See data dictionary. monitoring S60001 R254 Craniofacial See data dictionary DOM101 R263 Home IV Pilot See data dictionary. M65008 R351 Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic 1st specialist assessment definition. Specialist Respiratory first services delivered in or at a hospital and in the community to facilitate the specialist diagnosis, treatments of acute, sub-acute and chronic conditions. Locally assessment defined. M65009 R352 Paediatric See Section 4 for a generic subsequent specialist assessment definition. Respiratory follow Specialist services delivered in or at a hospital and in the community to up attendances facilitate the diagnosis, treatments of acute, sub-acute and chronic conditions. Locally defined. C01001 R502 Ear Van Service See data dictionary. AH01003 R504 Driving See data dictionary. Assessments D01003 and R542 Dental Paediatric FTE for the Assessment and treatment service delivered to children who live Clinical FTEs Full time equivalent staff member D01004 Support in the community and have complex dental work. involved in the direct delivery of services to consumers. HFA contracted individual M50003 and R543 Med Specifications Specialist visits – hospital at home programme Programme Price for programme M55004 Home and School Visits M80004 or R547 Palliative Care Specialist programme of for children from Starship. Programme Price for programme NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 74 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description M80005 Children’s Services PI or Well R563 PI Community Ear FTE for the assessment and follow up of hearing and vision screening of PI Programme Price for programme Child PU Healthcare Worker children in the Central Auckland area. New PUs for R569 Fertility Services – Provision of fertility services by Auckland Healthcare to women domicile in Programme Price per programme Fertility Midland Contract the Midland region only. Services Dom101 R574 Total Parental See data dictionary Service Agreed lump sum amount. Nutrition IRF Service purchased in a block arrangement. MHCS06A RS2077 Community Mental See data dictionary. Health Team MHCS08A RS2102 Child & Family See data dictionary. Output. Services – Specialist Clinical Assess. - Ind. & Family MHCS08A RS2367 Child and Youth See data dictionary. Team MHCS06A1 RS24 Outpatient Services See data dictionary - Specialist Clinical Assessment - Individual & Family MHCS01A RS3237 Community Drug See data dictionary and Alcohol Team AH01003 RS3295 Driving See data dictionary. Assessments MHCS29.2 RS41 Methadone - Clinic See data dictionary. MHCS29.1 RS42 Methadone - GP See data dictionary Authority MHCS06A RS730 Outpatient Services See data dictionary - Follow-up - Individual & Family

3.4 Regional Purchase Units for 2001 only - One off to be deleted NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 75 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description AH01.02 Other non medical Professional allied health services provided in an outpatient and domiciliary Attendances Number of attendances to a clinics setting to DSS and personal health clients. Includes post discharge services clinic/department/assessment unit. and other HHS referrals as well as community-referred clients DOM1.10 Community Orthotic services provided in the community to personal health clients. Service Uniquely agreed at a local level. Services - orthotics Includes post-discharge community services. Excludes services covered by other purchase units. Excludes DSS services. Mapped to orthotics in DSS. OT01001 OT01.01 Blood & Blood Reasonable supply of blood and blood products for use in non-MOH Service Agreed lump sum amount. Products to Private purchased services as per explicit contractural agreements between the DHB Service purchased in a block Hospitals & Primary and the external (private) provider. arrangement. providers R564 General Med & Acute medical admission for elderly AT&R patients. See Section 4 for Client Price purchased AT&R Elderly generic DRG purchase unit definition and health speciality mapping. attendances Patients

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 76 3.5 Hospital Specific Purchase Units

Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description HS0001 CORL0001 Rheumatology Labs Hutt Valley Cost of community referred lab tests for Rheumatology Service Agreed lump sum amount. Health Outpatients receiving cytotoxic therapy – HVH Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0002 CS09001 Community Healthcare Community referred cases requiring ultrasound diagnostic Service Agreed lump sum amount. Referred Otago procedures Service purchased in a block Ultrasounds arrangement. HS0003 R012 Refugee and Auckland Screening of newly arrived refugees and those accepted as Service Agreed lump sum amount. Asylum Seekers – Healthcare asylum seekers according to immigration requirements. Service purchased in a block Laboratory tests - arrangement. Regional HS0004 R040 Regional (50%) Northland Travel for outreach clinics Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Medical outreach Service purchased in a block arrangement HS0005 R505 Epidermolysis Treatment of individual with epidermolysis bullosa. Service Agreed lump sum amount. Bullosa Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0006 R072 GP Drug Advisory Canterbury Purchase of Clinical Pharmacology advice Service Agreed lump sum amount. Service Health Service purchased in a block arrangement HS0007 R181 Major incident Capital Major incident health co-ordinating responsibilities Service Agreed lump sum amount. health co-ordinating Coast Service purchased in a block responsibilities Health, arrangement Auckland Healthcare, Waikato, Canterbury, Otago HS0008 Not used HS0009 R209 Community funding Pacific Regional unit in the former region providing inpatient Service Agreed lump sum amount. groups Health mothercraft support to women. Service purchased in a block Waikato arrangement HS0010 R231 Haemophilia – High Auckland Fund for direct purchase of these non schedule drugs from Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Cost Drugs Healthcare drug company NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 77 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description HS0011 R235 Administration of Healthcare Administration of dental benefit for secondary school children Service Agreed lump sum amount. dental benefit Hawkes Bay, Service purchased in a block Hutt Valley arrangement Health, MidCentral Health, Nelson Marlborough Health, Wairarapa Health, Good Health Wanganui HS0012 R236 PI Health Auckland Inpatient health-workers working with children and fono at Service Agreed lump sum amount. programmes Healthcare Starship Hospital and community agencies ensuring cultural Service purchased in a block appropriateness of care arrangement HS0013 R237 Maori Health Auckland Inpatient health-workers working with children and whanau at Service Agreed lump sum amount. programme Healthcare, Starship Hospital and community agencies ensuring cultural Service purchased in a block appropriateness of care arrangement HS0014 R239 Women Health - MidCentral Well Women's service in Tararua region. Service Agreed lump sum amount. Tararua Health Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0015 R240 Youth Sexual Auckland Regional Health services provided in primary care setting for Service Agreed lump sum amount. Health Healthcare, youth in relation to sexual health, sexual abuse services and Service purchased in a block Northland education programmes. One stop shop clinics. arrangement. Health HS0016 R242 Cervical Screening Canterbury Non communicable diseases – cervical screening. Clients Client cases Health, Otago, West Coast Health HS0017 R259 Free Contraception MidCentral Free contraception service at Wairarapa, Tairawhiti and Mid Service Agreed lump sum amount. Services Health, Central Service purchased in a block Tairawhiti arrangement. Health, Wairarapa Health HS0018 R264 OME Service Coast Health Glue ear services Service Agreed lump sum amount. Care, Service purchased in a block Healthcare arrangement. NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 78 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Otago HS0019 R268 Regional Paediatric Canterbury Travel and salary of specialist paediatric general surgeon Service Agreed lump sum amount. Health, carrying out surgery on children in other hospitals. Surgery Service purchased in a block Healthcare and care of patients with surgical DRGs in remote hospital arrangement. Hawkes Bay, Lakeland Health HS0020 R281 Matata Nurse Pacific Nurse services to people in Matata Service Agreed lump sum amount. Health Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0021 R282 Mothercraft Unit Health Regional unit in the former Midland RHA region providing Service Agreed lump sum amount. Waikato cost effective secondary level inpatient support for mothers Service purchased in a block and babies. arrangement. HS0022 R283 Opotiki Services Pacific Health service for people in Opotiki Service Agreed lump sum amount. Health Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0023 R292 Midwifery services Canterbury Premium for Consultants providing LMC service for Premium Agreed lump sum amount. (LMC) Healthcare, deliveirng babies in hospitals Service purchased in a block Taranaki arrangement Health HS0024 R320 Adult sexual assault Auckland Provision of forensic services for adult sexual assault. Service Agreed lump sum amount. Healthcare Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0025 R324 Child Protection Auckland National advisory service and regional service for children Service Agreed lump sum amount. Healthcare, and whanau in relation to neglect, physical, psychological Service purchased in a block Northland and sexual abuse. arrangement. Health, Otago Waitemata Health HS0026 R331 Family Information Auckland Information provided to families/whanua for children – in and Service Agreed lump sum amount. Service Healthcare outpatient at Starship Hospital Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0027 R340 Rheumatic Fever Counties Nurses in South Auckland schools to support the Rheumatic Service Agreed lump sum amount. Manukau Fever Trust Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0028 R342 Youth Specialist Counties Auckland regional youth specialist service and national Service Agreed lump sum amount. NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 79 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Services Manukau training for staff working with youth Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0029 R370 Visiting Clinics Capital One line adjuster for outreach outpatient clinics Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Coast Health Service purchased in a block arrangement HS0030 R375 Breast Op proc 1st Health Provision of “one stop shop” concept – access to all relevant Attendances Number of attendances to a Waikato health professionals, diagnostics and a clear treatment plan. clinic/department /acute This evolved out of a Waikato pilot breast screening assessment unit. programme HS0031 R376 Breast Op follow-up Health Provision of “one stop shop” concept – access to all relevant Attendances Number of attendances to a Waikato health professionals, diagnostics and a clear treatment plan. clinic/department /acute This evolved out of a Waikato pilot breast screening assessment unit. programme HS0032 R392 ED – Safe Practice Pacific Pacific Health – Premium to upgrade department services to Premium Agreed lump sum Premium Health meet safe practice standards. HS0033 R399 Child Canterbury Corrective surgery performed at Burwood for children Procedures Number of procedures development/surger Health y HS0034 R471 Non resident bad Auckland Government funding for bad debts associated with non- Premium Agreed lump sum amount. debts Healthcare, residents (non -eligible people) to DHBs for personal health Service purchased in a block Counties services. arrangement. Manukau HS0035 R503 Adolescent Dental Lakeland Administration of dental benefit for secondary school children Premium Agreed lump sum Price Premium - Health, See R235 MCH MidCentral Health HS0036 R509 Emergency Capital Premium for provision of services at Keneperu ED. Premium Agreed lump sum Department Coast Health Premium - Kenepuru HS0037 R510 Service Integration Healthcare GP data sharing and health initiatives Service Agreed lump sum amount. & Health Hawkes Bay, Service purchased in a block Information Projects Tairawhiti arrangement. Healthcare

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 80 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description HS0038 R516 Paediatric Cardiac Auckland Provision of additional funding to cover additional costs of Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Inpatient Price Healthcare paediatric cardiac inpatient price. Service purchased in a block Adjustment – Green arrangement. Lane HS0039 R522 Ceredase - Capital Special funding Service Agreed lump sum amount. Exceptional Case Coast Health Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0040 Not used HS0041 R526 Northland Vascular Auckland Cost to Auckland Healthcare to provide clinic at Whangarei Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Clinics Healthcare Hospital. Service purchased in a block arrangement HS0042 R530 HIV Registry Auckland Register of HIV clients Service Agreed lump sum amount. Healthcare Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0043 R531 Northland Auckland Cost to Auckland Healthcare to provide clinic at Whangarei Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Neurology Clinic Healthcare Hospital. Service purchased in a block arrangement HS0044 R533 MUDs Risk Pool Auckland Reimbursement of 3child and 2 adult procedures per year Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Healthcare receiving Matched Unrelated Donor Bone Marrow Transplants at Starship HS0045 R534 Primary & Auckland Assessment and treatment of primary and secondary Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Secondary Healthcare maternity cases from out of region whose previous delivery Maternity IRF was complex and further complexities are probable. OR regions 2,3, & $ mothers transferred pre delivery if complexity of neonate cannot be handled at regional level due to full units. HS0046 R535 Trauma Co- Auckland Trauma Registry, local and regional co-ordination of Service Agreed lump sum amount. ordination Healthcare education and case management of complex trauma cases Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0047 R537 Otoneurology Clinic Auckland Specialist clinic for first and follow up assessments to a Attendances Number of attendances to a Healthcare specialist ORL specialist or medical officer at registrar level clinic/department /acute or above or nurse practitioner. Multi disciplinary specialist assessment unit. service for complex head and neck care. HS0048 R538 Multifaceted Auckland Multi-faceted specialist clinics for first and follow up Attendance Number of attendances to a Specialist Clinics Healthcare assessments for complex cardiac or respiratory clients where clinic/department /acute client can be seen at a number of outpatient units in one visit. assessment unit. HS0049 R539 Prosthetic Eyes Auckland Assessment and treatment service delivered to individuals Non Clinical Part time non-clinical staff member

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 81 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Healthcare who live in the community who require prosthetic eyes. FTEs (health professional) who is ”Manufacture” of prosthetics eyes. directly involved in the manufacture, fitting and monitoring of prosthetic eyes. HS0050 R540 Respiratory IGG Auckland Provision of IGG to Immuno Gamma Globulin clients Service Agreed lump sum amount. Patients Healthcare Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0051 R541 Hospital at Home Auckland Provision of medication for Cystic Fibrosis children in the Premium Provisions of drug per individual Cystic fibrosis drug Healthcare home to maintain children within own environment per annum HS0052 R544 Play Therapy Auckland Provision of Play Therapists to allay fears and occupy Service Agreed lump sum amount. Healthcare children with activities at Starship. (Inpatient DRG inclusive) Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0053 R546 Family Options for Auckland Assistance for families of chronically ill children Service Agreed lump sum amount. Chronically Ill Kids Healthcare Service purchased in a block arrangement HS0054 R550 Genetics Services - Auckland Clinical genetics service delivered to individuals who live in Clinical FTEs Part-time clinical staff member Midland Healthcare the community of Waikato catchment area. Refer M87001, (health professional) who is M87002, M87003, M87004 and M87006. directly involved in the delivery of clinical genetics to consumers. HS0055 R556 Asian Health Waitemata Information service in Asian languages and supports Asian Service Agreed lump sum amount. Support Services Health people in hospital at Waitemata Health Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0056 R558 Neonatal Premium - Taranaki Premium for neonatal volumes Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Health Service purchased in a block arrangement HS0057 R559 Maternity Transition Taranaki Premium for service viability Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Premium - Health Service purchased in a block arrangement HS0058 R565 Lab Tests & Pharm Auckland Laboratory tests requested by Sexual Health Services Premium Agreed lump sum amount. for Sexual Health Healthcare outreach clinics and pharmacy for clients of service. Service purchased in a block Services (SH01.001 and SH01.002) arrangement. HS0059 R566 Cost for Northland Auckland Transport of Respiratory and Cardiology specialist staff and Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Clinics Healthcare team from Auckland Healthcare to Northland Health for Service purchased in a block outpatient respiratory and cardiac services. arrangement HS0060 R568 Well Mother Auckland Transfer and inpatient accommodation of well mothers to Premium Agreed lump sum amount. stayimg with Unwell Service purchased in a block NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 82 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Baby Healthcare accompany Level 3 NICU neonates inter-regional. arrangement HS0061 R570 PICU Auckland Retrieval of paediatric (med/surg) cases requiring PICU Service Agreed lump sum amount. Retrieval/Boarders Healthcare specialist services at Starship Hosputal. Purchase unit Service purchased in a block includes the retrieval of boarders to accommodate other arrangement. tertiary DHB ICU units that are at capacity for accommodating paediatric cases needing intensive care HS0062 R572 Non-Schedule Auckland Laboratory tests referred by a general practitioner or private Service Agreed lump sum amount. Community Healthcare specialist. Excludes tests referred by DHB staff. Service purchased in a block Laboratory Tests arrangement. HS0063 R573 Non-Schedule Auckland Laboratory tests referred by a general practitioner or private Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Community Healthcare specialist. Excludes tests referred by DHB staff. In the Service purchased in a block Laboratory Tests – event that the aggregate value of tests provided for the arrangement Risk Pool period 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2001 exceeds $5,130,480 the HFA will pay a further sum equal to 90% of the value of the excess tests, provided that any such additional sum will not exceed $184,169. In the event that the aggregate value of tests provided for the period 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2001 is less than $5,1380,480 A+ will refund to the HFA a sum equal to 90% of the value of the shortfall of tests provided that any such refund will not exceed $184,169. HS0064 R575 CAPD Registry Auckland Funds to maintain CAPD registry for national ESRD/CAPD Service Agreed lump sum amount. Healthcare clients Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0065 R529 Haematology – high Auckland High cost haematology drugs Premium Agreed lump sum amount. cost haematology Healthcare drugs HS0066 R577 He Kamaka Oranga Auckland Maori Health change management programme Programme Price for programme Healthcare HS0067 R571 IRF MUDS Auckland Cost adjustment for difference of WIES from $109,000. Premium Cost adjustment for difference of adjustment Healthcare WIES from $109,000. HS0068 R527 Northland Oncology Auckland Cost to Auckland Healthcare to provide clinic at Whangarei Premium Agreed lump sum amount. Clinic Healthcare Hospital HS0069 R532 Endoluminal Auckland Purchase of stents. Premium Price for purchase of stents. Vascular Stents Healthcare HS0070 RM051 Child Abuse Lakes Child abuse programmes. Programme Agreed lump sum amount. Service purchased in a block arrangement.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 83 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description HS0071 RM052 Child Abuse Lakes Coordination of child abuse programmes. Programme Agreed lump sum amount. Coordination Service purchased in a block arrangement. HS0072 R567 Intrapartum Auckland Transfer of Level 2 women from north/west Auckland for Client Price purchased Transfers from WHL Healthcare Ceasarian section or Level 2 neonatal SCBU requirements. attendances Region DSS240 DSS2.40 Childrens Hearing Auckland Reimburse the Hearing Aid provider for each hearing aid Subsidies Number of subsidies granted. Aid Fund Healthcare supplied to an eligible person.

DSSR130 DSSR1.30 ATR-Hospital at Waikato Hospital at home services with community based Bed days Total number of beds that are Home multidisciplinary team input occupied each day over a designated period. For reporting occupancy purposes, count beds occupied as at 12 midnight of each day. DSSR160 DSSR1.60 Info Services Auckland A component of Service Coordination but identified as a Service Agreed lump sum amount. (Specific) Healthcare separate service targeting information provision in the Service purchased in a block Auckland region. Catering for population issues specific arrangement. Auckland. DSSR170 DSSR1.70 Physical Disability Nelson/Marl Clients requiring 24 hour care in a continuing care setting Bed days Total number of beds that are Community borough who have been assessed through a Needs occupied each day over a Residential Assessment/service co ordination process. designated period. For reporting occupancy purposes, count beds occupied as at 12 midnight of each day. DSSR251 DSSR2.51 Inpatient Canterbury Assessment service for clients who require ongoing services Bed days Total number of beds that are Assessment Healthcare of a multidisciplinary nature in a hospital setting and whose occupied each day over a Physical Disability daily activities include an active rehabilitation element in designated period. For reporting addition to more intensive nursing and medical care than occupancy purposes, count beds could be provided in the community. occupied as at 12 midnight of each day. DSSR252 DSSR2.52 Computer Canterbury A service to provide technology assessments for people who Assessments Number of assessments. Initial Assessment Healthcare meet the disability criteria established by the Ministry of assessments and reassessments Physical Disability Health and are referred by a Support Needs Assessment should be counted separately. Service, General Practitioner, a Speech Language Therapist or an Occupational Therapist. DSSR254 DSSR2.54 ATR Inpatient Otago Multidisciplinary inpatient assessment treatment and Bed days Total number of beds that are NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 84 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Intellectual rehabilitation for people with complex medical, cognitive, occupied each day over a Disability functional and social needs with the aim of enabling them to designated period. For reporting live as independently as possible in the community. occupancy purposes, count beds occupied as at 12 midnight of For people with intellectual disabilities only.. each day. DSSR255 DSSR2.55 Day Care services Canterbury Day activity services will be structured and/or informal activity Day Number of attendances to a day Healthcare sessions. The service will provide a flexible and varied Attendances session lasting 3 hours or more. programme of activities that is determined largely by the client group, a safe environment for support, information and socialisation DSSR257 DSSR2.57 Domicilary Nursing Canterbury Domiciliary support services for people with assessed age- Visits Number of visits by health Healthcare, related health and support needs, on referral from an AT&R professionals to a client's place of West Coast, Unit. Locally defined. residence. South Canterbury, Otago, Southland DSSR260 DSSR2.60 Accredited 1) Assessment of hearing loss for the potential provision of Assessments Number of assessments. Initial equipment hearing aid or assistive listening device where appropriate. assessments and reassessments assessment 2) Accredited Equipment Assessment in the areas of should be counted separately. expressive communication, household management, information and communication processing, personal care, seating and positioning, standing, walking and wheelchairs. DSSR262 DSSR2.62 Supply and Capital Repair of aids/devices as appropriate. Item Number of items maintenance of Coast provided/repaired. hearing aids Health, Wanganui, Mid Central Health, Hutt Valley Health, Tairawhiti, Wairarapa DSSR270 DSSR2.70 Rehab Plus – Waitemata, Specialist tertiary level regional rehabilitation service. Also Service Uniquely agreed at a local level Rehabilitation Auckland includes a sub-regional general rehabilitation service for Healthcare adults residing in the Central Auckland and North West sub- region DSSR271 DSSR2.71 Personal Care Counties Habilitation/Rehabilitation for all people with spinal injuries Bed days Total number of beds that are South Auckland Manukau immediately following medical stabilisation, excluding those occupied each day over a NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 85 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Spinal Unit eligible under ACC designated period. For reporting occupancy purposes, count beds occupied as at 12 midnight of each day.

3.6 Public Health Purchases from DHB in 2001/02

Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description BSA-05 Fixed Funding Funding provided for the fixed funding component for breast screening Programme Agreed lump sum amount. services within the national breast screening programme BSA-10 Mobile Screening Funding provided for the fixed funding component for the mobile breast Programme Agreed lump sum amount. Unit for screening unit services within the national breast screening programme BreastScreen Aotearoa BSA-15 Health Promotion Funding provided for the fixed funding component for health promotion Programme Agreed lump sum amount. services within the national breast screening programme BSA-20 Breast Screening Funding provided for the screening component within the national breast Procedure An individual Services screening programme operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. BSA-25 Breast Screening Funding provided for the assessment component within the national breast Procedure An individual Assessment screening programme operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure. BSA-30 Breast Screening Funding provided for the prone table assessment within the national breast Procedure An individual Assessment-Prone screening programme operative/diagnostic/assessment Table Procedure procedure. BSA-35 Breast Screening Funding provided for the needle procedures within the national breast Procedure An individual Needle Procedure screening programme operative/diagnostic/assessment Fee procedure. BSA-40 Breast Screening Funding provided for the open biopsy procedure within the national breast Procedure An individual Assessment-Open screening programme operative/diagnostic/assessment Biopsy Procedure procedure. BSA-45 Breast Screening Funding provided for the attendance fee within the national breast screening Attendance Agreed lump sum amount for the Attendance Fee programme attendance of a woman for a

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 86 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description screening mammogram. BSA-50 Breast Screening Funding provided for the general inpatient surgery services for the national Cost weighted As per the specifications for the Treatment-General breast screening programme, under Purchaser code 15. discharges calculation of Inlier Equivalent Surgery Separations version 8 (WIES8) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 8 (WIES8A). BSA-55 Breast Screening Funding provided for the first attendance to general surgeon or medical Attendance First time a client attends a Treatment-General officer at registrar level or above for specialist assessment for the national clinic/department. Surgery-First breast screening programme. Specialist Assessment (Outpatient 1st attendance) BSA-60 Breast Screening Funding provided for the follow up attendance to general surgeon or medical Attendance Number of times a client attends a Treatment-General officer at registrar level or above for the national breast screening clinic/department. Surgery-Follow up programme. (Outpatient subsequent attendances) BSA-65 Breast Screening An attendance where the purpose of the attendance is to plan for or to Attendances Number of times a client attends a Treatment- receive prescribed radiotherapy treatment for a national breast screening clinic/department. Oncology patient. The specialist may or may not be in attendance. Includes all planning -Radiotherapy and simulation and radioactive isotope implants or treatments, and radiation. BSA-70 Breast Screening An attendance where the purpose of the attendance is to receive prescribed Attendances Number of times a client attends a Treatment- chemotherapy treatment for a national breast screening patient. The clinic/department. Oncology specialist may or may not be in attendance. Includes all pharmaceuticals -Chemotherapy administered during the attendance. Includes day case treatment, including procedures – That the Admission date is the same as the Discharge date AND That either of the first two diagnosis codes fall in the range: ICD10 Chem/Radio, either of the first two diagnosis in the range: (Z510, Z511, Z512). BSA-75 Breast Screening First attendance to oncologist or medical officer specialist at registrar level or Attendances Number of times a client attends a Treatment- above for the specialist assessment for a national breast screening patient. clinic/department. Oncology –First Specialist NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 87 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Assessment BSA-80 Breast Screening Follow up attendance to oncologist or medical officer specialist at registrar Attendances Number of times a client attends a Treatment- level or above for the specialist assessment for a national breast screening clinic/department. Oncology –Follow patient. Excludes chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Up NCSP-10 S30.04 Gynaecology - Formerly S30.04. Procedures An individual Colposcopy operative/diagnostic/assessment Colposcopy performed as an outpatient or elective day case, including procedure procedures - That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Colposcopy, first procedure in the range: (3560800, 3564600, 3564700, 3560801, 3553902, 3561100, 3553904, 3563705, 3553903, 3560802, 3561400). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Colposcopy, second procedure in the range: (3560800, 3564600, 3564700, 3560801, 3553902, 3561100, 3553904, 3563705, 3553903, 3560802, 3561400,9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank). NCSP-20 Gynaecology – Outpatient procedures where the purpose of the attendance is to receive the Procedures An individual (High Cost) colposcopy directed treatment procedure and the patient is not admitted. operative/diagnostic/assessment Colposcopy procedure Directed Treatment Includes Lletz and laser procedures. NCSP-40 NCSP Regional The NCSP regional office operationalise the policy of the NCSP by: Programme Agreed lump sum amount. Office  developing and implementing NCSP health promotion;

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 88 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description  developing and maintaining NCSP provider interfaces;  operation of the regional NCSP-Register;  smear taking (as part of strategy to screen priority groups) NCSP-60 NCSP -Independent The NCSP independent service providers operationalise the policy of the Programme Agreed lump sum amount. Service Providers NCSP by:  developing and implementing NCSP health promotion;  smear taking (as part of a strategy to screen priority groups) RM00100 Prevention of  Prevention of alcohol related harm, liquor licensing and substance Service Agreed lump sum for programme. Alcohol & Other abuse. Report against agreed Drug Related Harm performance indicators. RM00101 Communicable  Communicable disease control, communicable disease surveillance and Service Providing information according to Diseases imported diseases control; MOH purchasing requirements. Agreed lump sum for programme.  Immunisation promotion; Report against agreed  Refugees and asylum seekers; performance indicators  Needle exchange programme. RM00102 Food Safety and  Food safety and quality. Service Providing information according to Quality MOH purchasing requirements. Agreed lump sum for programme. Report against agreed performance indicators RM00103 Public Health  Health information; Service Agreed lump sum for programme. Infrastructure Report against agreed  Workforce development; performance indicators.  Quality plans. RM00104 Injury Prevention  Unintentional injuries among children and young people; Service Agreed lump sum for programme. Report against agreed  Unintentional injuries among elderly people; performance indicators.  Intentional injury. RM00105 Mental Health  Mental health promotion and youth suicide prevention; Service Agreed lump sum for programme. Report against agreed  Destigmatisation and anti-discrimination performance indicators. RM00106 Non-communicable  Melanoma prevention; Service Agreed lump sum for programme. Diseases Report against agreed NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 89 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description  Asthma prevention; performance indicators. RM00107 Nutrition  Nutrition and physical activity Service Agreed lump sum for programme. Report against agreed performance indicators. RM00108 Physical  Air quality (indoor and outdoor); Service Providing information according to Environment MOH purchasing requirements.  Biosecurity and quarantine; Agreed lump sum for programme. Report against agreed  Burial and cremation; performance indicators  Contaminated land;  Drinking water quality;  Early childhood centers;  Environmental noise management;  Hazardous substances;  Ionising/non-ionisng radiation;  Public Health emergency planning and response;  Recreational water;  Resource management;  Sewage treatment and disposal;  Shellfish and shellfish water;  Waste management (liquid and solid waste);  Other regulatory activities. RM00109 Sexual Health  Sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS. Service Providing information according to MOH purchasing requirements. Agreed lump sum for programme. Report against agreed performance indicators RM00110 Social Environment  Healthy cities and communities and social environments; Service Agreed lump sum for programme. Report against agreed  Health Promoting Schools/Healthy schools – Kura Waiora performance indicators RM00111 Tobacco Control  Smoking reduction programmes and smokefree environments. Service Providing information according to MOH purchasing requirements. NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 90 Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Definition Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Definition unit Code v8 Unit Code v7 Description Agreed lump sum for programme. Report against agreed performance indicators RM00112 Well Child  Promotion of Well Child; Service Agreed lump sum for programme. Report against agreed  Parenting support and skills promotion; performance indicators.  Prevention of hearing loss in children/tamariki;  Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS);  Rheumatic fever prevention’  Oral health promotion.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 91 4 MEDICAL/SURGICAL PURCHASING FRAMEWORK –- General Definitions

4.1 DRGs 4.1.1 Definition The DRG covers all treatment for admitted patients (inpatient and daypatient) from the time of pre-admission assessment, whether in the emergency department or a pre-admission clinic, to the time of discharge.

Treatment components included are:  Pre-admission clinic  Emergency department assessment (These assessments will be included in ED purchase unit volumes as well)  Clinical support services (e.g. radiology, laboratory, allied health, other diagnostic services)  Commercial support services (e.g. accommodation, meals)  Intensive care/coronary care  Consumable supplies (e.g. pharmaceuticals, blood products, prostheses)  Overheads related to quality requirements (e.g. interpreting services, culturally appropriate facilities, infection control, staff training, civil disaster preparedness)  Overheads related to reporting requirements (e.g. information systems, patient registers)

The following Services are purchased through separate purchase units or contracts so they are excluded from DRG purchases :  Post discharge outpatient or community-based care  Patient travel & accommodation assistance  Inpatient transfers  Community-referred diagnostic services

4.1.2 Exclusions From Med/Surg DRG Purchasing Section 5 lists exclusion rules for 2001/02. These exclusions have been confirmed with DHBs under version ICD-10-AM

4.1.3 Purchase Unit Mapping Table

A mapping table between health service specialty code and DRG purchase unit codes is in Section 6.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 92 4.2 Non DRG Treatment components included are:  Treatment, therapy, advice, diagnostic or investigatory procedures. The service may be provided at a designated outpatient clinic and/or in a ward or other suitable setting.  Diagnostic and other procedures carried out within that clinic location at that attendance will be an input to the attendance, for example minor surgical procedure or plastering.  Other health professionals including additional medical practitioners also present at the clinic.  Tests requested during an attendance but carried out at some other location at the health facility, and not necessarily on the same day, are included as an input into that attendance, for example laboratory, radiology, ECG, EEG, nerve conduction test, stress test, audiology. This excludes laboratory tests requested from community laboratories not carried out on day of attendance.  Pharmaceuticals used or consumed during an assessment/treatment.  Telephone consultations are not to be counted as assessments, but are to be provided, and included as an overhead cost to the service.  Staff travel where the service is provided at a location other than the base facility.  Supply or loan of essential equipment.  Overheads related to quality requirements (e.g. interpreting services, culturally appropriate facilities, infection control, staff training, civil disaster preparedness).  Overheads related to reporting requirements (e.g. information systems, patient registers).

Exclusions:  Attendance for pre-admission assessment/screening is excluded as this is included in the ANDRG purchase unit.  Pharmaceuticals for use or consumption in the community may be referred to community pharmacies.


Outpatient first specialist assessment Client is seen by registered medical practitioner or nurse practitioner for the first time for a particular referral, or with a self-referral for a discrete episode. The client receives treatment, therapy, advice, diagnostic or investigatory procedures at a health care facility and leaves within 3 hours of the start of the consultation. Service is provided in ward and/or at designated outpatient clinic. Excludes Emergency Department attendances. Does not include outpatient attendance for preadmission assessment/screening, this is included in the price for the relevant AN-DRG-based purchase unit.

Outpatient follow-up attendances Client is seen by registered medical practitioner or nurse practitioner for services following first specialist assessment for a particular referral. The client receives treatment, therapy, advice, diagnostic or investigatory procedures at a health care facility and leaves within 3 hours of the start of the consultation. Includes post- discharge follow-up, including new clinic attendance. Service is provided in ward and/or at designated outpatient clinic. Excludes Emergency Department attendances. Does not include attendances specified as separate purchase units.

Nurse Practitioner Is a registered nurse practising at an advanced practice level in a specific scope of practice, who has been prepared at masters level of education and has been recognised and approved by the Nursing Council of New Zealand as a nurse practitioner.


5.1 Exclusions from casemix purchasing The following section lists the tests that identify whether or not a particular event is purchased through the HFA casemix methodology. It should be noted that some of the tests are order sensitive, e.g. the Medical/Surgical test assumes that the Neonatal test has already been applied. Also, an event may be excluded for more than one reason (note - the HFA SAS methodology uses individual exclusion flag fields to generate an overall exclusion flag {Yes/No} for each event).

5.1.1 Neonatal Inpatient Casemix Purchasing This test takes the form of an inclusion rule (as this is easier to specify than the converse exclusion rule). To be potentially included in neonatal casemix purchasing an event requires a Pregnancy & Childbirth Health Speciality code and to meet one of a variety of tests (originally agreed by the 98/99 joint HFA/HHS Maternity & Neonates project) which attempt to distinguish between well new-borns and those who required additional health services: The Health Service Speciality code is in the Pregnancy & Childbirth range (i.e. where the first character is “P”) AND (The Health Service Speciality code is in the range (P40, P41, P42, P43) OR (The AR-DRG is in the range (P02Z, P61Z, P62Z, P03Z, P63Z, P64Z, P04Z, P65A, P65B, P65C, P65D, P05Z, P66A, P66B, P66C, P06A, P06B, P67B, P67A, P67C)) OR (The AR-DRG is in the range (P60A, P01Z, P60B, P66D, P67D) AND (the third ICD diagnosis is NOT blank OR the first ICD procedure is NOT blank)))

5.1.2 Non- Medical/Surgical Purchasing Events which have a DSS or Mental Health Service Specialty code, i.e. first character is “D” or “Y”, are excluded. In addition, Pregnancy & Childbirth events (where the first character is “P”) are excluded if they do not meet the criteria above in the Neonatal casemix inclusion rule.

5.1.3 Non Base Funding Purchasing Events which are not part of an HHS’s base contract purchasing are excluded. HFA base contract events, now base DHB service agreements, should have a Purchaser code in the range (01, 02, 03, 04, 13). Events with any other Purchaser code should be excluded, e.g. privates, ACC direct and Insurers, Elective, i.e. the former Waiting Times Fund (WTF), events, other MoH/DHB specific non-base purchasing, etc. In addition, any Admission Types of “ZW” (indicating an ACC elective purchase) are excluded.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 94 5.1.4 Designated Hospital Purchasing A combination of a range of Agencies and Facilities have been identified as the providers through which the MoH/DHBs will monitor base casemix contracts. All other facilities (historically designated as ‘rural’) are excluded. Note with HHS sub-contracting the list of included Facilities may require updating periodically (this assumes that the Agency will reflect the organisation who have the original contract with the HFA). A list of included Agencies and Facilities is given below. Any combination of Agency & Facility which does not fall in the below lists are excluded from MoH/DHB casemix purchasing.

Health Agency code Agency Name 1022 Auckland Healthcare 3091 Capital Coast Health 4121 Canterbury Health 4111 Coast Health Care 3082 Good Health Wanganui 3061 Hawke’s Bay Health 4131 Healthcare Otago 4122 Healthlink South 4123 South Canterbury Health 3092 Hutt Valley Health 2031 Health Waikato 2042 Lakeland 3081 Midcentral Health 1011 Northland Health 3101 Nelson-Marlborough Health 2047 Pacific Health 2041 East Bay Health (kept for historical analysis) 2043 Western Bay Health (kept for historical analysis) 1023 South Auckland Health 4141 Southern Health 2071 Taranaki Healthcare 2051 Tairawhiti Health 3093 Wairarapa Health 1021 Waitemata Health 0223 Heart Surgery South Island

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 95 Facility code Facility name 4111 Whangarei Area Hospital 4112 Kaitaia 3211 Auckland 3212 Greenlane 3213 National Women’s 3214 Middlemore 3215 North Shore 3216 Waitakere 3239 Starship Hospital 5011 Thames 3311 Whakatane 4911 Tauranga 3411 Gisborne 5311 Waikato 5312 Rotorua 5313 Te Kuiti 5320 Queen Elizabeth 5323 Tokoroa 4811 Taumarunui 5329 Taupo General 4711 Taranaki Base 4712 Hawera 3611 Napier 3612 Hastings Memorial 5711 Wanganui 4311 Palmerston North 5511 Masterton 5812 Hutt 5816 Kenepuru 5811 Wellington 3811 Wairau 3911 Nelson 4011 Christchurch 4013 Burwood 4014 Christchurch Womens 3111 Ashburton

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 96 Facility code Facility name 5911 Grey Base Hospital 4411 Timaru 4211 Dunedin 4511 Southland 3250 Manukau SuperClinic 3220 Pukekohe 3221 Papakura Obstetric 3240 Botany Downs Maternity Hospital 4113 Dargaville 4114 Bay of Islands 8270 Southern Cross, Hamilton 8331 Bowen 8432 Wakefield 8595 Ascot Hospital 8233 Mercy, Auckland 8422 Our Lady’s Home of Compassion 8366 St Georges 8377 Southern Cross Trust, Christchurch 8580 Oxford Day Clinic 3313 Murupara 3314 Opotiki 4212 Wakari 8507 Manor Park Hospital 8462 Boulcott Clinic 8471 Southern Cross, Wellington 5818 Paraparaumu 5819 Puketiro 5820 Te Whare O Rangituhi 5814 Porirua 8313 Aorangi, (was Mercy) 8314 Southern Cross, Palmerston North

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 97 5.1.5 Non-Treated Patients Events where no treatment is provided are excluded. These include Boarders who may be admitted or in the case of Cancelled Operations.

Boarders are tested for by checking the primary diagnosis code (only) for a set of codes: ICD10 Boarders, primary diagnosis in the range: Z763, Z764.

Cancelled Operations are tested for by checking that: The primary operation/procedure code is blank AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND Length of Stay is less than 2 days AND The one (or more) of the first six diagnosis codes contain the following codes: ICD10 Canc Ops, one (or more) of diagnosis 1-6 in the range: Z530, Z531, Z532, Z538, Z539.

5.1.6 Error DRGs Events coded to an Error AR-DRG are excluded. Error AR-DRGs are in the range (960Z, 961Z, 962Z, 963Z).

5.1.7 Some Transplants Some organ Transplants are excluded as they are not purchased via casemix, e.g. liver, heart and lung transplants. Excluded Transplants are in the AR-DRG range (A01Z, A02Z, A03Z, A05Z). Simultaneous pancreas/kidney transplants will be coded so as to fall under A02Z, Multiple Organ Transplants, thus excluded from casemix purchasing.

5.1.8 Some Spinal Injuries Some Spinal services are excluded as they are not purchased via casemix. Excluded Spinal services are in the Health Services Speciality code range (S50, S53).

5.1.9 Surgical Termination of Pregnancy Surgical Termination of Pregnancy (ToP) events are excluded. These are tested for by checking: The AR-DRG is equal to O40Z AND That the primary procedure/procedure codes fall in the range: ICD10 Surg ToP, primary procedure in the range: (3564300, 3564301) AND primary diagnosis in the range (O040-O049 {O04*}).

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 98 5.1.9 Renal Dialysis The WIES DRGs for Renal Dialysis, L61Z, and Peritoneal Dialysis, L61Y, are excluded from casemix purchasing. Unless the associated events were previously coded to DRG3.1 572, this represents a new exclusion from casemix.

5.1.10 Sameday Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy Some sameday cases for Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy are excluded from casemix purchasing. These events are tested for by checking: That the Admission date is the same as the Discharge date AND That either of the first two diagnosis codes fall in the range: ICD10 Chem/Radio, either of the first two diagnosis in the range: (Z510, Z511, Z512).

5.1.11 Sleep Apnoea Some Sleep Apnoea events where they stay overnight for tests are excluded from casemix purchasing. These events are tested for by checking: That the integer difference in days between the Discharge and Admission dates is less than 2 AND That the AR-DRG equals E63Z.

5.1.12 Lithotripsy Some sameday Lithotripsy events are excluded from casemix purchasing. These events are tested for by checking: That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Lithotripsy, first procedure in the range: (3654600). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Lithotripsy, second procedure in the range: (3654600,9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in the range: (3654600,9250202,9250300, 9250202,9250300, blank).

5.1.13 Colposcopies Some sameday Colposcopy events are excluded from casemix purchasing. These events are tested for by checking: That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 99 AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Colposcopy, first procedure in the range: (3560800, 3564600, 3564700, 3560801, 3553902, 3561100, 3553904, 3563705, 3553903, 3560802, 3561400). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Colposcopy, second procedure in the range: (3560800, 3564600, 3564700, 3560801, 3553902, 3561100, 3553904, 3563705, 3553903, 3560802, 3561400,9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank).

5.1.14 Cystoscopies Some sameday Cystoscopies events are excluded from casemix purchasing. These events are tested for by checking: That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Cystoscopies, first procedure in the range: (3681201, 3681200, 3683600, 3683904, 3684503, 3683902, 3684501, 3684500, 3683900, 3684505, 3684504, 3684502, 3731801, 3731500, 3681501, 3682700). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Cystoscopies, second procedure in the range: (3681201, 3681200, 3683600, 3683904, 3684503, 3683902, 3684501, 3684500, 3683900, 3684505, 3684504, 3684502, 3731801, 3731500, 3681501, 3682700, 9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank).

5.1.15 ERCPs Some sameday ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) events are excluded from casemix purchasing. These events are tested for by checking: That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 100 AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 ERCP, first procedure in the range: (3048400, 3048401, 3048402, 3045200, 3048500, 3049100, 3045202, 3048501, 3049101, 3049400, 3045100, 3045201, 3044200). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 second procedure in the range: (3048400, 3048401, 3048402, 3045200, 3048500, 3049100, 3045202, 3048501, 3049101, 3049400, 3045100, 3045201, 3044200, 3047801, 3047802, 3209000, 3208400, 3209001, 3208401, 3209300, 3208700, 9030800, 3209400, 3207500, 3207200, 3207201, 3207501, 9031200, 9031201, 3207800, 3208100, 3209900, 3210800, 9034100, 3210500, 4181600, 3047303, 3047810, 4182500, 4182200, 3047304, 3047600, 3047601, 3047806, 3047809, 3047811, 3047812, 3047602, 3047813, 3047900, 3047807, 3047603, 3047300, 3047301, 3047500, 3047501, 3047803, 3209500, 3047804, 9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank).

Colonoscopies Some sameday Colonoscopies events are excluded from casemix purchasing. These events are tested for by checking: That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Colonoscopies, first procedure in the range: (3209000, 3208400, 3209001, 3208401, 3209300, 3208700, 9030800, 3209400, 3207500, 3207200, 3207201, 3207501, 9031200, 9031201, 3207800, 3208100, 3209900, 3210800, 9034100, 3210500). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 second procedure in the range: (3048400, 3048401, 3048402, 3045200, 3048500, 3049100, 3045202, 3048501, 3049101, 3049400, 3045100, 3045201, 3044200, 3047801, 3047802, 3209000, 3208400, 3209001, 3208401, 3209300, 3208700, 9030800, 3209400, 3207500, 3207200, 3207201, 3207501, 9031200, 9031201, 3207800, 3208100, 3209900, 3210800, 9034100, 3210500, 4181600, 3047303, 3047810, 4182500, 4182200, 3047304, 3047600, 3047601, 3047806, 3047809, 3047811, 3047812, 3047602, 3047813, 3047900, 3047807, 3047603, 3047300, 3047301, 3047500, 3047501, 3047803, 3209500, 3047804, 9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank).

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 101 5.1.16 Gastroscopies Some sameday Gastroscopies events are excluded from casemix purchasing. These events are tested for by checking: That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Gastroscopies, first procedure in the range: (4181600, 3047303, 3047810, 4182500, 4182200, 3047304, 3047600, 3047601, 3047806, 3047809, 3047811, 3047812, 3047602, 3047813, 3047900, 3047807, 3047603, 3047300, 3047301, 3047500, 3047501, 3047803, 3209500, 3047804, 3047801, 3047802). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 second procedure in the range: (3048400, 3048401, 3048402, 3045200, 3048500, 3049100, 3045202, 3048501, 3049101, 3049400, 3045100, 3045201, 3044200, 3047801, 3047802, 3209000, 3208400, 3209001, 3208401, 3209300, 3208700, 9030800, 3209400, 3207500, 3207200, 3207201, 3207501, 9031200, 9031201, 3207800, 3208100, 3209900, 3210800, 9034100, 3210500, 4181600, 3047303, 3047810, 4182500, 4182200, 3047304, 3047600, 3047601, 3047806, 3047809, 3047811, 3047812, 3047602, 3047813, 3047900, 3047807, 3047603, 3047300, 3047301, 3047500, 3047501, 3047803, 3209500, 3047804, 9250202,9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank).

5.1.17 Bronchoscopies Some sameday Bronchoscopies events are excluded from casemix purchasing. These events are tested for by checking: That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND The patients age is greater than 15 years old AND That the primary procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Bronchoscopies, first procedure in the range: (4188901, 4189800, 4188900, 4189200, 4189801, 4176404, 4176403, 4184600, 4184900, 4185500, 4189500). AND That the second procedure code falls in the following range: ICD10 Bronchoscopies, second procedure in the range:. (4188901, 4189800, 4188900, 4189200, 4189801, 4176404, 4176403, 4184600, 4184900, 4185500, 4189500, 9250202, 9250300, blank). AND That the third procedure code is in (9250202,9250300,blank).

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 102 5.1.18 Day Case Blood Transfusions Some sameday Blood Transfusion events are excluded from casemix purchasing. These events are tested for by checking: That the Admission and Discharge dates are the same AND That the event is non-acute (i.e. Admission Type not in “AC”,”ZC”) AND That the primary diagnosis OR the first three procedure codes fall in the range: ICD10 Blood, primary diagnosis in the range (Z513) OR {primary procedure in the range (9206000, 1370601, 1370602, 1370603) AND second procedure in the range (9206000, 1370601, 1370602, 1370603, blank) AND third procedure blank}.

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 103 6 Health Service Specialty Mapping Table

Rec Post 1 July 2001 WIES8 PU map Old Code Health Specialty code description Notes Old PU desc Flag NZHIS map for 01/02 Casemix PU

M00 General Medicine Keep M00.01 M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M05 Emergency Medicine Keep M00.01 M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M08 Specialist Intensive Care Keep M00.01 M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M10 Cardiology Keep M10.01 M10.01 Cardiology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M14 Specialist Paediatric Cardiology Keep M10.05 A+ (HCO?) M10.05 Specialist Paediatric Cardiac - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M15 Dermatology Keep M15.01 M15.01 Dermatology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M20 Endocrinology & Diabetology Keep M20.01 M20.01 Endocrinology & Diabetic - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M24 Specialist Paediatric Endocrinology / Keep M55.01 A+ (CCH?) M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services Diabetology (DRGs) M25 Gastroenterology Keep M25.01 M25.01 Gastroenterology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M29 Specialist Paediatric Gastroenterology Keep M55.01 A+ M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M30 Haematology Keep M30.01 M30.01 Haematology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M34 Specialist Paediatric Haematology Keep M34.01 A+ M34.01 Specialist Paediatric Haematology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M35 Immunology Keep M70.01 Change in PU mapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M39 Specialist Paediatric Immunology Keep M55.01 A+ M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M40 Infectious Diseases Keep M40.01 M40.01 Infectious Diseases (incl Venereology) - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M44 Specialist Paediatric Infectious Diseases Keep M55.01 A+, CCH M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M45 Neurology Keep M45.01 M45.01 Neurology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M49 Specialist Paediatric Neurology Keep M49.01 A+ M49.01 Specialist Paediatric Neurology Inpatient

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 104 Rec Post 1 July 2001 WIES8 PU map Old Code Health Specialty code description Notes Old PU desc Flag NZHIS map for 01/02 Casemix PU

Services (DRGs) M50 Oncology Keep M50.01 Radiotherapy removed from M50.01 Oncology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) desc (covered in M90) M54 Specialist Paediatric Oncology Keep M54.01 A+, CCH, HCO M54.01 Specialist Paediatric Oncology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M55 Paediatric Medicine Keep M55.01 M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M59 Specialist Paediatric Intensive Care Keep M55.01 M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M60 Renal Medicine Keep M60.01 M60.01 Renal Medicine - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M64 Specialist Paediatric Renal Medicine Keep M55.01 A+ M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M65 Respiratory Medicine Keep M65.01 M65.01 Respiratory - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M69 Specialist Paediatric Respiratory Keep M55.01 A+ M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services Medicine (DRGs) M70 Rheumatology Keep M70.01 M70.01 Rheumatology (incl Immunology) - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M74 Specialist Paediatric Rheumatology Keep M55.01 M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M75 Venereology Keep M40.01 M40.01 Infectious Diseases (incl Venereology) - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M79 Specialist Paediatric Venereology Keep M55.01 M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M80 Palliative / Terminal Care Medical Keep M80.01 M80.01 Palliative Care - Inpatient Services Services (DRGs) M84 Specialist Paediatric Palliative Care Keep M55.01 M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M85 Other Medical Services Keep M00.01 Should have NMDS warning M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - associated Inpatient Services (DRGs) M86 Specialist Nuclear Medicine Keep M00.01 M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M89 Specialist Interventionist Radiology Keep M00.01 M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M90 Radiotherapy Keep M50.01 M50.01 Oncology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M94 Specialist Paediatric Radiotherapy Keep M54.01 M54.01 Specialist Paediatric Oncology - Inpatient Services (DRGs)

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 105 Rec Post 1 July 2001 WIES8 PU map Old Code Health Specialty code description Notes Old PU desc Flag NZHIS map for 01/02 Casemix PU

S00 General Surgery Keep S00.01 S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S05 Anaesthesiology Keep S00.01 S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S10 Gastroenterological Surgery Keep S00.01 S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S15 Cardiothoracic Surgery Keep S15.01 S15.01 Cardiothoracic - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S19 Thoracic Surgery Keep S15.01 S15.01 Cardiothoracic - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S20 Dental Surgery Keep D01.01 Maxillo-Facial split out into S24 D01.01 Inpatient Dental treatment (DRGs) S24 Maxillo-Facial Surgery Keep S60.01 New to split out from Dental S60.01 surgery S25 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) Keep S25.01 S25.01 Ear, Nose and Throat - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S30 Gynaecology Keep S30.01 S30.01 Gynaecology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S35 Neurosurgery Keep S35.01 S35.01 Neurosurgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S40 Ophthalmology Keep S40.01 S40.01 Ophthalmology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S45 Orthopaedic Surgery Keep S45.01 S45.01 Orthopaedics - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S50 Spinal Surgery Keep Excluded Exclu S58 Specialist Paediatric Surgery [Neonates] Keep S55.01 S55.01 Paediatric Surgical Services (DRGs) S59 Specialist Paediatric Surgery [Others] Keep S55.01 S55.01 Paediatric Surgical Services (DRGs) S60 Plastic Surgery [excluding burns] Keep S60.01 S60.01 Plastic & Burns - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S65 Burns Surgery Keep S60.01 S60.01 Plastic & Burns - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S70 Urology Keep S70.01 S70.01 Urology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S75 Vascular Surgery Keep S75.01 S75.01 Vascular Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M01 Allied Health / Community Internal Retire M00 M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Medicine Inpatient Services (DRGs) M02 Generalist Internal Medicine (General Retire M00 M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Practitioner, MOSS) Inpatient Services (DRGs) M03 Specialist Internal Medicine Retire M00 M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs)

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 106 Rec Post 1 July 2001 WIES8 PU map Old Code Health Specialty code description Notes Old PU desc Flag NZHIS map for 01/02 Casemix PU

M06 Allied Health / Community Emergency Retire M05 M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Medicine Inpatient Services (DRGs) M07 Generalist Emergency Medicine (General Retire M05 M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Practitioner, MOSS) Inpatient Services (DRGs) M11 Allied Health / Community Cardiology Retire M10 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M12 Generalist Cardiology Retire M10 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M13 Specialist Cardiology Retire M10 M10.01 Cardiology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M16 Allied Health / Community Dermatology Retire M15 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M17 Generalist Dermatology Retire M15 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M18 Specialist Dermatology Retire M15 M15.01 Dermatology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M19 Specialist Paediatric Dermatology Retire M15 PUremapping M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M21 Allied Health / Community Retire M20 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Endocrinology / Diabetology Inpatient Services (DRGs) M22 Generalist Endocrinology / Diabetology Retire M20 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M23 Specialist Endocrinology / Diabetology Retire M20 M20.01 Endocrinology & Diabetic - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M26 Allied Health / Community Retire M25 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Gastroenterology Inpatient Services (DRGs) M27 Generalist Gastroenterology Retire M25 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M28 Specialist Gastroenterology Retire M25 M25.01 Gastroenterology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M31 Allied Health / Community Haematology Retire M30 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M32 Generalist Haematology Retire M30 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M33 Specialist Haematology Retire M30 M30.01 Haematology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M36 Allied Health / Community Immunology Retire M35 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M37 Generalist Immunology Retire M35 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs)

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 107 Rec Post 1 July 2001 WIES8 PU map Old Code Health Specialty code description Notes Old PU desc Flag NZHIS map for 01/02 Casemix PU

M38 Specialist Immunology Retire M35 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M41 Allied Health / Community Services Retire M40 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M42 Generalist Services Retire M40 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M43 Specialist Services Retire M40 M40.01 Infectious Diseases (incl Venereology) - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M46 Allied Health / Community Neurology Retire M45 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M47 Generalist Neurology Retire M45 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M48 Specialist Neurology Retire M45 M45.01 Neurology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M51 Allied Health / Community Oncology Retire M50 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M52 Generalist Oncology Retire M50 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M53 Specialist Oncology Retire M50 M50.01 Oncology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M56 Allied Health / Community Paediatric Retire M55 M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services Medicine (DRGs) M57 Generalist Paediatric Medicine Retire M55 M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M58 Specialist Paediatric Medicine Retire M55 M55.01 Paediatric Medical - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M61 Allied Health / Community Renal Retire M60 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Medicine Inpatient Services (DRGs) M62 Generalist Renal Medicine Retire M60 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M63 Specialist Renal Medicine Retire M60 M60.01 Renal Medicine - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M66 Allied Health / Community Respiratory Retire M65 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Medicine Inpatient Services (DRGs) M67 Generalist Respiratory Medicine Retire M65 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M68 Specialist Respiratory Medicine Retire M65 M65.01 Respiratory - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M71 Allied Health / Community Rheumatology Retire M70 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs)

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 108 Rec Post 1 July 2001 WIES8 PU map Old Code Health Specialty code description Notes Old PU desc Flag NZHIS map for 01/02 Casemix PU

M72 Generalist Rheumatology Retire M70 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M73 Specialist Rheumatology Retire M70 M70.01 Rheumatology (incl Immunology) - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M76 Allied Health / Community Venereology Retire M75 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M77 Generalist Venereology Retire M75 PUremapping M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M78 Specialist Venereology Retire M75 M40.01 Infectious Diseases (incl Venereology) - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M81 Allied Health / Community Palliative / Retire M80 M80.01 Palliative Care - Inpatient Services Terminal Care Services (DRGs) M82 Generalist Palliative Care Retire M80 M80.01 Palliative Care - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M83 Specialist Palliative Care Retire M80 M80.01 Palliative Care - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M87 Specialist Medical Genetics Retire M85 M00.01 General Internal Medical Services - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M88 Specialist Genito-Urinary Medicine Retire M85 PUremapping S70.01 Urology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M91 Allied Health / Community Radiotherapy Retire M90 M50.01 Oncology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M92 Generalist Radiotherapy Retire M90 M50.01 Oncology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) M93 Specialist Radiotherapy Retire M90 M50.01 Oncology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S01 Allied Health / Community General Retire S00 S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services Surgery (DRGs) S02 Generalist General Surgery Retire S00 S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S03 Specialist General Surgery Retire S00 S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S06 Allied Health / Community Services Retire S05 S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S07 Generalist Anaesthesia Retire S05 S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S08 Specialist Anaesthesia Retire S05 S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S11 Allied Health / Community Retire S10 S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services Gastroenterological Surgery (DRGs) S12 Generalist Gastroenterological Surgery Retire S10 S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 109 Rec Post 1 July 2001 WIES8 PU map Old Code Health Specialty code description Notes Old PU desc Flag NZHIS map for 01/02 Casemix PU

(DRGs) S13 Specialist Gastroenterological Surgery Retire S10 S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S16 Allied Health / Community Cardiothoracic Retire S15 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services Surgery (DRGs) S17 Generalist Cardiothoracic Surgery Retire S15 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S18 Specialist Cardiothoracic Surgery Retire S15 S15.01 Cardiothoracic - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S21 Allied Health / Community Dental Surgery Retire S20 D01.01 Inpatient Dental treatment (DRGs) S22 Generalist Dental Surgery Retire S20 D01.01 Inpatient Dental treatment (DRGs) S23 Specialist Dental / Maxillo-Facial Surgery Retire S20 D01.01 Inpatient Dental treatment (DRGs) S26 Allied Health / Community Ear, Nose and Retire S25 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services Throat Surgery (DRGs) S27 Generalist ENT Surgery Retire S25 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S28 Specialist Otorhinolaryngology Retire S25 S25.01 Ear, Nose and Throat - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S31 Allied Health / Community Gynaecology Retire S30 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S32 Generalist Gynaecology Retire S30 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S33 Specialist Gynaecology Retire S30 S30.01 Gynaecology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S36 Allied Health / Community Neurosurgery Retire S35 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S37 Generalist Neurosurgery Retire S35 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S38 Specialist Neurosurgery Retire S35 S35.01 Neurosurgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S41 Allied Health / Community Retire S40 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services Ophthalmology (DRGs) S42 Generalist Ophthalmology Retire S40 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S43 Specialist Ophthalmology Retire S40 S40.01 Ophthalmology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S46 Allied Health / Community Orthopaedic Retire S45 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services Surgery (DRGs)

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 110 Rec Post 1 July 2001 WIES8 PU map Old Code Health Specialty code description Notes Old PU desc Flag NZHIS map for 01/02 Casemix PU

S47 Generalist Orthopaedic Surgery Retire S45 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S48 Specialist Orthopaedic Surgery Retire S45 S45.01 Orthopaedics - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S51 Allied Health / Community Spinal Surgery Retire S50 S45.01 Orthopaedics - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S52 Generalist Spinal Surgery Retire S50 S45.01 Orthopaedics - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S53 Specialist Spinal Surgery Retire S50 Exclu S55 Paediatric Surgical Services Retire S59 S55.01 Paediatric Surgical Services (DRGs) S56 Allied Health / Community Paediatric Retire S59 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services Surgery (DRGs) S57 Generalist Paediatric Surgery Retire S59 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S61 Allied Health / Community Plastic Retire S60 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services Surgery (DRGs) S62 Generalist Plastic Surgery Retire S60 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S63 Specialist Plastic Surgery Retire S60 S60.01 Plastic & Burns - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S66 Allied Health / Community Burns Surgery Retire S65 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S67 Generalist Burns Surgery Retire S65 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S68 Specialist Burns Surgery Retire S65 S60.01 Plastic & Burns - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S71 Allied Health / Community Urology Retire S70 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S72 Generalist Urology Retire S70 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S73 Specialist Urology Retire S70 S70.01 Urology - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S76 Allied Health / Community Vascular Retire S75 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services Surgery (DRGs) S77 Generalist Vascular Surgery Retire S75 PUremapping S00.01 General Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs) S78 Specialist Vascular Surgery Retire S75 S75.01 Vascular Surgery - Inpatient Services (DRGs)

NSFW Data Dictionary V8 Page 111

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