Waikiki Committee Meeting Minutes

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Waikiki Committee Meeting Minutes

Hawaii Area 17 Waikiki Committee Meeting Minutes June 20, 2009

Meeting opened @ 9:00 am with the Serenity Prayer

Host DCM announcements: Patrick: summary: Housekeeping items: bathrooms, parking, smoking, transportation, recycling, and refreshments.

Reading: Ken: reads from page 3 in the Area 17 Structures and Guidelines; excerpt from the A.A. Service Manual, Concept 12: “In all it’s proceedings…will always remain democratic in thought and action”. Introduces area officers

Area Officer Reports: Secretary: Miranda: verbatim: I want to thank everyone for emailing your reports. It’s been very helpful. Please review your Feb Committee Meeting Minutes for a moment. You’ll notice I did not delete the last header from the 2008 committee meeting minutes (used as a template) it is crossed out on the first page, pages 2-13 still have the header from the 2008 meeting in Hilo. Motion made to accept and seconded: Majority voted and accepted the minutes as written.

Treasurer: Coleen: verbatim: Aloha Hawaii Area 17 A.A. members, each month, I’m moved by the contributions of varying amounts that come from so many groups. To date, 107 groups have made contributions. Some groups eek together $2.00. Other groups are able to contribute much more, and do so. Thank you all for your support and trust. As of June 12, 2009 Hawaii Area funds are as follows: Operating Funds $17,096.19 Prudent Reserve $ 5,000.00 Reserve for Computer Equipment $ 500.00 Reserve for International Convention $ 1,000.00 Total cash in bank $23,596.19

As of June 12, 2009: Total Revenues $ 8,701.49 Total Expenditures $13,290.93 Net Revenues (Loss) -$ 4,589.44

While preparing the June Financial Report, and draft for our 2010 budget, I checked to see how contributions compare to past years. Here is a summary of average monthly contribution: 2004 $1,780.00 per month 2005 $1,889.00 per month 2006 $2,490.00 per month 2007 $2,431.00 per month 2008 $2,334.00 per month 2009 $1,740.00 per month

As you can see, our average monthly contributions don’t even match that which we were able to give in 2004. The good news is, contributions to past panels have greatly helped us through these challenging financial times. In a Grapevine article dated July, 1954, Bill W. talked about what it would take to make A.A. Headquarters, (Our General Service Office), “depression and calamity proof” (Language of the Heart, p. 138-140.) Not much, he concluded. The estimated amount in 1954 was, “only $2.00 (two dollars) per member to ensure GSO never, under any conditions, fall apart at its very center.” As we plan for 2010, we have much to consider. We all need to be mindful of what it takes to maintain a healthy area service structure. In Hawaii Area 17, more than 200 groups/meetings have registered with GSO. So far this year, around 50% of the registered groups have contributed to Area 17. The decline in group contributions hasn’t hurt us yet. But, if the other 100 + groups/meeting could contribute even a little, we could cover our 2009 projected expenses, and enter 2010 “recession and calamity proof.” “Money has never been a requirement for A.A. membership, and to keep it that way all of A.A.’s trusted servants have an ongoing obligation to inform groups and individuals about the value of self-support and the need for voluntary contributions throughout the Fellowship.” (Self Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix, pamphlet F- 3, p.8.) Coleen A., Area Treasurer, Panel 59 [email protected] For FULL TREASURER REPORT

1 please download from Area 17 Website www.area17aa.org Motion to accept and seconded: Majority voted and accepted the Treasurer’s report.

Registrar: Sue: verbatim: With respect to getting our records in order, we’re doing great – all the districts have been very responsive in getting their information to me so we can update the records accordingly. If you missed the deadline for the directory, just send in updates when you can, you will make the next one. We take it one day at a time; in AA we know that it is never too late to make things better. The main issue I have with information provided is the lack of mailing address. I cannot submit a contact person to GSO for a group or district without a mailing address. This is important so you can receive the service kit, which includes the current service manual, pamphlets, information sheets, and more. GSO also sends you notifications, Box 459, and important group information. If you do not have a personal mailing address, perhaps you can use the group, district, or area P.O. Box or something similar. Thank you for allowing me to serve, Sue B. Panel 59 Area 17 Registrar Not present: Kauai IG Chair: John G., Oahu IG Chairs Steve K., Maui IG Chair: Stephanie, S., East Hawaii: Chris A. Tri Island DCM: Amberly B.

Alternate Delegate: Linda McD.: verbatim: (Full report available on the Area17 website www.area17aa.org) Thanks to the Waikiki District for hosting this committee meeting. In fulfillment of my duties and responsibilities as your Area 17 Alternate Delegate, I continue to attend the monthly Annual Hawaii Convention steering committee meetings, where the discussion seems to be mostly about location and budgetary concerns. The 2009 convention will be October 29th - November 1st. I hope that each of you is planning to attend the convention along with your sober friends. In addition, I have met with the convention secretary to update Appendix C of our Structures and Guidelines taking care not to amend any policies or procedures. I will let you know when the new version is available and posted on our Website. I also continue to attend Oahu Intergroup where the discussion seems to be dominated by budgetary matters. In carrying the message of A.A., I hope that we all remember that the challenges presented by society’s current economic condition impacts everyone, including all the service centers of A.A. So, we are here today to talk about…budgetary matters! As we consider next year’s spending plan, let’s remember that it’s our future that we are planning for. If we want Area to continue to provide services at the level to which we have become accustomed, we must make the necessary provisions while practicing prudent financial principles. In love & service, Linda McD Alternate Delegate Area 17, Panel 59 [email protected]

Alternate Chair: Colin: verbatim: Greeting’s everyone, Thank You All for attending today, I would like to thank Patrick and Waikiki District for hosting the Area Committee today. I have been attending the State Convention Steering Committee and have really enjoyed being part of that body of Service, we had a great meeting on the 13th and I am sure you will here more from Patti in her report. I want you to know that I am really enjoying my time here in Area Service and thank you for allowing me to participate…Colin H. Alt. Area Chair

Chair: Ken: verbatim: We are in an economic struggle, we are doing the same thing as society, there are going to be changes in budget for 2010, the spirit of AA in Area 17, we will survive, we are here to prepare for the Budget Assembly and for Fellowship. Been to two Delegate report backs to support Elizabeth, I was invited to a Micronesian event, high percentage of alcoholics, will pass the info to Juddee/CPC chair, David stepped down as PI chair, this is an open position now, we will be filling that position soon.

9:30-11:15 Delegate’s Report: Elizabeth: verbatim: reads from page 40 (beginning with Leadership paragraphs 1-3) in the A.A Service Manual, reads on Bill W. essay from page 75;. third paragraph I am grateful to be here with you all today. Serving as your Delegate is an honor beyond my wildest dreams, and I just love AA and those to whom I am directly responsible to beyond words. Current AA News:  Effective July 1, all literature prices will go up. Big Books will increase by $2.00, other books by $1.00 and booklets by $0.50. The last time prices went up was 12 years ago in 1997, while productions costs continue to increase. The current discount structure and shipping costs will remain in place. A new literature catalogue reflecting the new pricing structure was mailed out earlier this month.  AAWS continues to seek solutions to the increased costs in operating expenses. Some recent actions taken are:  Employee Salary Freeze effective March 2009  Hiring freeze on permanent positions  archives expansion / remodel placed on hold

2  Deferred ceiling and lighting projects  For the 59th GSC members who requested background in hardcopy, alternative mailing was used at a significant savings  Box 459 publication has been reduced to a quarterly publication starting with the Conference issue in June  Upon request, digital delivery of Markings, About AA and Box 459 became available  Reduction of costs associated with AAWS Board Meetings  There was a managerial decision to not print the three 2009 Regional A.A. Directories (Canadian, Western U.S. and Eastern U.S.). The principal reason for this action is the ongoing economic condition and its continued impact thus far on G.S.O. in terms of lower sales and contributions in the current year. We are making every effort to keep reductions in office operations and services to a minimum. Any decision to reduce services is difficult to make, but when warranted, prudent decisions on cost savings need to be made, especially in such circumstances we have now. Putting a hold on printing the three regional directories will save approximately $35,000 this year.  Applications are currently being accepted for one Class A Trustee opening. Locally, we have Dr. Foley, from Kauai, who has submitted his résumé for consideration.  On May 21, Ward Ewing, Chairman of the GSB announced that Jeanne S. Woodford had tendered her resignation as a Class A Trustee. The General Service Board considered extending Herb Goodman’s term of service for one year through the 2010 General Service Conference to fill the vacancy, but after During our meeting, we reviewed the General Service Board Bylaws and having consulted legal counsel, it was noted that the General Service Board had the authority to elect Herb Goodman to fill the vacancy until the next annual meeting of the members of the General Service Board. The board held a lengthy discussion which included the following concerns: Urgency of the need to fill the vacancy; Needs of the Fellowship; needs of the General Service Board; Rotation; Delegate input regarding the process to fill the vacancy. With much thought and consideration, the General Service Board decided to leave the position vacant, at this time, and requested that the trustees’ Nominating Committee begin the process of filling the vacancy to replace Jeanne S. Woodford and present the nominee’s name to the 2010 General Service Conference for disapproval, if any. The General Service Board (2009-2010) will operate short one Class A trustee in addition to operating short one Class B regional trustee and one Class B General Service trustee.  Kindle Details: In accordance with our Sixth Tradition, AAWS negotiated on our terms with Amazon. Specifically, Amazon agrees not to use our name or materials in any manner intended or construed as an endorsement of Amazon.com, or of any other product. Amazon also agrees to address in good faith any concern that AAWS brings forth to them regarding actual or implied endorsements. As an extra precaution, we also negotiated the right to withdraw from the agreement at any time for any reason. This non-exclusive agreement allows us to make the book available in e-book format through our own Website, should we decide to do so, or to negotiate a similar agreement with other companies, AASW retains all ownership rights and copyright to the content of the book. The e-book price is the same as our list price for the hardcover edition of the book. We will collect 40% of the income from the sale of the e-book, or $3.20. By comparison, we lose money on single sales of the hardcover edition. We are pleased to announce that at the regular June meeting of the AASW Board, the Board unanimously authorized the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous, to be downloaded onto the Kindle Reader devise through Amazon.com, effective July 1, 2009.  2010 International Convention “A Vision for You” In less than 13 months, many of us will be celebrating 75 years of Alcoholics Anonymous in San Antonio, TX on July 1-4, 2010. Convention registration and housing reservations will open in the Fall of 2009. All necessary information will be included in the registration packet which will be available in September 2009. This packet will list numbers to call for answers to specific questions about housing, the program, tours, etc. The information will be mailed to AA Groups, offices and contacts around the world and posted on the AA Website www.aa.org. Also, watch for articles in Box 459 that is mailed to GSRs of every registered group in the US and Canada. The Pacific Region will be hosting a hospitality suite, and we will need volunteers from each Area to cover the shifts. The Pacific Region Delegates are currently discussing whether we want to have one time slot for each Area or one person from each Area for each time slot. More shall be revealed, and I will transmit more information at our August Assembly. As I have previously reported, I volunteered to be the Coordinator for this project for the entire region. Of Love & Service Always, Elizabeth M. Delegate, Hawaii Area 17 / Panel 59

3 For the full Delegate Report on the 59th General Service Conference, please go to www.area17aa.org


11:30 DCM Reports

East Hawaii #7 Sean: verbatim: Aloha everyone, my name is Sean and I’m a grateful, happy alcoholic. It’s always a joy to get together with all of you. I always look forward to seeing all of my good friends here at the various Area functions. East Hawaii district is still kicking and are grateful to be in service. We basically have a core group of 7 alcoholics that meet every 2nd Tuesday at beautiful Wailoa River State Park. Since we last met, our district has been active. Here is a fast overview of what has happened. Jim S. is now our new Alt. DCM. This position has been vacant for the past 5 months. We are looking forward to the contributions that he will bring forward. We have decided to move our bank account from a regular business checking account at First Hawaiian Bank over to a free business checking account at that same institution. By making this minor move, we will save approximately $12/month in fees. Which will in turn add approximately $140/year of money we can contribute to other areas within the service structure. Our district has been seeing a drop in 7th traditions in the past 2 months. This has been due to the groups increasing their 7th tradition allocations to Intergroup. Intergroup had been experiencing dangerously low levels of contributions in 2009 and had put out the call for help. We have also made a donation to them as a district to help them stay alive. Elizabeth, our trusted delegate, gave a thorough report back at our Founder’s Day celebration last week Sunday. Her report back was filled with facts, emotions, and love. I know that we are blessed to have such a motivated delegate serving our Area. On behalf of East Hawaii district, we would like to thank Elizabeth for all of her hard work in the past month, well actually this entire panel so far. Thank you for allowing me to be in service! Mahalo, Sean M.

Kihei #11 Nora: verbatim: Hi, my name is Nora and I’m an alcoholic. I am DCM for District 11, Kihei Maui. My home group is Friday Night Young People. I’d like to thank district 10 for hosting this, and for starting us off on online registrations. Our district currently has nine GSRs, all of our district officers, and three committee chairs (Archives, CEC and PI).At our last two district meetings, we have been looking a lot at our district and how we can better serve it as a whole. We have a had a few major discussions followed by the implementation of our group conscience. After two district discussions, and discussions with our groups, our district has decided to add a committee for Special Needs. There was some misgiving, seeing as we already have many unfilled committees, but it did pass unanimously. We have also had a few lengthy discussions on Unity Day (an annual Maui event) and workshops. The overwhelming response seems to be that we should wait until we see a need. Similarly, we have been brainstorming on ways to reach out to meetings that are not groups. Our main conclusion is that we are going to all help to spread enthusiasm and gratitude for service. The main highlight for our district has been some recent miscommunications regarding Corrections on Maui. Our hope is that we can increase the dialogue between the prison liaisons and the districts. Our ultimate goal is that someone will step up to be our district corrections chair. Thank you for letting me be of service. I find that this position is continually encouraging me to rely more upon my higher power, and less upon me and my plans and designs. Nora

No Ka Oi #5: Clifford: verbatim: Our District continues to struggle with filling our District Committee Chair positions and GSR’s. Patrick had to leave, Larry is new, we continue to visit groups as a district and talk to the regular members about General Service. We usually do this before or after the meeting. The Wailuku group is sponsoring the next Hana Caravan. The registration flyers for the August Budget Assembly are printed and available. On the flyers we have noted email addresses only for contacts for our Assembly Chairperson, Transportation, and Homestay. On initial email contact with your request please ask each person for their phone numbers. If you have any questions please feel free to call or email me. We look forward to seeing you in August.

Honolulu #2 Lisa: verbatim: The June meeting for the Honolulu District was rescheduled to this coming Monday, June 22, 2009. Downtown lunch has moved twice since the April Assembly. Currently, they are meeting at 6:30 am and 12:00 noon on the Iolani Palace grounds. Their GSR will give us information at next week’s meeting. All groups are doing well. Kalihi Sobriety has a monthly potluck meeting on the last Sunday of the month. Plans for Malia’s annual round-up in progress. Groups report being solvent. District is solvent. Our treasurer resigned. Bridgette K. (GSR for Black Experience) and I are signatories for the district’s account. I am presently preparing for financial report. The district has a budget committee which will present a proposed budget this Monday. Our district will be joining in with Diamond Head for Report

4 Back. I got 3 responses, but we will discuss this at our next meeting and have a final decision about this. Mahalo, Lisa M.

Diamond Head #1: Adina: verbatim: It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as the Diamondhead Districts DCM. Since we last met several noteworthy items have occurred: District Business: Diamondhead supported this DCM to attend PRAASA, if anyone is interested pleases let me know and I will provide you with a report. Diamondhead District held a PRAASA Report back at the Oahu Veteran s Center on April 11th, 2009. We would like to extend our Aloha for all who participated in this event. Our current Treasurer Report indicates that we have $2,233.79 in our account with a total of 7 groups participating financially. Our Treasurer has mentioned some concerns as we did not receive any funds in the month of May and according to his calculations our normal monthly income is down from past years. In May Lingle a While joined Diamondhead District increasing the number of meetings to 27 in our district. Diamondhead, Leeward and Waianae have all agreed to host a Delegate Report back on July 18th, 2009 at the Oahu Veterans Club. We are also hoping that the Waikiki and Honolulu District will join us in this event. How- ever we are awaiting approval from their GSR before we announce their involvement. Please spread the word and take a Flyer, it is free for anyone and sounds like it will be a good time for all as there will be a BBQ and Volleyball tournament with trophies. Unfortunately our Alternate DCM and Grapevine Rep for the District Fred O., relocated to Texas at the end of June. Diamondhead District will be hosting an election for this position on August 7th, 2009 at 6:00 at Holy Nativity Church. Please pass the word on, if any AA members are interested they please have them attend the August Diamondhead District Business Meeting. Standing Committee volunteers are as follows: Grapevine: Vacant. Archives: Linda W. Corrections: Barbara G., Website: Kevin W., CPC: Valerie Convention Steering Committee: Libette Hospitals Committee: Kevin G., Mynah Bird: K.C. S., Treatment Facilities: Bastin. We still need to fill positions for Cooperation with the Elder community, Public Information and Grapevine for Diamondhead District. District #1 Group update: A Spiritual Awakening Doing pretty good. 50 to 60 attendee each day. HOW Big Book: Group in doing well. Living Sober: Meeting is wonderful. Good speakers. Lingle A While: New group to the district, which actually lies within the geographic guides of Diamondhead District and has now chosen to participate actively with Diamondhead District. Palolo Discussion. Doing great. They are using a table now instead of a podium. Due to there being more off-island trips for the GSR in 2010, the GSR fund has been increased to 20%. Pioneer Group: Going alright. There are a lot of treatment centers attending the meeting. They have birthday cake at the end of the month. Sick & Twisted. The treasurer was sending the 7th tradition funds for District to Area by mistake. They will make a double payment next time to District and not send any to Area for that month. Meetings are averaging 40 people, and there are a lot of newcomers. The group has 10 home group members. The GSR is going to request that the group nominates an Alt GSR because he will be attending school and will need some help. Spirit of Freedom. The meeting has been held in the park for the last 3 weeks. Starting the March 8th the meeting will be held at the 7th Day Adventist Church, 2655 Manoa Road. It is supposed to be a nice facility. Harvey the inner group rep will contact central office. Matt will inform the online rep and Tom will inform Area. Other than that everything is great. The group will being meeting at Kaimana beach for a potluck and some fellowship on March 8th at 1.00p.m. Spiritual Beginnings. Group does not currently have a GSR. Group is struggling as one of its key service members relocated off island Sunday Morning Sobriety: Big meeting every week. Service positions are all filled. There are some newcomers, but mainly the same people each week. Uppity Women. Meetings going great. There used to be 4 attendees, 2 home group and 2 non home group members, the meeting is now averaging 20-25 women. The group gets together for dinner after the meeting on the 1st Tuesday of every month. Reach for the Stars: Doing great. They want to be a part of the District. We are working diligently to be more proactive in the District and have decided to provide packets of information to dark groups of our business meeting minutes and any up coming flyers. We also plan to begin a July Caravan to all meetings in the district. It has been a pleasure to serve the Diamondhead District. We hope to see all of you at the Delegate report back on July 18th, 2009. Mahalo, Adina M. DCM Diamond Head District

Windward #4: Curtis: verbatim: Aloha officers and fellow members of Alcoholics Anonymous. Mahalo to the Waikiki District for sponsoring this Area Committee meeting. We in the Windward District will be hosting the meeting in October at the St. Christopher Church in Kailua. Much thanks to Suzanne Z. for making arrangements. Not much going on in our district, at our last meeting a motion was made and seconded to ask our present treasurer to step down. Vote was 10 yea, 1 nay. I had conversation with treasurer and she refused to step down. Now what to do. After much discussion and some time bought, we had a full and complete treasurers report within a week. Wow, God at work and glad to see that I’m not in charge. Our treasury had been depleted to less than $10.00. We now have about $400.00 plus. We will be starting our district caravan again. As a matter of fact, today is the first caravan at Saturday night meeting,

5 Tell It Like It Is. Hope all goes well. I got a call this week from a member from the TYG group. It appears that Friday morning was visited by Armed Federal Officers searching for one of our members. There was a bit of uncomfortableness but respect was shown for the meeting. More to be revealed. That’s it for now and see you in August. Mahalo for allowing me to serve. Yours in service, Curtis H.

West Hawaii #8: Paul: verbatim: I attended the Area Assembly to Inform The Delegate April 4-5, 2009. This Assembly was excellent in that there was a lot of discussion and opinions shared. Our Commitment to Carry AA’s Message - “Enthusiasm and Gratitude in Action” was practiced. I did a home stay with my former sponsor. At the Assembly, District 8 arranged to host the 2010 Area Assembly to Inform the Delegate in March. District 8 will report to the Area Assembly the date ASAP. The District's Meeting of June 19, 2009, will provide the Committee time to formulate this 2010 Assembly. April's District Meeting allowed us to plan for Founders Day. Carol McK volunteered to Chair Founders Day and Ken K volunteered to cook. Intergroup volunteered to deliver a skit. Jim McM and Carol McK decided to develop the AA Jeopardy game. There was discussion about Founders Day, Work Shops, and committee reports. Intergroup Reported that they are looking for new office space. May's District Meeting allowed us to review the unfilled Committee Positions. The PI, Mynah Bird, Archives positions are open. Groups were reminded to get Group History's prepared and Long Timers resume of AA service. PRASSA button design for Hawaii hosting 2011 PRASSA was discussed and deadline of September, 2009 submission. Sheryl attended the West Hawaii Going Home Confab and shared that the Court thanks AA for being of Service Caravans to outside the Kailua-Kona was discussed. It was announced that AA is looking for people to stand for Positions of Trustee for AA World Services. Founders Day Celebration was held at Hapuna Beach State Park. Activities began with the Declaration of Unity...An audio CD allowed everyone to hear Bill Wilson read “How It Works” followed by Dr. Bob Smith's last words to AA. This set the tone for the remainder of the day, reminding us to place principles before personalities. We are all trusted servants. The Jay Walker skit was presented next. It got a lot of laughs. (I tried to take myself less seriously.) Jeopardy was such a success. By sobriety years, 1-5, etc. As got up and played. Winners got a copy of A.A. IN PRISON INMATE TO INMATE signed by Elizabeth M. whose story is printed within. Elizabeth M., our Delegate gave her report from the AA General Service Conference. Thank you Elizabeth for you heart felt description of what took place! It appeared that many AAs took the time to talk with her during the remainder of the day. Some of our fellows (Bob, Ken, Kaipo) from the East side of Hawaii came to celebrate with us. Mahalo to Billy for the 48TH Annual Hawaii Convention registration forms. The Celebration was closed with the I AM Responsible statement. Lunch was served, and games were played and enjoyment filled the words of Fellowship. June 19, 2009, the Monthly meeting of District 8 held at the Neighborhood Place Kailua-Kona. And more will be revealed...check the Mynah Bird...and West Hawaii, Fellowship Coconut Wireless Newsletter at area17aa.org web page. Respectfully submitted, Paul K, DCM 8 [email protected]

Waikiki #10: Patrick: verbatim: Aloha Area 17 Family! It has been an honor to host this district committee meeting. I appreciate the opportunity to be of service in anyway that I can. First of all, I would like to thank Bad Brains (My home group) for helping me host this meeting. Bad Brains is a great youthful, service and traditions oriented meeting in the Waikiki district. Bad Brains shows its enthusiasm for service in such ways as bringing a meeting to Queen's Medical center every week and setting aside money to send it's GSR to PRASSA every other year. We have even created a service position called an "Exiter". The "Exiter goes to the exit five minutes before the meeting ends to make sure we say "Keep coming back" to the new comer who is trying to sneak out before the meeting is over. Our meeting has 40 to 80 attendees weekly and our business meetings have anywhere from 15 to 20 people attending every month. Bad Brain's continued tradition of service has shown and inspired me to serve A.A. to the best of my ability. For that I am forever grateful. District 10 (The Waikiki District) has been very active in the last few months. There is always a party, picnic or camp out happening somewhere. Many of our Outdoor meetings (12 Coconuts, Happy hour, Kukui Hele Po, Solutions) are alive and well. They are all maintaining a good flow of off island visitors. They are also sending money to the district and all have representation at our district meeting. Our last District meeting had 10 people in attendance. Unfortunately we were missing our long time secretary Robert V. due to an extended stay in the hospital. We all wish him well. On the business end of things there has been little activity. I'm sure the new GSR's don't mind. We have actually spent just as much time in our district meeting talking about issues regarding the new Intergroup location as we have talking about matters with in our own district. I'm sure that this committee meeting and the next area assembly will give us plenty to talk about for the next few months. And as of last night (Thanks to Adina) we will also be combining forces with Diamond Head district and Honolulu district to help put on the Delegate Report Back in July (Pending the districts approval of course....you see I haven't talked to them about this yet and well... I wouldn't want the power structure in our district to look like a right side up

6 triangle, now, would I?). All and all district 10 is doing very well. The message of A.A. is still being carried and as you can see, the spirit of service is alive in Waikiki. Aloha, Patrick

Puna #12: Develyn: verbatim: Aloha, First I’d like to introduce the wonderful, inspiring, natural leader of an Alt DCM, Denise. It has been awesome having her participate with District. She is new to general service. She volunteered, not quite knowing what she was getting into. Does that sound familiar to anyone? She has been a vital link for AA members in Puna District 12. We have been having a lot of fun since we last met. We have been caravanning to lots of meeting, especially ones with potlucks, and people have been unifying in fellowship. It was even suggested that this caravan become a group. More will be revealed. I wrote a story for the Mynah Bird about one of our trips. Check it out. The service meeting has been helpful. District meetings are crammed for time and the service meeting is an out breath for ideas and brainstorms. It is where the spark for carpooling ignited. Standing Committee work is beginning to happen. We began downloading workbooks and guidelines. We were going to make a literature order, however, we will wait until we have a large sum to share with Intergroup and or other groups for discounted or free shipping. We are coordinating for the next Workshop, possibly in the beginning of August. Our District is on a waiting list for a PO Box in Keaau. We have approximately $300 in our checking account. We have 4 GSRs that are planning for Budget Assembly and are involved with PI, Treatment, Grapevine, and Archives. Denise is going to assembly in August and a few other GSRs have the group money to go as well. We have 8 active GSRs. Our Secretary is in Bali, but she says she’ll be back. A question came up in District for how user friendly the website is, specifically for navigating the time duration of assemblies. Our Service Extravaganza was considered a success, and pulled in $170 from a (dare I say the controversial) raffle. There was a speaker meeting, skit, volleyball, food, music, and laughter. Childcare and handicap accessible listings in the meeting lists are being updated with the cooperation of Intergroup. I shared with our local Intergroup copies from the service manual on how general service cooperates with local Intergroups and the “AA Guidelines for Central or Intergroup Offices.” I did this because our Inter- group is constantly struggling to make ends meet. They have an overhead that they are having difficulty meeting. A lot of focus at our Intergroup goes toward 7 annual events. July 4 th Picnic, Halloween Dance, 3 Alcathons, Valentine’s Day Dance, and Founder’s Day. I am concerned about Primary Purpose and how we are carrying the message. I am not sure about how to approach this subject, for there has been tradition surrounding these events. If anyone has any experience cooperating with and how to help Intergroup be successful I’d be grateful. Founder’s Day was a success. Thank you Elizabeth for coming to share your report back with us. It was and is a beautiful day in Paradise. Thank you. In Love and Service, Develyn

Kauai #6: Jim: verbatim: This past month’s District meeting marked the completion of this panel’s first quarter of service and we are pleased to announce that District 6’s Structure and Guidelines are now posted on the Area 17 website! And there are many other accomplishments as well. Representatives reported on a Founders’ Day dinner, the Last Sunday Workshop and the upcoming July 4 th party. We also discussed the possibility of having an AA booth at his year’s Kauai Farm Bureau Fair. When Elizabeth came to give her report back at a Memorial Day celebration, 39 AA-errs were there to listen and we sent 12 invitations to our friends in the community. Kauai was very happy to carry on our role as being the orientation site for her report! For more than a month, meetings have been taking place on the men’s side of the jail and we have some relationship with both Hina Mauka and Ke Ala Pono and we are available to emergency personnel at Mahelona. There is still a big gap in Public Information work, however, as no one has stepped forward to take that responsibility. Nonetheless, we are forging ahead with a plan to re-populate the eleven literature racks of which we are aware with literature and schedules from the Intergroup locker. The Keep It Simple Group has purchased one box of past-issue Grapevines for use at their meetings and to give to new members and we are considering another box to be used at doctors’ offices, waiting rooms, etc. The Kauai Roundup the last weekend of June and HICYPAA over Labor Day will both be held at Kahili Mountain Park. HICYPAA also has a website: www.hicypaa09.org, or you can contact Will L. Clearly District 6 is “carrying the message to those who still suffer.” Thank goodness we have found this road to happy destiny! Thanks for the opportunity to serve, Jim D.

Central North Shore #9: Sheri: verbatim: Thank you District 10 for hosting this assembly. Our last District 9 meeting was held June 18th. We continued to plan and discuss our Unity Day/Delegate report back on June 28th at Kaiaka Bay Beach Park. It is going to be from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM that Sunday. Information is posted on the Website under district 9.Thanks to Bob for his help with that! The Mililani Women’s Steps and Traditions meeting has moved their location to Christ Lutheran Church in Mililani. Since my last report, our “Second Week - Meet and Greet” went to the following locations: April 10 th- Friday night Haleiwa Cottage Meeting, May 17th - Sunday Night Promises, June 9th - Tuesday Night Mililani. Although, we have no new GSR’s from those meetings, I believe we have increased awareness

7 and contributions for district and area by attending these meetings and making announcements. On July 11th, we plan to go to the Bonfire Meeting on the North Shore. It has become a large meeting and hopefully we can gain a district contact there. A few of us from district plan to attend the education classes for Corrections soon. Hospitals have been adopted by groups in our area, but we need to focus on treatment facilities also. We have begun discussing our Structures and Guidelines for District 9, and will have it complete as soon as possible. Thank you for letting me be of service. Sheri B.

Waianae #17: Clyde: verbatim: My name is Clyde and I am an alcoholic. Proud to serve as the DCM for the Greater Waianae District 17. Not a lot of activity happening in our district. I was honored to share my experience, strength and hope a t a few meetings this month. Our contributions are down. We will trust the process that GOD will provide enough funds to host the January Inventory Assembly. We are in the process of securing the location for this event. We apologize for not having this event set up already. Our District meetings are comprised of all standing committee members. We just voted a new CPC/PI Chair and her name is Justine. Our Hospitals/Treatment chairperson Greg G reports that most of the facilities have AA approved literature in them We have in attendance an average of 8 GSR’s out of 14 at our meetings. They are enthusiastic members that are learning more about the service structure of Alcoholics Anonymous. We have a group of members that have past experience at this level of service that share with the new GSR’s about service. A lot of our groups are changing service positions this month. Other than that we are doing our best to carry the message of Alcoholic Anonymous. One of the events that is happening this weekend is the Annual West Side Round Up at Ma’ili Beach Park. Come out for the evening meeting as there are always great speakers. Mahalo for allowing me to serve. In love and service, Clyde DCM District 17

Leeward #3: DeLori: Aloha my name is DeLori, I am an alcoholic. Proud to serve as DCM 3 Leeward Oahu. Not much has happened since our last meeting. Meetings in our district are thriving and very much alive. We are seeing a great deal of newly sober men and women returning home from war. We feel that that attraction rather than promotion is key. Speaking of attraction....The Primary Purpose Extravaganza! is happening July 5th at Richardson Field from 11am to 4pm. Food at noon, meeting surrounding our Primary Purpose to follow. Lots of fellowship, slippery slide, and did I mention food? Hope to see everyone there! Growing in Recovery through Love and Service, DeLori M. DCM 3 Leeward Oahu

Tri Island # 13: Amberly: Not present, no report submitted

Chair recognizes two Past Delegates that are present. Keith H. and Scott C.

12:15 Lunch

1:45 Coleen: Treasurer Budget Proposal (Budget Proposal, Cover letter and 2010 Proposed Budget – Equal Amounts are available on the Area 17 Website) Prior to reading Budget Draft Proposal: summary: I took the total amount that everyone requested and added it all up. It was suggested I have it under $30,000. Contributions are 25% less than last year, looked for an equitable way to reduce the projected budget, I took 25% off committees and officer expenses. Registration went up for assemblies, committee meetings, because we have another committee. Some line items I could not adjust. Our permanent archives used to cost us $400 per year when Ted was Archivist; it will now cost about $5,000 a year. Estimated cost for committees is $7,800 for the year, so far this year committees have spent $1800. This proposed budget draft is $5,885 more than the 2009 annual budget. (Coleen reads cover letter) Sec. Notes: Be prepared, if you have any questions before the August Budget Assembly, contact the Treasurer at [email protected]

2:00 pm Standing Committee and Archivist Reports

Archives: Shoshannah: verbatim: Aloha, first of all, thank you to Patrick and the Waikiki District for hosting this committee meeting. As of the end of April, I officially became the Archivist for the Hawaii Area, and will do my best to fulfill this position. As you all know, I have some very large shoes to fill. I am transitioning into this position under the guidance of Ted K. He has been very gracious in allowing me access to the storage facility at his home and showing me how to set up our displays and what goes in to making a presentation. My first commitment as Archivist was at Founder’s Day this year for Oahu. Ted did the 50 minute presentation, and announced me as his successor. I did have a few people who expressed interest in helping with archives either with time, money or both. Speaking of the money as you have seen, I along with the Archives Committee Chair have asked for a substantial increase in the budget regarding

8 archives. This is because we need to house the archives as well as be able to make displays and presentations at various Area functions. I know there is an interest in digitizing the archives as well. All these things are possible as I have digitizing and computer skills, however as with carrying the message of AA everywhere, it requires money. Something that I know in these tough economic times is in short supply. For the last sixteen years, the archives have been mostly self supporting through Ted K.’s contributions. I would estimate tens of thousands of dollars have gone into the storage facility, supplies, displays, portfolios and more. My immediate concern is to be able to find a location to house the archives and everything else will happen as our collective Higher Power and finances allow. I am open to any and all suggestions. Thank you for allowing me to serve. Heidi G., Area 17 Archivist

Corrections: Lena: verbatim: I would like to thank all the volunteers who thus far have continued to carry the message to those not able to freely go to meetings to address their disease. So far, I have given Aaron 20 Big Books to serve Maui corrections effort. The meeting at the Pearl Harbor Ford Island Brig will reconvene as soon as Neal S. has completed the required safety training to enter the facility. There has not been a consistent meeting held there in the past three years. We are still very much in need of volunteers to carry the message to people who are imprisoned, please see myself for training schedules. I am honored to continue being the liaison for carrying the message to the next suffering alcoholic. In service and gratitude, Lena R.

Website: Bob: verbatim: Since the April Inform the Delegate Assembly the website has been running smoothly. We are currently averaging approximately twenty-five (25) visits a day:

Naturally this has gone up as you can see in the graph as we approached this committee meeting. Most of our visits have been from the United States: In other areas, I have been meeting with our Alternate Web- master and bringing him up to speed on the website. He has been given login information and is exploring our systems. We are continuing to look into the web policies of other Areas and should be ready soon to take the best of what we have found and create our own formal policy. Currently we are choosing to operate using a strict interpretation of the GSO guidelines on the subject. Thank you for letting me serve. Bob H. Area 17 Webmaster Comments: Sue: Group change form is now online.

Convention: Patty: verbatim: Aloha Everyone, Our State Convention appears to be going well with the committee positions filled. Our Chair, Kunane D. is working closely with all committees to ensure that we have a successful and enjoyable event. The convention committees continue to meet monthly to give their reports on what they are working on. Again, if any of our neighbor islands want to get in service, please contact Kunane at 277-2463. Our number of registrants is around the same as it was last year; so, if you haven’t registered yet, I would be more than willing to accept your registration today. Kunane put together packets of 50 registration forms for each DCM to take back to your District and pass it out to your GSRs. If you need more, you could make copies of it or go on-line to www.annualhawaiiconvention.com. As many of you have asked over the years, “When are we moving the convention back to a hotel?” The Steering Committee looked over several options: Sheraton Waikiki, Hilton Hawaiian Village, and the Convention Center. We went over their bid packets and found that Hilton Hawaiian Village had the greatest financial savings from all three. So, November 4-7, 2010 our convention will be moved to the Hilton Hawaiian Village. I spoke with our point of contact person Andrea Hennings-Beavon, from Helms Briscoe this morning who is working on getting our contract together and have it ready to sign by the end of this month. Thanks for allowing me to be in service. Patti L., Steering Committee Chair

CEC: Ermina: verbatim: Thanks District 10 for the great location and a special thanks for all in service here today. I spoke with a GSR from Oahu. He was real fired up for service work and requested information. I mailed off the CEC Workbook Draft and some pamphlets. Also had him focus on the “what your group can do.” Puna District members assisted me with making a story board and decided that because of the travel that there should be a story board for each of the main islands to have the information available for the GSR’s to do their service work on their island. I have been corresponding with Tim from

9 Washington State—who also serves CEC. He gave my report for me at the Seniors in Sobriety Convention in Vancouver, WA. He also shared with me information he received from GSO. I attended Founders Day West Hawaii and East Hawaii with my story board. There I solicited the Elder Community of A.A. for feed back on the information that was on my story board. They loved reading about the history of CEC and thought that the board would be very effective for any person in A.A. or the professional community. The Puna PI person and I attended a Health Fair armed with our information. It was a suit up and shows up situation and we had a captive audience of 3. I was happy to see the daughter of the founders of CEC attended. My lesson regarding this experience is the same as always—just suit up and show up. Goals for this committee: To have the Area 17 Assembly Approve the CEC Workbook. To have that information posted on the website. To update the CEC page of Area 17 so that anyone can get good information. August will be visiting Aging Disability Resource Center on Maui.

Hospitals: Aike: verbatim: Recruitment is still on-going for home groups to adopt a hospital facility in their respective district. I’m still calling out to all DCMs to see if any home groups or persons are willing to adopt a hospital. As of our last meeting, I distributed 2 literature racks and hand carried some literature. People have been volunteering. For example, Ted K. with Downtown Lunch Group adopted Tripler Hospital. Greg G. with What’s the Point? in Kapolei adopted the Kapolei Medical Center, and I gave them a literature rack too. Beretania Discussion Group will be adopting Queen’s Hospital; James will be their rep. Sheree with Na Wahine o Koolau women’s meeting will adopt Castle Memorial Hospital. There are many people in our community doing hospital work, out of passion for this type of service. For example, Dave out at Kapolei State Hospital is holding meetings there, and Sean M. is running meetings upon request at the psych ward at Hilo General. I’ve also found Kaiser Permanente in Honolulu is being provided with literature, but I don’t yet know who is doing it. So there are people out there doing hospital work, that I’m not aware of, either through their district or on their own. By our next meeting, I hope to have more data to see where our message can be served best, and hopefully to compile a more complete list of people serving these hospitals. I’ll make a better effort to get in contact with people on neighbor islands. I noticed that for example in Kona and Kauai (Wilcox) hospital emergency rooms there was no literature. Mahalo, Aike G.

Mynah Bird: Cheryl: verbatim: The new Mynah Bird is out – it’s available here in print, on the website and I’ve emailed it to everyone. I hope you will all make a couple of extra copies and take them to your home groups and other meetings you go to. This issue’s focus is the General Service conference. A big “Mahalo” to those who sent in articles and to our cartoonist, Bridgette. The next issue will focus on our history – AA, Mynah Bird, etc. I am hoping to get stories from many of you about your Founders’ Day celebrations. I welcome input as to what you would like to see in the Mynah Bird – Do you want to see more about events coming up in your District? – Send me the info and I will include it. Want to see a specific topic as the focus? Let me know and we’ll do it. Want to share your experience, strength and hope? We can make that happen. This is your Area newsletter. It’s up to you!! Elizabeth shared with me the Western Washington newsletter. Their newsletter, which is published monthly, includes reports from most if not all of their Area officers, Standing Committee chairs, DCMs and other trusted servants. They also include minutes of their Area Assembly. One of the issues included entries from these various trusted servants describing their accomplishments from the past quarter Problems or issues they are facing or have already dealt with. Share some goals they hope to achieve or begin work with in the next quarter. So, these are some ideas. I welcome your input. Mahalo for letting me be of service. Cheryl N., Mynah Bird chair, Area 17, Panel 59

CPC: Juddee: summary: Mahalo District 10 for hosting our committee meeting today. Since our last Assembly it’s been a challenging rough and stressful last few months. Despite the challenges, we have had an opportunity to speak with the new General Manager at Rosalani Assisted Living Center regarding staff with alcohol problems, referrals to EAP etc. Our Chair Ken has passed on some information from the Micronesian Community network. One of the co-chairs of the DUI panel on Maui stepped down because he was smoking pakalolo. He did not meet the definition of sobriety for chairing CPC related services. We’ll need a temporary DUI panel co-chair for two months, we also have three speakers for each panel. I met with the Director of the DUI program and the program is back on track. I have arranged meetings with the District Court Staff and Probation Department, we are in the planning process for end of Summer, early Fall meetings. Have not sent packets, I suggested that each District Chair order their packets through their district. Bad Brains group in District 10 brings AA meetings to Queens Hospital Family Treatment Center (youth psychiatric ward). The group secretary brought 5 Big Books for the facility’s library. The group will continue to foster relationships with the staff and will let them know CPC is available for presentation. It is a small group relative to Queens Hospital so good practice for presenting. Our Waikiki District CPC Chair

10 Kevin is working on ideas that were discussed in April with the CPC Chair. . Juddee K. CPC Chair, [email protected]

Treatment: Erin: verbatim: Well I have been busy these last few months. I am Happy to report that we now have a rack that will be placed in Hoo’maukeola on the Westside. I would like to thank Greg who as been taking care of that for me and will be keeping this as well as other racks on the Westside. I have also been in contact with Charlie from ATS who will continue to make sure that they stay stock with pamphlets. I also took a call from Central office about Tripler and will be meeting with a social worker from there next week to see what we can place there. I have gotten a few e-mails from different district asking for some information and willing to help. I also got to talk with Patrick from Maui who called to ask for advice, but also shared with me his experience at a treatment center in Maui the good and the bad. Now Aloha house has been restructured at the end of last year and is going strong with a meeting going in every Thursday night. So thanks to everyone on Maui that helped to make that happen. That’s all for now please e-mail or call me if you have any questions or would like get to in service with treatment centers in your area. Thank you. Hawaii Area Treatment Chair, Erin R.

PI: open position, no report.

Area Archivist: Heidi G.: verbatim: Aloha, first of all, thank you to Patrick and the Waikiki District for hosting this committee meeting. As of the end of April, I officially became the Archivist for the Hawaii Area, and will do my best to fulfill this position. As you all know, I have some very large shoes to fill. I am transitioning into this position under the guidance of Ted K. He has been very gracious in allowing me access to the storage facility at his home and showing me how to set up our displays and what goes in to making a presentation. My first commitment as Archivist was at Founder’s Day this year for Oahu. Ted did the 50 minute presentation, and announced me as his successor. I did have a few people who expressed interest in helping with archives either with time, money or both. Speaking of the money as you have seen, I along with the Archives Committee Chair have asked for a substantial increase in the budget regarding archives. This is because we need to house the archives as well as be able to make displays and presentations at various Area functions. I know there is an interest in digitizing the archives as well. All these things are possible as I have digitizing and computer skills, however as with carrying the message of AA everywhere, it requires money. Something that I know in these tough economic times is in short supply. For the last sixteen years, the archives have been mostly self supporting through Ted K.’s contributions. I would estimate tens of thousands of dollars have gone into the storage facility, supplies, displays, portfolios and more. My immediate concern is to be able to find a location to house the archives and everything else will happen as our collective Higher Power and finances allow. I am open to any and all suggestions. Thank you for allowing me to serve. Heidi G. Area 17 Archivist

Grapevine: Hugh: verbatim: Thank you Waikiki District for putting together a fine Committee Meeting. Grapevine is 65 years old this month, Grapevine asked: “If you had just one word to describe Grapevine, what would it be?” You answered: Close to 1,000 responses were received after “Grapevine Is…” contest debuted on our website in February. In addition to the results being in the Grapevine, your words will be posted at www.aagrapevine.org and distributed elsewhere throughout the Fellowship. The top 10 most popular responses were: Lifeline, Hope, Connected, Inspiration, Fellowship, Life, Serenity, Comfort, Recovery and US. Other popular words included: Awesome, Empowering/Empowerment, Encouraging, Enlightening, Fantastic, Fruitful, Gratitude, Indispensable, Insight, Necessary, Reality, Relevant, Serendipity, Sobering, Uplifting, Unity, Wisdom, Wise. Mahalo to the Diamond Head District for allowing me to give a GRAPVINE presentation at the recent PRAASA report back. I hope to be able to attend PRAASA next year.Grapevine materials were handed out and sold…I realized that the GRAPEVINE Literature is a good item to have in one’s hand. SO I ASK YOU WHY DON’T YOU? New literature available – Voices of Long-Term Sobriety is the most recent literature released by the Grapevine. Spiritual Awakenings in Spanish A translation of articles from the book Spiritual Awakenings, Journeys of the Spirit. Volumes 1 and 2 are stories from AAs relating the different spiritual paths they have taken in the course of their recovery. Alejandro on Kauai continues to be of service in the Grapevine, look forward to hearing from other outer islands in Hawaii in the progress of the Grapevine. I am planning on attending Central North Shore’s Unity Day/Delegate Report Back June 28th 2009 at Kaika Beach park on the North shore. Future events, I continue to keep in touch with the Grapevine Editor at GSO New York with updates on HICYAPAA 2009. I am looking forward to attending this year. If your district has an event and would like a Grapevine Presentation, please let me know. There are skits, and a lot of GRAPE things we can put together using the GRAPEVINE. Grapevine and La Vina Price List as of July 1, 2009: Cover price $2.50 (10 copies or more @ $2.25), Subscription price 1 year U.S. $27: 2 years U.S., $51 as of July 1,

11 2009. Prices still $20.00 for 1 year and $38.25 for two years. 50 Pack $55 plus shipping La Vina: Cover price $2.50 (10 copies or more @ $2.25) Subscription price 1 year U.S. $12: 2 years U.S. $22, 50 Pack $55 plus shipping. AudioGrapevine: On the 21st of each month, the new issue will be available for download along with the previous month’s issue. This allows AudioGrapevine subscribers to have 2 issues (current and past), each month that they subscribe. One month AudioGrapevine subscription $3.95, 1 year AudioGrapevine subscription $20.00. The Grapevine welcomes our articles on every aspect of recovery. To submit your story on any of the able topics or your experience, strength and hope on one or more of the Steps, visit www.aagrapevine.org for writer’s guidelines. If your group doesn’t have a Grapevine or La Vina representative, you can become one yourself by volunteering or getting elected to the position by your home group. GvRs and RLVs may register online at http://www.aagrapevine.org/reps/gvregistration.php. Thank you for allowing me to serve. Hugh Grapevine Committee Chair Hawaii Area 17

WACYPAA Patrick: verbatim (ph #’s omitted): WACYPAA, the Western Area Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous, has a bid committee meeting every 3rd Sunday of the month at noon at Paki Park and could use your support. All are welcome. We also have an AA topic meeting every 2nd Saturday of the month at 2 pm at Paki Park. The purpose of WACYPAA is to build and strengthen unity in Young Peoples Groups in Alcoholics Anonymous in the western area of North America and Hawaii. The focus is especially to reach those areas which historically had little exposure to such conferences. For more info contact me for Guy and Suzy’s phone numbers. If you need anymore information just let me know!!! Aloha, Patrick [email protected]

West Hawaii IG: Buzz: verbatim: Mahalo to Waikiki for the hospitality. West Hawaii IG is moving! After years in a month to month office space w/leaky roof and busted windows three floors up – we hope to be in a ground floor and secure office soon. Our office services many meetings from Pahalo South to Hanakaa North very rural as well. Our desire is to reach out to these groups, little by little. July 4th Fish Fry at Kahalulu 10 am potentially controversial raffle will take place. Fundraising idea is circulating our office called “Fabulous Fiver” 7th Tradition Plan. Input is welcome! Mahalo for allowing me to serve! Fab Fiver Club $5 per month volunteered by many members as a 7th Tradition donation not to exceed $3000 per year.


3:15 Roundtable Sessions (DCMs, Standing Committees, Intergroups, Archivist/available Past Delegates, Area Officers)

Ken: Public Information Chair position is open, if you know anyone who is interested, please ask them to contact me, ask them to read the service position in the Structures and Guidelines.

Announcements: Bob: How many people prefer Gmail to the current system? (show of hands) I will look into it.

Motion to adjourn @ 4:10 pm with the Declaration of Unity


August 22-23 Budget Assembly No Ka Oi District, Maui (Kahalui Airport) October 10 Committee Meeting Windward District, Oahu


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