New Manchester High School

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New Manchester High School

New Manchester High School Harold C. Williams, Ed. S. 770-651-2723 Room: C2101 2016-2017 Ethnic Studies Course Syllabus E-Mail: [email protected]

Course Description: The African American Studies course is designed to develop an understanding of the causes, character, and consequences of the African American experience and its influence on the world, the United States, and the African American community. Beginning with a historical, geographical, social, political, economic, and cultural understanding of the African continent, the course will provide a descriptive and corrective overview which will introduce the student to the study of the African and African American experiences. Upon completion of the course, the students will: Gain an appreciation of the richness, diversity, and contributions of African American culture to national and international life and the world.

Performance Standards/Objectives: Intro: African-American Perception Unit 1: African Geography and the World (1400’s) Unit 2: Origins of Slavery (1500’s) Unit 3: The Development of Slavery in North America (1600’s -1700’s) Unit 4: African Americans in the Revolutionary Era (1760- 1790’s) Unit 5: African Americans in Antebellum America (1800’s -1850’s) Unit 6: African-Americans Contributions in The Civil War (1860’s) Unit 7: The Era of Reconstruction (1865-1877) Unit 8: Betrayal and Reaction (1878-1914) Unit 9: African-Americans In World War I (1914-1918) Unit 10: The New Negro (1919- 1929) Unit 11: African Americans during the Great Depression (1930’s- 1940’s) Unit 12: African-American Civil Rights: Black Power and Vietnam (1950’- 1970’s) Unit 13: African-Americans Today: Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Obama years (1980’s – 2010’s)

Course Expectations: This course will be very rigorous with a collegiate style format of individual speeches, group speeches, projects, research, APA format style writing, and filmed documentaries to assess students critical thinking abilities.

Anticipated Classroom Format: * Notebook is required (3 ring binder) * Weekly quizzes * Unit tests * Valid E-Mail * Limited passes out of the classroom unless doctor’s note is on file *Lecture, discussion, individual work, research, group work, internet activity, information displays (posters, timelines, booklets, etc)

*No cell phone usage during instruction. If cell phone is out, it will be taken up and the student will be disciplined accordingly. Cell phones are to be collected during all formal assessments.

*Make-up work: In the event of an excused absence, the student will have 3 days to complete the missed assignment. If the absence is unexcused, the student will not be allowed to make up the assignment. The student you will not be allowed to make up work that they were present to complete and chose not to. Please complete the work the day it is assigned, or you will not receive any credit. Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products: Required: Notebook, Posters, Markers, Colored Pencils Standards Based Quizzes Unit tests Final Project

Tardies: All tardies will be handled by administration per the discretion of the teacher.

Grading Plan: 50% = Summative Assessments: Unit Tests/Projects/Research Papers/Speeches 30% = Classwork/Participation, Notebook Check, Homework 20% = End Of Course Final

Strategies for Student Learning: We are aware that different students learn information differently; therefore, we will be using a variety of learning methods in class. Lecture, discussion, individual work, research, group work, internet activity, and information displays (posters, timelines, booklets, scrapbook, etc). All students and parents need to be aware, however, that this course is jam-packed and carries a state-mandated test that we must prepare each student for.

Required Readings: Will be assigned by the instructor from journals and links.

Lost Book Policy: Board Policy IFAD: The student will be charged for a textbook lost, regardless of condition. The amount to be charged for a textbook damaged by a student will be the responsibility of the principal.

Film Release Signature:

As part of our study of Ethnic Studies, film clips are used in class that may contain violence or language relating to war, the civil rights movement, terrorism, etc. Since some of these film clips may carry a rating of PG-13/ R for violence or language, the ethnic studies teacher require a parent or guardian signature giving permission for their student to view these historical film clips. If you have any questions, please e-mail your student’s teacher.

I give permission for ______to view any Ethnic Studies rated PG-13/R film clips (possible violence or language issues) that may be shown in class as part of the instruction.

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______Academic Integrity:

As an educator at New Manchester High School, I believe that the best academic environment is one that holds personal integrity and responsibility in the highest regard. While in Mr. Williams’s class, students are expected to exhibit honest, responsible and ethical behavior at all times. Students will take credit only for ideas and efforts that are their own. By signing below, you acknowledge the existence of a Student Honor Code in this class. You understand that the Student Honor Code supports and environment that values integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct for all students participating in this class. Any issues with academic honesty will be dealt with according to Douglas County School District Policies and Procedures.

Parent/ Guardian Signature: ______

Date: ______

Parents: I ask that you please contact me via email (preferred) to touch base with me to let me know if there any concerns regarding this information. I am much more efficient in communicating via e- mail.

Thank You, Mr. Harold C. Williams, Ed.S.

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