Grade 8 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards

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Grade 8 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards

Grade 3 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards NM Statute 22-13-1.6.A. Each school district shall align its curricula to meet the state standards for each grade level and subject area so that students who transfer between public schools within the school district receive the same educational opportunity within the same grade or subject area.

District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

K-4 Benchmark N.1: Understand numbers, ways of Strand: NUMBER AND Standard: Students will understand numerical representing numbers, relationships among numbers, OPERATIONS concepts and mathematical operations. and number systems.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.N.1.1 Exhibit an understanding of AB PG 47-58 the place-value structure of the DAB PG 67-69,80 base-ten number system by: SG PG 44-51 a. reading, modeling, writing, and URG 4 PG 1 interpreting whole numbers up to URG 4 PG 4-5 10,000 URG 6 PG 85 b. comparing and ordering numbers URG 15 PG 22 up to 1,000 c. recognizing the position of a given number in the base-ten number system and its relationship to benchmark numbers such as 10, 50, 100, 500 3.N.1.2 Use whole numbers by URG 3 PG 35 using a variety of contexts and DAB PG 201-205 models (e.g., exploring the size of URG 5 PG 45 1,000 by skip-counting to 1,000 DAB PG 60 using hundred charts or strips 10 or URG 11 PG 72-78 100 centimeters long). URG 14 PG 10 URG 17 PG 12 3.N.1.3 Identify some URG 4 PG 35 representations for some numbers URG 2 PG 67 and generate them by decomposing URG 4 PG 4,19-28 and recombining numbers (e.g., 853 URG 6 PG 23,70 = 8 x 100 + 5 x 10 + 3; 85 x 10 + 3 = URG 19 PG 32 853; 853 = 900 – 50 + 3). 3.N.1.4 Identify the relationship URG 3 PG 46-52, URG 11 PG 29 among commonly encountered URG 11 PG 72-78, URG 14 PG 10 factors and multiples (e.g., factor URG 17 PG 12, URG 4 PG 4 pairs of 12 are 1 x 12, 2 x 6, 3 x 4; URG 9 PG 4 multiples of 12 are 12, 24, 36). URG 11 PG 72-78 URG 14 PG 10 URG 17 PG 12

Page 1 3.N.1.5 Use visual models and SG PG 255 other strategies to recognize and URG 17 PG 29-39 generate equivalents of commonly URG 17 PG 18 used fractions and mixed numbers URG 17 PG 10 (e.g., halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, URG 11 PG 15 eighths, and tenths). URG 12 PG 38 URG 13 PG 1,4-5 3.N.1.6 Demonstrate an SG PG 180-182 understanding of fractions as parts URG 1 PG 11 of unit wholes, parts of a collection URG 13 PG 1 or set, and as locations on a URG 13 PG 4 number line. 3.N.1.7 Use common fractions for DAB PG 236 measuring and money (e.g., using URG 15 PG 5-6,17-28,20 fractions and decimals as URG 18 PG 12 representations of the same SG PG 219-220 concept, such as half of a dollar = 50 cents).

Page 2 Grade 3 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

Strand: NUMBER AND Standard: Students will understand numerical K-4 Benchmark N.2: Understand the meaning of OPERATIONS concepts and mathematical operations. operations and how they relate to one another.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.N.2.1 Use a variety of models to SG PG 286-289 show an understanding of SG PG 145-148 multiplication and division of whole URG 19 PG 25 numbers (e.g., charts, arrays, URG 7 PG 24 diagrams, and physical models [i.e., SG PG 37-40,290-294 modeling multiplication with a URG 11 PG 47 variety of pictures, diagrams, and DAB PG 169 concrete tools to help students learn SG PG 151 what the factors and products URG 11 PG 47 represent in various contexts]). 3.N.2.2 Find the sum or difference URG 4 PG 4 of two whole numbers between 0 URG 4 PG 48-56 and 10,000. URG 6 PG 5-6,51-53 DAB PG 105-105 URG 4 PG 18 URG 6 PG 1 URG 10 PG 11 URG 19 PG 4,17 3.N.2.3 Solve simple multiplication DAB PG 47,81,161,216,230 and division problems (e.g., 135 ÷ 5 URG 1 PG 15 =  ). URG 3 PG 1,5-6,11,15 URG 4 PG 16 URG 5 PG 9,13 AB PG 113 DAB PG 47,216 SG PG 148,152-154 URG 4 PG 17 URG 6 PG 14 3.N.2.4 Identify how the number of DAB PG 172 groups and the number of items in SG PG 150 each group equals a product. URG 11 PG 19,29,49 URG 19 PG 17 SG PG 289-294 URG 19 PG 19-28 URG 3 PG 35

Page 3 3.N.2.5 Demonstrate the effects of SG PG 33-36,41,290-294,297 multiplying and dividing on whole URG 3 PG 33-39,53-56 numbers (e.g., to find the total URG 11 PG 57-63 number of legs on 12 cats, 4 URG 9 PG 43 represents the number of each [cat] URG 12 PG 74-78 unit, so 12 x 4 = 48 [leg] units). 3.N.2.6 Identify and use SG PG 153-154 relationship between multiplication URG 11 PG 57-63 and division (e.g., division is the inverse of multiplication) to solve problems. 3.N.2.7 Select and use operations URG 7 PG 46 (e.g., addition, multiplication, URG 11 PG 61 subtraction, division) to solve SG PG 295-297 problems. SG PG 74-75 URG 6 PG 23 URG 4 PG 51-53 URG 6 PG 5-6 URG 19 PG 22 URG 3 PG 53-56 URG 9 PG 43 URG 12 PG 74-78

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

Strand: NUMBER AND Standard: Students will understand numerical K-4 Benchmark N.3: Compute fluently and make OPERATIONS concepts and mathematical operations. reasonable estimates.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.N.3.1 Choose computational SG PG 33-36,41,290-294,297 methods based on understanding URG 3 PG 33-39 the base-ten number system, SG PG 52-53,66-58 properties of multiplication and URG 6 PG 32-44 division, and number relationships. URG 6 PG 61-62 SG PG 71-72 URG 7 PG 13,17 URG 8 PG 14 URG 11 PG 74 URG 14 PG 56 URG 15 PG 20 3.N.3.2 Use strategies (e.g., 6 x 8 SG PG 146-147 is double 3 x 8) to become fluent URG 3 PG 9-10 with the multiplication pairs up to 10 URG 4 PG 9 x 10. URG 5 PG 7 URG 6 PG 9 URG 19 PG 22 URG 19 PG 34 URG 19 PG 32-33 URG 3 PG 25-32 3.N.3.3 Compute with basic URG 13 PG 1 number combinations (e.g., URG 10 PG 15 multiplication pairs up to 10 x 10 SG PG 155 and their division counterparts). URG 19 PG 32-33 URG 16 PG 9,11 URG 19 PG 13,15 3.N.3.4 Demonstrate reasonable URG 6 PG 62-64 estimation strategies for SG PG 77-78,80,171-174 measurement, computation, and URG 6 PG 1 problem solving. SG PG 238 URG 16 PG 18,31 URG 1 PG 62 URG 15 PG 33, SG PG 124,127 URG 9 PG 43

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

K-4 Benchmark A.1: Understand patterns, relations, and Strand: ALGEBRA Standard: Students will understand algebraic concepts and applications. functions.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.A.1.1 Represent relationships of AB PG 94 quantities in the form of DAB PG 119 mathematical expressions, SG PG 86-89 equations, or inequalities. URG 7 PG 42-50 URG 8 PG 11 URG 15 PG 5 URG 4 PG 11 DAB PG 93 URG 5 PG 35,38 URG 20 PG 18-19 3.A.1.2 Solve problems involving URG 6 PG 10 numeric equations. URG 7 PG 10 URG 11 PG 12,54 URG 19 PG 33 URG 20 PG 10 URG 4 PG 14 URG 11 PG 65 URG 1 PG 15 URG 3 PG 18-24,28-29 URG 4 PG 10,12-13,18 URG 5 PG 15 3.A.1.3 Select appropriate DAB PG 3,47,55,69,159 operational and relational symbols SG PG 24-27,33,87-89,92-94,213-233 to make an expression true (e.g., “If URG 1 PG 11 4  3 = 12, what operational symbol URG 6 PG 23 goes in the box?”). URG 17 PG 13 URG 1 PG 18 URG 3 PG 41-42 3.A.1.4 Use models of feet and URG 15 PG 33 inches to express simple unit DAB PG 231 conversions in symbolic form (e.g., URG 8 PG 37 36 inches =  feet x 12) that URG 8 PG 44 develop conceptual understanding URG 16 PG ,1 SG PG 227-232 versus procedural skills. URG 15 PG 44-54, SG PG 222-226 URG 20 PG 10

Page 6 3.A.1.5 Recognize and use the URG 11 PG 37 commutative property of URG 2 PG 24,33 multiplication (e.g., if 5 x 7 = 35, URG 19 PG 22 then what is 7 x 5?). SG PG 286-294 URG 19 PG 4,19-28 3.A.1.6 Create, describe, and URG 17 PG 34 extend numeric and geometric DAB PG 126-128 patterns including multiplication AB PG 79-80 patterns. URG 3 PG 5 URG 11 PG 1,5-6.29-30 URG 16 P[G 10 DAB PG 159-179 URG 6 PG 79 URG 1 PG 51 AB PG 23 URG 2 PG 54 SG PG 83 3.A.1.7 Represent simple functional URG 1 PG 51 relationships: AB PG 23 a. solve simple problems involving a URG 2 PG 54 functional relationship between two SG PG 121,124-126 quantities (e.g., find the total cost of SG PG 249 multiple items given the cost per unit) b. extend and recognize a linear pattern by its rules (e.g., the number of legs on a given number of horses may be calculated by counting by 4s, by multiplying the number of horses by 4, or through the use of tables)

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

K-4 Benchmark A.2: Represent and analyze mathematical Strand: ALGEBRA Standard: Students will understand algebraic concepts and applications. situations and structures using algebraic symbols.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.A.2.1 Determine the value of SG PG 4,9 variables in missing part problems URG 1 PG 5 (e.g., 139 +  = 189). URG 7 PG 23 URG 9 PG 5 URG 4 PG 11 URG 1 PG 22 URG 7 PG 5-6 URG 1 PG 18 URG 2 PG 18,20 URG 4 PG 14 URG 11 PG 65 DAB PG 57-58 URG 3 PG 41-42 URG 2 PG 73

3.A.2.2 Recognize and use the URG 2 PG 24,33 commutative and associative URG 19 PG 4,24 properties of addition and URG 11 PG 37 multiplication (e.g., “If 5 x 7 = 35, SG PG 146,149 then what is 7 x 5? And if 5 x 7 x 3 = URG 2 PG 33 105, then what is 7 x 3 x 5?”). 3.A.2.3 Explore the ways that URG 19 PG 4,22 commutative, distributive, identity, URG 2 PG 24,33 and zero properties are useful in URG 11 PG 37 computing with numbers. DAB PG 161 URG 11 PG 1,67 URG 13 PG 12

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

K-4 Benchmark A.3: Use mathematical models to Strand: ALGEBRA Standard: Students will understand algebraic concepts and applications. represent and understand quantitative relationships.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.A.3.1 Model problem situations DAB PG 93-98 with objects and use SG PG 60-61 representations such as pictures, URG 5 PG 29-42 graphs, tables, and equations to AB PG 1-11 draw conclusions. DAB PG 9-12 SG PG 8-10 URG 1 PG 37-39 URG 16 PG 29-41 SG PG 244-248 URG 1 PG 19-32

3.A.3.2 Solve problems involving SG PG 137 proportional relationships including URG 5 PG 56-59 unit pricing (e.g., four apples cost 80 URG 7 PG 39-40 cents; therefore, one apple costs 20 cents). 3.A.3.3 Describe relationships of DAB PG 147-150 quantities in the form of URG 10 PG 19-32 mathematical expressions, URG 20 PG 22 equations, or inequalities. DAB PG 139-142 SG PG 119-123 URG 9 PG 27-40 SG PG 227-232 URG 15 PG 44-54 3.A.3.4 Select appropriate URG 7 PG 24 operational and relational symbols URG 6 PG 63 to make an expression true (e.g.,” If AB PG 113 4  3 = 12, what operational symbol SG PG 154 goes in the box?”). URG 13 PG 4 URG 15 PG 20-32 URG 17 PG 4 URG 4 PG 22 URG 3 PG 5 URG 19 PG 33

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

Strand: ALGEBRA Standard: Students will understand algebraic K-4 Benchmark A.4: Analyze changes in various contexts. concepts and applications.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.A.4.1 Demonstrate how change URG 15 PG 48 in one variable can relate to a URG 16 PG 33 change in a second variable (e.g., AB PG 36-37 input-output machines, data tables). DAB PG 4,9,11-13,55 URG 3 PG 41-42 DAB PG 133 URG 13 PG 54-57 URG 7 PG 35 DAB PG 253-254 URG 9 PG 5 DAB PG 140 DAB PG 115-117

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

K-4 Benchmark G.1: Analyze characteristics and Standard: Students will understand geometric properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric Strand: GEOMETRY concepts and applications. shapes and develop mathematics arguments about geometric relationships.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.G.1.1 Describe and compare the 272,267 attributes of plane and solid URG 18 PG 1,4-6,17,60 geometric figures to show SG PG 268-271 relationships and solve problems: URG 18 PG 25-33 a. identify, describe, and classify URG 18 PG 45-60 polygons (e.g., pentagons, DAB PG 179 hexagons, and octagons) SG PG 172 b. identify lines of symmetry in two- URG 2 PG 42,48 dimensional shapes URG 6 PG 29 c. explore attributes of quadrilaterals URG 12 PG 16,34,42 (e.g., parallel and perpendicular URG 7 PG 65-66 sides for the parallelogram, right DAB PG 179 angles for the rectangle, equal sides and right angles for the square) d. identify right angles e. identify, describe, and classify common three-dimensional geometric objects (e.g., cube, rectangular solid, sphere, prism, pyramid, cone, cylinder)

Page 11 Grade 3 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards

District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

K-4 Benchmark G.2: Specify locations and describe Standard: Students will understand geometric Strand: GEOMETRY spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other concepts and applications. representational systems.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.G.2.1 Describe location and AB PG 76 movement using common language URG 8 PG 4-5,17-24 and geometric vocabulary (e.g., URG 18 PG 4-5,19-20 directions from classroom to gym). DAB PG 133 SG PG 99-100,103-108,137 URG 8 PG 27-32,53 3.G.2.2 Use ordered pairs to graph, AB PG 69 locate specific points, create paths, SG PG 97-102,105-108,136 and measure distances within a URG 8 PG 1,4-5,19,21-22,36 coordinate grid system. URG 18 PG 5 3.G.2.3 Use a two-dimensional grid AB PG 66,68-69,75,111 system (e.g., a map) to locate DAB PG 137 positions representing actual URG 8 PG 1,4-5,20-22,33-49 places. URG 10 PG 57 URG 20 PG 55

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

K-4 Benchmark G.3: Apply transformations and use Strand: GEOMETRY Standard: Students will understand geometric concepts and applications. symmetry to analyze mathematical situations.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.G.3.1 Predict and describe the SG PG 252 results of sliding, flipping, and URG 12 PG 36-37,39 turning two-dimensional shapes. URG 17 PG 18 URG 18 PG 36 SG PG 168 SG PG 252 SG PG 172 3.G.3.2 Identify and describe the URG 11 PG 46 line of symmetry in two- and three- URG 12 PG 34 dimensional shapes. DAB PG 179 SG PG 172 URG 2 PG 42,48 URG 6 PG 29 URG 12 PG 10,34,42

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

K-4 Benchmark G.4: Use visualization, spatial reasoning, Strand: GEOMETRY Standard: Students will understand geometric concepts and applications. and geometric modeling to solve problems.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.G.4.1 Visualize, build, and draw URG 15 PG 32 geometric objects. URG 17 PG 52 URG 12 PG 24 URG 7 PG 64 URG 18 PG 25-33 SG PG 266 URG 18 PG 19-20 DAB PG 125-126 SG PG 70 3.G.4.2 Create and describe mental URG 1 PG 23-24 images of objects, patterns, and URG 17 PG 34 paths. SG PG 83 URG 1 PG 51 AB PG 23 URG 2 PG 54 URG 6 PG 79 3.G.4.3 Recognize geometric URG 7 PG 65-66 shapes and structures (e.g., in the URG 17 PG 16 environment). URG 20 PG 10,12 DAB PG 123-128 DAB PG 187-188 URG 7 PG 64-65 3.G.4.4 Use geometric models to SG PG 145-148 solve problems in other areas of URG 19 PG 32 mathematics (e.g., using arrays as SG PG 286-289 models of multiplication or area). URG 11 PG 5 URG 19 PG 25 SG PG 145-148 URG 2 PG 53 URG 7 PG 4 3.G.4.5 Identify and build three- SG PG 268-271 dimensional objects from two- URG 18 PG 25-33 dimensional representations of that SG PG 266-272,267 object. URG 18 PG 1,4-6,17,60 URG 18 PG 45-60

Page 14 3.G.4.6 Investigate two- SG PG 266 dimensional representations of URG 18 PG 19-20 three-dimensional shapes. AB PG 123 DAB PG 157,172 SG PG 58 URG 7 PG 16 URG 11 PG 54 URG 18 PG 28 URG 19 PG 15,17

3.G.4.7 Explore geometric ideas URG 18 PG 56-60 and relationships as they apply to DAB PG 171-173 other disciplines and to problems URG 11 PG 52-56 that arise in the classroom or in DAB PG 151-153 everyday life. SG PG 135 URG 10 PG 33-36

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

K-4 Benchmark M.1: Understand measurable attributes of Standard: Students will understand measurement Strand: MEASUREMENT objects and the units, systems, and processes of systems and applications. measurement.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.M.1.1 Demonstrate URG 8 PG 44 understanding of the need for URG 15 PG 29-39 measuring with standard units and SG PG 59-61 become familiar with standard units SG PG 222-226 in the U.S. customary system. URG 20 PG 10 DAB PG 251 SG PG 267 URG 16 PG 42-47 3.M.1.2 Choose and use the URG 9 PG 4-5,19,23-24,30 appropriate units and measurement URG 10 PG 12 tools to quantify the properties of DAB PG 116 objects (e.g., length [ruler], width SG PG 223-226 [ruler], or mass [balance scale]). URG 7 PG 23,65 URG 8 PG 26-27,37,44-45 URG 15 PG 5,31,49 3.M.1.3 Identify time to the nearest SG PG 56,197-198 minute (elapsed time) and relate URG 4 PG 69-73 time to everyday events. SG PG 197-200 URG 14 PG 19-20 URG 7 PG 14 URG 14 PG 1,9,15-25 URG 19 PG 16 URG 20 PG 55 3.M.1.4 Identify and use time URG 3 PG 46-52 intervals (e.g., hours, days, weeks, URG 19 PG 48 months, years). URG 14 PG 17 URG 14 PG 23-24 DAB PG 221-223 SG PG 196-198,201 URG 4 PG 5,64 URG 14 PG 28 DAB PG 225-227 URG 4 PG 5,64 URG 14 PG 28

Page 16 3.M.1.5 Identify properties (e.g., URG 18 PG 11 length, area, weight, volume) and AB PG 16,19-20,32 select the appropriate type of unit URG 10 PG 19-29 for measuring each property. URG 15 PG 5 URG 17 PG 42 URG 5 PG 44 SG PG 59-61 URG 5 PG 22-28,48-55 URG 6 PG 12,26-31 URG 2 PG 45 URG 9 PG 4-5 URG 10 PG 12 URG 16 PG 1,15-18 URG 18 PG 13,20 URG 20 PG 9,23-31

3.M.1.6 Demonstrate URG 8 PG 37 understanding that measurements URG 9 PG 5,20 are approximations, investigate URG 10 PG 24 differences in units and their effect URG 15 PG 33 on precision, and consider the SG PG 124,127 degree of accuracy for different URG 16 PG 18,31 situations.

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

K-4 Benchmark M.2: Apply appropriate techniques, tools, Strand: MEASUREMENT Standard: Students will understand measurement systems and applications. and formulas to determine measurements.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.M.2.1 Find the area of rectangles URG 18 PG 11 using appropriate tools (e.g., grid URG 12 PG 22-23 paper, tiles). SG OG 58 URG 12 PG 38-50 3.M.2.2 Estimate measurements. URG 15 PG 33 SG PG 124,127 URG 16 PG 18,31 URG 5 PG 44 SG PG 59-61 URG 5 PG 22-28,48-55 3.M.2.3 Use appropriate standard URG 8 PG 44 units and tools to estimate, SG PG 59-61 measure, and solve problems (e.g., URG 15 PG 33 length, area, weight). SG PG 222-226 URG 20 PG 10 SG PG 124,127 DAB PG 251 URG 16 PG 11 SG PG 267 URG 16 PG 42-47 3.M.2.4 Recognize a 90-degree URG 7 PG 15 angle and use it as a strategy to DAB PG 123 estimate the size of other angles. DAB PG 179,187-188 URG 12 PG 11,38,50,54-57 URG 20 PG 54 URG 12 PG 21

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

K-4 Benchmark D.1: Formulate questions that can be Strand: DATA ANALYSIS AND Standard: Students will understand how to addressed with data and collect, organize, and display PROBABILITY formulate questions, analyze data, and determine probabilities. relevant data to answer them.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.D.1.1 Collect and organize data AB PG 18,37 using observations, measurements, DAB PG 6,9,13,148 surveys, or experiments. SG PG 85,98,111,124,172 URG 1 PG 22 URG 14 PG 1,4,34-36 3.D.1.2 Represent data using URG 3 PG 41-42 tables and graphs (e.g., line plots, URG 1 PG 30 bar graphs, and line graphs). DAB PG 140 URG 1 PG 11,45-47 SG PG 120 AB PG 68-69 AB PG 36-37 DAB PG 4,9,11-13,55,130-131 SG PG 4,9,17-18,126,131

3.D.1.3 Conduct simple DAB PG 11-12,141-142 experiments by determining the URG 20 PG 19 number of possible outcomes and URG 14 PG 34,40,39 make simple predictions: SG PG 6,8,106-107,246 a. identify whether events are URG 1 PG 42 certain, likely, unlikely, or impossible URG 10 PG 26 b. record the outcomes for a simple SG PG 137 event and keep track of repetitions URG 8 PG 39 c. summarize and record the results in a clear and organized way d. use the results to predict future events

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

Strand: DATA ANALYSIS AND Standard: Students will understand how to K-4 Benchmark D.2: Select and use appropriate statistical PROBABILITY formulate questions, analyze data, and determine methods to analyze data. probabilities.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.D.2.1 Apply and explain the uses URG 12 PG 71 of sampling techniques (e.g., URG 5 PG 29-42 observations, polls, tally marks) for URG 16 PG 29-41 gathering data. URG 1 PG 19-32 URG 1 PG 37-49 URG 15 PG 44-54 SG PG 203-208 URG 9 PG 27-40

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

Strand: DATA ANALYSIS AND Standard: Students will understand how to K-4 Benchmark D.3: Develop and evaluate inferences and PROBABILITY formulate questions, analyze data, and determine predictions that are based on data. probabilities.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.D.3.1 Analyze data displayed in a DAB PG 93-98 variety of formats to make SG PG 60-61 reasonable inferences and SG PG 244-248 predictions, answer questions, and AB PG 1-11 make decisions. DAB PG 9-12 SG PG 8-10 SG PG 227-232 DAB PG 139-142 SG PG 119-123 URG 9 PG 27-40 URG 20 PG 22

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District: Textbook: Math Trailblazers G3

Strand: DATA ANALYSIS AND Standard: Students will understand how to K-4 Benchmark D.4: Understand and apply basic PROBABILITY formulate questions, analyze data, and determine concepts of probability. probabilities.

Grade 3 Performance Standards Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed 3.D.4.1 Discuss the degree of SG PG 6 likelihood of events and use AB PG 1-11 terminology such as “certain,” DAB PG 9-12 “likely,” “unlikely”. SG PG 8-10 URG 1 PG 37-49 URG 1 PG 19-32 URG 5 PG 29-42

3.D.4.2 Predict the outcomes of SG PG 6,8,106-107,246 simple experiments (e.g., coin URG 1 PG 42 tossing) and test the predictions URG 10 PG 26 using concrete objects (e.g., coins, SG PG 137 counters, number cubes, spinners). SG PG 89,130 URG 1 PG 25 URG 20 PG 26-27 DAB PG 11-12

3.D.4.3 Record the probability of a URG 14 PG 34,40,49 specific outcome for a simple DAB PG 11-12,141-142 probability situation (e.g., probability URG 20 PG 19 is three out of seven for choosing a URG 9 PG 1,4-6 black ball; 3/7).

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