Caring for the wounded Answers

1. What woud the soldiers do after an attack/flying pig with the deceesed? *The soldiers would have to pick up the remains of their conrads, and place it all in bags. They would then have to barry them. 2. What did they do with the casulties that were to serious to work on in te feild? *If someone was too badly injured and couldn’ help them recover on the feild, they would take them back to the casulty station. 3. Where was JohnMacrae born and what famous poe did he write and where was he when he wrote it? *Born in Guelph,ont. He wrote ‘In Flanders Feilds’. He wrote this during the battle of Ypres in 1915. 4. How many deaths were there over seas in total and how many were caused by diesese? *There where 21007 deaths and of those, 3825 of them died of deseas. 5. How many operations were performed and what were they? *There where 2,555,422 operations. They included fillings, treatment, dentures, prophylaxis, extraction and devitalizing. 6. How many cases of ‘trench mouth’ were there. How many treatment did this require in total? *There where 8,546 cases of ‘trench mount’. These in which needed 49,449 treatments in total. 7. Did you have to contribute a lot to get your name printed in a book when you donated to the hospital in Toronto? *No, some people donated $40,000-1.00. Or even a pair of socks. It wuldn’t matter what you donated because you would still get your name printed in the book. 8. How resourceful were the men when it came to fixing a wound away from medical supplies? *The soldiers where very resourcful. There was a man who had severd his hand, and on a spur of the mment decision he was able to cut a hole in his jacket with his trench knife for a sling and then bandaged it up with some feild dressing. 9. Were the operating rooms over crowded? How so? *Yes. They could be operating on one man while there was a man laying next to them screaming of pain. 10. Did they have actual hospitals to work in or did they use any type of building? If yes name one. *Yes. They would use what ever they could. Most of the time it would be the house nearest the line of fire. 11. Did they have any time to save limbs? Explain? *No, they cut off loose limbs and threw them into a basin. There where to many wounded to try to save anything. 12. In the hospitals was it first come, first serve or was the badly wounded treated first? *First come,firt serve was the way they worked. They had badly wounded people waiting to be worked on. 13. Where did the sphagum moss first come from? What was it used for? *It was found on Cape Breton island. It was for surgical dressing. Caring for the wounded Answers

14. Why was this such a good find? Who adoptied it? *The moss has remarkable absorbent qualities and it aided the healing process. The British Army adopted it. 15. What did robert Service do for the war? What was so significent about him? *Robert Service was a stretchermehearer. He was 40 years old.