Sandyston Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes
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Sandyston Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes March 22, 2011
Attendance: Anne Voss, Shane White, Kammy Hull, Glenn Conklin, Andrea Conklin, William Thompson, Don Hirsch, Kerry Deckert, John Hickey
Treasurer’s Report: Current Account Balance is $6,604.93. Fundraising letter bought in about $1900.
Committee Reports
Soccer: We are politely requesting that Hampton Soccer does not actively recruit from Sandyston for Fall Soccer, Summer soccer or skills clinic.
Baseball: field cleanup March 2 SLAP. March 26th and Sunday April 3rd. Weather forecast may delay things. March 26th. At minimum we can have them pull weeds. We will cancel as late as possible. Anne will let the school know about SLAP coming this weekend. We will customize the bleachers that weekend as well. We need to decide which teams will be playing on the Sandyston fields. Team fees are $175. We are financially responsible for only the % of kids playing on each team. Rec’d $700 from sponsorships. Some of that money will go towards batting cage fees. People are upset about merging with Hampton but at the deadline there were not enough registrations in to form a team at any level in Sandyston. Managers will schedule field time and maintenance. Anne will call SWS about having the dugouts unlocked.
Softball: One 3rd & 4th grade team for 2012. We will have to think of an alternate plan for teams for next year. We will open the discussion with Hampton about merging programs for next year. We are in need of Port-a-johns. Kammy will look into local companies and pricing. One at the municipal building and one at the school. From April – November.
Basketball: Trophies possible date March 31st. Kittatinny tournament went well. Glenn will build cost of the tournament into next year’s budget. We will be about -$700. Possibly consider giving out medals next year. We will re-think the uniform issue and how to possibly lower the cost. A code of conduct should be written and signed by parents & players for future discipline issues.
Old Business
Rec Calendar for 2011 April 23 –Easter Egg Hunt @ Camp Linwood McDonald 9am – 11am. April 30 – KLL Baseball opening day. May 14 – Road-side clean-up followed by barbeque and pitch, hit and run contest. We may have to move the date for this event. May 1st? Shane will check with Allison, Anne will check date with Joanne. October 28- Trunk or Treat, raindate October 29th.
Easter Egg Hunt: April 23rd. 9am – 11am. Camp Linwood McDonald will not charge us. Kammy will lend bunny suit. Andrea sent out letters for gift cards. Only received two. We are in need of a bunny. Look at teenagers. We need volunteers to help set up the egg hunt.
Yard Sale: No insurance if it’s at their house. $20 to be put on the map. We sell the map for $20. Brief one line description included on the map. Andrea will find out Stillwater’s dates. We will plan weekend before or weekend after. Billy volunteered to put locations on the map. Advertise on township website, facebook, school newsletters, local businesses. Billy will create a registration form. Kerry & Billy will work on a facebook page. Andrea will work on dates. Post on Around the
Sandyston Day: June 25th. Anne will call Amy to confirm a date.
Project Graduation: requested a donation from Sandyston Rec. We will give them a $50 donation from the town.
Playground Grant: Kaboom is offering a grant. Produce a 60 second video. Kerri and Liz will produce and submit.
Next meeting will be April 18th 2011.