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2016-17 General Instructions:
(i) Questions in Part A has learning checks (very short answer type) questions carrying 1 marks each.
(ii) Questions in Part B are very short answer type questions carrying 2 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.
(iii) Questions in Part C are short answer type I questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.
(iv) Questions in Part D are short answer type II questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 100 words.
(v) Questions in Part E are Long answer type questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 200 words.
2 Chapter 1 Variations in Psychological Attributes
Part A
Q: 1 ______involves seeking information from a person on a one-to –one basis.
Q:2 ______approach consider intelligence as an aggregate of abilities.
Q:3 Define Componential Intelligence.
Q:4 Define Mental Age.
Q:5 ______= MA/CAx100
Part B
Q. 1 What do you mean by Non verbal test of intelligence?
Q.2 Explain Profound Retardation.
Q.3 Explain term “Situationism”.
Q.4 Define Personality.
Q.5 What do you mean by Observation.
Part C
Q.1 Write a short note on observation.
Q.2 Explain Self Report.
3 Q.3 What is the basic difference between ‘talent’ and ‘giftedness’.
Part D
Q.1 Explain two factors Theory of Intelligence.
Q.2 Distinguish between Intellectual Deficiency and Intellectual Giftedness.
Q.3 How is Aptitude is different from Intelligence?
Q.4 Explain how IQ scores distributed in a population?
Part E
Q.1 Explain Intelligence according to Multiple Theory of Intelligence.
Q.2 “A creative person is always intelligence but an intelligence may not be creative” Comment.
Q.3 Define Emotional Intelligence. How does it is related to success in life?
Q.4 Explain the term “Intelligence”. Describe the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence.
4 Chapter 2 Self and Personality
Part A
Q.1 The way we perceive ourselves and the ideas we hold about our competences and attributes known as______a) Self Esteem b) Self Control c) Self Concept d) Self Efficacy
Q.2 ______is the attribute of a person which make him/her different from others.
Q.3 What is social self?
Q.4 What are Cardinal Traits?
Q.5 When a person totally refuses to accept reality he is using ______defence mechanism.
Q.6 Define Libido.
Q.7 Define Oedipus Complex.
Q.8 Which approach of personality assumes a person as a “fully functioning person” a) Behavior approach b) Cultural approach c) Psychodynamic approach d) Humanistic approach
Q.9 Expand term ‘TAT’
Q.10 What do you mean by ‘halo effect’?
5 Part B
Q.1 Explain Type D Personality.
Q.2 Define middle category bias.
Q.3 Explain extreme response bias.
Q.4 Define defence mechanism.
Part C
Q.1 What do you mean by Self Efficacy?
Q.2 Distinguish between Endomorphic and Ectomorphic Personality.
Q.3 Write a short note on Nomination.
Q.4 Explain any two types of defence mechanisms.
Part D
Q.1 Explain Self as Subject and Self as Object.
Q.2 Distinguish between Self Efficacy and Self Esteem.
Q.3 Write a note on self regulation.
Q.4 Explain Western and Indian cultural perspective of self and group.
Q.5 Explain the behaviour analysis techniques used in personality assessment.
6 Part E
Q.1 Explain Freud Stages of Personality Development. How fixation in any one stage does develop a problem?
Q.2 Why do we use Defence Mechanism? Explain any four types of Defence Mechanisms.
Q.3 What are Projective Techniques of Personality assessment? Which Projective Technique is widely used by Psychologists?
7 Chapter 3 Meeting Life Challenges
Part A
Q.1 Define Stress.
Q.2 What is Eustress?
Q.3 Define Distress.
Q.4 What do you mean by Stressor?
Q.5 Explain term ‘Burnout’.
Q.6 Explain term ‘Conflict’.
Q.7 Psychoneuroimmunology focuses on the link between the mind , the brain and the______.
Part B
Q.1 Explain Task Oriented Strategy to cope up stress.
Q.2 Explain Emotion Oriented Strategy to cope up
Q.3 Explain Avoidance Oriented Strategy.
Part C
Q.1 Explain term ‘Frustration’.
8 Q.2 Explain Conflict with an example.
Q.3 Explain Psychological symptoms of stress.
Q.3 Explain Physiological symptoms of stress.
Part D
Q.1Distinguish between Eustress and Distress.
Q.2 Distinguish between Social and Environmental Stress.
Q.3 How does Stress affect our immune system?
Q.4 Explain how hassle can be stressful?
Q.5 Explain effects of stress on Psychological functioning.
Q.6 Explain any four techniques for managing stress.
Part E
Q.1 What do you mean by stress? Give some stress management techniques.
Q.2 Define Stress. Explain coping strategies given by Endler and Parker.
Q.3 Explain how positive health and well being strategies helpful to deal with danger of stress.
Q.4 What is stress? Explain causes of stress.
Q.5 Explain the nature of stress giving example discuss task- oriented strategy of coping stress.
9 Chapter 4
Psychological Disorders
Part A
Q1. Give full forms of ICD-10 and DSM-IV.
Q2. Differentiate between delusion of grandeur and persecution.
Q3. A child having marked difficulties in social interaction and communication , a restricted range of interests and a strong desire for routine or repetitive behaviour is suffering from-
(a) Obsessive compulsive disorder (c) Conduct disorder (b) Autism (d) Depersonalization
Q4. Who emphasized that witches required medical instead of theological treatment?
Q5. Fear of entering unfamiliar situations is called ______.
Q6. Which of the following is not an anxiety disorder-
(a) Dissociative fugue (c) Obsessive-compulsive disorder (b) PTSD (d) Specific phobias
Q7. A prolonged and severe stress reaction characterized by anxiety, emotional numbness, impaired concentration, recurrent dreams and reliving the stressful events is-
(a) GAD (c) Catastrophic Stress disorder (b) PTSD (d) Phobia
Q8. Psychologists consider hallucinations, disorganized behaviour and inappropriate affect as one of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia- True/ False
Q9. The craze for thinness valued by models & actors is termed as ______(a) Anorexia nervosa (b) Bulimia nervosa
10 Q10. In ______type of schizophrenia there is extreme motor immobility, excessive motor inactivity & extreme negativism--- (a) paranoid type (b) disorganized type (c) catatonic type (d) residual type
Q11. According to ______model - abnormal behaviour results from irrational thoughts, beliefs and overgeneralizations. (a) Psycho dynamic (b) Behavioural (c) Cognitive (d) Psychological
Q12. A condition when patient does not show any emotion is known as- (a) Blunted affect (b) Avolition (c) Inappropriate affect (d) Flat affect
Q13. Saleem is having recurrent nightmares after he witnessed bomb blast in Ajmer Dargah. He is not able to concentrate on his work at all. He has become quiet. He is suffering from- (a) Obsessive compulsive disorder (b) Anxiety Disorder (c) PTSD (d) Panic disorder
Q14. Ruchi is a ramp model. Inspite of her odd hours of returning home, she continues to have prolonged, vague & intense fear, accompanied by hyper vigilance, showing a kind of anxiety. Identify the type of anxiety she is suffering from.
Q15. Rina believes that she is a goddess and wants people to treat her like one. She is suffering from: (a) delusion of reference (b) delusion of control (c) delusion of grandeur (d) hallucination of anxiety.
Q16. Leela just doesn’t enjoy much of anything lately. She has lost interest in food and all activities. She seems agitated most of the time and is unable to think clearly. Most of
11 the days she stays in bed. If these symptoms get prolonged, she may be diagnosed as having:- (a) Bipolar disorder (c) Agoraphobia (b) Major Depressive disorder (d) Schizophernia
Q17. Schizophrenic disorders has been linked to excess activity of the neurotransmitter:- (a) Serotonin (b) Dopamine
Q18. Children with ______display age-inappropiate amounts of stubbornness, are irritable, defiante, disobedient and behave in a hostile manner:- (a) Conduct disorder (c) Antisocial behaviour (b) Oppositional defiant disorder (d) Separation anxiety disorder
Q19. Under ______level of intellectual disability, person is capable of making friends but has difficulty in many social situations:- (a) Mild (c) Moderate (b) Severe (d) Profound
Q20. In substance- dependence disorders, the person has intense craving for the substance and shows tolerance, withdrawal and compulsive drug taking- True/ False
Part B
Q1. What are the main features of abnormal behaviour? Q2. What is the relationship between obsession and compulsion?
Q3. Explain the classification used by APA to understand psychological disorders. Q4. How is Bipolar mood disorder different from Mania? Q5. What is antisocial behaviour?
12 Q6. Explain what is meant by internalizing disorders. Q7. Define abnormal behaviour. Q8. In what ways can alcohol affect someone?
Q9. You are about to face an interview and while waiting for your turn outside you feel butterflies in your stomach, your heart beats faster and hands feel sweaty. Why this behaviour is/is not a disorder?
Q10. How can a child suffering from ADHD be identified? Q11. Explain any two sub-types of schizophrenia.
Q12. What do you mean by positive symptoms of schizophrenia? Q13. What are the various psycho-motor symptoms of schizophrenia? Q14. How is Binge eating different from Bulimia nervosa? Q15. What is the key feature of Pervasive Developmental Disorder?
Part C
Q1. What type of problems do mental health professionals define as psychological disorders?
Q2. Differentiate between delusion of grandeur and persecution with examples. Q3. Differentiate between substance abuse and substance dependence. Q4. How are delusions different from hallucinations? Q5. Describe salient features of Somatoform and Dissociative disorders.
Q6. Reena is 5 years old, she cries when she is dropped to school. Explain the disorder and list its symptoms.
Q.7 Explain how a distorted body image leads to eating disorders. Classify the various forms of eating disorders.
Part D Q1. What are substance related disorders?
13 Q2. How does normal anxiety differ from anxiety disorder? Discuss any 3 anxiety disorders in detail. Q3. Describe the symptoms and types of Somatoform Disorders. Q4. How is clinical depression different from ‘normal’ depression?
Q5. What are Behavioural and Developmental Disorders? Why are some specific to children? How has Achenbach differentiated between externalizing and inrenalizing disorders?
Q6. A person shows break-up in relationship, increased body weight, poor performance and thoughts of death. Identify the disorder and explain the factors predisposing this disorder.
Q7. How are positive symptoms of schizophrenia different from negative symptoms? Discuss both in detail. Q8. Why Schizophernia is considered serious type of disorder?
Q9.What are the effects of natural disasters? State the various features of P.T.S.D. Q10. What are the various factors underlying abnormal behaviour? Discuss any four in detail.
Part E
Q. 1. What is psychosomatic illness? Is it the same as somatoform disorder? Q. 2. Schizophernia refers to split personality. Comment.
Q.3. Discuss the different approaches used by psychologists to understand psychological disorders.
Q. 4. Give a historical account of how disorders have been viewed over the ages. Q.5. What are Somatoform Disorders? Elaborate on the different types. Q.6. What do you understand by the term ‘Dissociation’. What are its various forms? Q.7. What are anxiety disorders? Explain the various types of these disorders. Q.8. What are the different behavioural disorders that are specific to children. Explain.
14 Q.9. Elaborate the sub-types of schizophrenia. Describe the categories in which the symptoms of schizophrenia can be grouped.
15 Chapter 5 Therapeutic Approaches
Part A
Q1. People have freedom and choices is the core assumption of ______therapy.
(a) Cognitive (c) Gestalt (b) Behaviour (d) Client centered
Q2. Feeling sorry for a client the therapist lends some money to the client. Which characteristic should the therapist have manifested instead of sympathy?
Q3. A client has suicidal tendencies and discloses them to the therapist. Which ethical conflict will the therapist go through?
Q4. Read the matches given below and identify the correct match. LIST A LIST B (a) RET - (1) Existential therapy (b) Transference - (2) Psychodynamic therapy (c) Token economy - (3) Cognitive therapy (d) Logo therapy - (4) Behaviour therapy
Q5. Should Electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) be used in the treatment of mental disorders?
Q6. What kind of problems is cognitive behaviour therapy best suited for?
Q7. What is the aim of psychotherapy?
Q8. In terms of duration, which therapy takes maximum time to treat a client?
16 Q9. What are dysfunctional cognitive structures?
Q10. DSM-IV is a therapy to treat neurotic patients. (True/False)
Q11. Expand the term SKY.
Q12. Name the therapeutic approach which states that a client’s psychological disorder is rooted in pervasive negative thoughts about self and others in thinking?
Q13. Systematic desensitization is primarily used in the treatment of:- (a) Schizophernia (b) Mood disorders (c) Phobias (d) Somatoform disorders
Q14. Which of the following individuals would play the least directive role in the therapeutic process:
(a) A Beckian cognitive therapist (b) A Rational emotive therapist (c) A Client Centred therapist (d) A psychoanalyst
Q15. An adolescent feels very strongly that no one loves him or cares for him. This is having an impact on his well-being. Which type of therapy would be most suitable for him to overcome this problem? (a) Psychodynamic therapy (c) Cognitive therapy (b) Behaviour therapy (d) Biomedical therapy
Q16. The technique used for treating phobias or irrational fears is ______.
Q17. ______meditation is also known as mindfulness- based meditation, as there is no fixed object or thought to hold the attention.
17 Q18. Read the matches given below & write the correct match- LIST A LIST B (a) Ashtanga Yoga -mindfulness meditation (b) Sudarshan Kriya -combines pranayama with chanting of mantras (c) Vipasana Meditation -comprises of asanas & pranayama (d) Kundalini Yoga -intervention technique to alleviate PTSD
Q19. The repeated process of using confrontation, clarification and interpretation is known as ______.
Q20. A specific principle states that the presence of two mutually opposing forces at the same time, inhibits the weaker force. Name the principle.
Part B
Q1. What is psychotherapy? Q2. Explain the technique of Token Economy.
Q3. What are the three major techniques of focusing attention in Meditation? Q4. What is ‘Unconditional positive regard’?
Q5. Enumerate the side-effects of anti-psychotic drugs on people. Q6. What is therapeutic relationship/alliance?
Q7. Enlist methods used by psychoanalyst for eliciting the intra-psychic conflicts. Q8. Differentiate between antecedent factors and maintaining factors.
Q9. Identify the facilities used for the rehabilitation of the released patient. Q10. Describe the technique of free association.
Q11. Discuss the principle on which Behaviour Therapy is based. Q12. Enlist the goals of psychotherapy. Q13. How can psychotherapy help an individual suffering from a psychological disorder?
18 Q14. Differentiate between sympathy and empathy.
Q15. On what basis can the different forms of psychotherapy be classified? Q16. Differentiate between antecedent and consequent operations.
Q17. Enlist the ethical standards that are practised by professional psychotherapist. Q18. Differentiate between alternative therapies and other psychotherapies. Q19. How does rehabilitation help a client?
Q20. Highlight the importance of cognitive restructuring in rehabilitation of the client. Q21. What is the goal of therapy given by Friedrick and Laura Perls? Q22. What is Logo Therapy? Q23. Distinguish between positive and negative transference.
Part C
Q1. What are the common features in all therapeutic approaches?
Q2. Identify the facilities used for the rehabilitation of released patients. Q3. What is the role of indigenous therapies in psychological disorders?
Q4. How do Token Economy and Modelling technique help in psychotherapy? Q5. Explain Electroconvulsive therapy. Q6. How is resistance helpful in treating the client? Q7. What are the three stages in psychodynamic therapy?
Q8. Explain with the help of an example how cognitive distortions take place. Q.9. How is transference neurosis helpful in treating the client?
Q10. Analyse the importance of working through in psychodynamic therapy. Q11. Discuss the method of treatment used by behaviour therapists.
Q12. Highlight the importance of relaxation technique in helping the client deal with his anxieties.
Q13. What are the causes of psychological disorders according to Humanistic-existential theorists?
19 Q14. Discuss the importance of Gestalt therapy in treating a client. Q15. Differentiate between Sudarshan Kriya Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. Q16. How does meditation help us in reducing stress?
Part D
Q1. How is psychotherapy helpful in dealing with the problems of clients?
Q2. Assuming that psychological disorders are partly due to biological reasons, discuss the Bio- Medical therapy?
Q3. What are the four techniques through which unconscious materials are brought to the level of consciousness?
Q4. How is Behaviour Modification different from Psychoanalytically Oriented Therapy? Q5. Explain the techniques of Behaviour Therapy.
Q6. How does Cognitive Therapy help us in treating a client suffering from a psychological disorder?
Q7. Describe the nature and scope of psychotherapy. Highlight the importance of therapeutic relationship in psychotherapy. Q8. How can we formulate a client’s problem?
Q9. How would a social learning theorist account for a phobic fear of lizards/cockroaches? How would a psychoanalyst account for the same phobia? Q10. How is Behaviour therapy used to treat phobias? Q11. Differentiate between Beck’s cognitive therapy and Ellis’s Rational Emotive therapy.
Q12. As a psychologist, how will you use psychodynamic therapy to treat a person suffering from a psychological disorder?
Q13. How does existential therapy help us in treating psychological disorders? Q14. Differentiate between existential therapy and client-centred therapy. Q15. Which factors contribute to healing in psychotherapy? Q16. Explain how Humanistic therapy works?
20 Q17. ‘Rishabh, a 21 year old college student, exhibits an intense fear of fireworks, gunshots, popping balloons, etc’. Suggest the most appropriate therapy that could be used to help Rishabh overcome his fear.
Q18. Sachin is terribly afraid of climbing stairs. This has an impact on his professional life. Desperately seeking a cure for his phobia he turns for help. With the help of an example discuss any behavioural technique that the therapist would use to help him get rid of his fear.
Part E
Q1. ‘I am worthless and the situation is helpless’ with these thoughts a person comes to you. Being a therapist, how will you help him/her to think in a positive way?
Q2. How would you formulate the problem of a client? Discuss the role of alternative therapies to alleviate psychological stress.
Q3. A therapist asks the client to reveal all his/her thoughts including early childhood experiences. Describe the technique and type of therapy being used.
Q4. Which therapy encourages the client to seek personal growth and actualize their potential? Write about the therapies which are based on this theory.
Q5. What are the factors that contribute to healing in psychotherapy? Enumerate some of the alternative therapies. Q6. Differentiate between psychodynamic, behavioural and existential psychotherapy.
21 Chapter 6 Attitude and Social Cognition
Part A
Q1. What is ‘social cognition’?
Q2. Explain ‘kernel of truth’.
Q3. ‘Prejudices and discriminations often go together’. Can one exist without the other?
Q4. Are stereotypes and schemas related? How?
Q5. What is ‘diffusion of responsibility’?
Q6. What are ‘prototypes’?
Q7. ‘Our behaviour is not always according to our attitude’. Give an example.
Q8. Match the following
(a) Face to face (i) public communication (b) Sending message to audience (ii) interpersonal communication (c) Communicating with oneself (iii) intrapersonal communication
Q9. Attitude change is facilitated if the communicator:
(a) Appeals to the altruist feelings of the listener (b) Appears ‘as one of us’ (c) Puts communication in moral terms (d) Is highly credible Q10. Fundamental attribution error refers to assigning (external/internal) causes for actions of others. Q11. The behaviour where an individual does something for the welfare of others without any self-interest is called______. (a) Altruism (c) Diffusion of responsibility (b) Norm of reciprocity (d) Empathy
22 Q12. Fundamental attribution error refers to the overall tendency of people to give greater weightage to ______factors while assigning a cause to people’s behaviour. (a) Internal (c) stable (b) External (d) unstable
Part B
Q1. What is the role of impression formation in attitude formation?
Q2. Use an example to explain fundamental attribution error.
Q3. What are the characteristics of pro-social behaviour?
Q4. How do advertisers use eminent persons to bring about an attitude change among consumers?
Q5. Can attitudes function like social schemas? Explain with an example.
Q6. Use any advertisement and explain the concept of rational and emotional appeal?
Q7. What are the factors that affect behaviour in the presence of others?
Part C
Q1. Is behaviour always a reflection of attitude? Explain with an example.
Q2. Describe prejudice, stereotypes and discriminations. Give examples of your own. Q3. How and when does the P-O-X triangle remain in state of balance?
Q4. Define attitude with the help of ABC components?
Q5. Distinguish between attitudes, beliefs and values?
23 Q6. What is the role of media such as T.V. and internet in bringing about an attitude change? Q7.
Many societies reflect prejudice on the basis of religion. Suggest some strategies to handle
such prejudices.
Q8. How can we use the concept of cognitive dissonance to change the attitude of an individual towards smoking?
Part D
Q1. Give significant features of attitude.
Q2. Which sources can lead to prejudices based on gender?
Q3. Performing at optimum level to a packed audience is an example of social behaviour. Why does this happen?
Q4. Differentiate between prejudices and stereotypes.
Q5. Discuss the sources of prejudices.
Q6. Describe the attribution of causality?
Q7. What are the factors that influence attitude formation?
Q8. Enumerate condition s that lead to learning of attitude?
Q9. Explain the concept of pro-social behaviour.
Q10. Where does prejudice emerge from?
Q11. Which factors affect pro-social behaviour?
Q12. What are the factors that influence attitude change?
Q13. Are attitudes learned? Explain how.
24 Part E
Q1. How can you bring about a change in the attitude of an individual who is prone to procrastination?
Q2. What are the important processes in attitude change?
Q3. Why do people help others? Which are the factors that influence such behaviour?
Q4. How are prejudices acquired? Suggest any one strategy to handle caste related prejudices in a village.
25 Chapter-7 Social Influence and Group Processes
Part A
Q.1 ‘Rohan finds a wallet on the street. Although he is tempted to keep the wallet for himself, he eventually gives it to the police officer because he thinks that this is what his favourite comic book hero would do.’ Which type of behaviour is this?
(i) Compliance (ii) Identification
(iii) Internalisation (iv) Obedience
Q.2 In a study using the minimal group paradigm: (i) The groups were created on the basis of a flimsy criterion.
(ii) The group members had no past history or possible future.
(iii) The participants did not know the identity of other group members.
(iv) All of the above
Q.3 Roles in group are:
(i) Scripted performances (ii)Distinguishable, prescribed patterns of behaviour
(iii) Expected behaviours (iv) Unexpected behaviours
Q.4 Group with a slight preference for one job candidate will come out with a much stronger preference after discussing with other members of the group. This is an example of:
(i) Group think (ii) Conformity
(iii) Group polarisation (iv) Compliance
26 Q.5 ______is the term used to refer to the situation in which individuals change their beliefs or behaviours so that they become more similar to those of other group members. (i) Conformity (ii) Compliance (iii) Obedience (iv) Cooperation
Q.6 The person begins by making a small request that the other person is not likely to refuse. This is the ______technique of compliance.
(i) The door-in-the-face-technique
(ii) The deadline technique
(iii) The foot-in-the-door-technique
(iv) None of the above
Q.7 Behaving according to the group norm is called: (i) Compliance (ii) Conformity (iii) Obedience (iv) Cooperation Q.8 Groups are more likely to take extreme decisions than individuals alone. This is an example of: (i) Group Think (ii) Compliance (iii) Group Polarisation (iv) Cohesiveness
Q.9 ‘Group has developed a clear vision as to how to achieve the group goal.’ The group is at:
(i) Forming stage (ii) Storming stage
(iii) Norming stage (iv) Performing stage.
Q.10 Geeta asked her father to take her to watch movie. She knows her father will refuse. But what she really wants is permission to watch a special TV program later that night. Geeta is using a tactic known as:
27 (i) The foot-in-the-door (ii) The door-in-the-foot
(iii) The door-in-the-face (iv) The face-in-the-door
Q.11 Which of the following audience are more easily persuaded?
(i) People with low self esteem (ii) People in bad mood
(iii) People with high self esteem (iv) Older people
Q.12 The Milgram experiment was a study of obedience. Why did the participants follow the experimenter’s orders?
(i) They succumbed to peer pressure because they were afraid of public ridicule.
(ii) They accepted the belief that it is right to cause other people harm.
(iii) They viewed the experimenter as an authority figure.
(iv) They wanted to conform to the social values of the majority.
Q.13 The rewards in cooperative situations are ______and not ______. Q.14 Group think is a consequence of ______.
Q.15 ______groups can resolve conflict by trying to find mutually acceptable solutions. Q.16 Reduction in an individual’s effort when working on a collective talk is known as ______.
Q.17 In ______technique you begin with a larger request, but when refused, later a smaller request actually desired is made.
Q.18 Group usually goes through different stage. The stage of intragroup conflict is referred to as ______.
28 Q.19 ______is a process in which either an individual or a group perceives that others have opposing interest.
Q.20 According to ______technique, the person begins with a small request and ends with a big one. Q.21 ______means that people feel obliged to return what they get.
Q.22 In the company of ______people, you are likely to hear newer arguments favouring your view points.
Q.23 ______refers to reciprocal communications in order to reach an argument in a conflicting situation. Q.24 People who do not conform are called as ______.
Q.25 A distinguishing feature of obedience is that such behaviour is a response to a person in ______Q.26 Social loafing is a reduction in ______when working on a ______.
Q.27 An individual performing an activity alone in the presence of others is social loafing. (T/F) Q.28 Audiences are generally active. (T/F)
Q.29 When the deviating minority size increases, the likelihood of conformity decreases. (T/F)
Q.30 In teams, the leader holds the responsibility of the work. (T/F) Q.31 Conformity is the most direct form of social influence. (T/F)
Part B Q.1 Define group. Q.2 What are group norms? Q.3 What do you mean by the term social influence? Q.4 Differentiate between crowd and group.
29 Q.5 List two features which differentiate groups and teams. Q.6 Give one example to differentiate audience and mob.
Q.7 “You want to teach children in a slum area who are unable to go to school. You cannot do this alone because you have your own studies and homework.” How you will attain this goal? Q.8 ‘Status in the group may be either ascribed or achieved.’ Illustrate with examples. Q.9 How groupthink can be prevented? Q.10 What is ‘bandwagon effect’? Q.11 Why compliance is also known as ‘external or public conformity’? Q.12 ‘Conformity is greater when the group is small than when the group s large.’ Why? Q.13 Differentiate between Identification and Internalisation.
Q.14 Why do people show less conformity in private expression than in public expression?
Q.15 Why do people comply?
Q.16 Define Equity? Give its formula.
Q.17 Define conflict.
Part C
Q.1 Describe the factors which facilitate group formation.
Q.2 Discuss the developmental sequences through which group passes. Or Discuss the Tuckmam stage model.
Q.3 What role does cohesiveness plays in binding the group together? Q.4 Describe the characteristics of a group.
Q.5 What is Group think? When and where does it occur?
30 Q.6 ‘Groupthink is a form of faulty decision making in cohesive groups.’ Illustrate with an example.
Q.7 Differentiate between:- (a) Conformity, compliance and obedience. (b) Ingroup and outgroup (c) Primary and secondary group (d) Deadline Technique vs. Door in the face technique Q.8 ‘After a group discussion, people already supportive of a war become more supportive.’
Identify the process and give reasons. Q.9 Why do people take extreme decisions?
Q.10 Explain the two influences that lead to conformity. Give examples. Q.11 How Kelman has classified social influence? Q.12 Why do people behave according to group norms? Q.13 Explain the techniques used for gaining compliance. Q.14 Discuss Deutsch’s investigation on cooperation and competition within groups. Q.15 How conflicts can be reduced through negotiations?
Part D
Q.1 “Raghav is a 17 years old boy who has just joined college after shifting to Delhi. He plays
Guitar and has got friendly with the band in college”. What do you think are reasons for him to become a part of the Band or becoming friendly with that group?
Q.2 With the help of examples, explain the stages of group formation. Q.3 Discuss the important elements of group structure. Q.4 ‘Extreme cohesiveness may sometimes not be in a group’s interest.’ Discuss. Q.5 What are the determinants that lead to conformity?
Q.6 How does the prisoner’s Dilemma game define the concept of cooperation and competition?
31 Q.7 Discuss the effects of cooperation and competition.
Q.8 Discuss any two determinants of cooperation and competition. Q.9 What is the role of super-ordinate goal? Illustrate with the help of Sherif’s experiments. Q.10 How does social identity develop?
Q.11 Explain the various reasons that may lead to a group conflict. Q.12 Discuss the consequences of intergroup conflicts?
Part E
Q.1 Why do people join group?
Q.2 Explain the concept of social loafing with the help of Latane’s experiment. How can it be reduced? Or Q.3 How social loafing does takes place?
Q.4 How did Sherif and Asch determine the norm formation of the group? Q.5 Explain with the help of Milgram’s experiment why and when people obey others. Q.6 What are intergroup conflicts? Discuss the strategies for resolving conflicts.
32 Chapter-8 Psychology and Life
Part A
Q.1 Shortage of resources necessary for living refers to: i) Deprivation iii) Disadvantage ii) Poverty iv) Discrimination
Q.2 The ability to put up with a situation in which individuals would have to compete with others for even basic resources is called: i) Crowding tolerance iii) Personal space ii) Competition intolerance iv) Competition tolerance Q.3 A person kicking a motorbike violently.’ This is an example of: i) Instrumental aggression iii) Violence ii) Hostile aggression iv) None of the above. Q.4 After a traumatic event, people may deny to themselves that something terrible has happened. This is a: i) Emotional reaction iii) Cognitive reaction ii) Immediate reaction iv) Physical reaction. Q.5 . Personal distance is:
i) Upto 18 inches iii) Upto 16 inches
ii) 16 inches to 4 feet iv) 18 inches to 4 feet
Q.6 Physical environment exists mainly for use by human beings for their comfort is suggested by ______perspective.
Q.7 ______refers to a feeling of discomfort because of many people or things around us.
33 Q.8 ______refers to the ability to mentally deal with the crowded environment. Q.9 ______is a process to vent out bottled up emotions and thoughts. Q.10 Frustration aggression hypothesis was given by ______.
Q.11 Aggression shown towards a weaker sector / person who is unable to react is known as ______.
Q.12 ______is the study of relationship between living beings and their environment.
Q.13 ______refers to number of persons with in the available space.
Q.14 In Bhopal Gas tragedy, many who inhaled the poisonous gas, showed disturbances in ______, ______and ______.
Q.15 Noise has negative effect on mental activity because it reduces ______.
Q.16 Individuals also learn to be aggressive by observing others showing aggression. This is a case of learning through ______.
Q.17 In instrumental perspective, environment and human beings exist as parallel components. (T/F) Q.18 Poverty is caused by the belief system and values. (T/F)
Q.19 Poor believe that events in their lives are controlled by factors outside them, rather than within them. (T/F) Q.20 Aggression could be triggered indirectly. (T/F)
Part B
Q.1 What does environmental psychology study?
34 Q.2 What do you mean by the term “environment”? Q.3 How does spiritual perspective explain relationship?
Q.4 Explain the instrumental approach to human- environmental relationship. Q.5 Explain minimalist perspective.
Q.6 Define Ecology? What does it focus in reference to psychology? Q.7 Distinguish between natural and build environment with examples. Q.8 Define noise. Q.9 What do mean by the concept of crowding? Q.10 How is crowding related to density? Q.11 Is crowding always experienced in high density settings? Q.12 Distinguish between Crowding tolerance and Completion tolerance. Q.13 What is personal space? Q.14 Describe Pro- environmental behaviour. Q.15 Distinguish between aggression and violence. Q.16 Differentiate between hostile aggression and instrumental aggression. Q.17 What is displacement? Q.18 Explain frustration-aggression theory. Q.19 What does behavioural medicine deal with? Q.20 What is catharsis? Q.21 List the features of crowding. Q.22 What are the effects of natural disasters? Q.23 How poverty and deprivation are linked to social disadvantage? Q.24 “The poor themselves are responsible for their poverty.” Explain how. Q.25 Define health according to WHO.
35 Part C
Q.1 How does the design of Build environment help to identify the psychological features? Q.2 Describe human- environment relationship according to Stokols. Q.3 State the six principles given in the Chipko movement’s memorandum.
Q.4 How does environment influence our perceptual and emotional behaviour? Q.5 Illustrate the concept of personal space with the help of an example. Q.6 Why do people react to natural disasters with different intensities?
Q.7 “Poverty is not a necessary condition for experiencing deprivation.” Discuss with an example.
Q.8 “The natural environment of a particular region determines the attitudes of people living in that region.” Justify.
Q.9 How cognitive functioning is affected by poverty and deprivation? Q.10 Explain how ‘Poverty begets poverty’? Or Q.11 Discuss poverty cycle.
Q.12 “The understanding of health has undergone a major change in recent times. Now, it is not limited to diseases only but also thinking and behaviour”. Comment.
Q.13 “Aggression is an expression and consequence of frustration.” Explain.
Part D
Q.1 What is the traditional Indian view about human- environment relationship? Illustrate with examples.
Q.2 “Human beings are using technology to change the natural environment in order to improve the quality of their life but, in reality, they may actually be worsening the quality of life.” Comment.
36 Q.3 ‘Individuals differ in the degree to which they show negative effects of crowding, and also in the nature of these reactions.’ How these individual differences can be explained?
Q.4 Describe the effective ways to treat PTSD. Or
Q.5 Explain the process of treatment of psychological disorders that are caused due to environment changes.
Q.6 How can you develop a pro-environmental behaviour to promote a healthy atmosphere for living? Q.7 “Discrimination is both a cause and a consequence of poverty.” Explain. Q.8 Highlight some major causes of poverty. Q.9 Suggest the measures to reduce poverty.
Q.10 What are the psychological effects that an individual may go through due to poverty and deprivation?
Q.11 How do situational factors affect aggressive behaviour of an individual? Q.12 Give some remedies to curb violence and aggression. Q.13 Discuss the concept of Non- violence as given by Mahatma Gandhi.
Q.14 What impact does television have on the psychological being of an individual?
Part E
Q.1 Discuss the effects of crowding on human behaviour with the help of examples.
Q.2 Discuss the ways to minimise the consequences of natural disasters/traumatic events. Q.3 What are natural disasters? What are the psychological effects that an individual may go through due to PTSD? Q.4 What are the causes of aggression?
Q.5 What are the psychological effects that an individual may go through due to poverty and deprivation?
37 Chapter-9 Developing Psychological Skills
Part A
Q.1 A counsellor is trying to understand the feelings of another person from his/her perspective. Here the counsellor is exhibiting: i) Sympathy iii) Empathy ii) Unconditional positive regard iv) Paraphrasing Q.2 Dr. Raghav is going to observe and record children’s play behaviour at a nursery school without their knowing and without attempting to influence, this is: i) Participant observation iii) Naturalistic observation ii) Non participant observation iv) Controlled observation Q.3 The skills which are core to the field of psychological service are known as: i) Specific skills iii) General skills
ii) Communication skills iv) Observational skills Q.4 Communicating with oneself is called ______i) Interpersonal communication iii) Intrapersonal communication ii) Public communication iv) Encoding
Q.5 Which of the following is a personal skill?
i) Values iii) Time management
ii) Attitudes iv) Goals and desires
Q.6 The basic skills required to become an effective psychologist fall into three broad sections:- ______, ______, ______Q.7 The consistency between current and past patterns of behaviour is called ______.
38 Q.8 An ______is a purposeful conversation between two or more people that follows a basic question answer format.
Q.9 Communication is process in which feelings and ideas are expression as ______and ______messages that are ______received and ______. Q.10 Counselling involves responding to the ______, thoughts, and ______of the clients.
Q11.______and _____ to the nature of the message is an important prerequisite for a counsellor’s effectiveness.
Q12.______communication is characterized by a speaker sending a message to the audience.
Q13.Counselling is voluntary. It takes place when ______approaches ______. Q14.While assignment of meaning, we develop ______for interpreting message we receive.
Q15.Expressive communication involves communicating with no intent. (T/F) Q16.Non-
verbal acts are symbolic and closely connected to any talk. (T/F) Q17.Empathy,
counsellor has compassion and pity towards the suffering of other person. (T/F)
Q18.Decoding is taking ideas, giving them meaning and putting them into message forms. (T/F)
Part B & C
Q.1 Define skill.
Q.2 State the skills recommended by APA for a professional psychologist. Q.3 Define communication. Q.4 What is public communication?
39 Q.5 Name the relevant specific skills and competencies used by an effective psychologist. Q.6 Name the four qualities associated with effective counsellors.
Q.7 State the basic skills which are necessary for an effective psychologist. Q.8 How communication is different from speech? Q.9 What is encoding in human communication? Q.10 Draw the diagram showing the process of the basic communication.
Q.11 State any 4 points that should be taken into consideration for observation. Q.12 Differentiate between interpersonal and intrapersonal communication. Q.13 Differentiate between verbal and non- verbal communication.
Q.14 How does reception of message takes place in the process of communication?
Q.15 Explain “Paraphrasing” in human communication. Q.16 What do you mean by congruency in communication? Q.17 What are psychological tests and where are they used? Q.18 Explain Authenticity as quality of effective counsellor.
Q.19 How is hearing different from listening? Give example.
Q.19 Discuss the features of an effective speaking. Q.20 What are observational skills essential for professional psychologists? Q.21 How body language does facilitate human communication? Q.22 Define interview. State the function of an opening of the interview.
Q.23 What is the basic format of an interview?
Q.25 Describe the three stages of interview.
Q.26 Discuss the elements of counselling.
Q.27 How has counselling transformed over the period of time? How can one break the myths that still exist?
Q.28 Explain ‘positive regards for others’ in the context of counselling.
Q.29 “Body language can encourage or discourage conversation.” Justify with the help of examples.
40 Part D Q.1 How a real psychologist is different from a pseudo- psychologist. Q.2 What are the personal and intellectual skills possessed by effective psychologists?
Q.3 Differentiate between Naturalistic and Participant observation giving their advantages & disadvantages. Q.4 Discuss the types of communication with the help of examples.
Q.5 “Communication has been characterized in various ways”. Explain the characteristics that define concept. Give examples.
Q.6 “In the process of communication listening, paraphrasing and body language holds their own importance”. Explain the link each one has with communication. Give examples.
Q.7 “Raghav is a 27 years old boy, who is very socializing and speaks to many people. But most of the time he is not able to remember many, important discussions after the interaction is over.” What tips would you give him to improve his communication skills?
Q.8 Mention the tips to improve the listening skills. Q.9 Explain the skills of listening.
Q.10 “Psychological Assessment is a basic competency required by psychologist for integrated knowledge, evaluation & diagnosis. a. What are the skills needed of psychological assessment? b. What are the facts required to administer psychologist?
Q.11 “Reena has given several interviews for her job but has not been selected for any of the interview”. What are the tips that you would give her so that she improves her skills?
Q.12 Explain the various types of questions that can be asked during the interview. Give example for each one of them.
Q.13 Explain the characteristics of an effective helper? Give examples for each of them.
Q.14 Who is an effective counsellor? Discuss characteristics.
Q.15 What are the ethical issues according to A.P.A. (American Psychological Association) that a psychologist must know while practicing counselling?
41 Part E
Q.1 Discuss the components of human communication. Q.2 Explain the process of communication in detail. Q.3 Describe the process of counselling.