Minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting Held 5th June 2014 7:30pm at the Parish Office, 6 Town Farm Workshops, Sixpenny Handley.

Item 14 Action By

Public Open Session None present.

78 Attendance & Apologies

Cllr David Chick Cllr Tony Gibb Cllr Simon Meaden Cllr James Reed (Parish Council Vice Chairman) Cllr Colin Taylor (Parish Council Chairman)

Also in Attendance:

Mrs Lisa Goodwin (Clerk) Mrs Ciona Nicholson (Assistant Clerk)

Apologies received from: Cllr Richard Ferguson Cllr Stephanie Court

79 Appointment of Chairman of Committee

Resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr David Chick as Chairman for 2014-2015.

80 Declarations of Interests & Grants for Dispensation

Cllr Tony Gibb declared an interest in matters regarding the Village Hall.

81 Casual Vacancy Pentridge

Members able to co-opt a new member to fill the vacancy for Pentridge. Clerk to produce posters.

82 Matters Arising from the minutes of the last Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held 1st May 2014.


83 Annual Programme of Works

Members reviewed Annual Programme of Works and made no amendments.

84 Code of Conduct

Members reviewed Code of Conduct adopted 2012 and made no amendments.

85 Play Area Inspection

 April & May inspection reports considered: Cllr Gibb will tighten cable for Zip Wire. Missing fence panels noted.  Quotation from Sovereign received for bonded surface. Clerk to contact Clerk Lapsett with dimensions of area in need of repair.

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86 Sports Association & Related Matters

 Water Softener Service – £129.00 minimum call out. Resolved unanimously to Clerk proceed due to water scale build up. AHG  Building & Fire Risk Assessment of Pavilion – Cllr Gibb to action.

 Bowls Club request for match funding of £250.00 – members resolved RFO unanimously to match fund as previously approved.

87 Deanland Telephone Kiosk

Report from Nick Sherman: The telephone kiosk is up and running. There is literature on display inside using the new furniture. We have put up signs outside indicating that it is an "Information Point" sponsored by the AONB and the Ramblers' Association. We still need to commission a map to display on the exterior glass panel but have run out of money for that. The bank around the kiosk has been cleared and cut. I am in France but next week I hope to get more display material from the AONB office. In the meantime, the fluorescent light tubes have already blown again, and I have ordered new ones.

Clerk to write letter of thanks and suggest using the Kiosk as a ‘pick up point’ for the Blackmore Vale Magazine for Deanland residents. Clerk

Financial Matters & Expenditure

88 Maintenance of Sports Pavilion & Village Hall

Pavilion: Clerk  Members resolved unanimously to accept new quotation from Graham Cradock of £436 to repair/replace gutters. Clerk  Members resolved unanimously to accept new quotation from Keith Orman for £460.00.

Village Hall: Clerk/JR/DC/SM DC  Members agreed to obtain quotations to repair roof before replacing gutters.  Cllr David Chick will sweep the car park area.

89 Parish Office Expenditure

 Members accepted new 24 month contract from SSE for electric supply. Clerk  Members resolved to purchase additional table @ £129.99 + delivery.

90 BT Direct Debit

Members approved payment of BT by direct debit to save £9 per quarter. RFO

91 Clerks Monthly Hours

Members resolved unanimously to increase Clerk’s hours to 40 per month. Clerk

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92 Expenditure

The RFO provided members with a report on finances for May; Bank Reconciliation; List of Receipts & Payments for scrutiny and copy of Bank Statements.

Approved for payment: Graham Cradock Football Field Fencing £2493.50 East Dorset District Council Monthly Rent Parish Office £462.49 Mrs L Goodwin Clerk’s Salary inc additional hours £491.80 Mrs C Nicholson Assistant Clerk’s Salary £233.63 Simon Wallworth Electrical Services (Sensor Light) £60.00 Peter Walker Internal Audit £128.28 DAPTC Annual Subscription £414.92 Waistcoat Festival: Paul Styles Community Fund Postcard £100.36 Verwood Concert Brass Band £100.00 David Styles Audiobase PA Hire £100.00 Little Pennies Expenses £116.63 Mike Rowland & Son Wheel Bonding £300.00 James Price Filming Documentary £1600.00

93 Correspondence

 Road Closure B3081 18 Aug – 6 Sept – Clerk to contact DCC Highways as this Clerk could prove difficult with Steam Fair, End of the Road Festival and Harvesting. Copy Cllr Steve Butler.  Car Parking at The Hollow – Clerk to write to school to request parents and Clerk visitors are reminded to park in car park provided.  Railways Group - booking received for Parish Office. Bookings now available to view at www.sixpennyhandleyparishcouncilbtck.co.uk  Emergency Planning Workshop – Cllr Gibb reported on event held with the County Council and Dorset Police.  A354 Roundabout – Site meeting held with Dorset County Council to discuss tidying the roundabout and possible sponsorship that would be appropriate in this location.

94 Meeting Dates – Parish Office, Unit 6, Town Farm Workshops, Sixpenny Handley.

19th June 2014 – Planning Matters Committee Meeting 7:30pm 26th June 2014 – Community Fund Committee Meeting 7pm 26th June 2014 – Full Parish Council Meeting of the Parish Council 7:30pm 3rd July 2014 – Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting 7:30pm

Meeting Closed 8:55pm

These minutes are to be signed by the Chairman after approval at the next Full meeting of the Parish Council.

Signed;…………………………………………………………………………………………… 26th June 2014
