Crown Preschool General Meeting October 1, 2008 at 7PM at the Preschool

1) Preliminary Business – September minutes approved by Lori Drysdale. 2) Presidents’ Report – Jill & Karen a) Jobs Update – All jobs have been filled, with the exception of one family. b) Newsletter – If you are not getting the School newsletter, please let Megan know. c) Lease Update – the lease is about to be signed; it is a two year term, with a slight increase in rent which reflects the increases in cost that the Church has incurred related to our space. We understand from the Church that our space is leased to us at a break-even rent for the Church. d) Reminder that the next General Meeting is November 3 at 7PM at the Preschool. 3) Teachers’ Report – Megan and Caroline a) October 25 – 3’s & 4’s Pumpkin Carving Day for Dads (or Grandpa’s, etc.) It will be from 10-11:30, with snacks and story time. Two volunteer Mothers are needed – please contact Caroline. b) October 15 – Apple Crumble Baking Day – an extra volunteer parent is needed. c) Gordon (Social Convener) – There are spots open on the General Meetings Refreshment List – please sign up to help out for one meeting. d) October 7 – Field Trip to Waterfront Theatre for A Very Hungry Caterpillar. Details in October Newsletter. If your child will not attend, please let the teachers know. Extra tickets available on a first come/first served basis ($15.00 each.) e) October 29 – Halloween Parties for 3’s & 4’s. Please no costumes with masks, weapons or bathroom challenges. Please no candy; Halloween treats will be provided. The 2’s will have face painting, but no costumes. 4) Treasurer’s Report – Connie a) Year End Financials – On a motion duly made, the Year-End financials were approved as presented. . b) Budget is almost completed and will be presented for approval at November General Meeting. Like last year’s budget, we expect a slight deficit. 5) Fundraising – Catherine a) Thank you for your cheques for the Stongs/Safeway cards; they will be delivered shortly. b) Other fundraising options being looked at include: Makit Plates, Greeting cards, etc. Other suggestions are welcome. c) Pizza and Cookie Dough orders will be coming up. 6) Breakout Meeting for 4’s Parents at Tom Thumb

Break for Refreshments

Parent Education Session: Designing Discipline with Lorraine McLeod