Kimball Township Board of Trustees s1
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KIMBALL TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 2160 WADHAMS ROAD, KIMBALL, MI REGULAR MEETING JULY 5, 2016 6:30 P.M. Sturdevant opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT: Jackson, Hand, Kilroy, Wrubel and Sturdevant.
ABSENT: Usakowski and Ritter.
ALSO PRESENT : Chief Gratz.
INVOCATION BY: Pastor Bobby Bishop, The Apostolic Church of Port Huron.
I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Jackson: Under New Business B. add 1. Engineers Bill for the Smiths Creek Project.
Sturdevant motioned to approve the agenda as amended supported by Wrubel. Motion Carried.
II. PRESENTATION OF MINUTES FOR JUNE 21, 2016 Jackson: Under D. on page 5, it should be Rowe instead of Roe. Also under Tina Ritter’s comment, the same thing.
Jackson motioned to approve the minutes of June 21, 2016 as amended supported by Sturdevant.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Sturdevant, Kilroy, Wrubel and Hand. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ritter. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.
III. CONSENT AGENDA AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Check Register from 06/14/2016 to 06/28/2016 B. Revenue & Expenditure Report for 06/30/2016 C. Kevin Koveck Outdoor Gathering
Jackson motioned to receive, file and pay the bills supported by Sturdevant.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Sturdevant, Kilroy, Wrubel and Hand. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ritter. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.
IV. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS A. St. Clair County Depart. of Public Works June 7, 2016 B. Board of County Road Commission Meeting June 7, 2016
1 Sturdevant motioned to receive and file the county minutes supported by Kilroy. Motion Carried.
V. PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments) None.
VI. CHIEFS REPORT Man Power Report: 25 Firefighters, 24 active, 1 on leave 13 Fire Corps
A. Applications None.
B. Requests for Purchase None.
C. Educational Assistance None.
D. General 1. Inventory Gratz submitted an inventory list of equipment that needs to be disposed of that is out of service or cannot be used.
Wrubel: Can the gear be donated to another fire department.
Gratz: It is pretty beat up and can’t be used.
Sturdevant motioned to have Jackson check with the auditors for disposal of the inventory list supported by Jackson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Sturdevant, Jackson, Kilroy, Wrubel and Hand. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ritter. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.
Gratz: I also have a list of all of those that have passed away, retired and resigned.
The last thing I have is a card from a resident that thanked us for our rapid response to his heart attack.
E. Appeals 1. Dorothy Turner: Invoice #26-258 She was a by-stander that was sitting in her car at the intersection and was hit by a car that ran into her.
2 Jackson motioned to waive Dorothy Turners fire bill supported by Hand.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Hand, Kilroy, Wrubel and Sturdevant. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ritter. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.
2. Ronafa West: Invoice #16-242 The neighbor was burning on my property for me without a burning permit. I didn’t know about the burning permit because my husband was the one that took care of those things. I now have a burn permit.
Jackson motioned to lower the fire bill to $250.00 and make payments if she wishes supported by Sturdevant.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Sturdevant, Kilroy and Wrubel. NO: Hand. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ritter. (4-1-2) Motion Carried.
3. Jason McKenzie: Invoice #16-080 Mr. McKenzie was a no show tonight.
Jackson motion to reduce the fire bill to $160.00. Died from lack of support.
Kilroy motioned to reduce the fire bill to $250.00 supported by Wrubel.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Kilroy, Wrubel, Jackson, Sturdevant and Hand. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ritter. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.
VII. SY DESIGN Representative from Sy Designs gave an update on the bid for the fire department.
VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. EDA Membership Sturdevant motioned to bring this back to the next meeting supported by Kilroy. Motion Carried.
IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Nikolaus Kothstein, 2000 Burns Road: Gate on Access Road East Side of Caswell Cemetery He wants to put up a gate on the access road that goes back to the back end of the cemetery.
3 Sturdevant: We will contact the supervisor, ordinance enforcer and Mr. Koveck Kovach to see what we can do.
B. Contractor’s Application for Payment No. 2 Payment #2 is for $213,551.23 to be paid to T.R. Pieprzak Co.
Hand motioned to approve the $213,551.23 to Pieprzak supported by Kilroy.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Hand, Kilroy, Sturdevant and Jackson. NO: Wrubel. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ritter. (4-1-2) Motion Carried.
1. Engineers Bill for the Smiths Creek Project. $26,804.25 pay to Rowe for the Smiths Creek Project.
Jackson motioned to approve the payment of $26,804.25 to Rowe Professional Services for the Smiths Creek Project supported by Hand.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Hand, Kilroy, Wrubel and Sturdevant. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ritter. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.
C. Fire Station Bids This was already discussed above under VII. Sy Design.
XI. OFFICERS REPORT A. Supervisor Usakowski Absent.
B. Clerk Hand Cemetery board is moving their meeting to tomorrow instead of the 13th.
Absentee ballots are still going out.
The insurance agent was in last week. It was $42,000.00 for insurance on the buildings and vehicles, etc. They have a pool that we are in and we got $26,000.00 back so our actual bill is around $16,000.00.
C. Treasurer Jackson A citizen would like to clear the trail out around the building here. Bob Rutkowske Rotkofske would like to maintain the trail here.
4 Blight Issues: Jackson would like to make a price list for the use of our equipment per hour during the blight issues and possibly make an ordinance.
D. Trustee Kilroy No Report.
E. Trustee Ritter Absent.
F. Trustee Sturdevant Had a fish fry at the American Legion Smiths Creek last weekend and about 145 people showed up for it. We are having a breakfast this Sunday at the Smiths Creek Masonic Lodge.
G. Trustee Wrubel Do we have an update about the water situation at the Sutherland Park?
Hand: The pond or the drinking water?
Wrubel: Both.
Hand: The drinking water has been cleared by the health department.
Wrubel: What about the pond?
Hand: I’m not sure about that.
Wrubel: I went to the open house for the roundabout at Allen and Lapeer Roads and turned in over 1,500 signatures against the roundabout and they said they would take it into consideration.
Hand: One more thing, last meeting Ritter asked about the meter for The Lakes, I didn’t get a call back yet but last year it was quoted at $20,000.00 with installation included.
Sturdevant suggested that Hand bring it back to the next meeting.
XII. ADJOURNMENT Sturdevant motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. supported by Kilroy. Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Submitted by Robert G. Hand, Clerk