But, There Are Some Main Controversial Points Consider by IUPAC

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But, There Are Some Main Controversial Points Consider by IUPAC


Our researches, scientist, inventors have discovered more than 117 elements. Ist, Sir Dmitri Mendeleev’s manage it in 1869, according to the dependence between the Properties of atomic weight, called Mendeleev’s Periodic table. After some time it is accepted that in an element there are most play role electronic configuration of the element. Thus a new from of periodic table consider by International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), called Long Form of Periodic Table. But, there are some main controversial points consider by IUPAC- 1. Position of hydrogen, currently it is removed. 2. Position of lanthanide & actinide series elements. 3. No space for new elements (future element) 4. Etc. I study about every field of element as model and molecular structure, quantum mechanism, rules & theories, atomic structure, nuclear reaction all typed of periodic table (Mendeleev’s, Long from, Extended Form etc.), etc. We filtered a common object that the level of energys is main basic point for every element.

1) Energy of Element:- The energy of an element due to consisting group of one type of negative charged energy and positive charged energy, neutron, positron, transposition etc.Therefore the element electrically nutral.

Concept of nature:- changing is unchanging rule of nature. Therefore, When time the universe (earth, water, air and atmosphere) exist, the new element will be discovered.The earth is the go down (sources) of elements, compounds and materials etc. After some time if any element, compound, materials stock will be finished then that element can be lost. Right now, electron proton, neutron, positron transposition, meson, photon, α, β, gamma rays, ultraviolet’s rays, x rays, laser rays is discovered, same and different type of above fact will be also discovered in future. The number of element is not limited. In future many type of element will be discovered. s, p, d, f, g block also increase as s, p, d, f, g, h, i, j …………n. The shells s, p, d, f, h, h, i, j ………… n can be increased, and the group will be increase as sp ,p1, p2, d1, d2, f1, f2, g1, g2 ………… n ,also. So the periodic table will be define according to the positive charge energy and negative charge energy with your properties.

Circular Periodic Table RULES In the periodic table, elements are stand in order to your increasing energy level. In Other word - The element is stand in a periodic table in order to your increasing atomic number according to electronic configuration of element as - 2,8,8,18,18,32,32,50,50,……….n The table is attached as (1) attachment-1 For black and white &colour-MS word (2) attachment-2-Corel (photoshop)

Classification of some character- 1- Orbital 2- Block 3- Group 4- Shells (1) Orbital 1. s-orbital - 2 electron 2. p- orbital - 6 electron 3. d-orbital -10 electron 4 f- orbital - 14 electron 5. g- orbital - 18 electron 6. and so on for h- orbital, i- orbital, j- orbital etc.

(2) Block 1. S- block 2. P- block 3. D- block 4. F- block 5. G- block. 6. and so on for H- block, I- block, J- block etc. (3) Group 1. sp group 2 element ; s+p = 1+1= 2 element 2. p1 &p2 group 18 elements in each group; s+p = 2+6= 8 elements. 3. d1&d2 group 18elements in each group; s+p+d=2+6+10= 18 elements. 4. f1&f2 group 32elements in each group; s+p+d+f=2+6+10+14= 32 elements 5. g1&g2 group 50 element in each group; s+p+d+f+g=2+6+10+14+18= 50 element. 5. and so on as h1,h2 group……………n etc. 6. Miscellaneous shell for new element in future. It is also possible that in future some elements are discovered which have no similarity with any elements, for these there is a miscellaneous shell. Therefore about all type of element can be placed in this periodic table.

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