34102X0 Physical Science

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34102X0 Physical Science

Syllabus 34102X0 Physical Science

Prerequisite: Math I recommended.

Description: This course introduces the student to the concepts and principles dealing with basic chemistry (the study of chemical composition, properties and the processes of matter) and physics (the study of the physical composition, properties and processes of mechanics, heat, light, sound and electricity). Scientific terminology, investigations, demonstrations, and experiments are the basis of this course. Laboratory experiences are provided.

Wee Goal Description Assessment k 1 Review Scientific Method Quiz Metric system, metric conversions Test 2 2.1.1 Classification of matter as—homogeneous or heterogeneous, pure substance, element or mixture. Metal, non-metal or Test 2.1.3 metalloid Compare physical and chemical properties and changes 3 2.1.4 Atomic structure--history and early scientists, parts of the Memory quiz on atom, isotopes and ions, radioactivity. elements Bohr structures and diagrams, Lewis dot structures. Test 4 2.2.2 Infer the type of chemical bonds that take place—ionic, Test covalent or metallic 2.2.1 Infer valence, electrons, oxidation numbers and reactivity of an element based on its location on the periodic table. 5-6 2.2.3 Nomenclature—predict chemical formulas and names for Quiz simple compounds based on knowledge of bond formation. Test 7 2.2.4 Law of Conservation of Mass, Classification of chemical Test 2.2.5 reactions and balancing chemical equations. 8 2.3.1 Nuclear reactions—fission and fusion, alpha, beta and 2.3.2 gamma decay, radioactivity, isotopes and half-lifes. Quiz 9 2.2.6 Characteristics and interactions of acids and bases Quiz 2.1.2 Phase changes, heating and cooling curves. Benchmark Test 10- 1.1.1 Explain motion in terms of speed, velocity, acceleration and Quiz 11 1.1.2 momentum. Compare speed, velocity, acceleration and momentum using investigations, calculations, graphing, scalar and vector quantities. Test 12 1.2.1 Explain how gravitational force affects the weight of an Quiz object and the velocity of an object in freefall. 1.2.2 Classify friction forces as static, sliding, rolling and fluid 1.2.3 Newton’s three laws of motion and how they affect forces. Test 13 3.1.1 Understand the types of energy, conservation of energy and Quiz 3.1.2 energy transfer as it relates to thermal energy, kinetic energy Test and potential energy. 14 3.1.3 Explain work in terms of the relationship among the applied Test force to an object, the resulting displacement of the object, and the energy transferred to an object. 3.1.4 Explain the relationship among work, power and simple machines quantitatively and qualitatively. 15 3.2.1 Explain the relationships among wave frequency, period, Test velocity and wavelength. 3.2.2 Compare the characteristics of mechanical, electromagnetic and surface waves. 3.2.3 Classify waves as transverse or compressional 3.2.4 Wave interactions such as reflection, refraction, diffraction and interference 16 3.3.1 Static and current electricity Test 3.3.2 Simple parallel and series DC circuits and Ohm’s Law, transformers 3.3.3 Resistance and the causes of resistance to current 3.3.4 Magnetism--poles, fields and interactions 3.3.5 Practical applications of magnets--electromagnets 17 Review for Exam 18 Exams

General information: This class will utilize cooperative groups, presentations, computer simulations, and guided practice.

Laboratory activities are scheduled every week to two weeks. When in the lab setting, students must wear safety goggles at all times or they will receive a zero and not be allowed to participate. These will be provided by the school. The student must also wear slacks and closed toed shoes for chemistry labs. Scarves, long jewelry and loose sleeves must be removed or confined. Long hair must also be confined for safety.

Test and quiz questions will be multiple choice, matching, open-ended and calculations.

Grades will be posted on Power School weekly.

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