Ap World History Syllabus Boswell High School

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Ap World History Syllabus Boswell High School

Drew Dittmer Boswell High School [email protected]



The AP World History course focuses on developing students’ understanding of world history from approximately 8000 B.C.E. to the present. The course has students investigate the content of world history for significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in six historical periods, and develop and use the same thinking skills and methods (analyzing primary and secondary sources, making historical comparisons, chronological reasoning, and argumentation) employed by historians when they study the past. The course also provides five themes (interaction between humans and the environment; development and interaction of cultures; state building, expansion, and conflict; creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems; development and transformation of social structures) that students explore throughout the course in order to make connections among historical developments in different times and places encompassing the five major geographical regions of the globe; Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.

The Six Historical Periods

Period Period Title Date Range Weight on AP Exam 1 Technological and Environmental To c. 600 B.C.E 5% Transformations 2 Organization and Reorganization of Human c. 600 B.C.E. to c. 600 15% Societies C.E. 3 Regional and Interregional Interactions c. 600 C.E. to c. 1450 20% 4 Global Interactions c. 1450 to c. 1750 20% 5 Industrialization and Global Integration c. 1750-1900 20% 6 Accelerating Global Change and c. 1900-Present 20% Realignments


Part Section Time % of Exam Section I, Part A 55 Multiple Choice Questions 55 Minutes 40% Section I, Part B 3 Short Answer Questions 40 Minutes 20% Section II, Part A 1 Document Based Question Essay 60 Minutes 25% (15 Planning/45 Writing) Section II, Part B 1 Long Essay (3 Choices) 40 Minutes 15% Section 1, Part A – Questions appear in sets of 2-5. Students analyze historical texts, interpretations and evidence. Primary and secondary sources, images, graphs, and maps are included

Section 1, Part B – Questions provide opportunities for students to demonstrate what they know best. Some questions include texts, images, graphs, or maps.

Section II, Part A – Analyze and synthesize historical data. Assess written, quantitative, or visual materials as historical evidence. Do not just summarize the documents, explain the evidence provided in the documents!

Section II, Part B – Students write one essay from three choices. Explain and analyze significant issues in World History. Develop an argument supported by an analysis of historical evidence. AP WORLD HISTORY Homework Schedule for School Year – Mr. Dittmer

Textbook – AMSCO 2017 Edition of “World History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination”

Homework Directions – Each week students will receive a template for filling out homework assignments. Students will be required to define vocabulary terms and then create images that represent that same vocabulary term, and answer questions over key concepts from the chapter. Students will typically have 7 days to complete this weekly homework assignment.

Chapter Due Unit Marking Period # of Vocab Terms Due Date MARKING PERIOD 1 Chapter 1 1 AMSCO Book 16 Monday, August 28 Chapter 2 1 AMSCO Book 20 Tuesday, September 5 Chapter 3 2 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, September 11 Chapter 4 2 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, September 18 Chapter 5 2 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, September 25 MARKING PERIOD 2 Chapter 6 & 14 2 AMSCO Book 16 Monday, October 2 Chapter 7 3 AMSCO Book 18 Wednesday, October 11 Chapter 8 3 AMSCO Book 18 Monday, October 16 Chapter 9 3 AMSCO Book 18 Monday, October 23 Chapter 10 3 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, October 30 Chapter 11 3 AMSCO Book 18 Monday, November 6 MARKING PERIOD 3 Chapter 13 3 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, November 13 Chapter 12 & 15 3-4 AMSCO Book 24 Monday, November 27 Chapter 16 4 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, December 4 Chapter 17 4 AMSCO Book 16 Monday, December 11 Chapter 18 4 AMSCO Book 18 Wednesday, January 3 MARKING PERIOD 4 Chapter 19 4 AMSCO Book 18 Monday, January 16 Chapter 20 4 AMSCO Book 16 Monday, January 22 Chapter 21 5 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, January 29 Chapter 22 5 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, February 5 Chapter 23 5 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, February 12 Chapter 24 5 AMSCO Book 16 Monday, February 19 MARKING PERIOD 5 Chapter 25 6 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, February 26 Chapter 26 6 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, March 5 Chapter 27 6 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, March 19 Chapter 28 6 AMSCO Book 24 Monday, March 26 Chapter 29 6 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, April 2 Chapter 30 6 AMSCO Book 20 Monday, April 9 AP World History Vocabulary – Used on Vocabulary Quizzes

Chapter Chapter Name Date of Quizzes Terms to Know 1 From Hunter- Monday, August  Hunter-Foragers •Paleolithic Period Foragers to 28  Kinship group •Patriarchal Settled  Animism •Shamans Societies  Neolithic Revolution •Surplus  Domestication •Nomadic Pastoralism  Specialization of Labor •Social Stratification  Monotheism •Textiles  Metallurgy •Bronze Age 2 The First Tuesday,  Mesopotamia •Sumerians Civilizations September 5  City-state •Polytheistic  Code of Hammurabi •Hebrews  Jewish Diaspora •Egyptians  Hittites •Mummification  Indus River Valley •Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro  Aryans •Vedas  Upanishads •Yellow River  Shang Dynasty •Ancestor Veneration  Zhou Dynasty •Mandate of Heaven 3 Classical Monday,  Sparta •Athens Civilizations in September 11  Direct Democracy •Pericles Greece &  Socrates •Plato Persia  Aristotle •Syncretic  Cyrus the Great •Persians  Darius I •Satrap  Royal Road •Caravanserai  Zoroastrianism •Persian Wars  Peloponnesian War •Philip II  Alexander the Great •Hellenistic 4 The Roman Monday,  Republic •Senate World September 18  Patricians •Plebeians  Checks and Balances •Laws of the Twelve Tables  Punic Wars •Legions  Julius Caesar •Octavian  Pax Romana •Syncretism  Christianity •Edict of Milan  Constantine •Silk Roads  Decline of Roman Empire •Goths  Diocletian •Roman Architecture 5 Classical Monday,  Caste System •Jainism Civilizations in September 25  Buddhism •Reincarnation India & China  Hinduism •Chandragupta Maurya  Provinces •Ashoka Maurya  Rock & Pillar Edicts •Indian Ocean Sea Lanes  Gupta Dynasty •Silk Roads  Arabic Numerals •Confucianism  Filial Piety •Daoism  Legalism •Qin Dynasty  Han Dynasty •Civil Service Examination

6 & 14 Early American Monday,  Moche •Teotihuacan Civilizations/ October 2  Mayans •Slash-and-burn agriculture The Americas  Mississippian •Cahokia on the Eve of  Toltec •Aztecs Globalization  Tenochtitlan •Chinampas  Inca •Mita System  Royal Ancestor Veneration •Quipu  Waru waru •Carpa Nan 7 Byzantine Wednesday,  Byzantine Empire •Justinian the Great Empire and October 11  Hagia Sophia •Body of Civil Law Kievan Rus  Bulgars •Iconoclasm  Battle of Kleidion •Theocracy  Monasteries •Schism  Eastern Orthodox Church • Hippodrome  Battle of Manzikert •Normans  Ottoman Turks •Kievan Rus  Oleg •Vladimir I 8 Islamic World Monday,  Islam •Bedouins Through 1450 October 16  Allah •Muhammad  Mecca •Medina  Quran •5 Pillars of Islam  Shariah •Caliph  Sunnis •Shiites  Umayyad Dynasty •Abbasids  Baghdad •Islamic Golden Age  Battle of Tours •Jihad 9 Expansion of Monday,  Bantu Migrations •Matrilineal African Trade October 23  Trans-Saharan Trade •Indian Ocean Trade  Swahili •Ghana  Kumbai Saleh • Mali  Timbuktu • Sundiata  Mansa Musa • Songhay Kingdom  Zimbabwe •Great Zimbabwe  Hijab •Zanj Rebellion  Griots •Ibn Battuta 10 East Asia in the Monday,  Sui Dynasty •Sui Yangdi Post-Classical October 30  Tang Dynasty •Kowtow Period  Xuanzang •Song Dynasty  Meritocracy •Scholar Gentry  Equal-field system •Gunpowder  Silk Roads •Magnetic Compass  Rudder •Footbinding  Zen Buddhism •Neo-Confucianism  Samurai •Daimyo  Bushido •Shogun 11 South Asia and Monday,  Chola Kingdom •Vijayanagar Southeast Asia November 6  Himalayan Mountains •Dar al-Islam 600-1450  Mahmud of Ghazni •Punjab  Delhi Sultanate •Jizya  Indian Ocean Basin Trade •Spice Islands  Monsoon winds •Lateen Sails  Stern rudder •Sufis  Jatis •Urdu •Angkor Kingdom •Melaka 13 The Mongols Monday,  Mongols •Gobi Desert and November 13  Temujin •Genghis Khan Interregional  Khantate •Tumens Empires  Pax Mongolica •Ogodei  Batu • Golden Horde  Battle of Kulikovo •Hulegu  Kublai Khan •Yuan Dynasty  Marco Polo •White Lotus Society  Zhu Yuanzhang •Ming Dynasty  Tamerlane •The Black Death 12 & 15 Western Monday,  Dark Ages •The Franks Europe after November 27  Charlemagne •Vikings Rome/Europe  Feudalism •William the Conqueror Extends Its  Hundred Years’ War •Reconquista Influence  Crusades •Hanseatic League 400-1750  Renaissance •Humanism  Protestant Reformation •Martin Luther  95 Theses •Calvinism  Henry VIII •Inquisition  Council of Trent •Peace of Augsburg  Thirty Years War •Peace of Westphalia  The Enlightenment •The Wealth of Nations 16 The Americas Monday,  Christopher Columbus •Columbian Exchange in the Early December 4  Conquistadors •Encomienda System Colonial Period  Colonies •Transanlantic Slave Trade  Hernan Cortes •Francisco Pizzaro  Treaty of Tordesillas •Northwest Passage  Jacques Cartier •Samuel de Champlain  New France •John Cabot  Jamestown •London Company  Tobacco •Indentured Servants  Henry Hudson •New Amsterdam 17 Africa in the Monday,  Sunni Ali •Askia Muhammad Early Colonial December 11  Prince Henry the Navigator •Vasco da Gama Period  Conquistadors •Triangular Trade  King Afonso of Kongo •Barracoons  Middle Passage •African Diaspora  Creole •Gullah  Dahomey/Oyo •Abolition  Toussaint L’Ouverture •Indian Ocean Slave Trade 18 Russia Unifies Wednesday,  Ural Mountains •Russian Orthodox Church and Expands January 3  Mongol Influence •Ivan III  Tsar •Moscow  Kremlin •Ivan IV  Cossacks •Time of Troubles  Romanov Dynasty •Peter the Great  Table of Ranks •Catherine the Great  Westernization •Pogroms  Pugachev Rebellion/Emancipation Act •Crimean War

19 Islamic Monday,  Gunpowder Empires •Tamerlane Gunpowder January 16  Ottoman Empire •Mehmed II Empires  Constantinople •Suleiman I  Ulama •Viziers  Battle of Lepanto •”Sick Man of Europe”  Safavids •Ismail  Shah Abbas I •Mughal Indian  Akbar •Sikhism  Shah Jahan •Taj Mahal 20 East Asian Monday,  Ming Dynasty •Zheng He Stability Meets January 22  Monopoly •Jesuits Foreign Traders  Macau •Li Zicheng  Qing Dynasty •Queues  Kangxi •Tibet  Qianlong •White Lotus Rebellion  Proto-Industrial Society •Daimyo  Tokugawa Shogunate •Hermit Kingdom 21 The Monday,  Enlightenment •Socialism Enlightenment, January 29  Nationalism •Thomas Hobbes Nationalism,  John Locke •Philosophes and  American Revolution •French Revolution Revolutions  Bastille •Declaration of the Rights of Man  Reign of Terror •Maximilien Robespierre  Napoleon •Congress of Vienna  Haitian Revolution •Simon Bolivar  Italian Unification •German Unification  Otto von Bismarck •Zionism 22 Industrial Monday,  Industrial Revolution •Richard Arkwright Revolution, February 5  Eli Whitney •Assembly Line 1750-1900  James Watt •Urbanization  Transcontinental Railroad •Meiji  Trans-Siberian Railroad •Tenements  Cult of Domesticity •Consumerism  Stock Market •Bessemer Process  Labor Unions •Capitalism  Laissez-Faire •Karl Marx  Communism •Anarchism 23 Turkey, China, Monday,  Muhammad Ali •Selim III Japan, and the February 12  Mahmud II •Tanzimat West  Congress of Berlin •Qing Dynasty  Opium War •Treaty of Nanking  Spheres of Influence •Taiping Rebellion  Self-Strengthening Movement •Empress Dowager  Boxer Rebellion •Open Door Policy  Sun Yat-sen •Kuomintang  Chinese Exclusion Act •Commodore Matthew Perry  Meiji Restoration •Russo-Japanese War

24 Global Links Monday,  Imperialism •Cash Crops and February 19  Scramble for Africa •Social Darwinism Imperialism  Missionaries •Sepoy Mutiny  King Leopold II •Suez Canal  Afrikaners •Anglo-Zulu War  Berlin Conference •Boer Wars  Monroe Doctrine •Roosevelt Corollary  Indian National Congress •Pan-Africanism 25 The World War Monday,  Archduke Franz Ferdinand •Allied Powers I Era, 1900- February 26  Central Powers •Self-Determination 1919  Stalemate •U-boats  Lusitania •Zimmermann Telegram  Russian Revolution •Bolsheviks  Treaty of Brest-Litovsk •Total War  Propaganda •Armistice Day  Genocide •Paris Peace Conference  14 Points •League of Nations  Treaty of Versailles •Decolonization 26 The Interwar Monday, March  The Great Depression •New Deal Years, 1919- 5  Fascism •Benito Mussolini 1939  Totalitarian State •Weimar Republic  Nazis •anti-Semitism  Nuremberg Laws •Kristallnacht  Spanish Civil War •Vladimir Lenin  Joseph Stalin •Five-Year Plan  Mao Zedong •The Long March  Mohandas Gandhi •Salt March  Neocolonialism •Yankee Imperialism 27 World War II Monday, March  Appeasement •Axis Powers 19  Nonaggression Pact •Manchukuo  Nanjing Massacre •Blitzkrieg  Vichy Government •Lend-Lease Act  Battle of Britain •Winston Churchill  Pearl Harbor •Mobilization  Stalingrad •Island Hopping  D-Day •Battle of the Bulge  V-E Day/V-J Day •Hiroshima/Nagasaki  Holocaust •Yalta Conference/Potsdam Conference 28 The Cold War Monday, March  Cold War •United Nations Era 26  Containment •Iron Curtain  Truman Doctrine •Marshall Plan  Berlin Airlift •East Germany/West Germany  Sputnik •Mutual Assured Destruction  NATO •Warsaw Pact  Great Leap Forward •Cultural Revolution  Korean War •Vietnam War  Prague Spring •Berlin Wall  Bay of Pigs •Cuban Missile Crisis  Détente •Strategic Defense Initiative  Mikhail Gorbachev •Collapse of Soviet Union

29 Decolonization Monday, April 2  Indian National Congress •Muslim League  Partition of India •Bangladesh  Ho Chi Minh •Vietnam War  Khmer Rouge •Pol Pot  Cambodian Genocide •Zionist Movement  Balfour Declaration •Six Day War  Yom Kippur War •Camp David Accords  Palestinian Liberation Organization •Gamal Abdel Nasser  Suez Crisis •Arab Spring  Iranian Revolution •Pan-Africanism 30 Post-Cold War Monday, April 9  Globalization •World Trade Organization World, 1990-  Americanization •Apartheid Present  Nelson Mandela •Tiananmen Square  Persian Gulf War •9/11  Taliban •Saddam Hussein  Iraq War •Balkanization  Rwanda Genocide •Darfur  The Green Revolution •Global Warming  Earth Day •Nuclear Power Accidents  Polio •HIV/AIDS

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