PBIS Tier 1, Day 4: Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training

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PBIS Tier 1, Day 4: Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training

Placer County Office of Education Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) PBIS Tier 1, Day 4: Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training

Notes Acknowledgements:  Anne Todd, Steve Newton & Rob Horner, University of Oregon  Kate Algozzine & Bob Algozzine, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Materials for today:  PBIS Action Plan  Handouts  http ://sites.placercoe.k12.ca.us/PBIS /

Teams: Reflect and Report Out . Refer to Year 1 checklist (Handout 1) . Review items listed & discuss as a team . Share out your progress to the larger group

Today’s Outcomes: . Strengthen effective Meeting Foundations o Build roles: facilitator, minute taker and data analyst o Electronic meeting minutes . Practice the TIPS problem solving model o Define “problems” with precision o Define goal(s) for resolving the problem o Build practical solutions to meet defined goal(s) o Define action plan to implement solutions & measure implementation integrity o Build action plan for evaluating the impact of implementation o Use data to make revision decisions . Leave today ready to implement TIPS at your next meeting o Have meeting minutes to begin next meeting o A plan for coaching support o Electronic files of TIPS documents

Why Use TIPS? . A clear model with steps for problem solving . Access to the right information, at the right time, in the right format. . A formal/predictable process that a group of people can use to build and implement solutions. . Research from 2008-current supports positive student outcomes.

Tier 1, Day 4/TIPS notes 1 Placer County Office of Education Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

TIPS Training o One full day team training with the team coach o Two coached meetings (before, during, after) Team Meeting o Use of electronic meeting minute system o Formal roles (facilitator, recorder, data analyst) o Specific expectations (before meeting, during meeting, after meeting) o Access and use of data o Projected meeting minutes

Meeting Foundations: Structuring Effective Meetings Team Activity: Complete Self-assessment on meeting 5. Have a public agenda format foundations (in place, partially in place, not in place) 6. Next meeting scheduled 1. Start on time 7. Team members participate regularly 2. End on time (or agree to extend and end at that time) & promptly 3. Have facilitator/ minute taker/ data analyst 8. Decision making authority is present • Have Back Ups for each role during meetings 4. Start with previous meeting minutes 9. Distribute meeting minutes within 24 Tier 1, Day 4/TIPS notes 2 Placer County Office of Education Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) hours of meeting Meeting Foundations: Objectives: o Have identified Primary and Backup people for roles o Have team meetings scheduled for the year o Have an established meeting minute form ready to use


Define Roles for Effective Meetings: o Core roles o Facilitator o Minute taker o Data analyst o Active team member o Administrator o Backup for each role

Group Activity: Pair & Share  Form groups of four with those around you  Count off 1,2,3,4  You will read a numbered section from the Team Member Responsibility handout sheet (Handout 17)  You will report out to the rest of your group the responsibilities and traits of that role

Building Team Capacity: o Define meeting logistics . Roles & responsibilities . Meeting schedule, time, location . Team roster with contact information . Group agreements for operating team meetings . Access to equipment  Previous meeting minutes  Laptop & Projector  Internet & database access

Tier 1, Day 4/TIPS notes 3 Placer County Office of Education Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Meeting Foundations: The TIPS Meeting Minute Form

Worksheet 15

Problem Solving: Overview Objectives: . Use data to define a primary summary statement Tier 1, Day 4/TIPS notes 4 Placer County Office of Education Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) . Use data to define a precise problem statement

Effective Problem-Solving Features . Teams: Use a predictable routine . Model: Use same model across data sets . Process: Problems defined with precision before “solving” them . Measured Regularly: Fidelity of implementation and student outcomes Transforming Data into Information . Develop a primary summary statement . Examine the patterns (tell the story) o Level, Trend o Peaks o Match data to current perceptions . Compare your data o With national median o With last year o With what your staff/students/ families want The TIPS Model: Identify Potential Problems  Review SWIS Average Referrals Per Day Per Month, All Referrals & Minors  Develop a SW/primary summary statement  Develop a goal  Be at or below the national median for our school size and grade levels, as measured in our SWIS data

Problem Solving: Moving from Primary Problem Statement to a Precise Problem Statement Data you are most likely to need: . What problem behaviors are most common? o ODR per Problem Behavior . Where are problem behaviors most likely? o ODR per Location . When are problem behaviors most likely? o ODR per time of day . Who is engaged in problem behavior? o ODR per student . Why are problem behaviors sustaining? o Custom reports and graphs

Primary vs. Precision statements

Tier 1, Day 4/TIPS notes 5 Placer County Office of Education Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Problem-Solving: Using SWIS to Develop A Summary Statement Using SWIS: . www.pbisapps.org  Use data to define a primary statement  Use data to define a precise problem statement . Use Activity Sheet 17 throughout the exercise

SMART GOALS: Specific ▪ Measurable ▪ Achievable ▪ Relevant ▪ Timely  Fidelity of implementation at 80% or higher  Reduction or increase in student academic and/or social behavior

The Problem Solving Mantra: Do we have a problem?  (identify)

Tier 1, Day 4/TIPS notes 6 Placer County Office of Education Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) What is the precise nature of our problem?  (define, clarify, confirm/disconfirm inferences) Why does the problem exist, & what can we do about it?  (hypothesis & solution) What are the actual elements of our plan?  (Action Plan) Is our plan being implemented, & is it working?  (evaluate & revise plan) What is the goal?  (What will it look like when there is not a problem?) Team Meeting  Log Into your SWIS Account  Use the Meeting Minute Agenda Form  Identify a Precise Problem Statement  Identify the Goal, Solutions, Implementation Plan & measuring fidelity  Administrative Items  Reference the Meeting Flow Chart  Be prepared to share out your meeting accomplishments

Next Steps:  Schedule/Confirm future meeting dates  Use the TIPS Meeting format and agenda at your next meeting  Review before meeting tasks  Check in with your coach for assistance

Tier 1, Day 4/TIPS notes 7

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