
“We can’t all be stars, but we can all twinkle” ~Author Unknown~

Homework is an important part of your child’s learning process. Homework and school are the responsibility of the child. It not only reinforces what they are learning in class, but also teaches them responsibility and discipline. It is very important that your child learns good homework habits early on. Make sure your child has a designated homework area that is well lit and away from distractions. Keep a box with scissors, pencils, erasers, crayons, and glue stick nearby so that all the supplies are ready when needed.

Parents, help your child be successful with their homework in these ways:

Turn off the television so that your child can concentrate.

Designate a time and place to do homework each day.

Read with your child each day. Reading is so important to young children!

Let your child see you reading books, magazines, and newspapers so that they can see how

important reading is.

Weekly Homework

Math sheets are sent home Mondays and are due back on Friday.

Reading Comprehension sheets are sent home Mondays and are due back Friday.

Read 15-20 minutes each night. Students should log 20 nights of reading each month in their student agendas.