Health Final Exam Study Guide

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Health Final Exam Study Guide

Name______Period______Teacher______Date______Health Final Exam Study Guide

This is YOUR study guide for the Health Final. Your job is to fill in the missing word/words, answer True/False or write a response AND STUDY the guide. DO NOT simply fill in the blank and turn the study guide in. STUDY IT! There is a reason this is called a STUDY GUIDE! You may find the answers to this in your notes, from a peer, from the internet, from Jeopardy, the possibilities are endless!!!

Unit 1

1. List the 6 basic Nutrients and describe their role in the body.




2. ______and ______are 2 of the 6 basic nutrients with no calories that your body needs in order to function Properly

3. List the two types of cholesterol, and distinguish which one is “good” and which one is “bad” ______4. ______are the building blocks of protein.

5. You should always eat more ______, because ______are the body’s preferred source of energy.

6. The health triangle is composed of 3 equal sides. ______health, ______health, and ______health.

7. Eating green leafy vegetables, carrots, broccoli, etc…are good sources of fiber and should be a part of one’s daily diet. True False

8. Fad diets are the best way to lose weight quickly and keep the weight off. True False

9. Before going on any type of weight loss plan, you should consult a Doctor. True False 10. How many calories of energy do carbohydrates and proteins give the body? a. 9 calories per gram b. 6 calories per gram c. 4 calories per gram d. 5 calories per gram

10. Minerals are essential sources of energy that your body needs in order to function properly. True False 11. The first step of the decision making model D.E.C.I.D.E is to list the possible options. True False

12. When setting up a goal action plan, one should always give themselves a reasonable time frame for completing the goal, and always reward yourself when you have reached your goal.

True False

13. If a friend offers you drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, and you know this is not right and refuse, you are acting against what? ______Name______Period______Teacher______Date______14. What Federal Agency is responsible for rules and regulations pertaining to Food and Medications?


Unit 2

15. List the 5 stages of dealing with loss. ______

16. List 3 ways to raise your self-esteem.______

17. List the 5 categories of stressors (Factors that cause stress) ______

18. Good mental health could be described as generally having a positive outlook on life and having a good attitude. True False 19. Stress can manifest itself through physical symptoms such as headaches, high blood pressure, and fatigue. True False

20. List 3 Reasons AND 3 warning signs for Suicide.______

21. Time management, seeking help, laughing, and planning are not good ways to manage stress, because these can lead to more stress. True False 22. Sudden drop in grades, hopelessness, and giving away prized possessions are just signs of depression and should not be confused with signs of suicide. True False

23. List 3 types of abusive behaviors. ______

24. List 3 types of abuse ______

25. Define neglect.______

26. What are the 3 R’s of conflict resolution? ______

27. List three positive strategies for healthy conflict resolution. ______

28. During which phase of the stress response does the body goes on high alert, heart rate increases, along with breathing, vision becomes sharper, and hearing is more acute. a. Resistance b. Alarm c. Fatigue d. Only on first dates

29. What are the 3 “R’s” of conflict resolution? a. Respect, Rights, and Responsibility b. Reason, Rights, and Responsibility c. Respect, Reason, and Responsibility d. Respect, Rights, and Reason Name______Period______Teacher______Date______30. When someone is making you angry, one way to manage your anger is to a. Punch the person in the face that is making you mad b. Count to 10 c. Curse that person out at the top of your lungs d. Make sure to devise a plan to get back at them

Unit 3

31. Cocaine, Meth, and Speed are examples of ______.

32. If you are in a closed environment with someone who is smoking, you are subject to sidestream ______as well as ______smoke.

33. Give an example of a hallucinogen. ______

342. Why is alcohol considered a drug? ______

35. List 3 reasons teens drink. ______

36. List the 3 stages of alcoholism.______

37. List some warning signs of alcoholism. ______.

38. What strategies do tobacco companies use to lure teens to smoke? ______

39. List 4 benefits of being tobacco free.______

40. List 4 reasons why a person would use drugs? ______

41. The long term effects of alcohol uses are similar to the effects of what other type of drug.______

42. Why is heroin such a dangerous drug? ______

43. What are the ways that drugs can enter the body? ______

44. Is smokeless tobacco dangerous? Why?

45. Cirrhosis of the liver is a condition in which scar tissue replaces normal liver tissue. True False 46. Nicotine is the non-habit forming drug found in tobacco. True False 47. Narcotics come from the opium plant. These drugs act as stimulants, which make you more hyper, and give you a euphoric feeling. True False 48. Cocaine would fall under the category of stimulant, because it increases your body’s metabolism and heart rate. True False 49. What is the term for any substance that chemically alters cells, tissues, or systems? a. Drug b. Hormone Name______Period______Teacher______Date______c. Pollutant d. Carcinogen 50. Which of the following is NOT a likely reason for people to use drugs? e. They are curious f. They like to get “high” g. They cannot cope with problems h. They want to become addicted and ruin their lives

Unit 4

Define the following terms:

49. Infectious disease______

50. Pathogen______

51. Vaccine______

52. Virus______

53. Immunization______

54. Antibody______

53. Fertilization is when______

55. ______is the male sex hormone______is the female sex hormone.

56. List the major organs of the female reproductive system. ______

57. List the major organs of the male reproductive system. ______

58. Name the ways that the HIV virus can be transmitted ______


59. What are the fluids that transmit HIV? ______

60. How can you build up our immune system? What is immunity?

61. Who is at risk for HIV infection and what specific Cell in the body does the Virus attack?

62. Who are the people usually affected by HIV?

63. Most STD’s are completely preventable. True False

64. Once contracted how long will it take an individual to get rid of the Herpes Virus? Name______Period______Teacher______Date______

65. Name 3 bacterial STD’s and the parts of the body that they can infect.

66. Chlamydia is an infection caused by a virus that affects the vagina in females and the urethra in males. True False 67. Genital Warts are cured by taking an antibacterial medication. True False

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