College of Alameda: Itemized Response to Self-Identified Issues

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College of Alameda: Itemized Response to Self-Identified Issues

College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 1 of 19

College of Alameda: Itemized Response to Self-Identified Issues

STANDARD ONE: INSTITUTIONAL MISSION Responsible Timeline Related Self-Identified Issues Parties for Status Completio n None.

STANDARD TWO: INSTITUTIONAL INTEGRITY Responsible Timeline Related Self-Identified Issues Parties for Status Completio n 2.1 Modify the language of the catalog to increase readability and Dr. Kerry June 2003 COMPLETED comprehension, add multiple language entries for selected Compton, VP A system has been put in place to address this issue. information and a statement regarding availability of all of Student Ongoing responsibility for checking the accuracy of information in alternate formats. Services college’s publications is held jointly by the Office of Instruction and the Office of Student Services 2.2 Place responsibility for checking accuracy of academic Dr. Allen May 2003 The responsibility for checking the accuracy of College requirements and Student Services information for all college Publications is held jointly by the Office of the publications with selected individuals or a permanent College Instruction and the Office of Student Services. Ad hoc Catalog Committee, which would meet twice a semester and be committees are established as needed. convened by the Vice President of Instruction. 2.3 Communicate accurate, updated information, such as Steven Hall January We are in the process of implementing procedures for program or course deletions and additions, and policy changes, -Bob Grill 2004 capturing updates (additions, corrections and changes) through: 1) a catalog addendum mid-cycle; 2) updates and as we make them. It is our plan to publish this changes online through the district website; 3) a college information on the Web so it will be readily available. process for faculty and staff to add to or correct the website.

2.4 Recommend complete responsibility for the production of the Dr.Allen; September The responsibility for production of the catalog catalog, schedules, and other publications return to the college. Maurice 2003 schedules and other publications are held jointly by Jones; Peter the Office of Instruction, Student Services, the PIO, and Simon: and District Office. Steven Hall

2.5 Require the Academic Senate to update the Faculty Handbook Gary Perkins August The Faculty Handbook was last updated in Spring annually. 2003 2004. The Academic Senate is in the process of reviewing the Faculty Handbook 2.6 Recommend adding the following advisory to all registration Dr. Compton June 2004 This advisory could not be added to registration forms forms, with space for student to initial: because the same registration form is used by all I acknowledge that I have been notified that the COA catalog Peralta colleges. College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 2 of 19

informs me of all my rights and responsibilities as a student and is available in the library, faculty offices, and for sale in the bookstore.

2.7 Include PFT Article 19 (Faculty Grievance Policy) to address Dr. Cecilia August PFT Article 19 will be included in the Faculty Handbook perceived academic freedom violations and the CA Academic Cervantes 2003 when it is updated. The handbook is currently being Senate's 1994 position paper, "Faculty Ethics: Expanding the reviewed by the Academic Senate. AAUP Ethics Statement" to Code of Ethnics in the Faculty Handbook.

2.8 Utilize baseline indicators to monitor the student athlete's Dr. Compton September Student athletes are closely monitored by the Athletic academic progress. 2003 director, coaches, and the Athletic Counselor. The Athletic Program Review, April 2005, pages 32 to 35 describe the academic support received by the student athletes. Their grades and satisfactory progress are monitored when they enter the college, prior to every game, and every semester until graduation. 2.9 Conduct sports clinics and presentations at the college and Dr. Compton June 2004 Completed. Due to budget reductions, there are no throughout the community to build alliances with local funds to support these activities. businesses. 2.10 Disseminate the minutes of the College Council, Academic Dr. Cecilia May 2003 The minutes are available through the standing and Classified Senates college-wide. Cervantes committee members.

2.11 Include in all planning efforts an evaluation timeline in which Dr. Cecilia June 2003 The College Council is in the process of adopting a set policies and practices are reviewed to ascertain goal Cervantes of Evaluation Standards and timelines to measure attainment within a specified time frame. institute effectiveness.

2.12 Identify a local marketing process for COA within the Shirleen October The Community Relations and Marketing Committee of centralized marketing functions. Schermerhor 2003 the college is in the process of developing a n, Peter comprehensive marketing plan. The college Web site is Simon Simon now managed locally rather than by the district, and and Dr. with regular updates of course information is Cecilia developing into a very effective marketing tool. Most Cervantes marketing for Spring Semester was handled locally by the PIO and Outreach Coordinator, with approximately $14,250 to be transferred from the district marketing budget to pay for specified projects.

STANDARD THREE: INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS Responsible Timeline Related Self-Identified Issues Parties for Status Completio n College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 3 of 19

3.1 Increase the dissemination and usage of research date Dr. Cecilia August The college continues to work closely with the Office of provided by the Office of Research and Institutional Cervantes 2003- Research and Institutional Development, which Development and college researcher to link college plans to and Greg. August oversees the collection and dissemination of vital assessment of institutional effectiveness. Greg will be 2006 institutional and student data; however, now the lead on all college researcher also has access to and can research and manipulate large sections of the data directly from his planning work station. This change allowed for a quicker response to faculty and administration requests for data and data reports. The college was also able to produce and disseminate its own reports and survey, such as student access and success statistics by gender, ethnicity and age (Equity for All Project) or study of completion rates in “gatekeeper” courses that led to the development of a successful grant proposal (Project TLC/SSPIRE) or a telephone survey of a stratified sample of former students to determine and analyze the reasons for which students leave COA for other colleges or programs. By the end of Spring 06, the college will have its own web page on research and institutional planning. 3.2 Expand the college's resources for the Office of Research and Dr. Cecilia August After a long-lasting vacancy in this position, the college Planning Cervantes 2003- hired a full time Research and Planning Officer in and Greg. August August 2004. Greg will be 2006 lead on all research and planning 3.3 Refine the process by which the results of program review and Dr. Cecilia August As part of a district-wide effort to better integrate all incorporated into college-wide planning. Cervantes 2003- institutional and functional planning processes, the and Greg. August college has adopted a new planning model and Greg will be 2006 continues to develop and implement a clear structure lead on all and timeline for college-wide planning that combines research and the results of program reviews, periodic updates to the planning existing Ed Plan as well as the student learning outcomes (SLOs) and measurable objectives. The college organized two workshops and planning sessions involving faculty and staff from all eight academic clusters. One was in August 2005; the other, in January 2006. During the August session faculty, staff and administrators reviewed the recommendations incorporated into the existing Ed Plan, in order to update the plans and link them to the College’s and disciplines’ current needs and goals. In College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 4 of 19

January, the academic clusters continued the planning process. In addition, programs and disciplines undergoing or preparing for scheduled program reviews participated in several training sessions on SLOs and integrated planning (training organized by RP Group, in-house professional development sessions, SLO Academy, etc.). The College Council discussed and is in the process of adopting a set of institutional effectiveness and student success indicators or measures of effectiveness that will serve as standards for all discipline, cluster and program reviews and planning. 3.4 The college will unify segmented evaluation and planning Dr. Cecilia August As mentioned above, the new integrated planning efforts to improve programs and services. Cervantes 2003- model as well as clear standards of institutional and Greg. August effectiveness and student success will help the college Greg will be 2006 unify its segmented planning efforts. The college has lead on all already revised its mission, values and vision research and statements linking these “directional” statements to planning specific goals and strategies/actions for all functional areas and instructional clusters. To address college strategic directions and further unify the planning process, the clusters are in the process of identifying their goals and measurable objectives and revise/update their plans. This planning is being done in concert with district-wide efforts to develop and implement one integrated strategic planning process, as recommended by the WASC accreditation team. As mentioned above, the new integrated planning model as well as clear standards of institutional effectiveness and student success will help the college unify its segmented planning efforts. The college has already revised its mission, values and vision statements linking these “directional” statements to specific goals and strategies/actions for all functional areas and instructional clusters. To address college strategic directions and further unify the planning process, the clusters are in the process of identifying their goals and measurable objectives and revise/update their plans. This planning is being done in concert with district-wide efforts to develop and implement one integrated strategic planning process, as recommended by the WASC accreditation team. 3.5 Increase community outreach by publicizing reports, planning Dr. Cecilia On-going Community outreach, publications and PR services College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 5 of 19

efforts, and accomplishments more effectively. Cervantes continue to be coordinated at the district level. The and Greg. college plans to develop its own research and planning Greg will be web page (under construction) to address this issue. lead on all Also, the Equity for All team studying student access research and and success data and trends has developed strategies planning to publicize their reports and discuss them with faculty and staff during professional development activities and college-wide forums. 3.6 Promote the use and application of relevant data to assess and Dr. Cecilia August The college made significant efforts to base its evaluate institutional effectiveness. Cervantes 2003- decision-making processes in such areas as enrollment and Greg. August management, matriculation services, and student Greg will be 2006 success on relevant data and research. For example, lead on all the Office of Instruction uses now daily reports on research and enrollment figures and trends to monitor student planning registration and schedule classes. Based on extensive quantitative and qualitative studies of matriculation services done for matriculation program review in summer 2004, the Office of Student Services is in the process of revising its own research and evaluation component as well as assessment, orientation and counseling offerings. Following a college-wide discussion of various enrollment and retention strategies to address a temporary decrease in enrollment, the college’s Academic Senate commissioned a survey of leavers – why students leave Alameda for other area colleges? Similarly, the Enrollment Management Committee now regularly uses data on student access to develop more effective outreach strategies and plan for set enrollment objectives. The college’s grant writing and resource development activities are other example of the use of data and research on institutional effectiveness. Based on in-house research of student performance in basic skills and intermediate English and Math courses, the college was able to develop a successful grant proposal and now will implement intervention strategies to help disadvantaged students succeed in gatekeeper courses. 3.7 Improve the review and evaluation of institutional research Dr. Cecilia August (See above.) efforts in all areas of planning to ascertain efficacy in assessing Cervantes 2003- institutional effectiveness. and Greg. August Greg will be 2006 lead on all College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 6 of 19

research and planning

STANDARD FOUR: EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Responsible Timeline Related Self-Identified Issues Parties for Status Completio n 4.1 Increase the integration of program review findings into Dr. Allen and On-going There is a district sub-committee of the CIPD that is curriculum and instruction planning, matriculation, staffing, Deans - Bob working on refining the Program Review Process so determining resource priorities, and staff development plans. Grill that it can assist in setting resource priorities and fund allocation. 4.2 Utilize program review recommendations, where applicable, to Dr. Allen and On-going Business and CIS Program Reviews used to guide to increase community outreach, articulation, workforce and Deans develop new courses and deactivate those no longer economic development, basic skills, English-As-A-Second relevant to current needs. Notable are development of Language, and lifelong learners programs. Desktop Support Technician and Help Desk series of courses and Certificates in CIS as well as collaboration between Business and ESL faculty to create vocational ESL courses. Yes! The College has a strong commitment to apply program review finding to increase student success and will continue to do so. 4.3 The Office of Instruction, Curriculum Committee, Student Dr. Allen and May 2004 Curriculum Committee is reestablishing it's calendar of Services Division, and Academic Senate will work in Deans - Bob procedures to take this into account. In Fall 2005, a establishing recommended two-year scheduling patterns for all Grill two year schedule was developed taking into associate degree programs. consideration the associate degree and transfer requirements. 4.4 The Office of Instruction in consultation with Student Services Dr. Allen and Dec 2003 Q: Is this the "consolidated schedule" ? If so, this is and Academic Senate will recommend the adoption of a new Deans being evaluated on a District-wide level by a sub- course schedule grid. committee of VP's and Deans 4.5 The 2002-03 Catalog Committee will update and reformat the Steven Hall Dec 2004 We are in the process of implementing a process of college catalog to improve accuracy and to reflect capturing updates (additions, corrections and changes) recommended two-year scheduling patterns for all program as we make them. It is our plan to publish this majors. information on the Web so it will be readily available.

4.6 Review and communicate college-wide internal procedures for Bob Grill - Dec 2003 We are revising our curriculum procedures manual so course and program elimination. Curriculum it can be posted on the Web Committee 4.7 Utilize the Students Plus Enrollment Management Task Force Dr. Compton 2003-2004 Enrollment Management Committee has become a as a collaborative planning group to facilitate communications and Dr. Allen Academic standing committee of the college. During the 2004- between faculty and counselors. Year 2005 academic year the EMC developed an Enrollment Management plan and the Student Equity plan. During College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 7 of 19

the 2005-2006 academic year the EMC has adopted an enrollment Management plan. 4.8 Develop a comprehensive plan introducing teaching strategies Deans - Peter In Career Apprenticeship Pathways (CAP) Project funded to reinforce the interdisciplinary core (e.g. service learning, Simon and progress/O by Alameda County Workforce Investment Board is learning communities, multiculturalism, etc.). Maurice Jones n-going creating a block-scheduled learning community that integrates vocational and apprenticeship preparation skills with English, Math, CIS, and Life Skills areas. 4.9 Investigate the feasibility of the college researcher Greg and Pat Dec 2003 Completed. The college had no researcher until 09/04. establishing a systematic COA student placement tracking Denoncourt The college currently has a manual tracking system. system. 4.10 The Curriculum Committee will work with the 2002-03 Catalog Curriculum June 2003 We are in the process of implementing a process of Committee to correct errors and inconsistencies in the current Committee; capturing updates (additions, corrections and changes) catalog. Bob Grill; as we make them. It is our plan to publish this Steven Hall information on the Web so it will be readily available. and Discipline Cluster Heads 4.11 Increase curriculum development to strengthen course Curriculum May 2004 On-going. The college continues to update courses offerings leading to degrees/certificates and revise AA and AS Committee - and programs as needed. majors, as needed, for congruence with UC and CSU major Bob Grill - lower division requirements. Steven Hall 4.12 Research other community colleges to develop potential ways Dr. Cecilia May 2005 We added a faculty position, Outreach Development of addressing faculty inertia. Cervantes Coordinator. The Coordinator, in conjunction with and other faculty, is working on identifying courses offered Managers in the community. We did some program reviews. Some curriculum changes are going to the curriculum committee. 4.13 Pursue external funding to reinforce faculty creativity in the Dr. Cecilia In Progress We received several grants including: Equity For All--to development of new curriculum. Cervantes analyze gateway courses in English & Math in order to improve them so that student will succeed. Transformative Learning Connections, funded by James Irvine Foundation--to redesign basic skills classes. Title III Planning Grant--to plan a full comprehensive proposal to address faculty development in order to contribute to curriculum development among other things. Additions: Career Apprenticeship Pathways (237K) to integrate vocational and academic skills in learning community, FCCC/Gates Professional Dev Funds for ASTI/COA faculty collaboration; Regional Mini-grant to develop Business VESL curriculum 4.14 Evaluate the impact of new English/Reading/Writing cut-off Dr. Compton August This is a function of the college matriculation College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 8 of 19

scores and adjust schedule of classes, as needed. and Pat 2004 committee, not the Assessment Coordinator. State Denoncourt matriculation guidelines require the validation of the cut scores used to place students in English, ESL, and math courses. The college is then required to meet the needs of its students through adjusting the class schedule, i.e., addition of fewer or more classes to match the assessment levels of the students. Validation studies conducted in August 2004 indicate that the placement scores are valid for COA's classes. However, the participation of faculty and management in the instructional area is critical to this issue, but has not occurred. 4.15 Distribute the PCCD Manual for Writing Course Outlines to all Curriculum January Manual is being reedited for publication as a Web page faculty writing Course Outlines to all faculty and conduct Committee - 2005 to facilitate distribution and updating. Committee Chair curriculum development training at the division and college- Bob Grill - and Deans are working with individual faculty that wide levels Steven Hall cannot attend larger trainings 4.17 Send a minimum of one four-member team composed of Bob Grill and May 2003- The college sent one person to the Statewide faculty, staff, and administrators to the Statewide Academic Steven Hall July 2008 Academic Senate Curriculum Institute in 2004. Senate Curriculum Institute each year for the next five years. Interested faculty must seek funding for their activity through the Staff Development Committee. 4.18 Assess progress of Teaching and Learning Center and Dr. Allen; Edy May 2003- We just approved a subcommittee of the Technology attainment of instructional trainer goals and increase faculty Chan; Bob July 2008 Committee to pursue Online Distance Education. interest in using electronic delivery systems for instructional Grill; Ed purposes. Loretto; Kelly Pernell - Technology Committee

STANDARD FIVE: STUDENT SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT Responsible Timeline Related Self-Identified Issues Parties for Status Completion 5.1 Implement of Students Plus Enrollment Management Task Dr. Compton In The Students Plus Enrollment Management plan for Force Plan with a goal of developing and implementing will take lead Progress/On- 05-06 will be adopted by the college Council in 05-06 recruitment and enrollment related goals and strategies. on all of going academic year. 5.2 Communicate the college's programs and services with Standard On-going The Student Services Council has worked to accuracy, consistency and continuity in the catalog, website, Five. communicate the college's programs and services and other marketing tools. with accuracy, consistency and continuity in the catalog, on the website, on marketing tools, and in the class schedule. 5.3 Develop a model of service delivery that is student centered On-going The Student Services Council promotes a student and focused; provide staff development opportunities to centered model of service delivery. Staff and faculty College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 9 of 19

promote professional attitudes, efficient methods and new have participated in staff development opportunities technologies in delivering quality services to students. such as the FISH training to promote professional attitudes. Management and student services staff and faculty are working on the People soft conversion to deliver quality services to students via new technology. 5.4 The college staff will work with District staff in the completion Fall 2004 The Building A Student Services Center design has of the design and renovation of the Building A Student been completed. Construction will begin Fall06. The Services Center and relocation of the Alameda One Stop One Stop Career Center modular building will be Career Center. completed in spring 06 and the center will relocate. 5.5 Work with the District to adopt procedures for providing Fall 2005 The Board of Trustees has adopted a policy of academic accommodations and access to instruction and providing academic accommodations in accordance services in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The policy Act. and procedures may be found in the 2005-2007 college catalog. 5.6 Implement college staff development opportunities (e.g., On-going Staff development has provided multiple opportunities workshops, Professional Day activities, open mike forum, to sensitize faculty and staff to issue of diversity. See retreats, special presentations, etc.) that sensitize faculty and list of workshops on second attachment. staff to issues of diversity. 5.7 Train faculty in the integration of diversity issues within the On-going Diversity training is on-going and funded by the Staff instructional program. Development committee.

5.8 Work with ASCOA to involve more students in shared On-going ASCOA representatives are assigned to participate in governance. each of the standing committees of the College Council. The Dean of Students and Student Activities Coordinator has promoted student involvement with each new student government. 5.9 Evaluate the adequacy of records storage/security in Student Fall 2004 The renovation of the student center will provide for Services. greater security of records. With the conversion to People soft in November 2006 a greater number of records will become paperless. In addition, within the last five years, the district has implemented a storage service off campus. 5.10 Work with COA Research Committee to develop timely On-going The COA Research committee's functions have been surveys and other information gathering efforts to help provide incorporated into other standing committees at the ongoing evaluations of Student Services Programs and college. The Enrollment Management Committee and Services. the Matriculation Advisory Committee are two of the committees that use data to evaluate student services programs and services. Secondly the student Services Council has developed Student Learning Outcomes for each department. Thirdly customer service feedback forms were implemented Spring College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 10 of 19

2004. These are routinely summarized and discussed by the Student Services Council

STANDARD SIX: INFORMATION AND LEARNING RESOURCES Responsible Timeline Related Self-Identified Issues Parties for Status Completion 6.1 Restore & Increase base funding for library needs. David Sparks Initiate Fall Instead library budget was cut 80% in 2003 requiring 2003 an 80% reduction in periodical and reference resources; 2005 budget has been restored only to approx. 35% of pre-2003 budget; more possible cut are being discussed 6.2 Communicate the need for library web assistance and David Sparks Web servers With new web platform, the web access request is maintenance to the Vice Chancellor for Information access ok'ad made obsolete; however, the library is not on any Technology. Spring 2002, current IT lists for update of hardware which is sorely On-going overdue.

6.3 Work with administration and Budget Committee to increase David Sparks Fall 2003 The base budget remains the same but is periodically base funds for Audio Visual Services. augmented as funds become available. 6.4 Increase access to resources and consolidate instructional Edy Chan and Consolidation of Tutorial Center, Writing Center, Math labs, including library lab. Pat Lab, Open Lab, and Basic Skills Lab increased student Denoncourt enrollment and enhanced cohesive instructional assistance standards, practices, and resources. 6.5 Cont. D. Sparks Library instructional area: Chairs donated by Testing & Student services; new IT will be acquired Spring 2006; no funding allotted for a Library Instructional Classroom; IT assisted library in access to library online resources in labs 6.6 Increase base funding for instructional labs. Edy Chan and Fall 2005- More coordination with library for additional open lab Pat Some hours-staffing; increase base funding for labs Denoncourt coordinating providing for construction of library instructional accompanie classroom; and clarify access to online library d with resources in labs and on campus for faculty/staff; outsourced integrate information competency skills into basic maintenanc skills; e 6.7 Provide coordination, standardization when planning IT - Joe The college of Alameda's IT department works with upgrades of equipment and software used in the labs, library, Camara; Bala the district IT to establish hardware standards for and campus. Sampathraj servers, desktops and laptops. The IT department and Willard coordinates with faculty, administrators and staff to Barksdale identify campus IT requirements, upgrades and produces a plan in conjunction with campus College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 11 of 19

technology committee 6.8 D. Sparks standardize hardware/software - copyright issues; 6.9 Develop a general maintenance plan for library and Audio IT - Joe Completed: The primary general maintenance plan is Visual computer equipment and determine the most effective Camara; Bala provided by the warrant from the hardware vendor. way to acquire consistent technical support. Sampathraj The district has implemented a “Help Desk” and offers and Willard support by trained technicians. In addition, any of the Barksdale; campus IT coordinators can be reached immediately Audio Visual - via their business cell phones. Sami Ali 6.10 Seek funding for group training of hourly librarians. David Sparks Fall 2003 No funding 6.11 Seek funding for Instructional Librarian and Library Technical David Sparks To implement additional information literacy classes Assistant. additional PT faculty/instructional librarians must be hired. Current staffing insufficient for expanding program. (DHS)

6.12 Work with administration and budget committee to fill the AV Accomplished Need to make this position permanent AND/OR add an evening half-time position (Pat additional FT AV position. Current staffing insufficient Denoncourt) to work load resulting in continued requests from college admin for over-time/out of schedule assignments; including addition of intercessions. 6.13 Work with administration and budget committee to increase IT - Joe College of Alameda’s technology committee has computing support staff. Camara; Bala created a sub committee to analyze Total Cost of Sampathraj Ownership of the computers on campus. The and Willard committee makes appropriate recommendations for Barksdale; additional support staff. Audio Visual - Sami Ali 6.14 Work with administration, campus Budget Committee, and David Sparks Some discussion has happened; however, not District information technology staff to increase awareness of and IT- Joe resulting in additional or regular funding for Library funding, staffing, and maintenance needs for Library, Audio Camara, Bala and AV IT; library computer are 5 years old; need roll- Visual services, and computer resources. Sampathraj, down schedule and regular budget for hardware and Willard replacement and repair (DHS) Barksdale 6.15 Cont. Campus needs are discussed in regular meetings with the Vice President of instruction and College of Alameda’s Technology committee. 6.16 Meet with the President, Campus Safety Committee, Connie Willis Recent This project was submitted to Physical Plant. Approval Facilities Committee, and campus security to reassess security Survey of is pending. and safety of the L building (for student users, staff, outer doors equipment, and collections) during open and closed hours. Spring 2003, ASAP 6.17 Work with administration to increase student access to Pat Completed Fall 2003 with the development of LRC. College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 12 of 19

instructional labs. Denoncourt and Edy Chan 6.18 Consider conducting an internal assessment of library and David Sparks Library staff is currently completing its Program audio visual services. and Sami Ali Review by end of the Spring 2006. Curriculum - Bob Grill Committee has as an ongoing process of connecting faculty and librarians for two-way discussion of existing and developing resources as part of all course outline development and revision

STANDARD SEVEN: FACULTY AND STAFF Responsible Timeline Related Self-Identified Issues Parties for Status Completio n 7.1 Institute new COA employee orientations as soon as possible. Pat Fall 2006 Spring 2006 completion of orientation model Denoncourt presented to COA College Council for final approval. and Joyce Lee 7.2 Institute on-going training for all COA employees. Areas of Dr. Compton Fall 2005 Completed: The college Business Office has training may include mainframe usage, budget management, and Pat implemented training in budget management and employment procedures, employee evaluations, bargaining unit Denoncourt purchasing procedures. The district Information contracts, general personnel management, purchasing Technology department has instituted training for the procedures, and shared governance structures. People soft conversion. The Human Resources Department has implemented mandatory training for managers and supervisors in sexual harassment procedures, employee evaluations, and contract implementation and purchasing. 7.3 Recommend that the District update the Board Manual in a Dr. Cecilia Fall 2004 Since Spring 2005, all district policies and procedures timely fashion, including the online version and all Board policy Cervantes are posted on thePeralta Website-- implementation procedures, and broadly publicize its COA The policies/procedures are distribution list. updated, revised, new ones posted, etc., when approved by the Board. The Board's Policy Review Committee meets monthly to consider policies; policies also flow through the Chancellor's Policy Advisory Committee in order to receive shared governance input. 7.4 Recommend to the District that all Personnel Manuals or Dr. Cecilia Fall 2006 In process. PFT President discussed issue with PCCD. management employee resources be regularly reviewed and Cervantes, -HM updated to ensure compliance with all bargaining unit Helene contracts. Maxwell, Helena Lengel, John College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 13 of 19

Burns 7.5 Recommend that the District create or appoint a full-time or Pat Fall 2008 Begin preparation Spring 2006 for position justification part-time Campus Human Resources Specialist for College of Denoncourt with appropriate COA committees, i.e. Budget Alameda. Committee, College Council. Etc. 7.6 Recommend that the District improve the system of tracking Deans Completed. employees' evaluations so that the status of all categories is easily reviewed. 7.7 Assess the need to create an evaluation process for part-time Deans- will Fall 2007 Forms have been developed for both part-time classified and student employees. check with classified and student employees. Pilot Local 70 and implementation pending review in accordance with 39 collective bargaining agreements 7.8 Initiate additional training for managers on techniques that Deans Fall 2007 Additional training in this area will occur in AY 06-07 as utilize the evaluation process to fairly assess effectiveness and part of planned managers training sessions encourage improvement. 7.9 Plan targeted standardized systematic training for new Peter Simon Fall 2007 The first targeted standardized training for managers employees that give them the tools to perform their jobs will begin in July 2006. effectively. 7.10 Recommend the inclusion of the appropriate job description Pat Fall 2006 Recommendation to be addressed to President's with each employee's evaluation form. Denoncourt cabinet Spring 2006. 7.11 Devise a plan to increase the level of participation of part- Deans Fall 2008 Completed: This is an on-going through various time instructors and hourly-classified staff in campus life, activities sponsored by the college. including staff development activities. 7.12 Communicate the availability of and process for getting access Peter Simon - Fall 2005 Task completed. A CIS instructor was paid to develop to the campus mail systems (i.e., mainframe, e-mail, voice IT will assist ( and implement a plan to give each full and part-time mail, mailboxes) to hourly faculty and classified staff. Joe Camara, instructor at COA a "" email address and to Bala encourage the use of an organized email distribution Sampathraj, system to conduct discipline, division, and campus- and Willard wide business. . Barksdale) 7.13 Recommend to the Staff Development Committee that future Patricia Fall 2004 Manual is being reedited for publication as a Web page staff development activities include programs on curriculum Dudley- Bob to facilitate distribution and updating. Committee Chair development and "best practices” teaching methods. Grill and Deans are working with individual faculty that cannot attend larger trainings. PD:Email sent 1/06 to all of COA to solicit proposals for these topics./06 to all 7.14 Develop a system for publishing written evaluations of Patricia Fall 2006 PD: Will propose to COA Staff Dev Comm. that we post conference attendance as a way to facilitate sharing of Dudley these evaluations on COA Staff Dev website. information with colleagues. 7.15 Consider establishing mid-semester "all college days" to Patricia Fall 2003 PD: District Staff Dev Comm. Is proposing the involve more faculty and staff development activities. Dudley development of a consistent yearly calendar. This item will be proposed for inclusion. 7.16 Recommend that the District and Peralta Federation of Helene Fall 2004 The newly negotiated re-hire policy for part time Teachers (PFT) create and implement procedures for hiring Maxwell faculty addresses diversity. College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 14 of 19

adjunct faculty that include methods to increase the diversity of part-time instructors. 7.17 Request that the District Office of Human Resources Dr. Cecilia Fall 2004 The first targeted standardized training for managers implement rotational training on the requirements of the Cervantes will take place in July 2006. Education Code, Title 5 regulation, state and federal nondiscrimination laws, and District policies and procedures as a part of all hiring committee training. 7.18 Request that the District Human Resources Office initiate Peter Simon Fall 2004 See 7.17. training in personnel matters and procedures at all levels.

STANDARD EIGHT: PHYSICAL RESOURCES Responsible Timeline Related Self-Identified Issues Parties for Status Completio n 8.1 Diligently monitor the District Physical Plant and Information Connie Willis On-going The Business and Administrative Services Office staff Technology projects for College of Alameda. will take lead continuously communicate and monitor projects with for Standard Physical Plant and Information Technology. 8.2 Work with Business and Administrative Services Manager to 8. Dr. Spring Custodial services are continuously monitored and maximize custodial service hours to include regular custodial Compton will 2004 reviewed by the Business and Administrative Services service to classrooms and overall cleanliness of college take # 3 Manager and Business Office staff. Contractors are facilities. usually hired for deep cleaning campus-wide each summer. 8.3 Request additional elevator signage to gain compliance with Spring Three facilities requests have been made to Physical the Civil Rights on-site review recommendations. 2004 Plant to install the appropriate signage. None of the requests have been honored. 8.4 Establish a plan for the systematic replacement and Spring Annually all equipment needs are reviewed, discussed maintenance of equipment. 2004 and evaluated. Instructional equipment needs are reviewed by the Budget Advisory Committee, Faculty groups and Management Team. Non-instructional needs are reviewed at least annual by departments.

8.5 Reactivate the Facilities Committee. Fall 2003 The Facilities Committee is currently active and meeting monthly.

STANDARD NINE: FINANCIAL RESOURCES Responsible Timeline College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 15 of 19

Related Self-Identified Issues Parties for Status Completio n 9.1 Plan forums designed to increase awareness among faculty, Dr. Cecilia By Fall College Forums: 10/30/03 topics--Budget, Early staff, and students of the College of Alameda Planning Process. Cervantes 2003 College High School, Accreditation Progress Report Timeline, Planning Framework (COA Mission/Values/Vision, Goals & Objectives, Educational Plan 2004-2019), Athletics Report Overview. 11/13/03 topics--PCCD Athletics Programs. 4/21/04 topics--Bldg. A Remodel Project, Cyber Cafe Project, 2004-05 Budget Status. 7/29/04 topic: ASTI/Early College High School Program. 1/26/05 day & 2/1/05 evening topics-- Enrollment Update (dealing with enrollment crisis), Schedule of Classes, Curriculum, 2004-05 Budget Status. 3/31/05 & 5/4/05 topics--Enrollment, Budget, Strategic Planning, District-level Restructuring, Facilities, Student Life. 9/20/05 topic--Facilities Survey (Planning for Future Educational Programming). 12/5/05 day & evening topics--Accreditation, Enrollment, Grants, Initiatives, Facilities. 2/23/06 topic – Proposed General Obligation Bond.”

9.2 Invite all faculty, staff, and students to participate in the Dr. Allen By Fall Completed. With the development of new Educational revision of the Educational Master Plan. 2003 Master Plan 2004-2019.

9.3 Plan forums inviting District personnel to inform COA faculty, Dr. Cecilia By Fall 2003 District personnel were invited to college forums to staff, and students on District annual and long range financial Cervantes talk about Athletics Programs (Sr. Vice Chancellor); planning. Building A Remodel/Cyber Café Project (Director of Physical Plant); 2004-05 Budget Status (Sr. Vice Chancellor); Facilities Survey (Atheria Smith). Board meetings were held on campus on 10/28/03 and 4/12/05.

9.4 Review and update Measure E proposals for future submission Connie Willis Spring Measure E proposals have been submitted to the to the District. 2003 Director of General Services - PCCD

9.5 Improve the process of ordering equipment and supplies. Pat Spring The District Purchasing Department conducts a Denoncourt 2003 purchasing workshop each Fall on the campuses. The and Ava Lee Purchasing Department has distributed a manual to inform all employees of the purchasing process. The Business Office is committed and continuously looks for ways to improve the purchasing procedures, College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 16 of 19

processing ordering of equipments and supplies in a timely manner. The Business Office staff works with department staff to solve problems on a daily basis.

9.6 Increase faculty/staff awareness of the planning and Connie Willis Fall 2003 Several workshops are conducted by the Business and budgetary process and invite broader participation through Administrative Services Manager and other Business college-wide meetings where proposals are discussed. Office staff throughout the year. These issues are also addressed through College Forums. 9.7 Distribute Budget Committee meeting minutes to faculty and Helene Spring The new Peralta email system will allow efficient staff. Maxwell 2003 distribution of minutes.

9.8 Recommend that district-wide budget discussions concerning Dr. Compton Fall 2003 A budget allocations task force has met district wide allocation of funds to the colleges take place. during the academic years 04-05 and 05-06 for the purpose of developing an allocation model that meets the needs of the colleges. Once the allocation model has been decided, the district budget committee will use the model to determine college allocations.

9.9 Evaluate the pros and cons of reconstituting the District Dr. Compton Spring The Board of Trustees has adopted 7 strategic Budget Committee into CPAC, at college wide forums. 2003 directions, including "Enhancing Resources and the Budget Process". The district Budget committee will address the implantation of this strategic direction .The district Budget committee will not be a part of CPAC, but will stand on its own as a district wide committee to implement the Strategic Plan.

9.10 Review and update the financial management system by Connie Willis Spring All campus staff, faculty and management employees continuous training of personnel and by extending access to all 2003 are invited to various training sessions throughout the personnel with appropriate security clearance. year to address financial system information.

9.11 Utilize monthly meetings between District financial managers Connie Willis Spring The Campus Business and Administrative Services and COA's Business and Administrative Services Manager to 2003 Managers meet monthly with the District Vice provide dependable and timely information for sound financial Chancellor of Budget and Finance decision-making.

9.12 Create a College Fundraising Committee to act as liaison to Dr. Cecilia Fall 2003 A liaison to the PCCD Foundation would not be the PCCD Foundation. Cervantes appropriate because the Foundation has been restructured. Several student scholarship funds have been established by COA alumni and families of faculty members, and these scholarships provide funds to the Foundation. College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 17 of 19

9.13 Reactivate the Bookstore Committee to review the bookstore's Dr. Compton Fall 2003 Completed: Communications is no longer a problem. policies and procedures and improve communications and The hiring of a good bookstore manager, and greater coordination between the faculty and the bookstore communication between Follett and College of management. Alameda has solved the problem.

9.14 Simplify, clarify, and improve financial processes, reporting Connie Willis Fall 2003 The current Business Office staff has implemented and evaluation for the college and the District. procedures to improve financial reporting. The District is currently reviewing their procedure.

9.15 Urge the District to obtain an actuarial valuation of the costs Connie Willis Spring The actuarial valuation is complete. The District has to fund the future liability for retiree health care benefits and 2003 addressed the future liability for retiree health care implement a plan to begin funding this liability. benefits through bond financing.

9.16 Urge the District to develop plans to increase and maintain its Connie Willis The District has met the State guidelines by cash reserves another 2 to 3 percent in order to ensure its maintaining a 5.34% reserve in unrestricted funds. financial stability.

9.17 Urge the District to maintain an unrestricted contingency Connie Willis Fall 2003 The District currently maintains an unrestricted reserve to meet future financial emergencies. contingency reserve for financial emergencies

9.18 Develop shared governance plans with the District for Gary Perkins, Spring PFT participates in district Budget Advisory Committee resolving financial emergencies. Helene 2003 and GAF (Group of Advising Faculty) meetings where Maxwell, and financial problems are discussed and resolutions Helena proposed. -HM Lengel

STANDARD TEN: GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Responsible Timeline for Related Self-Identified Issues Parties Completion Status 10.1 Invite members of the Board of Trustees to attend selected Dr. Cecilia January 2004 Various Board members have toured the campus, met campus committee meetings for firsthand knowledge of the Cervantes with faculty (ADAM program), and attended events institutional practices of the college. (e.g., ASTI). One Board member expressed interest in being invited to visit classes and interact with students.

10.2 Review Chancellor evaluation processes in place at other Dr. Cecilia Complete Completed. A new chancellor has already been hired. community colleges and discuss the option of presenting a new Cervantes research by The evaluation process for the chancellor is the sole evaluation format to the Board that would include staff, faculty, Fall 2004. prerogative of the Board of Trustees. There is nothing and student evaluations as advisory to the Board Complete in the board policy that prohibits staff and students discussions from providing input. College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 18 of 19

and potentially bring to board by Fall 2005. Before the next chancellor gets hired?

10.3 Ask the Governing Board to distribute their self-performance Dr. Cecilia June 2004 Completed. If the Governing Board wishes to evaluation process results annually. Cervantes distribute their self-performance evaluation results, it may do so. 10.4 Monitor the planning process to assure a streamlined "bottom- Dr. Cecilia June 2004 A subcommittee of the College (Planning) Council is up" approach as the college moves towards more integrated Cervantes currently reviewing the COA Planning Process in order planning processes. to clarify roles, responsibilities, and timeline so that it would be easily understood 10.5 Establish appropriate training for interim and permanent Dr. Cecilia Spring 2004 All managers are invited to attend the New Faculty managers. Cervantes Flex Days Orientations that are held in August. The Fall 2005, Administrative Services Handbook is distributed at the Spring 2006 orientations and made available to new faculty and staff. District HR is developing new manager training.

10.6 Work with college management to develop a process to Dr. Cecilia Fall 2004 This was discussed at a manager’s meeting in provide release time for classified staff to attend shared Cervantes December 2005 and it was decided that managers governance meetings. would approve classified to attend monthly classified meetings on Friday afternoons during non-peak times as long as coverage was available and managers also encourage classified attendance at shared governance committee meetings.

10.7 Create a COA Classified Handbook with planned annual Muriel Spring 2005 The Classified Handbook is complete and was updates and ensure broad distribution. Montague, distributed to classified employees January, 2006. Ava Lee, and Connie Willis

10.8 Recommend to the District, the timely completion of the Muriel Fall 2005 Recommendation submitted to the District Human District Classified Handbook and ensure broad distribution. Montague Resources Department.

10.9 Suggest to the District Classified Senate and the District that a Pat Spring 2007 Work with Classified Senate President to prepare "Memorandum of Understanding" be created to clarify the roles Denoncourt Too long? statement for final approval. of union and Senate in appointing representatives to shared College of Alameda Focused Midterm Report, March 15, 2006 ADDENDUM--Page 19 of 19

governance committees.

10.10 Recommend that the District create a user-friendly chart that Dr. Cecilia Fall 2007 During the strategic planning process of 2005-06, each identifies functional responsibilities. Cervantes district service center created an overview of what their functions are.

10.11 Request that the district utilize the services of an external Dr. Cecilia During the strategic planning process of 2005-06, the agency to assess the delivery of District Office services to the Cervantes district offices were retitled "Service Centers" and colleges. Interviews with District Office management and staff, have clarified their roles and responsibilities. College and college faculty, staff and administration should be included representatives were involved in this process. to align disparate perspectives.

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