Boulder Rotary Club Won These District 5450 Awards

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Boulder Rotary Club Won These District 5450 Awards

Boulder Rotary Club won these District 5450 Awards

Best Club Growth (2012) The club with the largest percentage of growth from July 1 and last day of February, as automatically computed by the District 5450 office. (Club Size 61+ members: 5.3 % growth.)

Family Of Rotary Award (2005) The club that has a Family of Rotary Chair, and has best used some of the suggested activities of the Family of Rotary emphasis in scheduling the club’s activities for the year.

Vocational Service Award (2004 & 2010) The club which has done the most to stimulate Vocational Service in its community.

Best District Web Sites Award (2005 – Bronze) To annually recognize the best website design. The purpose is to encourage development of club web sites and acknowledge the significant effort required to develop and maintain a good web site. (This award no longer given)

Public Relations Award (2002) District 5450 Club that has generated increased awareness and understanding of Rotary through outstanding media coverage or public relations efforts.

“Ron Prascher” Interact Service Award (2004-05) Outstanding Interact Club at a local high School. o 2004-05 – Boulder High School Interact (Boulder Valley School District)

Boulder Rotary Club won these Awards sponsored by other Clubs in the District

“Ed Bemis” Award (1995) Best Club Bulletin. Judging categories and weighing percentages are: Club News 40%, Originality 30%, Rotary Education 20%, Format and Appearance 10%. o 1995 – Robert “Bob” Bradfield – “Editarian” (Editor)

Helping Hands Award (2010) Best Project Targeting Children, pre-school through high school who have developmental, physical or mental disabilities, children at risk, and children who are struggling to overcome other obstacles. o “Adelante” – (mentoring young Hispanic Men & Women in High School)

“Scott Metcalf” Award (2007, 2009 & 2013) The outstanding club project for the year. Any project eligible within the Four Avenues of Service and initiated during the current Rotary year. o 2007 o 2009 o 2013 – Peruvian Promise in Action (Cusco/Urubamba, Peru)

World Community Service Award (1995, 1997, & 2012) Recognizing a club which has made a contribution to "World Understanding and Peace" through an International project. o 1995 – Dushanbe, Tajikistan o 1997 – o 2012 – Mbingo, Cameroon - Baptist Hospital Otolaryngology & ENT Project

Outstanding Active Senior Award (1998, 2000 & 2003) Recognition of a Senior Active Rotarian for "Service Above Self". (Given by Boulder Rotary starting 2011) o 1998 – Virginia “Gingy” Patterson o 2000 – Dick Meckley o 2003 – Bob Bradfield

Youth Service Award (2005, 2007 & 2008) Recognition of a club in District 5450 for completing the most deserving project that benefits children. o 2005 – “Share A Gift” Project Updated May 2013 o 2007 – “Crayons to Calculators” Project o 2008 – “Journaling with Elementary Students” Project

George K. Davis Water Project Award (2003) Recognition of a club in District 5450 for the best water project. o 2003 – with the Boulder Valley and Boulder Flatirons Rotary Clubs

Club Ethics Award (2009-10) The goal is to extend our ethics activities to other Rotary Clubs throughout District 5450. The vision is to encourage the practice of Ethics among the Rotary Clubs in District 5450, using the Four-Way Test as a tool in creating awareness throughout the community.

Les Bevans Pacesetter Vocational Service Award (2013) In order to recognize a Rotarian whose involvement and example has contributed significantly to the ideal of Vocational Service in his or her community. o 2013 – Michael Weatherwax

Boulder Rotary Club won these District Governor’s Discretionary Awards

Four Way Test Award (1993, 2006 & 2013) Recognition of a Rotarian for outstanding exemplification of the principles of the Four Way Test.. o 1993 – Past Club President & Past District Governor Jack & Lynne Rummel o 2006 – Past Club President Darla Schueth o 2013 – Past Club President Michael Weatherwax

Rotarian of the Year Award (1996, 2000 & 2006) Outstanding Rotarian during the year determined by the District Governor. o 1996 – Past Club President & Past District Governor Norris Hermsmeyer o 2000 – John Minter o 2001 – Jim Hanifin

Volunteer in Community Service (2012) Over the years, the work of Rotary is supported by people other than Rotarians. In recognition of such supported activity, the award was initiated was by PDG Bill McMurry. o 2012 – Dr. Charles Steinberg – Disease Prevention & Treatment (proposed by Boulder Rotary)

Governor’s Discretionary Award (2005, 2007 & 2013) Recognition of service to Rotary. o 2005 – Heidi Filson o 2007 – Past President & Past Assistant District Governor Thurston E. "Ted" Manning o 2007 – Governor's Discretionary Youth: Jason Griffith (CU Rotaract), Samira Rajab (CU Rotaract) o 2013 – Boulder New Generations Rotary Club: Laura Smith

Paul Harris Award Of Excellence (2001 & 2009) The club which best meets the goals of current Rotary International President and District Governor.

Boulder Rotary Club won these Zone 25 Awards

Zone 25 Literacy Award (2008)

Boulder Rotary Club won these Rotary International Awards

Significant Achievement Award (1995) The club in the district responsible for a project which addresses a significant need in the community. The project should involve most or all of the club membership in personal rather than monetary service. The project should be duplicable by Rotary clubs elsewhere. o 1995 –Youth at Risk Employment (Gleaning)

Updated May 2013 Service Above Self Award (2000, 2006, 2008, 2010 & 2012) As Rotary’s highest honor for individual Rotarians, this award recognizes up to 150 Rotarians annually who have demonstrated exemplary humanitarian service, with an emphasis on personal volunteer efforts and active involvement in helping other through Rotary. Recipients are chosen by the R.I. Board of Directors and the R.I. President. o 2000 – Past President & Past District Governor Jack Rummel o 2006 – Barbara Fisher o 2008 – Richard "Dick" Bedell & Jean Bedell o 2010 – Darryl Brown o 2012 – Past President & Past District Governor Norris Hermsmeyer

RI Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award (2009 & 2013) o 2009 – PP & PDG Jack Rummel o 2013 – Jean Bedell

Presidential Citation (2001, 2005, 2006, 2009 & 2011) (researching additional years) o 2009 – Rotaract Presidential Citation

Changemaker Award (2012) The Changemaker Award recognizes Rotary Clubs that made an extraordinary impact through their work in the Avenues of Service. Clubs undertook a “challenging array of activities in each avenue, with the goal of making positive & significant changes in their communities & in their world”.

Updated May 2013

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