The World War, [New York, 1917] Spasski, I
Rosignoli, Guido, Ribbons of Orders, Decorations and Medals, [New York, 1977] Seton-Watson, R.W., Serbia--Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, [London, 1916] Sculfort, L., Decorations, Medailles, Monnaies et Cachets du Musee de L’Armee, [Paris, 1912] Simonds, Frank H., History of the World War, [New York, 1917] Spasski, I. G., Inostranije i Ruskije Ordena do 1917 goda, [Lenin- grad, 1963] Steward, W. Agustus, War Medals and Their History, [London, 1915] The Advisor, The Museum of Cetinje, Vol. I, 1968 The Times, "History of the War," Part 21- Serbian Number, Vol. 2, January 12 [n.d.] Trost, J. L., Die Ritter-und Verdienstorden, Ehrenzeichen und Me- daillen aller Souveranen Staaten, [Leipzig, Vienna, 1910] Twining, Lord, A History of the Crown Jewels of Europe [London, 1960] Twining, Lord, European Regalia, [London, 1967] Weber, Philip M., The Order of St. Sava, [Chicago, 1971] Werlich, Robert, Orders and Decorations of All Nations, 2nd Edition [Washington, 1974] de Windt, Harry, Through Savage Europe, [1907] THE END [On behalf of the members of the Orders & Medals Society of America, the Editor wishes to thank Mr. James W. Schaaf for sharing these sections from his book on the Serbian White Eagle Order with us= the readers of The Medal Collector.] SOME OBSERVATIONS ON MEDAL COLLECTING, COPIES, AND LAW BY: PAUL H, TILL In the January 1979 issue (Vol. 30, No. i) of The Medal Collector in the article "Fakes and Copies, No. 4, About Collecting Medals" (pages 11-13) S.G. Yasinitsky made some excellent comments on gen- eral legal goals of medal collectors regarding copies and fakes of medals.
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