Minutes of December Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council Which Took Place on Tuesday 6Th
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Comhairle Baile na hUaimhe Navan Town Council February Meeting
Presiding: Cllr A McCabe
Members present: Cllrs. P. Brennan, J Reilly, C. Ni Shluain, F Deane, S. Cassells, S Jamal, P. Fitzsimons, & J.Holloway
Officials present: Mr. Tadhg McDonnell, Town Manager Mr. Shane Donnelly, Town Clerk Mr. John Gilsenan, A/Town Engineer Mr. Seán Clarke, A/Senior Staff Officer
From the outset, the Mayor and members welcomed the newly appointed Navan Area Manager, Tadhg McDonnell, to the Town Council and said they looked forward to working closely with him.
The Mayor and members also offered congratulations to the Town Clerk Shane Donnelly and his wife Ashling, on the birth of their baby daughter Sarah.
Finally the Mayor acknowledged and paid tribute the dedicated service of Anthony Byrne who had retired from Navan Town Council on 31st December, 2011 after approximately 24 years service with Navan Town Council.
1. Confirmation of Minutes
Confirmation of Minutes of the January Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council held on 10th January 2012 at 7pm in the Town Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath.
The Minutes of the January Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council held on the 10th January, 2012 at 9pm were adopted on the proposal of Cllr S Cassells, seconded by Cllr P Fitzsimons.
Confirmation of Minutes of Preliminary Budget Meeting of Navan Town Council which took place at 7pm on Thursday 5th January 2012 in the Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath.
The Minutes of the Preliminary Budget Meeting of Navan Town Council held on the 5th January 2012 at 7pm were adopted on the proposal of Cllr S Cassells, seconded by Cllr P Fitzsimons.
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Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: www.meath.ie, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na hUaimhe Navan Town Council February Meeting
Confirmation of Minutes of Statutory Budget Meeting of Navan Town Council for the financial year ending 31st December 2012 which took place at 6.30pm on Tuesday 10th January 2012 in the Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath
The Minutes of the Statutory Budget Meeting of Navan Town Council held on the 10th January, 2012 at 6.30pm were adopted on the proposal of Cllr F Deane, seconded by Cllr C Ni Shluain.
2. Correspondence and Reports
Navan Angler’s Association.
Cllr. S Cassells thanked the Mayor for allowing him the opportunity to raise an issue that was not on the agenda under correspondence and reports, relating to Navan Angler’s Association. The Association asked for assistance in lobbying the Minister of State, Fergus O’Dowd on the recent law banning the use of shrimp and prawns as bait in angling as they believe this will have real implications on the practice of the sport.
Smarter Travel
The Members received and noted correspondence from Alan Kelly, TD, Minister of State, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, stating that Navan’s bid for Smarter Travel had been unsuccessful, however, the selection panel had been highly impressed with the quality, ambition and innovation of the proposals put forward.
The Members and executive congratulated Limerick, Dungarvan and Westport on their successful bids.
Navan Shamrock Festival 2012
The Members received and noted a request for financial assistance towards the Shamrock Festival 2012.
On the proposal of Cllr S Cassells and seconded by Cllr J Reilly, it was agreed to make a donation of €5,000 towards the festival.
15th Meath Scouts Navan
The Members received and noted correspondence from the 15th Meath Scouts Navan requesting financial assistance towards 2 large camping events planned in Ireland this year.
Minutes 07 02 12 Page 2 of 9
Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: www.meath.ie, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na hUaimhe Navan Town Council February Meeting On the proposal of Cllr J Reilly and seconded by Cllr S Cassells, it was agreed to make a donation of €350 towards the equipment needed for these trips.
Navan Active Retirement
The Members received and noted correspondence from Navan Active Retirement who wished to apply for grant aid towards social activities for the club.
On the proposal of Cllr F Deane and seconded by Cllr J Reilly, it was agreed to make a donation of €250 to the club.
3. To note Circular RW 1/2012 in respect of the Block Grant allocation to Navan Town Council from the Department of Transport.
The Members received and noted Circular RW1/2012 in respect of the Block Grant allocation to Navan Town Council from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.
The grant allocation remains as €410,000 as per the previous year.
4. To consider the Local Government Statutory Audit Report for the Year Ended 31st December 2010.
The Members considered the Local Government Statutory Audit Report for the year ended 31st December, 2010 and noted that the financial accounts were in a healthy position.
On the proposal of Cllr F. Deane and seconded by Cllr C. Ni Shluain, the Audit Report was accepted.
5. To receive the Audit Opinion of the Local Government Auditor in respect of the Year Ended 31st December 2010 .
The Members received the Audit Opinion of the Local Government Auditor in respect of the year ended 31st December, 2010 whereby he stated that it presented fairly in accordance with the Code of Practice and Accounting Regulations, the financial position of Navan Town Council for year ended 31st December, 2010.
On the proposal of Cllr Jim Holloway and seconded by Cllr F Deane, the Audit Opinion was accepted.
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Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: www.meath.ie, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na hUaimhe Navan Town Council February Meeting
6. To consider report on year end adjustments / transfers 2010.
The Members considered a report given to them on the proposed year end adjustments/transfers 2010 given to them by Seán Clarke, A/Senior Staff Officer.
As outlined by the Local Government Auditor in his report, the following transfers from Revenue to Capital are proposed namely:
Navan Townhall Refurbishment: €15,251.49 Plant & Machinery €13,000 Staff Gratuity €100,000 Town Promotion & Retail Support Initiatives €15,000 Members Gratuity €4,000 Paint Scheme €25,000 Playground Fund €10,000 Navan Town Park €20,000 Navan Development Plan (2009-2015) €7,389.51
Total Transfer from Revenue to Capital: €209,641
On the proposal of Cllr C Ni Shluain and seconded by Cllr P Brennan, the year end adjustments and transfers were approved.
7. To receive an update on ongoing projects.
The Members received an update on the ongoing projects.
8. Notice of Question
8.1 Notice of Question – Cllr Jim Holloway
What is the current situation in relation to installation of Pedestrian Signals at new Pedestrian Crossing on Slane Road at Blackcastle and when is it expected that signals will be in operation?
All works have been carried out and pedestrian signals are operational
Minutes 07 02 12 Page 4 of 9
Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: www.meath.ie, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na hUaimhe Navan Town Council February Meeting 8.2 Notice of Question – Cllr Francis Deane
What is the up-to-date progress report on Metges Lane Phase II with regard to public lighting, communication with local stakeholders and a proposed completion date?
Works in respect of Phase II of the Metges Lane refurbishment commenced this week. The Project Engineer has met with the various businesses who will be affected by the works and has outlined the programme of works. Where Health & Safety allows works will be carried out at night. All businesses, their deliveries etc will be catered for during the course of the works.
Phase II includes completion of concrete base & drainage, installation of public lighting, installation of decorative up lighters, provision of band stand, retractable bollard and paving works.
It is also our intention as part of the roadworks programme (subject to the Members approval) to lay paving on section of road on Kennedy Rd from Supermacs up to its junction with Trimgate St and also from the entrance of Metges Lane up to its junction with Trimgate St.
It is our intention to have the works completed within the 2nd quarter of this year.
The Programme of Works will be circulated to the Members in the coming days.
8.3 Notice of Question – Cllr. Padraig Fitzsimons
What is the situation regarding any proposed roadworks on the Athlumney Road, in particular, between Spicers Mill and the railway bridge at St. Michaels Loreto Convent.
In respect of the section of road under the Bridge, a meeting was held between Iarnrod Eireann in respect of the damage caused to the bridge. Iarnrod Eireann are preparing a Traffic Management Plan in respect of same in relation to addressing same ( for agreement with the Roads Authority ).
9. Notices of Motion
Minutes 07 02 12 Page 5 of 9
Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: www.meath.ie, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na hUaimhe Navan Town Council February Meeting 9.1 Notice of Motion – Cllr Joe Reilly
Given that NTC annually repay €75k on the loan for the purchase of St Patricks Classical School, NTC ask Meath Co Council to enter into discussions to explore how the structure can be best developed for the benefit the people of Navan and county.
Structural Engineer is being procured in order to carry out a full structural survey and the subsequent report will be made available to the Members following same
This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr J Reilly and seconded by Cllr C Ni Shluain.
9.2 Notice of Motion – Cllr Jim Holloway
Navan Town Council will (a) restore footpath and road pavement at Beechmount Grove, which footpath and road pavement has been disturbed some years ago for installation of essential infrastructure and (b) considering deterioration of wearing course at Beechmount Crescent will have this road pavement upgraded.
Consideration will be given to this request as part of the preparation of the 2012 Roadworks Programme
This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr J Holloway and seconded by Cllr A McCabe.
9.3 Notice of Motion – Cllr Jim Holloway
Navan Town Council will restore road pavement on Phases 1 and 2 at Athlumney Village which has recently been taken in charge.
Inspection being carried out today 6th February 2012.
This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr J Holloway and seconded by Cllr S Jamal.
9.4 Notice of Motion – Cllr Francis Deane
Meath County Council / Navan Town Council in conjunction with the National Transport Authority will carry out a study pertaining to transport plans for Navan which will include issues such as possible pedestrianisation, off-street parking, cycle
Minutes 07 02 12 Page 6 of 9
Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: www.meath.ie, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na hUaimhe Navan Town Council February Meeting lanes and a traffic management plan. In the interest of fairness in considering a broad spectrum of options before reaching a consensus, I call on Navan Town Council to conduct separate surveys for each individual street in Navan Town in order to assess the views of all property owners and tenants. Public consultation with the NTA will not occur until completion of this report after 31st March.
As the members were informed at there meeting on the 9th December 2011, a transportation study for Navan is currently being carried out which will update the existing documentation/policies and will serve as a framework for future investment by the National Transportation Authority in Navan.
It is expected that the Draft Transportation Study will be presented to the Members of the Council early in the 2nd quarter of this year.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, it may be necessary to consider varying the Navan Development Plan to reflect the findings of the Study. This is a reserved function of the Members of the Council.
This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr F Deane and seconded by Cllr C Ni Shluain.
9.5 Notice of Motion – Cllr Francis Deane
That Navan Town Council conduct a report on the area from Navan Retail Park, Athboy Road to Moatville Bridge bearing in mind the safety concerns of pedestrians who use this route.
A request will be made for funding from the National Transportation Authority
This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr F Deane and seconded by Cllr J Holloway.
9.6 Notice of Motion – Cllr Caoimhe Ni Shluain
I call on Navan Town Council to ensure that Irish would be used in any further Christmas Decorations that are purchased by the Town Council, given that Irish is the official language of this State. All signs that have been purchased say Merry Christmas, none say Nollaig Shona as they do in other towns and cities such as Dublin, Belfast and Athlone.
This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr C Ni Shluain and seconded by Cllr J Reilly.
Minutes 07 02 12 Page 7 of 9
Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: www.meath.ie, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na hUaimhe Navan Town Council February Meeting
9.7 Notice of Motion – Cllr. Padraig Fitzsimons
I propose a motion to discuss the introduction of bus/coach parking bays in the town centre.
This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr P Fitzsimons and seconded by Cllr S Cassells.
9.8 Notice of Motion – Cllr. Padraig Fitzsimons
I propose a motion to discuss the introduction of a special grant scheme for sports clubs and voluntary groups that intend organising an event/festival that will involve visiting groups/participants staying overnight in Navan.
This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr P Fitzsimons and seconded by Cllr S Cassells.
10. Managers Orders
The Members received and noted the Managers orders as previously circulated.
11. AOB
The Mayor suggested that Navan Town Council pursues formally recognising Brian Byrne on his recent Golden Globe nomination.
When will the sod be turned for the Navan Park?
What are the unfinished estates in the Town for the purpose of the Household Charge?
Will the paving on Metges Lane be the same as on Kennedy Place?
Can the mirror at the exit of St. Patrick’s Terrace be replaced.
Commence the Statutory process of Taking in Charge of Cill Feirne in Johnstown.
Civic Reception for The Special Olympics to be held at 6pm on 6th March, 2012.
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Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: www.meath.ie, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na hUaimhe Navan Town Council February Meeting
Signed: ______Mayor
Signed: ______Town Clerk
Date: ______
Minutes 07 02 12 Page 9 of 9
Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: www.meath.ie, Email: [email protected]