Alleghany Highlands Schools Curriculum Pacing Guide s1
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Alleghany County Schools Curriculum Guide
Grade/Course: Piano Class, 9-12 Grading Period: 1 st six Weeks
SOL Other Print Technology Time Unit/SOLs # Resources Resources Resources Assessments Fra me The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.1.1 Alfred’s Adult Alfred’s Adult IPad games Music theory written of the elements of the grand staff by All-In-One All-In-One assessments identifying the elements of staves and clefs Basic Piano Basic Piano Interactive Course CD Course internet Aural training The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.1.2 websites assessments of the elements of the grand staff by Alfred’ Accent Alfred’s labeling the octaves and pitches of the grand on Composers Essentials of Daily practice staff. CD Music Theory: assessments Complete The student will demonstrate understanding HMT. 2.1 Performance 1st of pitch locations in aural, keyboard, and Alfred’ Accent assessments six notation activities by correlating the grand on Composers weeks staff pitch locations to placements on the keyboard Alfred’s Adult Piano Course The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.2.2 Greatest Hits: of pitch locations in aural, keyboard, and Level 1 notation activities by explaining the symbols for sharp, flat, and natural Alfred’s Adult Piano Course The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.2.3 Greatest Hits: of pitch locations in aural, keyboard, and Level 2 notation activities by identifying enharmonic equivalents.
The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.3.1 of the components of rhythmic notation by TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 1 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 explaining beat (pulse), rhythm, and tempo
The student will demonstrate understanding of the components of rhythmic notation by HMT.3.2 reading and notating rhythmic patterns that include whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, and corresponding rests; grouplets; beaming practices; tie vs. slur; dot
The student will demonstrate understanding of the components of rhythmic notation by HMT.3.3 identifying and explaining anacrusis, syncopation, and hemiola
The student will demonstrate understanding of the components of rhythmic notation by HMT.3.4 performing simple rhythmic patterns, using a counting system
The student will demonstrate understanding of the components of rhythmic notation by notating simple rhythmic dictation from HMT.3.5 aural examples.
The student will demonstrate understanding of the components of meter by defining HMT.4.1 measure, bar line, and time signature
The student will demonstrate understanding of the components of meter by explaining meters, including simple, compound, and HMT.4.2 complex/asymmetrical.
The student will echo, read, and notate music, including identifying, defining, and HIB.1.1 TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 2 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 using basic standard notation for pitch, rhythm, meter, articulation, dynamics, and other elements of music
The student will echo, read, and notate music, including singing selected lines from HIB.1.2 music being studied.
The student will echo, read, and perform rhythms and rhythmic patterns, including HIB.2 whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, dotted half notes, dotted quarter notes, corresponding rests, and syncopations.
The student will identify and demonstrate half-step and whole-step patterns. HIB.3
The student will define and apply music terminology found in the music literature HIB.9 being studied.
The student will demonstrate preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures, including identification and selection of an HIB.10.1 appropriate instrument
The student will demonstrate preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures, including identification of the parts of the HIB.10.2 instrument
The student will demonstrate preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures, including procedures for care of the HIB.10.3 instrument TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 3 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 The student will demonstrate preparatory instrumental basics and playing procedures, HIB.10.4 including proper playing posture and instrument position
The student will demonstrate proper instrumental techniques, including HIB.11.1 finger/slide placement, using finger/slide patterns and fingerings/positions
The student will use articulations, dynamic contrasts, and phrasing as means of HIB.14 expression.
TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 4 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 Alleghany County Schools Curriculum Guide
Grade/Course: Piano Class, 9-12 Grading Period : 2 nd Six Weeks
SOL Other Print Technology Time Unit/SOLs # Resources Resources Resources Assessments Frame The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.6.1 Alfred’s Adult Alfred’s Adult IPad games Music theory written of key signatures by defining key signature All-In-One All-In-One assessments Basic Piano Basic Piano Interactive The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.6.2 Course CD Course internet Aural training of key signatures by identifying the order of websites assessments sharps and flats in key signatures Alfred’ Alfred’s Accent on Essentials of Daily practice The student will demonstrate understanding Composers Music assessments HMT.6.3 of key signatures by explaining the circle of CD Theory: fifths Complete Performance assessments The student will demonstrate understanding Alfred’ 2nd of key signatures by explaining relative and HMT.6.4 Accent on Six parallel major-minor key relationships Composers Weeks The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.6.5 Alfred’s Adult of key signatures by writing major and minor Piano Course key signatures in treble and bass clefs. Greatest Hits: Level 1 The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.7.1 of diatonic and chromatic intervals by Alfred’s Adult explaining and notating intervals by size and Piano Course quality (M, m, P, d, A), including inversions Greatest Hits: Level 2 The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.7.2 of diatonic and chromatic intervals by defining consonance and dissonance
TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 5 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.7.3 of diatonic and chromatic intervals by identifying and explaining harmonic and melodic intervals
The student will demonstrate understanding of diatonic and chromatic intervals by HMT.7.4 identifying and explaining simple and compound intervals
The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.7.5 of diatonic and chromatic intervals by identifying aural examples of simple intervals
The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.7.6 of diatonic and chromatic intervals by performing simple intervals.
The student will demonstrate aural skills by HMT.10.1 singing a simple melody at sight
The student will demonstrate aural skills by HMT.10.2 singing simple rhythmic patterns in all meters
The student will demonstrate aural skills by HMT.10.3 notating simple melodies and rhythms from aural examples
The student will demonstrate aural skills by HMT.10.4 notating simple diatonic harmonies and cadences from aural examples.
The student will identify, read, and perform HIB.4
music in simple meters ( , , , C, ).
TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 6 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 The student will identify and notate key HIB.5 signatures of scales and literature being performed.
The student will read, notate, and perform HIB.6.1 scales, including one-octave ascending and descending concert C, F, B-flat, E-flat, A-flat, and G major scales; G harmonic minor scale; a chromatic scale
HIB.7 The student will identify and perform HIB.7 music written in binary, ternary, and theme- and-variations forms.
The student will use music composition as a HIB.8.1 means of expression by composing a four- measure rhythmic-melodic variation; and
The student will use music composition as a HIB.8.2 means of expression by notating the composition in standard notation, using contemporary technology.
The student will demonstrate ensemble skills HIB.12.1 at a beginning level, including balancing instrumental timbres
The student will demonstrate ensemble skills HIB.12.2 at a beginning level, including making adjustments to facilitate correct intonation
The student will demonstrate ensemble skills HIB.12.3 at a beginning level, including matching dynamic levels and playing style
The student will demonstrate ensemble skills HIB.12.4 TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 7 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 at a beginning level, including responding to conducting patterns and gestures
The student will demonstrate ensemble skills HIB.12.5 at a beginning level, including maintaining a steady beat at various tempos in the music literature being studied.
The student will perform simple rhythmic and HIB.15 melodic examples in call-and-response styles
The student will create, through playing and writing, rhythmic variations of four-measure HIB.16 selections taken from folk songs, exercises, or etudes
TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 8 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 Alleghany County Schools Curriculum Guide
Grade/Course: Piano Class, 9-12 Grading Period: 3 rd six Weeks
SOL Other Print Technology Time Unit/SOLs # Resources Resources Resources Assessments Frame The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.5.1 Alfred’s Adult Alfred’s Adult IPad games Music theory written of scales by defining interval as the distance All-In-One All-In-One assessments between two pitches Basic Piano Basic Piano Interactive Course CD Course internet Aural training The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.5.2 websites assessments of scales by explaining the interval of a half Alfred’ Alfred’s step (m2) and a whole step (M2) Accent on Essentials of Daily practice Composers Music assessments The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.5.3 CD Theory: of scales by explaining tetrachord patterns; Complete Performance 3rd assessments six The student will demonstrate understanding Alfred’ weeks of scales by explaining major, minor, and HMT.5.4 Accent on chromatic scales Composers
The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.5.5 Alfred’s Adult of scales by notating ascending and Piano Course descending major, minor, and chromatic Greatest Hits: scales, using key signatures and accidentals Level 1
The student will demonstrate understanding Alfred’s Adult of scales by performing major, minor, and HMT.5.6 Piano Course chromatic scales, using the voice and Greatest Hits: keyboard Level 2
The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.5.7 of scales by differentiating scale patterns TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 9 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 from aural examples
The student will identify diatonic scale HMT.8.1 degrees by relating the names of the scale degrees (tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading tone, subtonic) to their positions in the diatonic scale
The student will identify diatonic scale HMT.8.2 degrees by using upper-case and lower-case Roman numerals and chord abbreviations to designate triad quality (M, m, d, A) and scale degree
The student will identify diatonic scale HMT.8.3 degrees by identifying I, IV, and V chords as primary chords
The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.9.1 of triadic structure by identifying root, third, and fifth of a chord
The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.9.2 of triadic structure by defining tertian harmony
The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.9.3 of triadic structure by explaining triads by quality (M, m, d, A)
The student will demonstrate understanding of triadic structure by comparing and HMT.9.4 contrasting the qualities of chords in major and minor keys
TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 10 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.9.5 of triadic structure by explaining and notating root-position, first-inversion, and second-inversion triads
The student will demonstrate understanding of triadic structure by explaining the figured HMT.9.6 bass system for triads
The student will demonstrate understanding of triadic structure by explaining lead sheet HMT.9.7 symbols
The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.9.8 of triadic structure by analyzing chord progressions from classical and popular musical scores
The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.9.9 of triadic structure by recognizing and explaining types and uses of non-chord tones
The student will identify and define HMT.11 common music symbols and terminology, including those for dynamics, form, tempo, texture, and melody.
The student will apply the theory concepts HMT.12.1 studied by composing a two-phrase diatonic melody
The student will apply the theory concepts HMT.12.2 studied by setting a text to an original melody TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 11 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 The student will apply the theory concepts studied by harmonizing a melody HMT.12.3
The student will apply the theory concepts studied by following the general rules of HMT.12.4 voice leading and tendency tones
The student will apply the theory concepts HMT.12.5 studied by arranging existing musical material
The student will apply the theory concepts HMT.12.6 studied by using contemporary technology, including notational, theory, and aural skills programs
The student will demonstrate understanding HMT.13 of the principles of acoustics and the overtone series by relating pitch to frequency of sound waves, amplitude to volume, and timbre to tone quality.
The student will demonstrate musicianship HIB.17.1 and personal engagement by identifying the characteristic sound of the instrument being studied
The student will demonstrate musicianship HIB.17.2 and personal engagement by monitoring individual practice through the use of practice records or journals that identify specific musical goals
The student will demonstrate musicianship HIB.17.3 and personal engagement by participating in TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 12 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 school performances and local, district, or regional events, as appropriate to level, ability, and interest
The student will demonstrate musicianship HIB.17.4 and personal engagement by describing and demonstrating rehearsal and concert etiquette as a performer (e.g., using critical aural skills, following conducting gestures, maintaining attention in rest position).
The student will explore historical and HIB.19.1 cultural aspects of music by identifying the cultures, musical styles, composers, and historical periods associated with the music literature being studied HIB.19.2 The student will explore historical and cultural aspects of music by describing ways in which culture and technology influence the development of instruments, instrumental music, and instrumental music styles
The student will explore historical and HIB.19.3 cultural aspects of music by describing the relationship of instrumental music to the other fine arts and other fields of knowledge
The student will explore historical and HIB.19.4 cultural aspects of music by describing career options in music
The student will explore historical and HIB.19.5 cultural aspects of music by describing ethical standards as applied to the use of TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 13 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 social media and copyrighted materials
The student will explore historical and HIB.19.6 cultural aspects of music by demonstrating concert etiquette as an active listener.
The student will analyze and evaluate music by describing the importance of composers’ HIB.20.1 use of style, cultural influences, and historical context for the interpretation of works of music
The student will analyze and evaluate music HIB.20.2 by describing and interpreting works of music, using inquiry skills and music terminology
The student will analyze and evaluate music HIB.20.3 by describing accepted criteria used for evaluating works of music
The student will analyze and evaluate music HIB.20.4 by describing performances of music, using music terminology
The student will analyze and evaluate music HIB.20.5 by describing accepted criteria used for critiquing musical performances of self and others
The student will investigate aesthetic HIB.21.1 concepts related to music by proposing a definition of music and supporting that definition
The student will investigate aesthetic HIB.21.2 TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 14 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14 concepts related to music by identifying reasons for preferences among works of music, using music terminology
The student will investigate aesthetic HIB.21.3 concepts related to music by identifying ways in which music evokes sensory, emotional, and intellectual responses, including ways in which music can be persuasive
The student will investigate aesthetic HIB.21.4 concepts related to music by describing aesthetic criteria used for determining the quality of a work of music or importance of a musical style
The student will investigate aesthetic HIB.21.5 concepts related to music by explaining the value of musical performance to the school community.
TRG refers to the Virginia SOL Teacher Resource Guide; CG refers to the Alleghany County Division curriculum Guide. 15 Many activities run concurrently, and units are not intended to be completed in any particular sequence within a six weeks’ period. Updated 6/14