Plum Borough School District Facilities Committee Meeting Agenda April 2014

Date: April 15, 2014 Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: High School Board Room Purpose: Discuss Facilities Matters for the Month of April 2014 Committee Members: Mr. Zucco, Chairperson; Mrs. Stepnick, Mr. Tommarello, Committee Members Board Members: Mr. St. Leger; Mr. Colella; Mr. McGough; Mrs. White; Mrs. Gallagher; Mr. Dowdell Administrative Representatives: Mr. Brewer Aramark Representative: Mr. Bob Holleran, Facility Director (absent) Construction Representatives: Mr. Dennis Russo, Russo Construction, Owner’s Representative Mr. Arnie Caffas, Pa Soil and Rock, District Engineer Mr. Steve Ackerman, L.R. Kimball Board Members in Attendance: Colella, Dowdell, Gallagher, McGough, Stepnick, White, Zucco

I. Meeting Called to Order at 6:00PM II. Citizen’s Comments: A. On agenda Items: None B. On non-agenda items: Bill Ferguson, Wayside Lane, asked the board, protocol for aggressive behaviors in school.

III. Agenda Action Items:

1. Recommend approval of Use of Facilities Applications as attached.

Move the Use of Facilities Applications forward for Board vote, except the Mattress Sale for the Plum High School Boosters Club (Additional information was requested by the Board). The lacrosse team and their quest for field usage were discussed by Mrs. Gallagher. Since out last meeting, the Board was informed that I had synchronized discussions between the soccer team coaches and the lacrosse team coaches for turf field usage. The turf field is the best option for the lacrosse team since they are so destructive to natural turf fields. The Board would like to be kept abreast of the situation as it pertains to the lacrosse team and their field access.

2. Recommend approval of Construction invoices as attached.

Move the Construction Invoices forward for Board vote.

3. Recommend approval of Professional Engineering Services for new Holiday Park Elementary School To Tower Engineering in the amount of $7819.00.

Do not move forward the Tower Engineering Services proposals for Board vote. Mr. Russo will meet with Central Administration to discuss these studies and further information will be provided to the Board afterwards.

April 15, 2014 Facilities Committee Meeting Agenda xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 4. Recommend approval to accept the PlanCon Part G: Project Accounting Based on Bids for the New Holiday Park, as attached.

Move the PlanCon Part G documents forward for Board approval.

IV. Informational Discussion Items:

1. District Construction Report by Mr. Russo.

Mr. Russo gave a descriptive account of the work that has been accomplished in the past month of time at the new, Holiday Park construction site.

2. New Holiday Park by Mr. Ackerman.

Mr. Ackerman discussed L.R. Kimball’s proposal for a District-wide Facility Study. The Board would like to update the previous Facility Study in its entirety for $21,000. Move this item forward for Board vote.

3. Update on Gym 1 floor repair.

The Board was informed of the update on the Gym #1 floor and a photo was available for their view.

4. Aramark Custodial Manager proposal.

The Aramark Custodial/Energy Manager proposal was discussed and it was determined that no further action was warranted at this time.

V. New Business Roundtable

VI. Next Facilities Meeting: TBD

VII. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 7:56PM

April 15, 2014 Facilities Committee Meeting Agenda xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2