Public Service Announcement Entry Form

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Public Service Announcement Entry Form

2018 ISAB Awards


Contest Entry Procedures and Guidelines: . The contest is open to school aged youth in grades K-12. . There are seven major categories/winning teams—Best Elementary Video, Best Middle School Video, Best High School Video, Best Combined School Video, Best Short Video (30 seconds or less), Best Independent Video, and Best Music Video. . A number of Individual Awards will also be awarded (Best Vocal Performance, Best Actor, etc.). . Entries may be submitted by individuals or groups up to 25. . All entries must be original. . All entries must follow technical requirements listed below. . Entries must be accompanied by a completed contest entry form and signed consent forms for all minors appearing in the video. . Each school building may submit up to 5 videos to the contest. Rules/Technical Requirements: . All consent forms and entries must be received at the CVES Instructional Services Center by 4:30 pm on Monday, February 26, 2018. You can mail entries to: CVES, ISAB Project, Instructional Services Center, Plattsburgh, NY 12901. . All entries must be appropriate and not include: profanity, youth smoking, copyright or trademark infringement or any other inappropriate footage. . All videos must be between 30 seconds and 4 minutes in length. . Videos must have a clear anti-bullying or positive behavior message. . Videos should not contain corporate logos on clothing or background areas, and political figures may not appear. For example, NIKE or any other corporate logo/trademark appearing in the video on a t-shirt or backpack, etc. would disqualify the video entry from television broadcast. . Videos must be filmed in high definition (30p frame rate) and submitted on disc or thumb drive as an mp4. . Schools must obtain copyright release for copyright material and music if posting the video online or for use on television.

Judging Criteria: (see Judging Criteria sheet for a more detailed description) Impact of the Message: Originality/Creativity: Accurate Facts/ Statistics: Production Quality: Videos must increase Was the message engaging Does the entry include Is the entry broadcast awareness of bullying and and innovative? Do the accurate facts/statistics? ready? Video includes other behavior issues and images and audio (music or Entries that use bullying steady shots (use of tripod address what students, dialogue) fit the topic of facts/statistics from their is suggested) and a variety schools and communities Bullying Prevention/ own school will receive of shots: close-ups, group can do to reduce bullying in Positive School Behavior. special consideration. shots, pans and zooms. the North Country. (30 points) (25 points) (20 points) (25 points)

Contest Prizes: . All participants will receive a certificate. . Winning Video Teams will receive the following prizes: . “Red Carpet” treatment to a Video Premiere at the E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium in Plattsburgh on March 14, 2018. This will include a limo ride to the theater, floor seating and acknowledgement at the premiere. . A personal “SABBY” Award. . Individual Award Winners will receive a personal “SABBY” Award.

Judging Will include local representatives from law enforcement, education, mental health/prevention, justice, and media. Video Contest Entry Form

All Entries are due by 4:30 pm on February 26, 2018

Only entries received on time, submitted in an acceptable format on disc or thumb drive as an mp4, along with all properly completed Participant Consent Form(s) and Photo Release Form(s) will be considered eligible for this contest.

School Contact Name: ______

Main Contact Address: ______

Phone: ______

School/Organization: ______

Video Title: ______

Names of ALL participants: (only those listed here will be recognized as contest participants. All participants must have a photo release form filled out and signed by a parent or guardian if under 18)














Communities of One, Jeff Sisson Regional Task Force CVES, HSRM Against Bullying 518-561-0100 x 358 518-561-0240 (fax) PO Box 455, Plattsburgh, New York 12901 [email protected]



Impact of the Message: (30 points)

 Videos must increase awareness and address what students, schools and communities can do to reduce Bullying or increase Positive School Behaviors in the North Country.  Should provide motivating content that keeps the viewer’s attention.  Should be targeted at students.  Should show a clear connection between the target audience and the message.

Originality/Creativity: (25 points)

 The message should be engaging and innovative.  The images and audio (music or dialogue) must fit the topic of Bullying Prevention or the demonstrated Positive School Behavior.  The video must be entertaining to watch, and grab the viewer’s attention.

Accurate Facts/ Statistics: (20 points)

 All facts or statistics that appear in the video must be accurate.  Entries that use facts or statistics from their own school will receive special consideration.

Production Quality: (25 points)

 Is the entry broadcast ready? o Shot in full or wide screen hi-definition (Videos must be filmed in high definition- 30p frame rate). o Submitted on DVD/thumb drive as a MP4. o Entries can be between 30 seconds and four minutes, but for broadcast consideration, the winning entry must have a 30 second version submitted.  Videos should steady shots (use of a tripod is suggested) and a variety of shots: close-ups, group shots, left to right pans and zooms.  Music and/or dialogue must be well-balanced and easy to hear and understand.  Text and/or graphics are legible and original.  Lighting quality should be consistent throughout the video, and enable viewers to see the action or actors clearly. Consent Form and Photo Release Information

The Bullying Prevention and Positive Behavior Video Project is a Public Service Announcement contest open to students in grades K-12. All entries will be judged on creativity and the use of relevant facts. Videos will also be judged on unique visuals. The contest encourages participants to present creative messages against bullying/aspects of bullying, highlight bullying prevention strategies in a school setting, or demonstrate positive school behaviors.

Below please find a media release to be signed and returned to Champlain Valley Educational Services (CVES). By signing the release, you are authorizing CVES to photograph, interview, video or live stream your child. In addition, you are authorizing CVES to use your child’s photograph, interview, video or live stream in printed publications, electronic resources such as the CVES website, CVES social media sites, and any other bona fide business use. If your child is over 18 years of age, the student may sign the authorization.

I hereby allow the Champlain Valley Education Services (CVES) Bullying Prevention and Positive Behavior Video Project to record and publicly display the video entry that I have created or appeared in. In consideration of the mutual benefits resulting from such use I agree to the following:

1. The CVES Bullying Prevention and Positive Behavior Video Project is the sole owner of all rights to all content and any parts or portions received in relation to this contest, including the names of participants, to be used in any form at their discretion in all forms of media, without limitation or restriction, throughout the world for all time. The CVES bullying prevention Video Project also retains the right to assign these rights to others. 2. The CVES Bullying Prevention and Positive Behavior Video Project reserves the right to use any portion of the video in connection with advertising, publicizing and/or otherwise publicly benefiting its efforts to minimize bullying, or demonstrating positive school behaviors. 3. I release Champlain Valley Educational Services, its officers, employees and agents, from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, suits, damages and judgements as a result of the use of the above information about my child in the publications and sites described above. 4. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the CVES Bullying Prevention and Positive Behavior Video Project, its licensees and officers, directors, agents, employees and partners from and against claims, damages, liabilities and costs (including legal fees) arising from the use and/or broadcast of my video. 5. I confirm that I have obtained and secured all licenses, clearances and consents including but not limited to union fees, music license fees and copyright releases, film/photo still use fees and personal appearance fees as well as any other licenses that may be required for the contemplated use of this public service announcement as outlined in article 1 above.

• I understand the use of any sound, video or image submitted depicting the participants may be used in a plethora of media including the design of materials such as websites, videos, promotional materials, newsletters and other publications. I understand that I will never be paid for the use of these sounds, videos and images, and I do not hold The CVES Bullying Prevention and Positive Behavior Video Project in any way responsible for any damages that may result from the use of sounds, videos and images.

• In addition, by signing this form I am indicating that no person or entity has paid to have any product, service, company or other entity included in or mentioned in the public service announcement; and that, to the best of my knowledge, all statements of fact in the video are accurate.

Youth Name Parent/Guardian Name

Youth Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Consent and Photo Release Form (continued)

This form is for anyone who might appear in your video, including yourself. Please make copies for all participants to fill out and sign. A parent or guardian must also sign if the participant is under the age of 18. Send all release forms in with your entry.

By signing this consent form, I agree to the terms and conditions listed on the previous pages of the Bullying Prevention Video Contest Entry Procedures and Guidelines provided by the CVES Bullying Prevention and Positive Behavior Video Project and the Regional Task Force Against Bullying.

______Signature of Youth Signature of Parent/Guardian (if youth is under 18)

______Name of Youth (Please print) Name of Parent/Guardian (if youth is under 18)

______Birth Date of Youth Relationship to Youth

______Youth Address Parent/Guardian Address

______Youth Daytime Phone Number Parent/Guardian Daytime Phone Number

______Email Address of Youth Email Address of Parent/Guardian

______Date Signed Date Signed

Mail all Consent Forms and Video Entry Forms to: Champlain Valley Educational Services ISAB Video Project Attn: Jeff Sisson PO Box 455 Plattsburgh, NY 12901 Making a Memorable Video - Tips

Thinking Ahead

• Keep to the time limit- Make sure your spot is exactly 30 seconds to 4 minutes, it’s like a TV or radio commercial so edit accordingly.

• Consider your audience- Keep in mind that you are trying to reach people your age. Also remember that if you win, your video could be broadcast on the Web and maybe TV or radio, so keep it appropriate and G-rated.

• Focus on your message and theme- You have a limited amount of time so use your words, images and time wisely. Leave your audience with one easily understood take away message.

• Brainstorm Ideas- Search the Web and listen to (or watch) videos created by an advocacy group to help jog your creativity. Also, it’s helpful to test your ideas on others.

• Identify your “hook”- you have to grab your audience’s attention to get them to hear your message, so think of ways to “hook” them! A funny message, a statistic, an emotional story, etc. You are “painting a picture” with words and/or expressions. Even though time is short, be as descriptive as possible.

• Check your facts- Make sure that all of the information you use is accurate and up-to-date.

• Think of the visuals- Your video can be live-action or animated, and include anything from people to puppets.

Making Magic

• Speak slowly and clearly- Make sure all dialog is understandable. For videos, make sure that anyone who is speaking is facing the camera.

• Make text readable- If your spot displays text, make sure the words are on the screen long and large enough for the average person to read them. And, make sure they are not blurry.

• Video Specs- Film in high-definition and full or wide screen format (wide-screen preferred).

• Keep your raw materials- Until the contest is over, keep your original video and computer files!

Helpful Resources

• Check out the Olweus Bullying Prevention website for facts and information that can help get you started. Also, check out video samples on YouTube by searching “Olweus kick off video.”

• If you need help filming your video, you can get help by contacting the CVES project webmaster, Matt Smith at: [email protected] or 561-0100 x 360.

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