The Oxford Democrat E Leant
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'; """ '"-'•;:-*2~*•^^-.-B- S ·"*' ρ 8fS5J v-· *· nyjij™ 'jpu "'■''.''..yf.lMJH "'.' Vlll'!!iLltl'4tt!'-'!iA^IP<l!ill J11 "'U1 W '-' P- "S" The Oxfordt Democrat. VOLUME 87. / SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1920. NUMBER 23. \ à PARK. rjK&RJCK FARMERS. Cross Pollinating. No Water Rebate* or Rate RevUloo at Desirable Stand For Sale in AMONG THE Attorneys Law. One might objoot to orow-polUnatloo Transaction of the actual businesi NORWAY. NEW ENGLAND NEWS BITH1L, MAJNX beoaute when such oroee-fertlHzatlon done at the special meeting of Soatl even I· Herrteh. »lHpC.P»rt South Paris. take· » "scrub" I· whlob Paria Village Corporation Tuesday U.ltoon 'iraao m flow.· place produced woree If did not mnoh Get The Wiit on Pine might be than either parent. log oocapy time, thongt pa Stanley place Street, IN TABLOID FORM » d. ax, for lbibt 1 tall ■aoh were the cue It would be the height the collateral dltoaaalon and general The many friends of Prof. John Barker Sooth Pari*, lg offered (or tale. ThI· U of folly to follow .the teaching of an filled oat the apace of an bonr, and ai 8tearns, «on of the late Jndge Seward 8. Auctioneer, Ready one Licensed Haying of In the moet desirable town. Be with the best tools for the work which will plaoee earlier letter In I hi· eerie·. It would be tlmea threatened to develop a little acri Steam·, may be Interested to learn tbat PARIS. MAIN*. prepared Caterpillar· and Other Things. waa ea SOOTH Hoase of eight room· with all modern far better for the Maine Agricultural mony, which, however, finally be la meeting with great sncoeaa aa ao Items of Interest Fran All >, <ms Moderate. soon be here. me The of the Maine Agri- Station to be content wltb in ancleftt at Alfred Let show you the Improvement· aod in the very beet ol entomologist Experiment caped. Inatrnotor langaagea cultural Station bu dis- the email of now Walter L. waa elected moderator State. Bla de- fruit Experiment relatively crop apple· Qray University, New Tork condition. Floe lawn, garden aod covered a a new kind of oaterpiilar Id being obtained from the 1000 Ben DavU and with little preliminary diacnaaion ι partment baa reoently produced tbe Sections of Yankeetaid DR. MARÛUERITE STEVENS, trees. of Inquire grass field near Orono. itf fact, bas die tree· than to produce a poorer apple than vote was paaaed Instructing the treaanrei Greek play, "The Hippolytus," of Earlp Ο SX Ε OF» ATM. oovered so or or MRS. 8TANLEY, or many of him her both, the Ben Davie by cross-pollenization! to borrow tbree thousand dollars to meei idea tu a large and appreciative andlenoe One of two safe breakers captured 4 to 5 π Waiter that he haa felt called to warn- oom- the ex- Wednesday ρ m., Tharaday ρ A. Wood Machines ALTON C. WBEELF.R, upon give Neglecting the obvious saroastic corporation expenses, especially Every member of tbe company ahowert In Boston admits he has been in many ing that there may be an invasion of ment that a poorer apple than the Ben penses of the water department. Treat In their and tbe Block, Me 19tf Sooth Parla. thorough training parts, prisons and is a former chemist. \oyes Norway, crawling hosts that wonld pnt Attila Davis could not be produced, that oross- urer Charles H. Howard of the corpora- prodnction was beantlfnlly staged. Telephone 70. Vertical Lift mowers and all-steel horse rake. Walter A. and his army of Hnna into the ahade. pollinatlon does not affect the quality of tion expressed the opinion that it wai Miss Hazel Bicknell waa down from John Cunniif, 65, was burned to can b»wnile by STATE OF MAINE. The reader will on Appointment* telephone. remember that Attila the apple il a matter of common experi- doubtful if that was enough to carry Parmlngton a day or two the first of tbe death in a lire which destroyed a sta- Wood machines have been manufactured and sold in increas- was called "The of and Scourge God" ence. Ae pointed out in an earlier letter with nntil the taxea replenish the treas- week. in of the home of Joha To all persona Interested In either of the estate ble the jear those who have witnessed an Invasion in this series there are varieties of but it waa the limit nnder the Mr. Oonld of Jle- numbers since When a Walter hereinafter named : many ury, .war- aod Mrs. Forest Gallagher at West Newton, Mass. & ing every year 1852. you buy of insects or their larva have been will- tree· that have never been known rant for the meeting. cbanio Falls a or two tbe first LONGLEY BUTTS, At a Probate Court, held at Parle, apple spent day to tbem the same name. It i* ro frnit in the warrant related to A. Wood machine a in which is em- In and for the County of Oxford, on the third ing grant produce a single self-pollinated The next article of tbe week with Mr. Gould's sister, Dormitories accommodiate 2,200 Norway, Main·, to-day, you machine buy Tuesday of May, In the year of our Lord generally the larva instead of the inaeot Bat to test tbi· out careful experiments to the matter of rebates on the water Mrs. H. H. Stuart, at her cottage ot> additional students will be built at one thousand nine hundred and The bodied the of a machine which will twenty. that makes the invasion. The larva of were made with varletie· that can self- and the revision of water rates. Lake Penneaaeewassee. experience years, matter been tor the bills, Massachusetts Institute of Technol- sixty-five following having presented insect aeema to 1 action hereinafter It la any be all stomach, while pollinate. and cross-pol Moderator stated that no bills for Mrs. Elizabeth Mrs. Fonti thereupon indicated, SeM·pollinated Gray Manbingand ogy, tbe committee on stu- Plumbing, and : matnre is Cambridge, Heating give you long satisfactory service. hereby Obdkbbd the form spirituelle, clothed linated fruits were grown on the same the past six months had yet been made Brown have been gueata of George Holt Thai notice thereof be to all In. dent announces. Sheet Metal Work, given persons in the colore of the rainbow and not trees. These were tbe and said the water commission and at North Waterford. housing terested, by causing a copy of. this order to be indistinguishable, oat, family A given to groaa things. In the moth one from tbe other in wanted as to An was held under Maine ITIKL CEILINGS SPECIALTY published three weeks successively In the Ox- faot, every particular, Inatructlons especially athletic meeting The present membership in ford a at 8onth or of a so as to Democrat, newspaper published butterfly repulsive, all-oonsnming far the fruit Is concerned. Tbi? whether rebates should be made those tbe auspioes of tbe Universallat Sunday of the Order of the Eastern Star is 23,- Paris, In said County, that they may appear at a worm can asanme a form so attractive would have been from the fact customers who have been of School at tbe oburcb Probate Court to be held at said Paris, on expeoted deprived Friday evening a for the of ac- Dr. A. Leon Sikkenga, that nne can 639. gain year 1,521, the third of ▲. D. at easily believe the Biblical that the apple Is like an branch water more or less during that period. veatry. An intereating program bad G. R Tuesday June, 1920, enlarged to at the annual ses- reports OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, PENLEY, 9 of the clock In the forenoon, and be heard statement that the devil can assnme the of the mother tree. It does not receive Two or three the been Glenn Mclntlre and cording expressed general prepared by .... thereon If aee cause. of the SOUTH PARIS. MAINE they form of an angel of light. anything of a genetic nature from the re opinion that inasmuch as the water eye Miss Adeline DeCoster. A buffet luncb sion grand chapter. MAINE M-23 Elisabeth F. de- Tbia new larva foand at Is a was NORWAY, Edgerlf late of Paris, Orono suiting union of the pollen and the ovule. I tem is oar property, and the expenses served. Mayor Peters of Boston named for- Tel. 224 ceased ; petition that ttaxah B. Parlln or some hairy thing, yellow and black, while the It is the ovule alone that is affected by will have to be met either by the water Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Holman of Port- other aultable person be appointed as adminis- mer Councilman Daniel J. McDonald moth has a body of bine and this The seeds from a I revenue or it was better not land have been several in trator of the estate of eald deceased, presented peacock cross-pollination. by taxation, spending daya of Cnarlestown to be district chair- by Ellen E. Blake, mother and heir at law. winga of doll blaak with a spread of «elf-pollinated and cross-pollinated fruit Ό make rebates, and a motion that no town. They are now making a trip to the Bunker celebra- some two inches or so. The faot that will But not the on «.f the shut- man of Hill day Lucia M. Llbby of Paris, adult ward; peti- differ. seed envelopes rebates be made account South Arm accompanied by Vivian M. THIS BANK PAYS on 17. tion for license to sell and convey real estate the Orono professora fonnd twenty on a of which the flesh of the pome Is tbe ting off of the water was made by Geo.