Practice Exam #1 (Chs. 15-18 in Wheelock)
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![Practice Exam #1 (Chs. 15-18 in Wheelock)](
Latin 1121 Practice Exam #1 (Chs. 15-18 in Wheelock)
Nomen mihi est:______
A) For each noun, provide the genitive and identify the declension, gender, and meaning. For verbs, identify their principle parts and meaning. Give the English definition for adjectives.
(1) commitō (5) aetās
(2) mīlle (6) mēns
(3) coepī (7) libellus
(4) regō (8) levis, -e
B) For each English definition, provide the Latin equivalent in its dictionary entry form.
(1) to destroy, wipe out, erase ______
(2) to neglect, disregard ______
(3) blind ______
(4) hearer, listener ______
(5) every, all______
(6) sharp, keen, eager; severe, fierce ______
(7) to throw, hurl ______
(8) to fear, be afraid of, be afraid ______
C) Parse the following (case, number, gender – give all possibilities) and then translate: 1. acrem mentem:
2. potēns bellum:
3. omnī urbī:
4. fortī fēminā:
5. potentibus virīs:
6. omnīum bellōrum
D) Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the relative pronoun
1. Cīvēs vidī ______fūgistī.
2. Mātrem adiuvābat, ______multum virtūtis habuit.
3. Cīvem laudāvērunt ______patriam servāverat.
4. Cum cīve vēnit ______vītam suam commīserat.
5. Tyrannī iūra cīvium dēlent______capiunt.
6. Perīcula superāvit______timuimus.
E) Parse the following verbs :
Person Number Tense Mood Voice admittite iacit rēxerimus laudāberis miscērī movēbāminī
F) Decline the noun “puella, -ae, f.” and modify it with the adjective “dulcis, -e” in the singular and plural.
Singular Plural
Nominative Genitive
G) Provide a translation of the following selection from 38 Latin Stories (ch. 16):
Achillēs nōn sōlum vir fortis potēnsque, sed etiam Thetidis deae fīlius erat. Ille cum Agamemnone aliīsque Graecīs Trōiam vēnerat et bellum longum difficileque gesserat. Sed nunc post novem annōs īra ācris eum movēbat; nam fēminam captīvam eī cāram Agamennōn cēperat. Itaque Achillēs mātrem suam vocāvit: “Iūvā mē!” In marī Thetis eum audīvit et ad eum cucurrit: “Tuās sententiās intellegō, mī dulcis fīlī,” dīxit. “Omnēs Graecī tē magnō in honōre habēre dēbent; sine tē enim Trōiānōs vincere nōn possunt. Cōgitā haec: sī nunc hōc ex bellō fugiēs, tibi erit parva glōria, sed vīta longa; si autem hōc locō manēbis, magnam glōriam inveniēs, sed tuam vītam āmittēs.” “O beāta māter, bonum animum habē!” dīxit Achillēs. “Omnibus hominibus vīta brevis est. Ego ipse celerem mortem nōn timeō. Sed, quoniam ingēns īra mē tenet, bellum nōn geram.” Quam magna est vīs īrae! H) Translate each sentence and answer the questions for each sentence. (1) Lībertātem et iūra hārum urbium artibus bellī cōnservābimus.
______(a) What is the case of artibus and why?______
(b) What is the case and function of “iūra”? ______(c) “cōnservābimus” is what person and number? ______
(2) Quīnque ex nautīs sē ex aquā trāxērunt sēque Caesarī potentī commīsērunt. ______
(a) What is the case and function of sē?______
(b) What is the case and function of nautīs? ______
(c) Parse commīsērunt: ______
(3) Itaque mīlia hārum cōpiārum, quibus Caesar clēmentiam dedit, aut officia neglegunt aut ea nōn intellegunt.
(a) What is the case and function of hārum cōpiārum? ______
(b) What is the function of ea in the sentence?______
(c) What is the case and function of quibus?______
(4)Dīligēmus eum quī pecūniā nōn movētur.
(a) What is the case and function of quī?______
(b) What is the case and function of pecūniā?______Translate the following phrases from English to Latin
1) Difficult things ought to be avoided by those who are not brave.
2) The souls of brave men and women will never fear difficult times.