ESPIRIT Chart You must include main ideas and details in each category

Civilization/Nation/Group: Classical India______

Time Period: 1000BCE-500CE______

China and India were influenced by trade India produced most of its goods Textiles, steel, domestications Artisan important+ craft guilds Active trade routes in land, sea, Mediterrean, Atlantic sea and China E Agricultural based economy Social focused on the dominance of men and China and India had similar ideas family and its importance. Caste system three main branches Brahman, merchants, and the untouchables Men and main dominance family, Women had to serve men like a god S Had arranged marriage at a early age for young girls Peasants living in lower classes had small interaction with high caste India focused on emotional functions Main Idea: Politics in India was based upon local and regional government which inturn placed less emphasis on government in India because there was no real strong central government.  There were autocratic kings and leaders in India but in some cases there were P aristocratic assemblies that decided on major issues.  India’s government placed great importance on militaries  India didn’t have real formal political theories and values that were passed down which was a direct contrast to the set up of government and politics in Han China.

India’s interaction with other countries was made by trade. Major trades luxury goods textiles of cotton, silks, and drugs. Large groups with China called caravan trades. India was the middle man for trade I India was more connected with the world. A major Indian religion, Hinduism: Had no single founder or holy figure. They encourage arthas, economic goals and karma, worldly pleasure. A group of Hindus, the Upanishads embraced others the clear tension between a religion of rituals, with mystics called gurus. Several nature gods like Vishnu and Shiva formed. Hindu believed when people would die R they would be reincarnated. It provided several channels for a good life like yoga. It also provided a basic ethics to supply unity to various forms of worship. It was very spiritual and provides a code of conduct. It allow people to retain older beliefs and ceremonies, It reinforced the caste system. Buddhism: Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha created Buddhism. He envisioned the world as materialized, snaring warped human relations and causing pain. Buddhist believes when people die they go to in nirvana. It denied spiritual values. Buddhism was not as popular in India as Hinduism but spread to other of southeast Asia. During these times Indian drama and literature flourished. Kamasutra wrote a manual of the “laws of love”. Panachatantra was a classical story collection. This literature influenced contemporary Indian movies. Astronomer, Aryabhattas calculated the solar year’s length and the circumference of the earth. Other Indian Astronomers calculated the daily rotation of I earth’s axis, explained eclipses and developed the theory of gravity. Indian mathematics created an Arabic numbering system developed the decimal system, and the concept of zero and negative numbers. They also calculated square roots, sine and a fairly accurate value for pi. Stupas were sphere shrines honoring Buddha. Guppas portrayed art in a more stylized and a nature appreciating form. India was more advance in textile and iron-making. Advances in iron and steel production Advance in textile T Medical advances.