LIFE and Resource Efficiency: Decoupling Growth from Resource Use
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LIFE and resource efficiency Decoupling growth from resource use LIFE Focus I LIFE and resource efficiency: Decoupling growth from resource use EUROPEAN COMMISSION ENVIRONMENT DIRECTORATE-GENERAL LIFE (“The Financial Instrument for the Environment”) is a programme launched �y the European Commission and co-ordinated �y the Environment Directorate-General �L�FE Units - E.3. and E.4.). The contents of the pu�lication “L�FE and Resource Efficiency: Decoupling growth from resource use” do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union. Authors: Ga�riella Camarsa �Environment expert), Justin Toland, Eamon O’Hara, Tim Hudson, Wendy Jones, Ed Thorpe, Christophe Thévignot �AE�DL, Communications Team Coordinator). Managing Editor: Hervé Martin, European Commission, Environment DG, L�FE E.4 – BU-9, 02/1, 200 rue de la Loi, B-1049 Brussels. LIFE Focus series coordination: Simon Goss �L�FE Communications Coordinator), Evelyne Jussiant �DG Environment Communications Coordinator). Technical assistance: Audrey Thénard, Nicolas Tavitian, Agnese Roccato �Astrale GE�E). The following people also worked on this issue: Al�an De Villepin, Federico Nogara, Simona Bacchereti, Santiago Urquijo-Zamora, Sylvie Ludain �Environment DG, L�FE Environment and Eco-innovation Unit), Carina Vopel, Jonathan Murphy �Environment DG, Communication Unit), Ro�in Miege �Environment DG, Green Week Task Force). Production: Monique Braem �AE�DL). Graphic design: Daniel Renders, Anita Cortés �AE�DL). Photos database: Sophie Brynart. Acknowledgements: Thanks to all L�FE project �eneficiaries who contri�uted comments, photos and other useful material for this report. Photos: Unless otherwise specified; photos are from the respective projects. HOW TO OBTAIN EU PUBLICATIONS Free publications: • via EU Bookshop �http://�; • at the European Commission’s representations or delegations. You can o�tain their contact details on the �nternet � or �y sending a fax to +352 2929-42758. Priced publications: • via EU Bookshop �http://� Priced subscriptions (e.g. annual series of the Official Journal of the European Union and reports of cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union): • via one of the sales agents of the Pu�lications Office of the European Union �http://pu� others/agents/index_en.htm). Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union. Freephone num�er �*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 �*) Certain mo�ile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 num�ers or these calls may �e �illed. More information on the European Union is availa�����������le on the ��������nternet � Cataloguing data can �e found at the end of this pu�lication. Luxem�ourg: Pu�lications Office of the European Union, 2011 �SBN 978-92-79-19764-2 �SSN 1725-5619 doi:10.2779/74370 © European Union, 2011 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium Printed on recycled paper awarded the EU Ecola�el LIFE Focus I LIFE and resource efficiency: Decoupling growth from resource use esource efficiency is a cross-cutting issue that affects our daily lives and economy. We rely Ron natural resources to provide us with shelter, food, employment, quality of life and a host of FOREWORD other services. �n order to protect the long-term availa�ility of these resources, we need to take care to use them wisely in sustaina�le ways. For this to happen, new approaches are required, approaches that need to involve long-term considerations aimed at achieving a �etter �alance �etween economic, environmental and social interests. Hervé Martin The L�FE Programme has �een at the forefront of such moves to promote more resource efficient Head of Unit – LIFE Environment and Eco-innovation solutions for today’s environmental challenges, and a large portfolio of good practices in this area has Directorate-General for �een gathered �y L�FE since its launch in 1992. A sample of some of these approaches is highlighted the Environment, European Commission in the following L�FE Focus �rochure, which presents some of the practical actions �eing implemented throughout the EU. Topics featured in the �rochure span the full sustaina�le development spectrum and aim to illustrate how L�FE’s �road remit is a�le to assist a multitude of different environmental activities in a variety of different contexts. Pu�lic, private and voluntary sector organisations throughout Europe have all used L�FE co-finance for good effect and the results of their efforts are explained in the following articles. Over 120 L�FE projects are featured, which demonstrates the critical mass of knowledge that is held �y the Programme in key fields such as waste management techniques, water conservation methods, energy efficiency options, and lower impact transport. Between them, the L�FE projects that are spot- lighted in this �rochure offer many opportunities for readers to �uild their own capacity for helping to shape and safeguard a more resource efficient future for Europe. esource efficiency has a central part to play in Europe’s 2020 strategy for growth and jo�s, and Raccordingly the European Commission is launching a num�er of far-reaching new initiatives in this area. But for many of Europe’s front-runners, greening our society is already a reality: not only governments and large companies, �ut local actors and small innovative companies too are commit- ted to the idea, whose strength often comes from the grassroots level. Businesses and organisations have understood that improving efficiency and innovative products, processes and �usiness models Robin Miège affords valua�le opportunities for increased productivity and growth. Green Week Task Force Directorate-General for While individual companies and organisations can often achieve simple gains in efficiency without the Environment massive investment, making sure that good innovative ideas actually reach the market can require European Commission su�stantial funds. The L�FE+ programme can play a key role here, helping ensure that a shift to a resource efficient Europe �ecomes a reality, and acting to relieve or prevent future scarcities of essential resources such as energy and water. � am pleased to �e a�le to say that �y providing real-life solutions to real-world pro�lems, the �est L�FE practices featured in this �rochure are an important inspiration for policymakers, and that moreover, these examples reflect areas where we are considering future policy action. A solution to a pro�lem is merely anecdotal, unless the message can �e shared. But when �est prac- tices �ecome �etter known, major changes can result. That’s why communication has always had a key role to play in L�FE – and why pu�lications such as this are so important for policymakers and actors on the ground. This L�FE Focus pu�lication is only one part of L�FE outreach – check out the 2011 Green Week conference and exhi�ition, and the L�FE and Green Week we�sites for more examples of good practices �eing shared. LIFE Focus I LIFE and resource efficiency: Decoupling growth from resource use CONTENTS Introduction ........................ 3 Water efficiency ................ 29 Food and beverage resource efficiency ............ 51 Building a resource Water - an essential efficient Europe ....................3 component of L�FE ............ 29 L�FE turns food for thought into action .............51 Production processes .......... 5 Sustainable transport ........ 33 Agriculture and ecosystem L�FE producing resource A cleaner and more services ............................. 55 efficient industrial growth .....5 efficient transport system ...33 L�FE aids agriculture to pre- ME�GLASS �rings Energy efficient buildings .. 37 serve resources .................55 new L�FE to waste glass ....10 L�FE helps �oosts the Conservation agriculture reduces soil erosion in Eco-products and energy efficiency of EU Andalusian wetlands ..........59 eco-design ........................ 13 �uilding stock .....................37 Taking the risk out of L�FE conserving resources in resource efficiency Green Public Procurement product design, production, investments ........................41 and Green Skills ................ 62 use and disposal ................13 L�FE shows the L�FE helps drive greener Fish and marine environmental �enefits tyre making .........................18 resources ........................... 43 of GPP ................................62 Protecting Europe’s fisheries Lifecycle thinking .............. 21 and marine resources ........43 Project list ......................... 64 Lifecycle thinking - a key No discards, zero waste .....46 thought of L�FE ...................21 Available LIFE Environment ACADEMY: managing Land use and planning ...... 49 publications ...................... 69 the lifecycle of complex Planning for a more resource products .............................26 efficient European landscape ...........................49 LIFE Focus I LIFE and resource efficiency: Decoupling growth from resource use Building a resource efficient Europe INTRODUCTION The concept of resource efficiency emphasises a need to use the Earth’s limited resources in a sustainable manner. For Europe to have a vibrant economy and a high quality of life, we need a sustainable base of raw materials and resources. However, our economic growth patterns continue to exert increasing pressures on EU resource bases. As such it is becoming more and more important