Gwehelog Fawr Community Council s1

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Gwehelog Fawr Community Council s1


Minutes for Meeting No 320 Held on Wednesday 29th October 2014 8pm

Clerk: Olivia Beaumont, The Glade, Trostrey, Usk NP15 1JH. Tel. 01291 673515 email. [email protected]

Present: Cllr. Simon Carbury, Cllr. Maggie Godwin, Cllr. Charles Kirby, Cllr. Judith Bayliss, Cllr. Chris Tooze and Cllr. Rob Baker

Members of the Public: 4 members of the Public and County Councillor Val Smith

1. Apologies for absence None received

2. Declarations of interest Cllr. Rob Baker – Planning Application DC/2014/01211 – Owns Land adjacent

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Meeting 319 held on Monday 29th September 2014 at 8pm – The minutes were proposed by Cllr. Simon Carbury and were seconded by Cllr. Charles Kirby, approved by all present as a true and accurate record and duly signed by the chair.

4. Matters arising

a. Councillor vacancies

Kay Davies was co-opted by the council, acceptance of office was signed.

‘Code of Conduct’ and ‘Standing Orders’ to be issued – ACTION: Clerk Done

Kay Davies joined the meeting at this point as a Community Councillor

b. Community Council noticeboards –

Cllr. Chris Tooze provided information on weatherproof recycled rubber pin-boards and ‘greenbarnes’ aluminium poster cases/noticeboards, a low cost solution for noticeboard replacement at the Village Hall.

A1 Rubber pin board £75 Inc. VAT and A1 Silver Anodised Poster Case £75.21 exc. VAT. Carriage £14.25 plus VAT

Cllr. Chris Tooze proposed the Poster Case, seconded by Cllr. Rob Baker, agreed by all present.


 Clerk to contact Village Hall to request permission to put up Done emailed 4/11  Clerk to order Aluminium Poster Case Done emailed 4/11  Cllr. Rob Baker to put up Poster Case on wall of Village Hall to liaise with Brian Paul, Gwehelog Village Hall Committee.

c. Memorial Noticeboard

Signed: Date: Page 1 of 5 The ‘Paul Frampton’ memorial noticeboard is now complete and in place at the cross roads by the Chapel. Only 1 key is currently available held by the clerk.


 Request that Mary, who lives in the house opposite the noticeboard holds an additional key, with a notice on the board to contact Mary for access to the noticeboard. Contacted Mary and agreed Mary will be a key holder Done  Contact Gwehelog Methodist Chapel to see if they wish to be issued with a key. Done emailed 4/11 as yet no response back.  2 further keys to be cut.

d. Website Contributions

Articles from Cllr. Maggie Godwin, Cllr. Chris Tooze and Cllr. Rob Baker

ACTION: Clerk to publish on website Done

e. Website Press release

Publications considered – Free Press, South Wales Argus, Beacon and Chronicle

Written by Cllr. Chris Tooze, passed to Cllr. Simon Carbury for any edit and action.

ACTION: Cllr Simon Carbury

f. Footpaths – Cllr. Simon Carbury

Member of the public has reported that public footpath is too over grown – Cllr. Charles Kirby informed the council that the land is owned by Pontypool Park Estates and he would get in touch with them to clear it. ACTION: Cllr. Charles Kirby Done

Setting up a volunteer footpath care group was considered, advertising for volunteers via the website. Cllr. Chris Tooze said that he would be happy to lead this idea, however concerns were raised over the limitations of the existing council insurance for covering members of the public. Cllr. Chris Tooze to email the clerk with his ideas on how he sees this would work, and then clerk to contact insurers. ACTION: Cllr. Chris Tooze

Clerk Reported to Shaun Pritchard, MCC. Response received: RE reporting overgrown paths. Path problem can be reported online through the following website Alternatively I am happy to take the details directly by mail, email or by telephone although the website is good to help identify the exact site of the problem.

A member of the public raised the issue of ongoing damage to the Poplars Bridle Way, the Community Council considered this by legitimate vehicle use –

Clerk had contacted Shaun Pritchard of MCC, over 3 months ago to request an onsite meeting, further email sent by clerk. Response from Shaun Pritchard: He would fwd. email to Principal Countryside Access Officer ACTION: County Councillor Val Smith to meet with Ian Sanderson, MCC Countryside Dept. for advice. Done Met with Ian Sanderson yesterday who suggests a meeting with Gwehelog CC, including Matthew Lewis ref. Poplars Bridleway and lane issues. He will research insurance issues for volunteers.

g. Vehicle activated speed reduction traffic signs

Signed: Date: Page 2 of 5 Cllr. Maggie Godwin reported back on her research into this subject having spoken to companies ‘Coveal’ and ‘Messagemaker’.

Cllr. Christ Tooze asked what speed data is available. Proposal to collate all known speed analysis data on the Usk to Raglan Road – To contact Gwent Police. ACTION: Clerk Done emailed Dave Matthews, Gwent Police, Traffic Management Adviser

h. Adopted Monmouthshire LDP

The Clerk distributed leaflets summarising the contents of the local development plan to each councillor present.

The full LDP went into the box for circulation.

5. Police and Neighbourhood Watch Report

a. OWL correspondence included in clerks report attached. b. Neighbourhood policing and Crime reports period: 1st July 2014 to 1st August 2014, 1st August 2014 – 1st September 2014, 1st September 2014 – 1st October 2014 (awaiting)

ACTION: Clerk to follow up with Gwent Police Done Emailed Insp. Sarah Taylor, October Crime Report received on 31/10

6. County Councillor Report

County Councillor Val Smith reported on the following:

 Proposed Traffic Order on B5498, comments 40mph extended from Llancayo – Usk. Also consider 40mph appropriate from Chain Bridge, 20mph to Weir Cottage. Meeting with relevant officers.  Planning Application decision for ‘Lindaward’ deferred – Request Community Council views for next meeting  MCC Meeting with Highways – No money, more staff to go, Community Council could be in a position to develop proposals. Asked what are Community Councils for?  Meeting with Ian Sanderson, MCC Countryside Dept. on 30th October.

7. Community Meetings

Rural Forum Meeting – Thursday 23rd October, 7.30pm, Raglan School – Report provided by Cllr. Simon Carbury. Next Rural Forum meeting 11th December to be attended by Cllr. Simon Carbury ACTION: Cllr. Simon Carbury

Usk Chamber of Commerce meeting – Tuesday 21st October 5.30pm Nags Head – minutes available. Next meeting 18th November, 5.30pm at The Nags Head – Cllr. Kay Davies may be available to attend, clerk to provide information. ACTION: Clerk Done

One Voice Wales Area Meeting – Thursday 27th November, Sessions House, Usk – Cllr. Maggie Godwin Volunteered to attend. ACTION: Cllr. Maggie Godwin Reminder sent by clerk 9/11 email

Meeting with Inspector Sarah Taylor – Meeting October 7th, 7pm Abergavenny Station. – Report provided by Cllr. Maggie Godwin – Crime figures zero for Gwehelog for last month, parking issues in Usk – leaflets to be provided, OWL, Mobile Police Station to be more usefully employed.  Next meeting 18th November 2014 at 7pm, Abergavenny Police Station – emailed Cllr. Maggie Godwin 9/11who will attend this meeting.

Signed: Date: Page 3 of 5 Police and Crime Commissioner, event for Community Councils – Thursday 6th November, Ystrad Mynach 9.30am – 1pm – No one available to accept invitation.

Monmouthshire Engages Meetings 1st – 9th October - 8th October, Usk Primary School 6-8pm – Report provided by Cllr. Rob Baker – provided budget cut figures. Website for social networking to share comments and ideas between MCC and the public Information in box for circulation.

Charter Liaison Meeting - 16th October, 6pm in the Steve Greenslade Conference Room at County Hall. – Report provided by the Clerk. Predominately impact of budget cuts to Monmouthshire residents.

8. Highway Matters

8.1. Highway Correspondence

 Drain outside Hunters Lodge: Clerk emailed MCC Highways ref 016203 work completed clerk seen 4/11 with Howard Baker.  Landslip on Gwehelog to Lancayo road: Clerk emailed MCC Highways ref: 014723 – Cllr. Chris Tooze commented that work appears to have been started

8.2 Highway Report

Update on over grown hedge at Oak Farm – Cllr. Chris Tooze not actioned as could not locate, Cllr. Rob Baker will assist. ACTION: Cllr Chris Tooze and Cllr. Rob Baker

9. Planning Matters

9.1 Planning Correspondence and Agendas

Planning Committee and site inspections – Next Planning Committee meeting to take place on 4th November 2014

Report from application DC/2014/00876 Planning site inspection on 6th October and Planning Committee meeting on 7th October – Report Cllr. Simon Carbury

Appeal Decision APP/E6840/C/13/2198591 – Update via email from Guy Delamere

9.2 Planning Applications

Application Number: DC/2014/01211 Application Type: Planning Permission Description of Proposal: Construction of steel framed storage building. Location: Land rear of Hall Inn, Gwehelog, Usk

Vote: 6 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain – Recommend Approval ACTION: Clerk Done emailed 5/11

Cllr. Simon Carbury Retained Planning application

9.3 MCC Enforcement Cases

Email 6th October – no new or closed cases

10. Correspondence

10.1 Correspondence Feedback Signed: Date: Page 4 of 5 10.2 Correspondence  Nick Ramsay devolution of Powers – wishes to meet with local councils – ACTION: Clerk to arrange for approx. 6 weeks’ time.  Gwent police and Crime Commissioner asks Gwent residents how much they are willing to pay survey sid=18221@lang=en To put on website ACTION: Clerk

11. Finance

11.1 Responsible Finance Officer Report a. Copy of accounts to be distributed b. Passbook Balance £3371.12 to be confirmed and signed

11.2 Clerks Expenses £30.00 invoice and withdrawal slip to be presented – October 2014 Done

11.3 Other Expenses £487.05 invoice MCC, clerks salary July, August and September 2014, proposed by Cllr. Charles Kirby and seconded by Cllr. Rob Baker - withdrawal slip to be presented and signed Done £380.00 Howard Baker – New memorial Noticeboard, proposed by Charles Kirby and seconded by Cllr. Simon Carbury – withdrawal slip presented and signed Done

12.0 AOB (at the discretion of the chairman)

 New Councillor List including new councillors to circulate and update on to noticeboards and website. ACTION: Clerk Done  Raglan Community Plan – Cllr. Simon Carbury to obtain a copy for distribution. ACTION: Cllr. Simon Carbury  Clerk has no working printer – requested Council look at funding printer, Agenda for next meeting. Cllr. Chris Tooze has a spare black and white printer that could be used for now. ACTION: Clerk Done

Date of next meeting TBC as clerk unavailable on 26th November 2104 ACTION: Clerk

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.15pm

Yours faithfully,

Olivia Beaumont, Clerk

Box Distribution Order: Maggie, Simon, Charles, Chris, Rob, Kay and Judith

Items for Box  Coveal quote of speed activated road signs  LDP – full brochure  Monmouthshire Remembering them concert invitation – 8th November  Clerks and Councils Direct  Footpath map

Signed: Date: Page 5 of 5

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