Kenwood Academy Mathematics Department 2013-2014

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Kenwood Academy Mathematics Department 2013-2014

Kenwood Academy Mathematics Department 2013-2014 Honors Geometry – 43410H Syllabus (1.0 Credit) Instructor: Ms. Carger E-mail: [email protected] Tutoring: Room 226A(After school or by appointment) Teacher Website:

Course Description/Objective Geometry provides students with an introduction to formal mathematical reasoning, logic and proof. Through geometry, you will be introduced to the tools needed to study space and spatial relationships. The study of Geometry includes math vocabulary, organization of proofs, points, lines, planes and angles, parallel lines and planes, transformations and congruence, congruent triangles, similar polygons, right triangles, circles, areas of plane and solid figures, volumes and surface areas of solids, using formulas in solving problems, visualizing geometric situations, and using geometric ideas in real situations.

The objective of this course is to provide the student with the necessary skills to understand geometric principles and apply geometric concepts to everyday life. In addition, the student will be provided with the requisite foundation for the study of advanced algebra and trigonometry. In this course, we will use a multitude of resources which provide an interactive approach and incorporate various tools to help students explore geometric topics.

Standards This class addresses the following standards as mandated by the Illinois Board of Education. We use the College Readiness Standards (CRS) produced by the ACT as well as the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). A full list of the CRS is available at A detailed breakdown of the Common Core State Standards is available at College Readiness Standards Common Core State Standards and Big Ideas In Geometry, Year 2 For Honors Geometry

Review: 13-23 Focus: 24-27 Extension: 28-32

Graphical Representations Congruence, Proof, and Constructions (G-CO.1-11) Properties of Plane Figures Similarity and Congruence (G-SRT.1-3, G-SRT.5-8) Measurements Extending to Three Dimensions (G-GMD.1, G-GMD.3, G-MG.1, G-MG.3) Functions Connecting Algebra and Geometry through Coordinates (G.GPE.4-7) Basic Operations & Applications Circles With and Without Coordinates (G-C.1-2, G-C.5, G-GPE.1, G-GPE.4) Probability, Statistics & Data Numbers: Concepts & Properties Expressions, Equations & Inequalities Scope and Sequence Unit 1: Introduction to Geometry 9/3 – 10/11 Unit 2: Triangles and Congruence 10/14 – 11/30

1.1 Points, Lines & Planes 4.1 Classifying Triangles & 4.2 Angles of Triangles 1.2 Linear Measure 4.3 Congruent Triangles 4.4/4.5 Proving Congruence: SSS, SAS, AAS, 1.3 Distance/Distance Formula & Midpoint ASA 4.6 Isosceles Triangles 1.4 Angle Measure 5.1 Altitudes, Medians & Bisectors 11.2 Areas & Perimeters of Triangles 1.5 Angle Relationships 9.1 Reflections 2.1 Geometric Statements 9.2 Translations 9.3 Rotations Unit 3: Parallel & Perpendicular 12/2 – 12/20 Unit 4: Similarity 1/2 – 1/31 1.6 Polygons 3.1 Parallel Lines & Transversals 6.1 Proportions 3.2 Angles & Parallel Lines 6.2 Similar Polygons 3.3 Slopes of Lines 6.3 Similar Triangles 3.4 Equations of Lines 6.5 Parts of Similar Triangles 3.5 Proving Lines Parallel 9.5 Dilations Unit 5: Quadrilaterals 2/3 – 3/7 Unit 6: Special Right Triangles and 3/10 – 4/11 Honors Geometry Syllabus – 2013/2014 Page 1 8.2 Parallelograms Trigonometry 11.1 Areas of Parallelograms 5.2 Inequalities & Triangles 8.4 Rectangles 7.2 Pythagorean Theorem Areas of Rectangles 7.3 Special Right Triangles 8.5 Rhombi & Squares 7.4 Trigonometry 8.6 Trapezoids 7.5 Angles of Elevation/Depression 11.2 Areas of Trapezoids & Rhombi Unit 7: Circles 4/21 – 5/16 Unit 8: Volume 5/19 – 6/6 10.1 Circles & Circumference 13.1 Volumes of Prisms & Cylinders 10.2 Arcs/Angles & 10.3 Arcs/Chords 13.2 Volumes of Pyramids & Cones 10.4 Inscribed Angles 13.3 Volumes of Spheres 10.5 Tangents 11.3 Areas of Circles 10.8 Equations of Circles Textbook Glencoe Mathematics: Geometry Publisher: Glencoe Date: 2005

Materials (needed daily) Pencils and red colored pencils/red pens Textbook Pencil sharpener Loose-leaf paper Scientific/graphing calculator 3 Ring binder (at least 1 inch) Computer w/internet access 8 Dividers

Fee: Students are required to pay a $10 mathematics fee. Students who do not return a textbook will be charged an $80 fee.

Classwork / Homework Assignments& Study Habits Classwork/Homework assignments will be posted in class on the agenda board, in the Notes Packet and on the Kenwood Class Website daily. Assignments are essential to the study and mastery of this course. They are viewed as a reinforcement of the concepts discussed in class daily and will be factored into the final grade. If there is no written classwork/homework assignment, be sure to review your notes from that day’s class. Always review your notes and classwork/homework assignments prior to a test or quiz. Additional study guide & review problems are found at the end of each chapter.

Students are responsible for having all assignments completed on time. Classwork/Homework will be checked and stamped daily at the start of class for credit. If you are tardy, you will not receive a stamp. Homework will be graded as follows: Homework is worth 5 points: 5 points: All work is done, diagrams drawn if necessary, work is shown, and a BOX is around the final answer, neatly done 4 points: All work is done, the majority of work and diagrams are shown, and a BOX is around the final answers. Neatly done 3 points: Most work is done, but other components are missing (work, diagrams, no boxed answer, neatness) 2 points: Minimal work is done, most other components are missing (work, diagrams, no boxed answer, neatness) 1 point: Homework is attempted, but severely incomplete, messy, missing most components (work, diagrams, no boxed answer) 0 points: Homework is NOT attempted at all, missing

If you do not do your classwork/homework then you won’t be prepared to participate and ask questions in class. Therefore, late assignments are not acceptable. However, it is understood that emergencies arise and other situations out of our control can disrupt our daily routines. Therefore, students will be issued 4 late homework passes per semester. Two may be used for each quarter. A pass allows students to receive full credit on a LATE assignment. Students must attach the pass to the late assignment for credit within one week of the due date for that assignment.

Format for Assignments a. Complete all assignments on loose-leaf paper and in pencil: if you use pen and it is messy, I will deduct points b. The heading should be as follows( in the right hand corner) . Your Name . Geometry Period . Date . Page #s and Problem #s c. To receive a stamp and full credit:  Label each section of problems according to their level  Draw a horizontal line dividing the levels (MUST USE STRAIGHT EDGE)

Honors Geometry Syllabus – 2013/2014 Page 2  Write the problem number and what the problem is asking  Show ALL necessary work for each problem  Draw ALL diagrams that go with the problem

Homework Tips  Find a quiet place with bright lighting to complete your assignment.  Before you start your homework, read the section and study the examples presented.  Draw diagrams and work out the problem as far as you can. You must make a good faith attempt for EVERY problem.  If you encounter difficulty with a problem, look in your notes to see if you can find a similar problem that was done in class.  If you still can’t find the solution, come to class the next day and ask questions.  Check your answers to odd number problems (these are in the back of your book).

Organization Students are required to maintain an organized binder that includes the syllabus, calendar, bell ringers, class notes, packets & activities, homework, tests and quizzes. No work should be thrown away! Students should organize their binder by Unit and in chronological order. Binder checks will be in the form of short quizzes.

Activities/Participation/Classwork Students will be expected to engage in various forms of participation on a daily basis, including small group work, Think-Pair-Share, Jigsaw, Stations, Whole Class Discussions, Board work, etc. Following directions and respecting other classmates is crucial to successful participation as well as putting forth effort. Classwork Packets should be completed to the best of the student’s ability and in as much entirety as possible according to the 4 levels of difficulty. Quizzes and tests will be made up of all 4 levels so it is in the best interest of every student to master all 4 levels. Classwork may become the homework assignment for any given night.

Tests/Quizzes Tests are given at the end of each unit. Students will complete Skills Checks prior to each quiz which is given at the end of every Notes Packet. Often students will be provided with a study guide or practice exam prior to a test. Historically, students who work diligently on the study guide perform well on the exam. Quizzes are also given regularly in various forms including in-class projects and in standard quiz forms. There is absolutely NO TALKING during a test or quiz. If you have a question, please direct it to Ms. Carger. Talking will be considered an act of cheating, resulting in your test/quiz being confiscated and you receiving a zero for that assessment.

If there is a test/quiz scheduled on the day that you have a field trip, you should make arrangements ahead of time to take the test. Make-up exams/quizzes are only given if you have a legitimate absence. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements upon returning from an absence to make up a quiz or test. If arrangements are not made within 2 days, students will not be allowed to make up the exam/quiz and will receive a zero.

Quiz Retake Policy: Students may retake any level on a quiz provided the student attends a mandatory tutoring session and completes the Metacognitive Quiz Correction Form for each level desired to be retaken. A retake score will replace the original score. Students will have 5 days after the original quiz is returned to complete the retake.

How to Be Successful in This Class  Attend class on a regular basis and be prepared to learn and do your best.  Complete the bell ringers/exit slips/classwork diligently and do your homework every night.  Take neat and organized notes as instructed by your teacher.  Ask questions – it is ok to not know something and you are most likely not the only person with the same question.  Take risks and attempt even the most difficult problems – it is ok to make mistakes, as we often learn best by working through our errors.  Since 60% of your grade is tests, give yourself enough time to study for them.  Prepare for exams/quizzes by redoing problems from your bell ringers, notes/classwork, homework, and/or tests and quizzes. In addition, use the reviews at the back of each chapter in the textbook for additional problems.  If a study guide or practice test is given, complete every problem, as they are very similar to the actual test problems.  Attend tutoring if you are having trouble grasping a concept.


Honors Geometry Syllabus – 2013/2014 Page 3 Students are expected to come to class every day and on time. You are expected to enter the class quietly, be seated and get out homework and proper materials for taking notes. Students will not be allowed to enter class without an ID or after the tardy bell without a pass. It is the student’s responsibility to get the assignments and notes missed when absent. These can be found in the Notes Packet and the Kenwood Class Website. In addition, each student is issued a “Geometry Mailbox” in the classroom in which missing assignments will be placed. Student will be granted a one day extension for homework assignments with an excused absence. Grades/Categories Category Percentage A 90-100 Summative Unit Exams 40% Assessments Performance Tasks 10% Final Exam 10% Formative Class Participation (Bell Assessments Ringers/Exit Slips, Binder, Classroom Discussions & 10% Activities) 5% Homework 25% Quizzes Total 100% F 0-59

Gradebook Students are expected to take responsibility for their grade. It is important to spend time on this class daily. Feel free to confide in your instructor if you are having difficulty and need extra help or tutoring. You are probably not alone, so do not feel embarrassed. Students should keep an organized binder, stay aware of assignment and project due dates and check their overall average regularly on Gradebook.You can access your grades by signing into the Student Portal: can access grades by signing into the Parent Portal:

School Policies Respect for one another and classroom decorum will be maintained at all times. Students are expected to adhere to the Chicago Public Schools Uniform Discipline Code and Kenwood Policy of conduct regarding academics, behavior and dress. The following policies will be consistently enforced to ensure that every student receives the instructional time and atmosphere that he/she deserves. 1. Wear ID at all times. 2. Students will not be allowed to wear coats, hats, or other items that are on the Kenwood list of prohibited dress. 3. Students may not leave the classroom for any reason during the first ten minutes and last ten minutes of class. 4. Respect all property. (School property including desks, personal property, and other’s property) 5. Respect all ideas given in class and do not criticize anybody’s ideas or thoughts. 6. One bathroom pass per quarter will be issued to students. Students should use the restroom before class and return before the bell rings. If students are late they will have to get a tardy pass. (This is not a suggestion it is a rule.) 7. Cheating and/or plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. Evidence of such will result in a grade of zero on the assignment or exam. 8. Cell phones and other electronic devises must be turned off or silenced during class and placed out of sight. Phones may not be visible during exams and cannot be used as a calculator. Cell phones that are visible or heard will be confiscated and a detention will be issued. 9. Eating and drinking is not permitted in the classroom at any time.

Classroom Policies 1. Arrive on time with all materials (pencils, binders, textbook, calculator, homework, etc.). Students should be in class when the tardy bell rings and seated within 30 seconds after the tardy bell. You are not to get out of your seat unless given permission. 2. Follow directions the first time they are given. 3. Work during all work times (i.e. stay on task). 4. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. 5. Respond immediately to the attention signal. 6. Raise your hand and wait to be called on. 7. During group work, use appropriate levels of conversation.

*Sequence of Consequences for Classroom Violations 1. Verbal Warning/Loss of Participation Points Honors Geometry Syllabus – 2013/2014 Page 4 2. Student-Teacher Conference 3. Parent Phone Call/ Conference 4. Referral to Dean/Detention

*Severe disruptive behavior/infractions may warrant a referral and/or detention as the first course of action and is at the discretion of the teacher.

Let’s make this a SUCCESSFUL year! Ms. Carger’s schedule is below for reference:

1 316 Honors Geometry 2 ACO Advisor LTL Th 8th Grade HR y 3 226 AC Honors Algebra 4 316 Honors Geometry 5 ACO 6 ACO 7 225 AC Honors Algebra 8 227 AC Honors Algebra

Honors Geometry Syllabus – 2013/2014 Page 5 Honors Geometry Course Syllabus 2013 – 2014 School Year

This form is considered the first homework assignment and will be collected. Please read and sign your names below. This acknowledges that the parent(s) and child have read the syllabus for his/her math class with ______and understands the contents thereof.

______Students Signature Date

______Print Name of Student

Headphones/Technological Devices Policy:

Headphones (I-pods and like), cell phones, cameras, recording devices and anything that is deemed a technological device is banned from ______Miss Carger’s______classroom.

______Students Signature Date

______Print Name of Student

______Parent/Guardian Signature Date

______Print Name of Parent/Guardian

Parent email: ______Parent phone number: ______

Honors Geometry Syllabus – 2013/2014 Page 6 1. Do you have a login to Grade Book? Circle one: YES NO

2. Do you know where to find the homework assignments on the Kenwood website? Circle one: YES NO

3. What is the best way to contact you? Circle one: Phone Email

Honors Geometry Syllabus – 2013/2014 Page 7

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