Presidential Notebook

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Presidential Notebook


 George Washington – 1 – 1789-1797 o Virginia, Federalist … o Precedents . “so help me God” … . Terms … . Cabinet … Jefferson, Hamilton, Knox . Mr. President … o Nelson - horse … public image … o Framework of economy … under Hamilton … compromise . National bank … . Nation’s capital … o Neutrality in European affairs … o Whiskey Rebellion … o Warnings of Farewell Address … . No foreign alliances … . No political parties

 John Adams – 2 – 1797-1801 o Massachusetts, Federalist … o Served as VP under Geo. Washington o Had been a “founding father” … . Signed Dec. of Indy . Continental Congress . Served as ambassador o Craved fame & power, yet humble … racked with self-doubt … . Not a good manager … . Didn’t seek advice o XYZ affair . French are seizing US ships . Diplomats from US met with a demanded bribe . XYZ referred to the French diplomats . The disrespect to US prompted calls for war … Adams said no … peaceful solution found in the Convention of 1800 o Alien & Sedition Acts . Critical voices against Adams and his administration caused the Acts … . Illegal to speak out vs. the gov’t … o Created Department of Navy o Lost election of 1800 (to TJ) . Federalists were on their way out . To keep control of one branch, appoints the Midnight Judges (all Federalists) … became the basis for the Marbury v. Madison case

 Thomas Jefferson – 3 – 1801-1809 o Virginia, Democrat-Republican … o Election of 1800 … precedents … . Press played a role … . Change of political party leadership … o Intended to change power of Presidency … wanted to lessen power … vs. the Federalist approach o Casual … secretive … “man of the people” - ??? … quiet & effective private manager o Didn’t communicate directly with Congress … sent messages o Sally Hemmings incident … he did nothing … o Expanded executive power with the Louisiana Purchase … should he / could he . Used Hamilton’s financial system to fund it … . Hammered for it … PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series . Authorized the Lewis & Clark Expedition . Constiutional??? o Re-elected in 1804 … little joy in 2nd term . Unable to deal with rising international crisis . TJ wanted to isolate from the world – esp. the British/French war . TJ issued the Embargo Act in 1807 – no trade with other nations – stupid  Impacts New England merchants negatively

 James Madison – 4 – 1809-1817 o Virginia, Democrat-Republican o Qualified … Framer … funny, short, soft-spoken … o Opposite of Jefferson … o Dolly Madison is important as defining 1st Lady responsibilities … o Sense of fairness in being chief executive … prepared o War of 1812 … defines his presidency . Country divided in who to go to war with – France or Great Britain . Impressment became the issue . He asked Congress to declare war on GB – driven by War Hawks . We were overmatched – we lose big early . Federalist tried to secede New England in 1814 with Hartford Convention . Washington DC invaded … Dolly Madison saved GW portrait … . Sent James Monroe to end war … Treaty of Ghent … . Battle of New Orleans … after war really over … put Andrew Jackson in hero status . Put US in the world spotlight … . Madison defined negatively by these events

 James Monroe – 5 - `1817-1825 o Virginia, Dem-Rep … o Relic from the Revolutionary period o Elected in a time without opposition politically … Federalist were done o Era of Good Feelings … the Dem-Rep were the only show in town – but dissention was growing o Management style … hands off – delegated authority o Missouri Compromise . Missouri to be free or slave state … Monroe was against self-determination . Missouri is slave & Maine is free . Temporary fix o Slave owner himself – supported sending free slaves back to Africa – Monrovia in Liberia o Border dispute in Florida … haven for bandits – Spain had no control … British involved . Jackson sent to Florida – acted outside authority … . Spain ceded Florida to US without a fight – Adams-Onis Treaty o Monroe Doctrine … . 1823 . Western Hemisphere is off limits to Europe for future colonial claims . Actually written by JQ Adams …

 John Quincy Adams – 6 – 1825-1829 o Massachusetts, Dem-Rep … o Son of former President … o Had been Sec of State … normal step to Presidency … lots of competition in 1824 . Clay . Crawford . Jackson o First election in which states counted popular vote … final decision still with Electoral College PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series . Jackson leads in popular vote and ahead in EC vote, but no majority … Constitution says House of Reps now decides . “Corrupt bargain” … Clay’s influence in House sways towards JQA – Clay got cabinet post … Jackson MAD o Lofty goals … education reform, infrastructure … . Congress stood in his way … politics (particularly Jackson’s followers) was the problem . His self-righteousness was an issue too o Presidency did not go well … . Wanted to prove his father was right … . Wanted to prove he was not “corrupt” … . Didn’t play the patronage game … haunts him ... o Attempt to win in 1828 turned into a dirty campaign

 Andrew Jackson – 7 – 1829-1837 o Tennessee, Democrat … o “Jeffersonian Democrat” or a dangerous man … o Appealed to the “common man” – frontiersman … Old Hickory … . Didn’t listen to public opinion . Did what he wanted and then persuaded public opinion o Had led a tumultuous life … duel, Indian fighter, bet on horses … had a temper – a yeller … stubborn … took politics personally o Spoils system – cleaned house and enlisted his friends into the administration … good and bad … o Eaton Affair … dispute in the cabinet b/c of distaste for Sec. Eaton’s wife … had them all resign … managed by punishment o Trusted his secretaries little … rather used the “kitchen cabinet” – personal confidants that advised the President o Indian Removal Act … 1830 … power to evict all NA east of Mississippi (expansion on the way) … the Cherokee of N.Georgia used the courts … in Worchester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court said the NA had a right to stay – Jackson moves ‘em anyway … Trail of Tears (1 of 4 died) o South Carolina Nullification Crisis … SC said it could nullify a tariff/federal tax (supported by VP John C. Calhoun) … the North was benefitting … the Force Bill allowed the federal use of troops to bring order … Jackson’s dislike for Calhoun was the impetus …Calhoun backed down and Congress modified the tariff o The cartoon representation of Jackson as a “donkey” becomes the mascot for the Democrats! o Bank of the United States … big controversy of AJ’s administration . Henry Clay as speaker, pushed the re-charter bill through … Jackson was put in a tough spot … his issue is not against the bank, but to Clay … . Gotta get rid of the bank! Went after bank president – Nicholas Bittle … vetoed the bill . Jackson seen as a “king” wannabee … he saw his crushing defeat of Clay in the election as a mandate to end the bank . Jackson began destroying the bank before he was supposed to … is that legal  Fired 2 secretaries of Treasury until he got what he wanted  Too much power??? . By 1836 the bank was dead! . No bank … no regulation of money in the nation o The Age of Jackson … Jacksonian Democracy o (gov’t was debt free)

 Martin Van Buren – 8 – 1837-1841 o New York, Democrat … o Had masterminded Jackson’s wins and organized the Democrats … natural successor o Good builder of political party … not really a good leader/president o Reputation as a wannabee aristocrat – unfounded PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series

o High hopes … but the absence of the National Bank leads to the Panic of 1837 – bad economic times … another in 1839 (cotton prices collapsed) … his problems were not his own o Had sit on the fence his career … tough to make decisions: annexation of Texas (slavery?) and no plan on the economy … o Whigs could’ve run anyone and won … why did they choose Wm Henry Harrison?

 William Henry Harrison – 9 – 1841 o Whig, Ohio … o Election of 1840 … open public rallies … WHH touted by old general nickname – Tippecanoe . Tippecanoe and Tyler too . Whigs did a better job selling their candidate . Economy was the decision factor o He gave an inaugural address – nearly 2 hours – tried to overcome ideas he was simple (he was not) . Caught a cold and died 31 days into term . Tyler went to DC … established a precedent that the VP would become the President – Constitution was unclear … Tyler did not name a VP – others would do the same .  John Tyler – 10 – 1841-1845 o Whig, Virginia … o Southern gentlemen … experienced in state and national government o Believed too much power in national gov’t, yet expands it … o Sends message that he is in charge and will BE the President … just an acting President? No. o Felt Congress should make policy – weak? No. o Whigs were all about power in the Congress … Tyler did not play that way. . Tyler vetoes Whig attempts to charter a national bank . Tyler thrown out of the party o Foreign Policy . Webster-Ashburn Treaty – establishes border with GB . Annexes Texas … had been independent since 1836 o Not an option for the Whigs or Democrats in 1844.

 James K. Polk – 11 – 1845-1849 o Tennessee, Democrat … o Dark horse candidate … nominated late by the Dems o Promised to finish Jackson’s work … was able to accomplish many of the Jackson ideals – wanted to level the playing field for Americans o Very accessible to the public – odd in today’s context of society o Hard worker … long days … had lights installed … micro-manager – budget requests thru him – only took 1 week off in 4 years o Manifest Destiny – saw it as his mandate . Idea that America’s should rule the continent – sea to shining sea o Wanted to: settle Oregon dispute, bring in California, independent treasury, lower tariffs) . Got the treasury and tariff deal done . Backed off on the “54-40 or fight” promise (Oregon) and instead fought war with Mexico to settle Texas dispute and claim SW territories o Hail to the Chief was his “theme” song

 Zachary Taylor – 12 – 1849-1850 o With all the new lands acquired the nation was perhaps breaking apart … tensions between the “Slave South” and the “Free North” … nation at a crossroads PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series

o Whig, Louisiana o Mexican War hero … celebrity … was wooed by both parties for candidacy o No real agenda coming in … o “Old Rough and Ready” o Was connected to Washington o Said he wouldn’t veto and would rather defer … especially on slavery – said he would go along with whatever Congress said o Slavery issue . The Missouri Compromise was getting complicated . Southerners were threatening secession … abolitionist in the North was riled up . Henry Clay put together a new compromise – Compromise of 1850  Gave concessions to south and north  Taylor went back on promise and said he would veto the bill  Became an ardent unionist and said he would use force to keep both sides bailing out o Died after a July 4th celebration – milk and cherries … foul play??? – NO … o Issues unresolved

 Millard Filmore – 13 – 1850-1853 o Whig, New York … o Another accidental pres and had difficult to establish himself … picked to balance to ticket o Hands off manager o Believed in compromise and deferred to Congress o He signed the Compromise the 1850 (Calif. becomes a free state and the Fugitive Slave Act keeps the South happy) . Supported slavery because its end would collapse the economy and it was protected constitutionally . Thought he would resolve the issue and preserve the status quo . Mad at abolitionists for making it a moral issue . Made everyone mad o Not re-nominated by Whigs … went home

 Franklin Pierce – 14 – 1853-1857 o Nation barely held together by Compromise of 1850 o Pierce was a northern Democrat with southern ties – perfect to soothe wounds o Democrat, New Hampshire … elected because he offended no one – that would change . Charming . Social and political butterfly o Suffered personal tragedy just after election … lost 11 year old son in train wreck – was last remaining child … was he emotionally capable o VP King died 6 weeks after inauguration o Kansas-Nebraska Act … attempt by Stephen Douglas to make southerners happy to get the Transcontinental RR to go north . Repeal the Missouri Compromise . Let Kansas and Nebraska use popular sovereignty to decide slavery . Pierce doesn’t stand firm and reject it . Abolitionist go crazy over it … Republican party is formed as an anti-slavery party – A.Lincoln gets into it . Kansas became a bloody mess as a result – pro and anti slave supporters tried to impose themselves

 James Buchanan – 15 – 1857-1861 o Democrat, Pennsylvania … PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series

o Often considered one of the worst in presidents … actions or lack of, perhaps allowed the nation to enter into the Civil War o Was very qualified – Representative, Senator, ambassador, Sec. of State o Was a bachelor – only President to do so … o The nation was rapidly divided … o He accepted the pro-slave constitution of Kansas … acts very pro-southern … seen as traitor by North o Slavery became very divisive o Lincoln elected in 1860 … the South started leaving . Buchanan disagreed with legality to secede – but he did nothing . The Confederate States of America formed in Feb of 1861 o Relieved to leave Presidency  Abraham Lincoln – 16 – 1861-1865 o Illinois, Republican … 1st Republican president o Conservative – wanted to preserve and restore the Union … pushed to the left, radical & revolutionary during the war o “Great Emancipator”??? didn’t set out to be … it came from the circumstances o Great sense of humor … story-teller … complex guy – obsessed over matters – despair o Honest Abe and the Rail-splitter were political nicknames … loved politics o Climbed from poverty … wanted to make something of himself o Filled cabinet with rivals … did delegate authority, but held ultimate decisions o Ambition was to restore union and keep slavery from “spreading” – not necessarily “end” it o Civil War begins as Fort Sumter in South Carolina attacked in April 1861 … four more states seceded … he had baited the South to striking the first blow o Made Thanksgiving a holiday … o As Commander in Chief for this WAR, he crash coursed himself in military strategy … would cause problems with his generals o General Fremont had emancipated slaves in Missouri … Lincoln said no b/c the other border states may leave the Union o Was consumed by the war … o Battle of Shiloh … losses in victory showed this would be a TOTAL war o War became less about preserving the union and now about abolishing slavery . Following victory at Antietam - Emancipation Proclamation in Sept 1862 … took effect Jan 1, 1863 … only in Southern rebellious states – still fearful of border states leaving o Critical point came in July 1863 … after a Confederate push, the battle came to Pennsylvania … the carnage of war like never seen … Battle of Gettysburg – turning point for North . To commemorate the fallen, a ceremony at Gettysburg … Gettysburg Address – re- defined the purpose of the nation o In the election of 1864 the nation was tired of war – Lincoln’s opponent promised peace … gonna be close … . Former general Geo. McClellan promised a way out . Lincoln not willing to compromise the gains made – emancipation … . The tide turned a few months before election – Grant and Sherman were finding success (at a price) . Lincoln’s physical and emotional state were taxed … empathetic to man . Laid out a road map to reconstruction … “malice towards none and charity to all” – the South did not need to be punished … wanted nation to heal . Lee surrenders by early April . Expand suffrage, put nation back together o Assassination – at Ford’s Theater on April 15, 1865 … allegedly by John Wilkes Booth o Lincoln had risen to the occasion … did change along the way … saw the everyone had the right to live the American Dream

 Andrew Johnson – 17 – 1865-1869 PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series

o As Lincoln’s VP, also targeted by the conspirators that assassinated Lincoln on April 15, 1865 … o Became first president to take office b/c assassination o Democrat-Union, Tennessee o Opposite of Lincoln in lots of ways o Only southern Senator to stay in Congress during the war o Stubborn … risen to prosperity from nothing … closed personality … doesn’t listen well … managed poorly … former tailor and uneducated … saw “conspiracies” everywhere o Tried to run things as Jackson had … preserve the union … wanted to be president of the common man – white man … distain for slaves o RECONSTRUCTION . Crisis … re-defining the country … citizenship – who and how . Radical Republicans were his adversaries during the era … wanted to make the South pay and enfranchise the former slaves . Johnson put forth his plan (like Lincoln’s) while Congress out of town … surprisingly he brings South in with amnesty and re-admittance … few rights and considerations for former slaves … . As Congress reconvenes in January 1866 – they’re mad as Johnson says Reconstruction is over – they go on the war path and start passing their own measures (Freedmen’s Bureau) . Veto – he used it … override after the 1866 election – they used it . Tenure of Office Act – president could not remove officials … Congress set him up … when he broke it, he was impeached – a conspiracy . His impeachment failed to convict him … missed by one vote – Edwin Ross … what if??? . Finished his term quietly … relatively weak presidents followed

 Ulysses S. Grant – 18 – 1869-1977 o Ohio, Republican … o Very well-known … General responsible for victories of the Civil War … an easy choice as the Republican nominee o Did not win majority of white vote … suffrage to A-A was the deciding factor o Humble … artistic … cigar smoker – a lot of them … thrill seeker … drinker??? o Tried to run presidency as he had on the battlefield . Appointed cronies … turned out to be ineffective o Wanted to resolve disputes of the nation … “let us have peace” … easier to say … the attitudes of the war were still about . Northerners wanted to punish the south . The south wanted to punish the blacks … KKK – terror arm of the Democrats … Grant crushes the Klan – harshly o Scandals … he became a synonym for corruption . Whiskey Ring . Credit Mobilier . Indian affairs - fraud o Re-elected in 1872 … things got worse . The South was re-captured by Democrats . An economic depression particularly in the north led the “southern problem” to be de- emphasized … Grant didn’t act and the plight of the A-A was left unfinished o Indian Affairs . Poor decisions and conflict with NA . Custer’s Last Stand … an exception – usually the NA were massacred

 Rutherford B. Hayes – 19 – 1877-1881 o Republican, Ohio o CW vet PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series

o Election with Samuel Tilden in 1876 was close . Lost the popular vote . Behind the in the EC votes . Disputed returns led to a commission that voted along party lines to give Hayes the win . Was a deal made? Compromise of 1877 … promises … o Did like the day to day events of the presidency o Wife believed in temperance … no alcohol o Wanted to make decisions and not look back o Reconstruction . Troops still in the South were removed … in Miss. and SC the Democrats took back control . Reconstruction was over … Republicans controlled national gov’t while Dems got state control in the South … A-A were the losers . Many in the Republicans were tired of the Reconstruction … economic priorities … by giving gov’t control back to civilians, civility would return – it did not!!! o Disenfranchisement of A-A was widespread … poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clauses o Civil Service Reform … move to change who worked for the federal gov’t . Politically motivated appointments were usually widespread as political machines offered patronage . Hayes refused to play along … more reform on the way o Only held one term

 James Garfield – 20 – 1881 o Republican, Ohio … former general too o US Grant tried to get back to the presidency … didn’t work o First former college pres … preacher … from the House of Reps o Loved the policy making part of the job … detail guy o Loved baseball … o Did waffle on issues … not decisive … wanted to make everyone happy – bad move o Political appointments … notoriously corrupt . Challenged old system of spoils system … call for merit to be basis . Senators from states had been allowed appt lead federal officials in their state o Assassination … . Had been barraged by requests of patronage … no Secret Service protection … job seekers everywhere . One fellow – identifying himself as a Stalwart – was angry by being snubbed and stalked the pres and shot him twice … wanted Arthur to be President … he was insane . Garfield held on for a time … his condition spread by communications . His care was bad and could’ve been his death sentence

 Chester A. Arthur – 21 – 1881-1885 o A product of the New York political machine … had been removed by Hayes as chief collector as the NY customs house o New York, Republican o Loved the good life … fashionable o Part of the powerful Stalwart faction of the Republicans o Not a hard worker … napper … yet, was efficient while he worked – just shut down early o Wife had died … sister was 1st Lady … re-partied the Washington social scene o Tried to overcome the idea that he was a patronage positioner … he thus becomes a reformer o Signed the Pendleton Act – establishes the civil service system to be a merit system o Began the modernization of the navy – steel ships with rifled guns o Perhaps exceeded expectations o Strength of the office had been challenged – much power had been lost to Congress … PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series

 Grover Cleveland – 22 – 1885-1889 o Democrat, New York o US into the Industrial Revolution … the nation and the economy had changed o The power of the presidency had waned … the industrialists had taken the front seat – captains of industry or robber barons o Big gap between the rich and poor o Dems ran NY governor Grover Cleveland – Grover the Good – reformer – Cleveland confessed to scandal of illegitimate child o Reps ran James G. Blaine (speaker of house) – his corruption cost him o Not very pro-active … just tried to stop bad things … used veto quite often … answered own phone and door, wrote own speeches, worked a lot … acted like watchdog o Came to office a bachelor … married a much younger woman … got married in WH o Didn’t want the government to “protect” the people … was the federal gov’t keeping up? . Opposed pensions to CW veterans . Issue of 1888 Election … tariff – needed to protect American industry … Cleveland against and Harrison ($ candidate) for it o Cleveland won popular vote, Harrison got the EC … Cleveland’s wife – “we’ll be back”

 Benjamin Harrision – 23 – 1889-1893 o Republican, Indiana o Centennial president … many thought the nation had de-valued the office (GW to BH???) o Indifference … human icicle … alienated everyone – even those who helped him o Looked out for veterans – almost bankrupted the nation . First billion dollar budget o Signed the McKinley Tariff … foreigners left the market … prices skyrocketed … common man lost o Policies didn’t work

 Grover Cleveland – 24 – 1893-1897 o Democrat, New York o Only president to serve non-consecutive terms o Campaigned against the McKinley Tariff o Panic of 1893 … worst economic depression to that point … no social safety net … bad times … unforeseen … Cleveland did not think it was the federal gov’t’s responsibility to save the people o Debate over currency . Bi-metalism advocated by Populist … if silver was used more money for more people – especially the common man/farmers . Cleveland supported gold – made him look like pawn of industrialist o Dropped by Dems in 1896

 William McKinley – 25 – 1897-1901 o Money candidate in the debate of currency in 1890’s … opposed by William Jennings Bryan (Dem/Pop) – makes the famous Cross of Gold Speech to support bi-metalism o Republican, Ohio o Efficient … religious o Managed the press o Cuba issue … enough for war? … YES – Spanish-American War . Many Americans wanted benefitted from trade with Cuba . McKinley not in favor of war as a resolution . Humanitarian issue was promoted by journalist … the Spanish were abusing the Cubans … exaggerations by the press (yellow journalism) fueled extreme nationalism - jingoism PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series . Group in Republican party wanted to expand US military power … Americans also wanted to expand economic resources . Asst Sec of Navy – Teddy Roosevelt … pusher for war within administration … would resign and organize the Rough Riders after the war was declared . The sinking of the Maine (accidentally?) catapulted the US to war . Victory put the US at the front of the world’s imperialists!!! o TR becomes running mate for McKinley for second term … trying to hide him … as McKinley is assassinated TR becomes President.

 Teddy Roosevelt – 26 – 1901-1909 o Republican, New York … o McKinley assassinated in Sept 1901 … anarchist who was upset by unemployment … o Even more changes were on the way … TR was considered the Reps worst nightmare o He was complicated … conservative that fought for reform … hunter but conservationist … war hawk who won the Nobel Peace Prize … saw himself more as a rep for the people, than his party o Energetic … exciting … didn’t drink alcohol, but did a gallon of coffee a day … charisma o Very forceful to get what he wanted … his personality made people love him or hate him o Too much corporate power was nation’s biggest evil according to TR . Trying to topple the TRUSTS … TR took on JP Morgan to end the monopolization of Northern Securities (RR) … SC decision . More of a trust regulator rather than a buster o Social ills also was an issue of needed reform … no social safety net o Anthracite Coal Strike … TR personally intervened – worked out a settlement that favored labor over management (threatened to nationalize the industry) . Did not want any ONE person or event to hamstring the nation . Square Deal … set of decisions, laws, policies to improve the nation domestically o Renamed the Presidential Mansion the White House … added the West Wing o Foreign Policy … saw nation as a leader in the post Spanish-American War . Panama Canal …  TR backed a local revolution in Panama to get out from under Columbia  Provided access to travel quickly from Atlantic to Pacific – for commerce and military . Roosevelt Corollary  Without permission – from anyone – TR said the US held a “police power” in the Western Hemisphere … invoking the Monroe Doctrine  Big Stick Diplomacy … speak softly and carry a big stick … o Promised not to run again after what he called his second term in 1904 win o Some thought he could do more … o The Jungle – meant to show the cruelties of the immigrants and the worker … instead it lead to protect the consumer … Meat Packing Act and the Food & Drug Act o Antiquities Act – protect the natural resources of America … national parks o Realized the moral position of the President … can articulate the people’s views, and also influence them … o Wanted to do so much more … but kept his word …

 William H. Taft – 27 – 1909-1913 o Republican, Ohio o Handpicked by TR … TR thought he was perfect … distinguished service under McKinley and TR … very effective in diverse situations o Taft was a reluctant candidate … wasn’t a politician … really wanted to be a Supreme Court justice o As president … took a different, narrow legal route … didn’t expand presidential power o Joked about his weight o Hated the spotlight of the Office – made him grumpy … ate to cope – even bigger … bathtub … PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series

o Weak leader … delegated responsibility … allowed cabinet free reign … felt President was only the executer … infuriated by TR … o Taft was angered by TR’s criticism and ran again in 1912 … the nomination process got nasty … the Republicans preferred Taft’s conservative policies and TR joined the Progressive/Bull Moose party … split the Republican vote – Democrat, Woodrow Wilson won in 1912 o Taft later became a Supreme Court justice o For the record … Taft was the trust buster and the reformer …

 Woodrow Wilson – 28 – 1913-1921 o Democrat, New Jersey … o Won the Election of 1912 as the Republican vote split … Taft was Republican incumbent, TR ran as 3rd party nominee, unknown Wilson repped the Dems … o Great president? o Held a PhD … president of Princeton … only prev office of election was Gov of NJ o Golf … movies … religious … methodical in decisions … skilled speaker – delivered State of Union to Congress (1st time since John Adams) o Cabinet meetings were held with the members on equal footing – including the President o New Freedom … domestic plan . Progressive (reform minded) plan … oversight in the economy . Federal Reserve to oversee the banking system … determine money supply o Other events domestically . 16th amendment – income taxes . 17th amendment – direct election of US Senators o Wife died in summer of 1914, as Europe was at war … Wilson pledged neutrality … problems with German U-boats (Lusitania …) … most Americans wanted to stay out. o Re-married in 1915 … o Won re-election in 1916 – he kept us out of the war … gonna get harder . Sussex is sunk … . Zimmerman Note … Germany tries to entice Mexico to enter the war …  US already having problems with Mexico and was chasing bandit Pancho Villa thru the Southwest … o Eventually asked Congress for war in Sept 1917 … make world peaceful for democracy … o Vision for peace … system to end war! . League of Nations … world problem solving organization o Led in the war by letting the generals run the effort … o Turned a blind eye to domestic suppression of liberties . Espionage & Sedition Acts . Supported the “Birth of a Nation” – first marketed motion picture … racism and anti- immigration sentiments flourished. o Went to Paris to negotiate the end of WWI … . Compromises at Versailles . Got the League in the Treaty of Versailles . The US Senate (Republicans) opposed it … wanted to be isolated … WW not willing to compromises now  He efforts to gain support for the treaty was taxing and he suffered a stroke …  Who was in charge for 18 mos – Edith Wilson probably … o The Treaty of Versailles was not ratified … thus it did not have US support – unable to stop the events to lead to WWII …

 Warren G. Harding – 29 – 1921-1923 o America tired of foreign issues and progressive reforms … o Ohio, Republican o “a return to normalcy …” – let’s get back to taking care of America PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series

o Extrovert, drinker, gambler … womanizer … did he lack intellect? … actually very savvy and goal driven … his cronies were called the Ohio Gang – poker playing pals who found themselves in the gov’t o Didn’t claim to have all the answers … brought in talented people . Charles Evans Hughes – sec of state . Herbert Hoover – sec of commerce . Andrew Mellon – sec of treasury … supply-side economics (tax breaks for the wealthy) o Implemented business practices in gov’t . President to submit a budget . Created the GAO - accountability o Washington Conference . Limit naval forces … nations reduced armaments … . Attempt to limit war o Died of heart attack in office … o Scandals came out after his death . Teapot Dome – sec of interior Albert Fall got kickbacks from releasing oil reserves to private business … big time . Sensationalized over claims by poisoned and affairs

 Calvin Coolidge – 30 – 1923-1929 o Republican, Massachusetts o Assumed office as Harding died … sworn in by justice of peace father in Vermont o Had been governor and lawyer in Massachusetts o Silent Cal … avid fisherman … dry wit … o Elected to own term in 1924 – “keep cool with Coolidge’ o Vetoed budgets … keep gov’t small … wanted business to dominate – “the business of America is business” - laissez faire = keep gov’t out of the economy … vetoed federal gov’t pay raises and veteran bonuses … o May have missed the signs of economic calamity on the horizon … relied on advisors – Sec of Treasury Andrew Mellon o The decade was known as the Roaring Twenties … “the Great Gatsby” … flappers … the Jazz Age … Harlem Renaissance … Prohibition … Babe Ruth … o Kellogg-Briand Pact … attempt to outlaw war … yeah right.

 Herbert Hoover – 31 – 1929-1933 o Very respected coming in … had been food administrator under Wilson and sec of commerce under Harding & Coolidge o Republican, California o First pres born west of Mississippi River … orphaned o Successful mining company – millionaire … o Very reserved … liked fishing o Friend of business who didn’t relate to common man? “only trouble with capitalism is capitalist – too greedy” o Stock market crash of October 1929 is the “beginning” of the Great Depression of the 1930’s … the policies of prosperity had created a house of cards and the bottom hit hard o Worked A LOT … crisp administrative style … perhaps the economic problems was too great for him … his lack of charisma o Wouldn’t cede to direct federal gov’t influence to stop the Depression … he wanted voluntarism … o Name became a punchline … Hoovervilles … Hoover Flags … America was angry as he went on the campaign trail in 1932 o Bonus Army . WWI vets wanted early payment on promised bonuses PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series . Gen. Douglas MacArthur given task of removing the protestors and exceeded his authority . Hoover took the rap for the torching of the camp o Is Hoover maligned by history?

 Franklin D. Roosevelt – 32 – 1933-1945 o Democrat, New York … o Family – aristocratic … o Polio … at 39 … confined to wheelchair afterward … downplayed his disability after presidency … news voided this from public o Cousin to TR … C student – Harvard … sailing and stamp collecting o Strong personality … charming … difficult to know o Leadership style – pitted conflict to get best answers … chaos to creativity … genius or lucky o Used the radio to bring the presidency to the people – fireside chats … brought an ease to the people in crisis situations … o First 100 days … pushed threw a laundry list of initiatives in Congress to get his New Deal into action … . Social Security Act . New Deal’s success was limited … really took WWII to get US out . Did succeed in creating confidence of the nation . Alphabet agencies … WPA, CCC, TVA, o Wife was his prime ambassador … Eleanor o Second term … several failures . Conflict with Supreme Court … too conservative and striking down New Deal legislation  Court packing plan failed  Seen as a mistake . Backlash in Congress … o War? . Tried to stay out, but saw it coming … France fell and GB under attack by summer of 1940 . Elected in 1940 for unprecedented 3rd term . Neutrality … (Lend-Lease Act) … ended with Pearl Harbor . Succeeded as war president in selecting qualified leaders . Japanese-American internment camps … . Response to plight of Jews under Nazi control … why not? . Saw the winning of the war as the primary objective  Invasion of Europe in June 1944 … D-Day … Normandy . 4th term in November 1944 … failing health … wanted to see it through . Yalta Conference … Allies met and created the environment for the post war world … United Nations o Died in April 1945 … navigated nation through 2 great crises … changed the presidency like never before

 Harry S. Truman – 33 – 1945-1953 o Democrat, Missouri … o Was FDR’s 3rd VP … FDR left him in the dark – bad since FDR’s failing health … o An unlikely leader … no college education … not a worldly figure … “he fooled ‘em” . No politics til 50 years old . Used common sense to make decisions . Plain spoken . Would make tough decisions o Manhattan Project … didn’t know till took the oath … work on atomic bomb . By spring 1945 US still at war with Japan … should he sacrifice US troops for victory or use the A-bomb PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series . Potsdam Conference … while meeting with Allied leaders, he learns of its success . August 1945 … dropped 2 bombs … Japan surrendered . “the buck stops here” o Cold War . The USSR new enemy … political differences . Truman Doctrine – stop the spread of communism – containment . Marshall Plan – cornerstone of the doctrine – spend millions to help Europe re-build and fend off communism o Ended segregation in military and civil service by executive order … controversial … o Election of 1948 … Truman written off b/c low ratings … he went at it hard and won . Ran vs. Thomas Dewey (Rep) … . 2nd term filled with problems o 2nd term . China fell to communism . USSR got the bomb … . N.Korea invaded democratic South Korea … US “had” to run to aid … . Control of Vietnam … communist nationalists or France colonials … who would US support … US chose France … o Went out at a low point …

 Dwight D. Eisenhower – 34 – 1953-1961 o Sought by both parties to run for president … reluctant … thought nation was going wrong direction o Republican, Kansas o Mastermind general responsible for defeating the Germans in WW2 … D-Day o Seen as a semi-retired pres … like to play golf … o “I like Ike” … aura about him … confident … o Brought an end to Korean War … o Downsizing the military … more money for infrastructure and leisure . Federal Highway Act … built interstates – commerce o Issue of segregation … Brown case in 1954 – Ike appointed Justice Warren . Ike distanced himself … not time for de-segregation o Cold War … used brinkmanship and covert operations . Nation experienced McCarthyism … witch-hunt for communist o Vietnam … got US deeper in this conflict … supported democratic South o Re-election in 1956 … second term . Seemed aloof to civil rights concerns … Little Rock, Ark . Sputnik … public thought a missile gap with Soviets . Cuba falls to Castro – communist . Spoke to America in last address about the military industrial complex’s influence for war

 John F. Kennedy – 35 – 1961-1963 o Youngest elected pres … repped the youth … “the torch has been passed” … “ask not what America can do for you …” o Democrat – Massachusetts o 1000 days in office o Role model for culture … private life was a wreck o Lived a charmed life … best ad for capitalism … o Still a good leader … “hub of a wheel” … o Bay of Pigs … attempt for Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro … a disaster … JFK took the blame – earned trust o Plans to better society … Peace Corps … War on Poverty … Space Race … Alliance for Progress (Cold War motives) PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series

o Cuban Missile Crisis . Aerial evidence Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba . JFK spoke to nation after 1 week … threat of nuclear war was imminent . Debate of what to do … air strike or peace … blockade o Civil Rights … became increasingly violent in 1963 … began the push for Civil Rights Act (Meredith … Wallace) o Vietnam … got US even deeper … approved assassination of SV’s pres o Assassination … November 22, 1963 … in Dallas … hopes of pres not realized, yet … Lee Harvey Oswald – Warren Commission – conspiracy

 Lyndon B. Johnson – 36 – 1963-1969 o Democrat, Texas o Sworn in on Air Force One o Promised to fulfill JFK’s plans o Rose from poverty to political power … smart politician … cunning … great persuader (career in House and Senate doing that) o IN YOUR FACE style … to get what he wanted … friendship and domination … o Great Society … LBJ’s vision for America … democracy and freedom for all … raise discriminated and underprivileged up . Medicaid … public radio … food stamps … Civil Rights Act … Voting Rights Act . More war on poverty o Vietnam … . Told he had to up the US presence in SE Asia … LBJ couldn’t understand why US wasn’t winning . Gulf of Tonkin Resolution . Anti-war movement was gaining momentum – protests . Tet Offensive … 1968 … propaganda victory for North Vietnamese o Decided not to run in 1968 … regretted?

 Richard M. Nixon – 37 – 1969-1974 o Republican, California o Ran in 1968 on a “secret plan” to end war in Vietnam … not true – wanted to continue war o Previous fame … life long politicians . HUAC … finding commies … McCarthyism era . VP … under Eisenhower … “Checkers” … . 1st televised presidential debate 1960 … vs. JFK … miserable o Enemies … had plenty of them … thought they were everywhere … paranoia … had need to rise above middle class beginnings o Wanted to run foreign policy from WH … teamed with National Security Adviser – Kissinger o Told US one thing, on the inside he was ramping up efforts … as info was leaked he was furious and began wire tapping program . Secretly invading Laos . Bombings in Cambodia . Created a credibility gap o Triangular diplomacy (using pressure to get his objectives) … use China and USSR to put pressure on North Vietnam . Visited China … . SALT II with Soviet (arms treaty) … o Vietnam cease fire … when it looked like negotiations would fail, Nixon used the Christmas Day Bombings … Nixon promised future support to S.Vietnam with military force – doesn’t tell anyone else PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series

o A myriad of crisis by 1973 … Watergate trumped them all . What it was … scandal that dealt with a break in to the Democratic HQ in 1972 … investigations found that Nixon new and possibly planned them … access to the tapes was denied and them subpoenaed (US v. Nixon) . Facing impeachment, he resigned in 1974

 Gerald Ford – 38 – 1974-1977 o Republican, Michigan … been Speaker of House prior to appointment to VP (VP had to be filled b/c 25th Amendment and Nixon’s veep had resigned) o Immediately took oath of office after escorting Nixon’s to helicopter after resignation o America was hurt … scandal … Ford needed to heal the nation … he was a consensus builder o Ford was frustrated with dealing with issues of the scandals … lots of issues of gov’t: Soviets, gas, inflation . Pardoned Nixon … cut off the blame game … criticized . When N.Vietnam invaded Saigon in 1975, Ford tried to get help ($ and troops) … Congress said not – didn’t know of secret agreement o Wanted to leave country better … nation was ready to get Watergate and Vietnam behind them by Election of 1976

 Jimmy Carter – 39 – 1977-1981 o Democrat, Georgia o Unknown outsider to the Washington establishment o Peanut farmer and one time governor … promised not to lie … tried to restore confidence in the nation … religious … tenacious … o Sold himself as not being part of the gov’t problems of past o Too nice? o Approached job with micro-managed style … high ideals failed in the crucible of the federal gov’t … couldn’t get along – not pragmatic & didn’t negotiate o Energy and Education Dept started o Made a stand on foreign policy … stopped being nice to the bad guys of the world o Camp David Accords … peace deal b/t Israel and Egypt … lots of skepticism … o Economic situation was worsening … stagflation was strangling the economy . Approval ratings went low . Inflation high … recession limiting growth . Gas shortages . Carter failed to take appropriate actions o Iran Hostage Crisis . American diplomats in Tehran was taken when the Islamic extremists over took the government of Iran . Carter took diplomatic route – failed … his image dropped more o Election of 1980 … lost to charismatic Ronald Reagan … . Hostages released as Reagan gave inauguration speech . Was it to keep Carter from being re-elected? o Has been international spotlight since presidency in advocating human rights and democracy

 Ronald Reagan – 40 – 1981-1989 o Republican, California … o Former actor and Californian governor o Dominated Carter in the election of 1980 … patriotic … oldest president to be elected o Great leader … not the brightest … Nancy Reagan was very influential … he was well liked … o Known as the “Great Communicator” … able to give words and soothe during times of crisis … . Challenger event . Assassination attempt … provided humor PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series

o Management style … center of attention … somewhat disengaged from policy, but the decision maker o Iran-Contra affair … lax management he was evidently out of the loop on … some used covert arms sales to fund anti-communist rebels in Central America o Small government was a drum beat … neo-federalism o Reaganomics … cut taxes … economic boom, but big deficits … o Overlooked … AIDS … women’s rights … unemployment … he’s ok b/c he didn’t see federal gov’t as responsible for that o Cold War … communism is a evil empire … Soviet Union collapsed during his watch … was he responsible . Made relations with Mikhail Gorbachev … made friends . Reagan unveiled Star Wars – space centered (SDI) to stop enemy missiles … workable??? …impractical??? … the Soviets took it serious and had to look for solutions . 1987 … visiting Berlin … demand to Gorbachev to “tear down this wall” – another example of his rhetoric … . Given credit for winning Cold War … disputable … o Eulogized as one of the best presidents ever

 George H.W. Bush – 41 – 1989-1993 o Republican, Texas … Congressman, Ambassador, CIA, VP o “Read my lips” … campaign promise o Not a wimp … WW2 pilot … collegiate athlete o More engaged in policy than Reagan o Liked govern with consensus o Cold War . Did he play it too cool? . Didn’t kick the Russians when they were down o Gulf War . Saddam Hussein – Iraq … invaded Kuwait … . The oil reserves of middle east were in jeopardy . Coalition of 34 nations built to take Iraq out … included normal allies and Arab neighbors . Didn’t last long … but didn’t oust Saddam (more probs later?) . Approval rating – high o Deficits of Reagan era plagued the economy and Bush had to raise taxes … it costs him … Clinton and Perot were his opponents in 1992

 William J. Clinton – 42 – 1993-2001 o Democrat, Arkansas … former governor … plenty of rumors – affairs o Life long ambition … poor child … natural politician … Yale grad & Rhodes scholar … junk food o Chaotic manager … all night points of view sessions … wife was influential to him (Hilary R. Clinton) o Failed at getting health care reform … did sign NAFTA o Travel-gate … Whitewater … Paula Jones lawsuit . Republicans then took Congress . Clinton moderated to middle o Clinton-Gingrich battle … . Clinton refused to compromise on education and other programs …gov’t shut down . Gingrich and Republicans vilified o Won easily in 1996 … balanced the budget – surplus o Lewinsky scandal broke in the investigation of Paula Jones trial … extra-marital affair … he lied about it … impeached . 1998 … was not removed . Was it impeachable? Was it political? PRESIDENTIAL NOTEBOOK History Channel Series

o America distracted … Bin Laden gaining ground o Foreign … US with NATO to stop ethnic cleansing in Bosnia … failed to negotiate Arab-Israeli disputes

 George W. Bush – 43 – 2001-2009 o Bush vs. Gore … who won? … Gore won popular vote … Florida votes disputed … Supreme Court (5-4) ended the debate o Republican, Texas o Saw world as “good guy vs. bad guy” o Came across as a “national sheriff” … former governor o Speaking abilities … o Manages with a great sense of efficiency and procedure o 9/11 . Terrorist attack on NYC and Washington DC . Prompted the War on Terror in Afghanistan … revenge . Created the Department of Homeland Security … despite promises to reduce central gov’t o “Axis of Evil” in 2002 … linked Iraq, Iran and N.Korea to terrorism . Invaded Iraq in 2003 … WMD’s . World safe for democracy . High approval rating o Economic policies … . Initial tax cuts … supply side economics … refunds . Huge deficits and a growing national debt … . Economic downturn in 2nd term cost him support o Difficulties . Economics . Katrina – 2005 . Quagmire of Iraq

 Barack Obama – 44 – 2009- o Democrat, Illinois o 1st term Senator … not an insider o “Change” … promises – Iraq, health care, economics, o Stimulus package o 1st African-American to be President o Lots of issues … N.Korea … Iraq & Afghanistan … immigration … ???

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