*Send a Note with Your Child to School

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*Send a Note with Your Child to School

All-Star Handbook 5th Grade Miss Adams Welcome to 5th grade. I am very excited to meet each of you and looking forward to this school year! I will be your child’s homeroom teacher and I will be teaching ELA (Reading/Writing). Your child will go to Mrs. Rhoades for Math and Mrs. Schwarz for Science/Social Studies/Interventions.

Communication: Communication between parents and teachers is vital to a child’s success. You may reach us in several ways. *send a note with your child to school *email us- this is the best way to reach us as we check our email frequently [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] *by phone- please do not leave a message if the matter is urgent or concerns the current day 636-464-4451

* Twitter: AdamsAllStars

* Instagram: adams_allstars

Homework Policy: Homework is due the next day unless noted otherwise. If an assignment is late, that will be an automatic 20% off the final grade per Student Handbook, (pg. 9) After five missing assignments, your child will receive an After School Detention.

Take Home Folder: All graded papers, notes from the office, lunch menus, etc. will come home in their Friday Folder which I have provided for each student. Please check this folder and sign/return any papers that need to be sent back. It is your child’s responsibility to give you and myself these papers/notes.

End of the Week Reports/Newsletters: These will come home at the end of each week. This will inform you as to what we are learning, upcoming events, etc. It will also have and D/F papers attached. This needs to be signed and retuned the following school day.

Classroom Rules: 1. Follow all the rules the first time they are given. 2. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking. 3. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself. 4. Keep your workspace and floor area clean. 5. Work quietly.

Consequences: (Explanations of Minors: See Page 19 of Student Handbook) Your child will receive a warning first, then: 1st Minor/Consequence Card 2nd Minor/Loss of Recess/Note Home 3rd Minor and/or Major/ Office Referral ** No Write-Up Incentive** Students with 0 write-ups and 95% attendance will attend a field trip at the end of each semester. BYOD: A BYOD contract/policy is in your child’s Open House folder. Please review this with your child and discuss the possible consequences. Here are the rules and consequences: Rules:

 BYOD is an OPTIONAL activity.

 Devices are to be used for academic purposes only.

 Devices may only be used under direct adult supervision.

 The school is not responsible for loss, damage or theft of any devices.

 Do not allow anyone else to use your device.

 Devices need to be charged nightly to ensure full battery while at school.

 Devices must be connected to school Wi-Fi network when in use- no 3G, 4G, etc.

 Parents will have access to their child’s school e-mail. Consequences:

Warning: Device confiscated for the day and parent will be notified. 1st Offense: Device confiscated/ Lose points off assignment/Parent will pick up device from office. 2nd Offense: Device confiscated for entire assignment/ complete assignment on paper/Parent will pick up device from office. 3rd Offense: Lose all BYOD privileges for the current Quarter/ Must complete assignments on paper/Parent will pick up device from office Final Offense: Lose all BYOD privileges for the rest of the school year and must complete assignments on paper. ClassDojo : We will be using Class Dojo for our classroom behavior. Once you connect, I’ll automatically send your child's ClassDojo report each week and I’ll be able to send you messages through ClassDojo Messaging! This is a great resource. Not only does it track their minors (See Student Handbook), but also the positives. If you are not interested, I will be more than happy to send home your child’s weekly behavior on the newsletter. Please see the paper about how to sign up.

Planners: Your child will have a daily planner that will list all their homework and/or class work. Please check your child’s planner each evening and sign it when they have completed all assignments. This shows me that you are aware of your child's homework.

DLR Quizzes: Every Monday morning, your child will receive a DLR (Daily Language Review) that will be class work throughout the week. On Tuesdays, we will review Monday and Tuesday, and Thursdays, we will review Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, we will have a DLR quiz that will cover the concepts covered throughout the week. Quizzes do make up 10% of your child’s overall ELA grade.

Meal Prices: Lunch $2.15 Breakfast $1.35

Attendance/Tardy Policy: Please refer to your student handbook. It is important for students to do their best to be here and on time each day. This is great way to ensure they receive the instruction needed to master the objectives we cover. If your child has to be absent, please notify the office by 10 am. I am recommended that you pick up your child’s work if at all possible. I can also send it home with a sibling or neighbor if that works. If you requested work, it can be picked up in the office by 2pm.

Morning Drop-Off: Students may be dropped off after 7:30 at the front door. They may stay in the library for quiet work time or go to the cafeteria to eat/socialize. Students who are dropped off by the bus should go sit inside the gym or they may go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast.

Snack: Our lunchtime is set for 1:00 pm. I ask that your child bring one healthy snack daily to “’hold them over” until lunch. The students will receive approximately 10 minutes to complete their snack, and we will eat this around 10:00 am. Parent Pickup: Parent pickup is around 3:00 daily. If your child will be parent pickup every day, you will need to visit the office at open house or send a note the first day. This will allow you to pick up your child outside the parent pickup line. Otherwise, you will need to send a note or call the office before 2pm the day you need to pick them up.

If you have any questions or concerns throughout this year, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to working with you and your child.


Miss Rachel Adams

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…” – Dr. Seuss

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